fix articles 4439, lebanon
Palestinians in Lebanon: ‘It’s like living in a prison’ (tags)
Palestinian refugees in Lebanon are treated as second-class residents, restricted from working in most fields, banned from owning property, forced to live in run-down camps and barred from formal education.
Palestinians of Hamas Condemn Saudi & U.S. Attempts to Label Hezbollah "Terrorist" (tags)
[Photo: Palestinian Gaza rally with Hamas and Hezbollah flags.] Saudi Arabian, Israeli, ISIS, al-Qaeda, & U.S. imperialist hands off Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, Qatar, Palestine, Bahrain, and Iran!
The War in Lebanon Before the Israel Lebanese palestinian war which began in 1982 (tags)
There was a war inside Lebanon in the deacdecade of the 1970's before the 1982 invasion in the southern edge and the violence in Beirut
United Ummah is the answer to global Imperialism (tags)
The only answer to global Imperialism is a United Ummah
US/Israeli Attempted Color Revolution in Lebanon? (tags)
Hezbollah's Nasrallah Urges Resistance Against Israeli Lawlessness (tags)
Blowback Against Israeli State Terror (tags)
Israeli Supremes Endorse War Crimes (tags)
Talking Peace While Waging War (tags)
Rafik Hariri Murder Trial (tags)
Targeting Iran in Beirut (tags)
Hezbollah's Nasrallah: Syria's the "Linchpin of Resistance" (tags)
Lebanon's Victory Day of National Resistance (tags)
America and Israel: Imperial Partners in Crime (Part II) (tags)
America and Israel: Imperial Partners in Crime (tags)
Obama Heads Closer to War on Syria (tags)
Washington Backs Syrian Anti-Government Terrorism (tags)
Does Netanyahu Want Regional War? (tags)
Latest Beirut Bombing Indicent (tags)
Spoiling for Another Lebanon War (tags)
Yitzhak Shamir's Criminal Legacy (tags)
CIA Arming Syrian Insurgents (tags)
Pressure Builds for War on Syria (tags)
Syria and Iran in Focus (tags)
Arab League Pro-Western Despots (tags)
Islamic Lebanese Divorce in U.S. Courts (tags)
American men with Lebanese ancestry may travel to Lebanon in order to obtain quick divorces. In such a situation, the man leaves most of his property, children, and wife in the United States. But could the divorce obtained in such a way be entitled to recognition and enforcement in the United States?
Lebanon's Hezbollah-Led Government (tags)
stability jeopardized
Druze Leader Jumblatt Backs Hezbollah (tags)
battle lines now drawn
Lebanon crisis
Besieged Gaza Two Years After Cast Lead (tags)
suffocating Gaza
Life in Palestinian Refugee Camps (tags)
an untold story
"Pakistan warned Washington against future attacks. However, US military officials, under pressure from Obama to show progress in the endless Afghan war, responded to Pakistan’s warning by calling for expanding the Afghan war into Pakistan. On October 5 the Canadian journalist Eric Margolis wrote that “the US edges closer to invading Pakistan.” In his book, Obama’s Wars, Bob Woodward reports that America’s puppet president of Pakistan, Asif Ali Zardari, believes that terrorist bombing attacks inside Pakistan for which the Taliban are blamed are in fact CIA operations designed to destabilize Pakistan and allow Washington to seize Pakistan’s nuclear weapons."
Der Zor Diary: A Pilgrimage to the Killing Fields of the Armenian Genocide (tags)
How could I let our ancestors know that the Armenian soul and our dreams of liberty, even in exile, did not die with them?
Israel Threatens War with Lebanon (tags)
more evidence of a pariah Israeli state
US Tells Lebanon: Israel Can Destroy Your Entire Army in 4 hrs. (tags)
"I imagine that when S300 surface to air missiles start tagging those F16’s new thoughts will alight in long calcified minds. France has every right to supply Lebanon with those weapons. Given Israel’s proven imperialist nature the “real international community” will demand it."
Recent Israeli Provocations (tags)
recent Israeli violence
666 Revealed: Rafik Hariri, former Prime Minister of Lebanon (tags)
666 Revealed: Rafik Hariri, former Prime Minister of Lebanon
Lebanon: Rebellious rhymes against post-war misery (tags)
The hip-hop beats ringing through the muddy, unlit streets of the burnt-out Palestinian refugee camp Nahr al-Bared seem incongruous. But the rhymes are camp-grown - and courageous.
666 Revealed (By Charles Kalanzi) (tags)
666 Revealed - Rafik Hariri, former Prime minister of Lebanon.
Lebanon: New Short Film from Nahr al-Bared Camp (tags)
The anarchist media collective a-films has just published a new short film ("A Sip of Coffee"/26min) from the destroyed Nahr al-Bared Refugee Camp in northern Lebanon.
