fix articles 443989, japanese yen
Dollar-Yuan Currency War (tags)
The value of the Yuan is not the cause for the US trade and balance of payments deficits. The reasons are the high state indebtedness (armaments/ wars and tax gifts to the rich) and the indebtedness of private households. The US has a trade deficit with 90 countries.
Is the "Mother of all Financial Crises" Imminent? (tags)
A trade-weighted devaluation of the dollar of around 25 percent is necessary allowing the US currency to ski "gradually and orderly" against free-floating currencies. The IMF could establish a "substitution account" with "special drawing rights" to avert a dollar panic.
Documents point to 911 attack on America by White House crime families (tags)
Sioux City, Iowa -- September 4, 2005 -- -- According to leaked documents from an intelligence file obtained through a military source in the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI), on or about September 12, 1991 non-performing and unauthorized gold-backed debt instruments were used to purchase ten-year "Brady" bonds. The bonds in turn were illegally employed as collateral to borrow $240 billion--120 in Japanese Yen and 120 in Deutsch Marks--exchanged for U.S. currency under false pretenses; or counterfeit and unlawful conversion of collateral against which an unlimited amount of money could be created in derivatives and debt instruments.
Don't Blame OPEC; Higher Gas Prices Are Almost Entirely Bush's Fault (tags)
What is making oil so expensive is not energy policy or even SUV’s, dangerous as those are for the environment. It’s Bush’s massive deficits and his willful destruction of the US dollar that has gas selling at $2.30 a gallon and rising.