Mothers Speak About War And Terror (tags)
Humankind's uncanny ability to make major advances in one civilization while simultaneously razing others beyond recognition is a strange facet of our nature. Yet most Americans are far removed from the constant dangers and terrors of living under a war. Few of us who did not serve in Vietnam or Iraq, for instance, have a clear understanding of the devastation wrought on those countries. The gap between our reality and theirs served as the driving force behind American author Susan Galleymore's venture into the war-torn countries of the Middle East. Her new book, "Long Time Passing: Mothers Speak About War & Terror," tells the stories of the repercussions of war on the mothers, families, communities, and cultures of Iraq, Israel, the West Bank, Lebanon, Syria, Afghanistan, and the United States.
John Mearsheimer: Israel's Real Purpose In Its Atrocities in Gaza (tags)
John Mearsheimer of the University of Chicago, co-author of the paper (available online) and subsequent book (with Stephen Walt) _The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy_, presents a concise timeline description and absolutely the clearest account of the true reason behind Israel's wanton atrocities in Gaza. Mearsheimer argues that diminishing Hamas or stopping their rockets are subsidiary goals for Israel, to Israel's more central goal of controlling all of historical Palestine via an "Iron Wall" policy that would permanently subjugate the Palestinian people and ensure Israeli control of all Palestinian land, air, water, borders/sea, and economy. Mearsheimer points out that this goal cannot be achieved, and certainly not by the brutal method of a total war on the Palestinian people. The likely outcome even in the case of relative Israeli success is a permanent Apartheid, which itself will [thankfully] doom Israel as a chauvinistically and exclusionary "Jewish State"[and its racist state ideology of Zionism].
The postman always knocks twice (tags)
This time, the Israelis are afraid to open the door
1/1 Palestine: Cynthia McKinney-We Lived to Tell the Story: Lebanon Rescued Us (tags)
Former Rep. Cynthia McKinney says the aid ship she was on was rammed by an Israeli warship, an allegation Israel denies....
Film from Nahr al-Bared Camp (Lebanon): "Transitions" (tags)
More than a year after their homes were destroyed during the battle between the Lebanese army and the militant islamist group Fatah al-Islam, the majority of the refugees from Nahr al-Bared in North Lebanon find themselves in a difficult situation...
New short film from South Lebanon (tags)
Bourj ash-Shamali Camp: "Harvesting Oranges"
Lebanon: Cleaning Up Nahr al-Bared Camp (Video) (tags)
The anarchist film collective 'a-films' announces another short film from Nahr al-Bared Refugee Camp in North Lebanon.
Analysis: Hizbullah Won't Stop at Shaba (tags)
Israel's announcement of a willingness for peace talks with Lebanon is one of the early fruits of US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice's recent visit to the region and her unexpected visit to Lebanon. French President Nicolas Sarkozy's recent visit to Lebanon and upcoming visit to Israel is also crucial here.
Lebanon: Writings on the Walls of Nahr al-Bared Camp (tags)
The anarchist film collective 'a-films' has just published another short film from North Lebanon. It documents many racist, sexist, humiliating and insulting graffiti that Lebanese soldiers had written on the walls of the houses in the destroyed Palestinian refugee camp of Nahr al-Bared.
The Masada Complex: Bush and Olmert are Exhibit A (tags)
President George W. Biush and Israel’s PM, Ehud Olmert, are setting the stage for a U.S. led attack on Iran. Only a mostly spineless Congress can stop Bush from committing yet another War Crime. Recently, the war-loving duo visited Masada, a desert fortress in Israel, where 960 Jewish zealots committed suicide, in 73 A.D., rather than surrender to Rome’s legions. Are Bush and Olmert both suffering from “The Masada Complex?”
Syria's Nuclear Reactor (tags)
First allegations of supporting insurgents, then Hariri killing, now the nuclear threat. Part of the continuing drumbeat against Syria, one hit at a time...
Israeli Policies Endanger Jews (tags)
A sampling of history for the rising wail of grief and pain in the winds and tides of power.
Fallon 'may lose job over Iran war' (tags)
Fallon 'may lose job over Iran war'
Egypt leaks information about an American military action against Syria: (tags)
Egypt leaks information about an American military action against Syria:
Congressman Howard Berman on Israel and the pro-Israel lobby: (tags)
Congressman Howard Berman on Israel and the pro-Israel lobby:
Jonathan Cook's "Israel and the Clash of Civilisations" (tags)
Israel, Iran, Iraq and the plan to remake the Middle East.
Bringing Death and Destruction to Muslims (tags)
by Paul Craig Roberts
The Communist Roots of Palestinian Terror (tags)
O’Malley Hugs Olmert, While USS Liberty Is Forgotten (tags)
Annapolis, MD, on Nov. 27, 2007, was the backdrop for a propaganda ploy concerning the Mideast. Meanwhile, MD’s Gov. Martin O’Malley had lunch with Israel’s Prime Minister, Ehud Olmert, but he failed to invite Palestine’s Mahmoud Abbas. Last summer, O’Malley cheerleaded the Israeli Defense Forces attack on Lebanon. It is highly likely that topics like: Occupied Gaza, Rachel Corrie or the USS Liberty, never came up at his meal with Olmert.
New Films from South Lebanon (tags)
The anarchist film collective "a-films" announces three new videos from South Lebanon. In October 2007, a-films did video workshops in Bourj ash-Shamali Refugee Camp and the village of Siddiqine.
Lebanon: loans with World Bank, EU (tags)
The Lebanese government signed several loan agreements with the World Bank and the European Union on Friday to help the reform and reconstruction efforts. Prime Minister Fouad Siniora, who attended both signing ceremonies at the Grand Serail, underlined the importance of implementing reforms on time.
Venice Film Festival:No Shalom for Jimmy Carter (tags)
The late Israeli Prime Minister Menachim Begin once compared Jimmy Carter’s efforts to bring peace to the Middle East to a slave building a pyramid in ancient times. Carter, the former U.S. president, is still pyramiding. Only these days he harvests no accolades from Jews who accuse him of having metamorphosed into an anti-Semite, a coward, a plagiarist and a lover of ‘terrorists.’
Anniversary of Second Israeli Invasion of Lebanon (tags)
The making of a terrorist found on the internet
My open letter to Jared Israel of TENC: on his support for the war on Lebanon (tags)
Jared Israel of The Emperor Has No Clothes (TENC) website, a former leftwing activist, is not only not wearing any clothes, but is seeking the naked destruction of Hezbollah, which as we saw in the 2006 war with Lebanon, means the total destruction of that counrty,as well as the ovethrow of the current israeli government; which is called sedition. Here is my comment to his genocidical ambitions.
israel about to lose the 6 day war (tags)
It took a long time but they tried hard
Rafik Hariri and the Salvador Option in Beirut (tags)
Suppressed evidence of US-Israel role in Lebanese PM Hariri's Killing
The (unused) rushed delivery of 30 ‘bunker busters’ (tactical nuclear weapons) to Israel by the USA during the South Lebanon conflict seemed unwarranted at the time but today the murky machinations of the ultra-right forces of Zionism and the Washington neo-cons, become clear. The PNAC agenda (specifically Middle East domination) also adds credence to what would seem to be a delay in plans; due principally to Israel’s unsuccessful foray against Iranian backed Hezbollah, in South Lebanon.
Will Jimmy Carter’s Book Liberate the Palestinians? (tags)
The year 2006 was another hell on earth for the Palestinian people, especially in Gaza. Is there any hope for relief? Harriet Beecher Stowe’s book, “Uncle Tom’s Cabin,” led to freedom for African-Americans. Question: Will ex-President Jimmy Carter’s tome, “Palestine Peace Not Apartheid,” play a comparable role in ending the evil of the Israeli Occupation?
Kathy Kelly to James Baker: “Tell the Truth about Iraq!” (tags)
Nobel Peace Prize nominee, Kathy Kelly, gave a talk at the UMBC campus, on Nov. 20, 2006. She mocked the ex-Secretary of State, James Baker, for saying he wasn’t going to “wring his hands” about past mistakes in Iraq. Baker heads up the so-called “Iraq Study Group.” Kelly roared: “We will wring our hands! One of the ways to stop this next war is to tell the truth about this war. And, it’s not going to be such a pleasant mirror to look into.”
Peace Perspectives for the Middle East (tags)
Whoever wants peace for the region must tackle problems at the root. The problems of the Middle East can only be solved in a political process, not through war.. European experiences shows that hatred and violence can be overcome.
When Rain Becomes the Nightmare: National Day Against Cluster Bombs! (tags)
Imad Mortada is a Lebanese anarchist queer activist and Indymedia volunteer based in Barcelona. His writings can currently be read on
Report: Israel May Have Dropped Uranium-Based Bombs in Lebanon (tags)
Report: Israel May Have Dropped Uranium-Based Bombs in Lebanon British journalist Robert Fisk is reporting that Israel may have dropped uranium-based munitions on targets during its war against Lebanon. A leading British scientist has found that soil samples in Lebanon show elevated radiation and the concentration of uranium isotopes. According to the scientist, Dr. Chris Busby, there are two possible reasons for the contamination. Israel might have dropped a small experimental nuclear fission device or Israel used a bunker-busting conventional uranium bomb that employed enriched uranium. Robert Fisk reports that a photograph of one explosion shows large clouds of black smoke that might result from burning uranium. Israel has denied the report. However, last week the Israeli military admitted for the first time that it had dropped phosphorous bombs on Lebanon.
Drinking Tea with Hizbullah (tags)
n the village of Silaa in southern Lebanon, on the forty-day memorial of the killing of 8 residents by Israeli aerial bombardment, a lunch in commemoration of the dead was provided to the villagers by the Campaign for Civil Resistance. After we completed our visit to the grieving families, we are invited to the muktar's home, to share tea, fruit and conversation. The local representative from Hizbullah joins us. Upon learning that I am from America, he smiles and he entreats me to sit next to him. He asks me what I think and how I feel about the destruction I have seen. The nargillah is brought out and we leisurely smoke and drink tea, enjoying the shaded veranda and an afternoon breeze. We discuss the war, and the role of Hizbullah in civil society. I am told that Hizbullah is not a state within a state, but a state where none exists, for the south of Lebanon has been neglected for decades by the Lebanese government. As for the fighters, he says, who won't fight to protect their families, their homes, and their communities? How, he wonders, are we different from Americans?
As Can Be Imagined - The Death of Freedom for America (tags)
So, those who supported blindly blaming the Taliban along with bin Laden for 9/11 while closing outstanding public inquiries are demon liars, who in materially supporting hostilities against the United States by refusing through censorship to Publicly support the arrest of those responsible for killing innocent Americans - became willingly, bonafide cahooting terrorists, true bad guy "enemy combatants".
Israel Admits it Used Phosphorus (tags)
Israel Admits It Fired Phosphorus Shells in Lebanon The Israeli military has admitted for the first time that it fired phosphorus shells at Hezbollah targets during its month-long attack on Lebanon. The phosphorous shells were used despite widespread calls by human rights groups for a worldwide ban on the munitions because they cause undue suffering through severe burns. During the war there were reports that Lebanese victims had suffered serious burns from phosphorous. One doctor reported seeing three corpses entirely shriveled with black and green skin -- a phenomenon characteristic of phosphorus injuries.
Israel's Cluster Bomb War "What We Did Was Insane and Monstrous" (tags)
Dropped so late in the war, it's hard to imagine what specific military objective these bombs could possibly have been meant to accomplish. Instead, they seem to have been dropped as a final, gratuitous act of violence in a war waged against an entire population. The vast majority of the 1,200 Lebanese killed by Israeli bombardments were civilians; one in three was a child.
Why did the Israelis kill me? (tags)
What kind of scum drop 900,000 cluster bombs in the last 3 days of a war they know is over?
Israeli / US Cluster Bombs Litter Lebanon: Desirable Duds (tags)
On September 26, the UN announced that the number of unexploded cluster "bomblets" left in southern Lebanon by Israeli forces may be three times higher than previous estimates. A million or more antipersonnel weapons may be strewn across a region one-third the size of Rhode Island.(1)
US vs THEM - A Johnny Commentary (tags)
Johnny Wizard has been arrested by irrational bushite for threatening the life of antiChrist enemy George W. bush, and with the bogus warrant made to undermine the true FBI, used the action to make fraudulent accusations in respect for Johnny's love of Children. Don't miss out in the trial of the Century!
US officials spoke of the necessity of a new world war right after Sept 11, 2001.. Perhaps permanent disorder is central, not a new order in the world.. Do they only want to fill their pockets by setting the whole world on fire?
Civilians as ''legitimate'' military targets, Israeli attacks on Lebanon (tags)
In the july-war on Lebanon, as well as Israel as Hizbollah have committed serious human rights viollations and warcrimes against as well the Lebanese civilian population as the Israeli civilian population. Despite the ''justifications'' by both parties, they are both subjective to International Humanitarian Law, which forbids, under all circumstances, military attacks on civilians
Brief history of Palestine (tags)
Brief history of Palestine
Israel Accused of Blocking Lebanon’s Access to Food & Water (tags)
Israel Accused of Blocking Lebanon’s Access to Food & Water Israel’s actions during its attack on Lebanon continue to come under scrutiny. A top United Nations human rights expert says the International Criminal Court should investigate whether Israel is guilty of war crimes for a bombing campaign in Lebanon that blocked access to food and water. Jean Ziegler, the UN Human Rights Council's special envoy on the "right to food," said the presence of unexploded cluster bombs could affect the ability of the Lebanese people to access food and water for years. The United Nations is reporting that around 124 people in southern Lebanon have been killed or wounded by cluster bombs since the Israeli attack ended. The Israeli army fired at least 1.2 million cluster bomblets into Lebanon.
Double Standards of Morality: The Age of Terror (tags)
This reluctance to confront unpleasant truths diminishes the reader or viewer for whom Middle East reporting in the US media is almost incomprehensible to anyone who does not know the region. It also has its trickle-down effects even in theatres, universities and schools in America. The case of the play about Rachel Corrie--the young US activist twice run over by an Israeli bulldozer while trying to prevent the demolition of Palestinian homes--taken off the New York stage was one of the more deplorable of these. I was also surprised in the Bronx to find that Fieldston, a private school in Riverdale--was forced to cancel a college meeting with two Palestinian lecturers when parents objected to the absence of an Israeli on the panel. The fact that Israeli speakers were to be invited later made no difference. The school's principal later announced that the meeting would "not be appropriate given t! he sensitivity and complexity of the issue". Complex problems are supposed to be explained. But this could not be explained because, well, it was too complex and--the truth--would upset the usual Israeli lobbyists.
The Israel Lobby Sells Wars: The Strategic Trap of Military Confrontation: Action Alert (tags)
It is now widely confirmed that one of the major reasons we chose to put a priority on toppling Saddam Hussein was due to the lobbying efforts for Israel within the Congress and the Bush Administration. The commitment of almost the entire military force of the United States to a senseless campaign in Mesopotamia, the ancient land between two rivers, has led to unexpected consequences that will be with us for decades. One of those is the possible military confrontation with Iran, which would again ignore the limits of American power and the potential for disastrous effects for our friends in the Middle East, including Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Israel.
The US, Israel and Lebanon: Historical Roots and Patterns of Conflict (tags)
The destructive and lethal forces unleashed this past summer by the United States and Israel upon Lebanon are not surprising in light of their historical roots in at least four patterns of conflict:
Christ Crossed "The most powerful audio recording ever created."
Meeting Nasrallah: An Encounter with a Fighter (tags)
You need to reach the American public before American politicians. The public in the US is generally ahead of the politicians. Often public opinion conflicts with policies set in Washington. US politicians are usually elected by a minority of the population and represent two parties that are virtually indistinguishable on fundamental issues. If you can inform the public and get them to understand your position, they will put pressure on the politicians and hopefully prevent them from conducting their most destructive policies. Without internal public pressure, US policy is not likely to change significantly.
Human Rights Experts: “Israel Committed War Crimes!” (tags)
On Sept. 27, 2006, two leading experts on Human Rights spoke at the Palestine Center, in Washington, D.C. Curt Goering of Amnesty International, said Israel’s massive bombing campaign in Lebanon, including dropping more than a million cluster bombs, was a “war crime.” His group is pressing the UN for a full inquiry. Joe Stork of Human Rights Watch called the Israelis’ destruction of Gaza’s only electric power generating plant a “war crime.”
Having slaughtered countless women and children
The failure of the U.S. government as well as the Israelis to talk with leaders of governments they disagree with underlines the acute paucity of diplomacy being exercised at the current time, which can only jeopardize in the long run the security of ordinary people both in the Middle East and in the United States. It is time for governments to listen to their people, to start talking and stop preaching.
UNHCR links with social development centres to help Lebanese IDPs (tags)
And Lebanon's displaced will clearly need help and continued support from overseas for some time to come.
Should We Deny Lebanon the Right to Defend Itself? (tags)
Let me finally suggest a further two questions for her. Does HRW characterise Hizbullah's return of fire as a war crime even though its undiminished ability to launch rockets was what finally brought Israel's war machine to a standstill and led to a ceasefire? And exactly how much of a war crime would the firing of those rudimentary rockets be if it turned out that not only did they halt the war but they also prevented its expansion to include Syria and Iran?
Two Kinds of International Law (tags)
In an absurd way, president Bush also justified the Iraq war as "self-defense." Lebanon has the same right to security, territorial integrity and inviolable borders..Israel's right to exist is not a reason for violating the rights of others.
A skillful foreign policy keeps options open and avoids falling into cul-de-sacs.. German Middle East policy is more than unskillful. It is a catastrophe for everyone, for Germany, Israel, Lebanon and the Palestinians.
What Made Israel Burn Lebanon, Again? (tags)
What made Israel burn Lebanon again? The decision to go to war hurled Israel's economy into a wall, smashed the deterrent' power of the country's army, plunged its northern population into misery, and magnified the hatred felt towards it in the region - all without achieving Tel Aviv's stated goals.
Business Owners, Workers Charge Israel Deliberately Targeted Lebanon's Economy (tags)
Business owners and factory workers in Lebanon are charging that Israel deliberately targeted the Lebanese economy in its month-long offensive. Democracy Now! producer Ana Nogueira files a report from Beirut on the long-lasting effects of the conflict on Lebanon's economy. [includes rush transcript] We turn now to Lebanon. The Israeli military's chief of staff was quoted as saying the Israeli army will complete a pullout from southern Lebanon within a few days.
Deadly Harvest: Lebanese Fields Sown with Israeli Cluster Bombs (tags)
The war in Lebanon has not ended. Every day, some of the million bomblets which were fired by Israeli artillery during the last three days of the conflict kill four people in southern Lebanon and wound many more.
Pro-Syrian Lebanese president Lahoud harbored Nasrallah during part of the Lebanon War – o (tags)
Pro-Syrian Lebanese president Lahoud harbored Nasrallah during part of the Lebanon War – on orders from Damascus
Kevin Zeese: “It’s Time to Try Diplomacy in Middle East!” (tags)
Since the end of WWII, the U.S. policy in the Middle East has created only “more anger-more hatred for our county,” said Kevin Zeese. Speaking on 09/13/06, at the Palestine Center, in D.C., Zeese ripped the Bush-Cheney Gang for giving Israel the “green light” to terrorize Lebanon for 33-days. Zeese also took it to task for abandoning the Palestinians and for its hostile attitude towards Iran. “It’s time to try diplomacy in the Middle East,” he said.
The Middle East : Lethal Legacy. (tags)
'You do not die because you are created or because you have a body, you die because you are the future.'
Katyusha Damage Much Less Than Claimed by Israel (tags)
srael's military superiority has not changed. There is no Arab power which can challenge it, and it has had unprecedented support from the US and Britain. Even so, its inability to defeat Hizbollah has reduced its military deterrent. This may tempt it into another round in Lebanon, a war in which it would hope to avoid any further mistakes.
Israel's Use of American Cluster Bombs: A Walk Through the Rubble (tags)
As the initial assessment and clean up of American cluster bombs, estimated at more than 130,000 unexploded bomblets across the south of Lebanon, gets underway, unanticipated findings are emerging:
IDF commander: We fired more than a million cluster bombs in Lebanon (tags)
Dust off that old courtroom in Nuremberg. We have a new group of war criminals to put on trial. (Yes, I know, there are a few Americans who should have been put in the docks long ago, but that doesn't negate the appropriateness of having Israelis tried there. Actually, forget Nuremberg. Their trial should be in Beirut.
The Coming Collapse of Zionism (tags)
The Moral Bankruptcy of Israel's Founding Idea
The Moral Bankruptcy of Israel's Founding Idea: The Coming Collapse of Zionism (tags)
s it only observers outside the conventional mainstream who have noticed that by its murderous assault on Lebanon and simultaneously on Gaza, Israel finally exposed, for even the most deluded to see, the total bankruptcy of its very founding idea?
A sovereign Lebanon and national unity among Hizbullah's priorities.
"Gaza is a jail. Nobody is allowed to leave. We are all starving now." (tags)
As the economy collapses there will be many more young men in Gaza willing to take Ala Hejairi's place. Untrained and ill-armed most will be killed. But the destruction of Gaza, now under way, will ensure that no peace is possible in the Middle East for generations to come.
Netanyahu Beats Drum for U.S. War with Iran (tags)
Leave it to a Far Right Likudite, Benjamin Netanyahu, to show up on 09/06/06, in Philadelphia, “The City of Brotherly Love,” and beat the drum for a U.S. war with Iran. What a lethal irony! In his spiel, Netanyahu, an ultra Israeli Hawk, sounded like President George W. Bush, while also ignoring Israel’s many wrongs against the peoples of Palestine and Lebanon.
The Wounds of War Must Be Healed (tags)
The human rights violations during the war between Israel and Hezbollah must be investigated and researched. Amnesty International presses for this.
How Human Rights Watch Lost Its Way in Lebanon: The Israel Lobby Works Its Magic, Again (tags)
This sophistry is fooling no one, least of all, of course, Israel's apologists. They will keep up their relentless defamation of an organisation like Human Rights Watch as long as Israel comes under its scrutiny. By trying to appease them, our human rights champions damage only themselves and those they should be seeking to protect.
Lebanon in Context: An Interview with Bilal El-Amine (tags)
The heart of why Israel is such a source of instability and wars in the region is because its very foundation was at the cost of hundreds of thousands of people - Israel was founded on stolen land and it is in continuous confrontation with all of the people around it. We have to find a way of removing that source of friction and aggression and the only way is to address the Palestinian question and all of the outlying problems that have developed from that, including Israel's occupation of Syrian and Lebanese land.
Will Robert Fisk tell us the whole story? (tags)
hese central issues -- taken together with the persuasive accounts that Israel and the Pentagon had been planning an attack on Lebanon for at least a year -- make Fisk's implied claims that Syria and Hizbullah started the war to provoke Israel into destroying Lebanon look misleading at best.
The First Post-Zionist War (tags)
The great lapse, then, is a function of the fact that Israel is caught between two worlds. Still guided by the Zionist model, it refuses to resolve the conflicts with its neighbors. But guided by post-Zionism, it refuses to maintain the welfare state, which aimed for the kind of Jewish solidarity that was needed to wage those conflicts.
In Lebanon a battle within the Middle East great war (tags)
There are only two possible solutions for the “Palestinian problem”, classic solutions, historically already defined by the communist movement
Devastation: Made in U.$.A. (tags)
When Criticism of Cluster Bombs is "Anti-Semitic" (tags)
It was after the 1982 invasion of Lebanon that U.S. Jews in significant numbers began open and trenchant criticisms of Israel. Chomsky's watershed "The Fateful Triangle" was published that year. Hopefully there will be even bigger shows of outrage this time around.
Israel: Beyond Good and Evil? (tags)
Ehud Olmert's Nietzschean foreign policy
Congressman Kucinich Returns From Southern Lebanon With Message of Peace (tags)
"We do not hate America. We love the American people. We do not like what your government does. Please tell the American people that we are not terrorists. We do not hate Israel. We want to be safe in our village. We want to be left alone. We want peace."
Retroactive Laws Invoked to Protect Administration Officials from War Crimes Prosecution (tags)
author: Paul Craig Roberts
Lebanon Considers Suing Israel for War Crimes (tags)
The Lebanese government is considering possible legal procedures to sue Israel for war crimes and crimes against humanity.
Close call for Bay Area teen who escapes conflict in Lebanon (tags)
"Of the Israeli and Hezbollah armies, she says, ”It felt like the Israelis had no heart...someone has to defend the Lebanese people.”
Filipinas in Lebanon treated like ’modern-day slaves’ (tags)
FINDINGS OF INTERNATIONAL MISSION TO LEBANON: Filipina overseas workers in Lebanon are being treated like “modern-day slaves,” this was the main finding of Filipinos who had just arrived from Lebanon as part of an international civil society and parliamentary delegation.
The US Peace Movement and Hezbollah (tags)
Many peace activists may have felt somewhat bewildered by Hezbollah's smashing success in outfoxing and outfighting the Israeli army in southern Lebanon. Was it right to feel such a visceral satisfaction from these battles fought by a group that was also lobbing rockets at Israeli civilians? Where did we stand on Hezbollah, really? We who seek peace must ask ourselves if we have not also gone 'insane', expecting different results from actions that obviously haven't worked. To guard our optimism in the New World Order, we Americans will have to learn to see peace the way most Palestinians see it: as the inevitable fruit of resolute resistance to aggression and injustice.
Millions of land mine cluster duds ungodly Israel has thrown into 170 towns of Lebanon to murder innocent children with for decades. Along with radio-active toxic waste that will suffer G-d's Humanity indiscriminately for untold generations. Terrorist Crimes the Israeli State with corporate bushite News america claimed repeatedly, are worth targeted execution of themselves for.
As the shaky ceasefire between Lebanon and Israel lumbers on, the European governments expected to ‘enforce the peace’ have been stuttering and stalling in the face of actual commitment. It was France who took the initiative originally, who as head of UNISFL (United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon), promised 3000 troops. After analyzing the situation further, an about-face occurred, and the troop level was reduced to 400 non-combatant personal. Italy saw opportunity and declared itself the replacement, promising 2000 troops; France, not to be outdone, reasserted leadership responsibilities, but with 2000 troops this time; Italy was then, thanks to its charitableness, awarded France’s old job as head of UNISFL. After all this, the seesawing attitude of the rest of Europe continues. These governments are demanding more definitive ‘rules of engagement’; they’re curious about the prospects of actual fighting, and are rightfully scared of being viewed as a foreign occupier in Hezbollahland. Bush is intent on seeing that his backfired war-effort is partially salvaged, and has insisted that Europe “hurry up” with military aide, since the U.S. has none to spare. It may be prudent to examine why Europe— who views Israel and the U.S. with apt distrust— is both eager and terrified to help them pursue their interests. Note: a working assumption will be that ‘humanitarian reasons’ is a sophistic answer, meant to lure citizens into obedience.
by Leuren Moret
Lebanon, Lies and Criminal Warfare (tags)
“Israel has a right to defend itself” was the inane excuse offered to the world by the Bush administration for the murder and vandalism committed by Israel in Lebanon – what price ‘defensive warfare’ in today’s world? The unprecedented vandalism and indiscriminate slaughter in Lebanon was (we are supposed to believe) the measured response to a border incursion and two kidnapped soldiers! Hundreds of dead children, wanton destruction and the criminal oil pollution of the Mediterranean coast are the results of Israel ‘defending’ itself?
An Interview with Noam Chomsky: The Strong Do as They Can (tags)
The maxim of Thucydides again. But it is worth bearing in mind that Israel can go just as far as its protector in Washington permits and supports.
US administration rejects Iran’s offer of “serious negotiations” (tags)
The Bush administration yesterday signalled its rejection of Iran’s offer of “serious negotiations,” setting the stage for punitive economic sanctions and an escalating confrontation with Tehran.
Special Democracy Now! Report from Southern Lebanon: Lasting Dangers of Cluster Bombs (tags)
Israel dropped thousands of cluster bombs on at least 170 villages in southern Lebanon during its month-long war against Hezbollah. The bomblets that failed to explode are now a deadly trap for civilians. At least eight people have been killed and 25 wounded from the unexploded ordinances. Democracy Now!'s Ana Nogueira files a report from southern Lebanon. [includes rush transcript] Since a UN-brokered ceasefire came into effect nine days ago, tens of thousands of displaced Lebanese civilians have returned to their homes in southern Lebanon. While Israel's bombing of the south may have ended, it left a deadly legacy in its wake: unexploded cluster bombs. Israel dropped thousands of cluster bombs on at least one hundred and seventy villages in south Lebanon during its month-long war against Hezbollah. The bomblets that failed to explode are now a deadly trap for civilians.
"At the beginning of the 20th century, Germany was Europe's leading power but we made wrong decisions and experienced a total disaster.." (Joschka Fischer at the Teheran Center, August 2006)
If one listens closely to those directing U.S. foreign policy, accusations, infighting, and panic are clearly audible. If one listens closer still, bursting seams can be heard. The U.S. corporate-ruled elite are in a crisis they can’t escape from; what this means for the public is easily discernable, if one only listens.
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE! Know Your Bank Dick: The Federal Reserve Without Walls (tags)
Hezbollah, the armed political party in Lebanon, is now handing out fresh U.S. $100 Denomination Currency Notes all over Lebanon. Item - This U.S. Currency comes from Iraq as reported by Cloak and Dagger over a year ago.
ATTENTION: All admirable soldiers and police officers (tags)
Again, I will remind all admirable soldiers and police officers: CNN, CBC, and FOXNews has forbidden our truths to be broadcast in support of Justice for ourselves. WTC7. Zionist corporate medias are deliberately working to mislead our kids to have them willingly sacrifice their lives in further blind support of the real terrorists that committed the crimes of 911. As according to the FBI.
Kevin Zeese: Attack on Iran May Lead to WWIII! (tags)
Takoma, Maryland’s City Hall was the scene for a lively discussion on Middle East issues, on Aug. 17, 2006. Kevin Zeese, the “Unity candidate” for the U.S. Senate in Maryland, and one of the panelists, said Israel’s attack on Lebanon was premeditated and that an attack on Iran might lead to WWIII. Noura Erakat said Lebanon had been devastated ‘on a humanitarian level” by Israel’s War Machine. She also denounced Israel as an “Apartheid state.”
Real Photo Fakers, Real War Crimes (tags)
During Israel's war against the people of Lebanon, our media, politicians and diplomats have colluded with the aggressors by distracting us with irrelevancies, by concocting controversies, and by framing the language of diplomacy. In the fragile truce that is currently holding while Lebanon waits for Israel to withdraw, we are simply getting more of the same.
A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Spain, Cuba, and Russia.
BTL:Lebanese & Israeli Civilians Clear Losers as... (tags)
..Cease-Fire Ends Israel's Offensive ~ Interview with Stephen Zunes, Middle East editor with Foreign Policy in Focus, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris
Lebanese deaths, and Israeli war crimes, kept off the balance sheet (tags)
By Jonathan Cook in Nazareth
A Real One of All Things - Terrorism by the Bush Administration (tags)
Others too have come out with this, 'it looks like this last big terrorism bust, was actually a real one of all things’. It's too sloppy with the blatant ISI-Qaeda-ISI hanging all over it. The bushmob might actually go down on this one, if more evidence should arise linking the let escape ISI from 911 to carry on, with yet another attempt at murdering undefended Americans left dying forsaken.
Digitally Erasing a Massacre:Why Hezbollywood Was Born (tags)
Maybe they did win. While the bombardment of Lebanon has claimed hundreds of lives, the controversy over a single demolished apartment building kept the media spotlight on Qana. The argument here in the United States shifted away from the brutality of Israel's actions and U.S. culpability for it, and became entrenched in whether casualties on the ground took place at all. Debate about the morality or reasons behind the death, destruction went up in a cloud of digitally manufactured smoke.
A Victory for Hizbollah, Syria and Iran: israel Wasn't Hoping for This (tags)
Far from driving the Hizbollah north across the Litani river, Israel has entrenched them in their Lebanese villages as never before.
THE YOKE OF ZION [The Fallout from Lebanon] - by Israel Shamir (tags)
Why the war? Leave small details to a future Plutarch; this is another round of battle for Palestine. Supported and supplied by their captive empire, the US, the Jews had all the weapons, all the ammunition, all the diplomatic support, when hubris-drunk they drove into disarmed and starved Gaza to kill off its last resisters and impose the Yoke of Zion. Who would disturb the lion of Judah roaring at his prey? And a tiny force from the Mount Lebanon said: we will. They attacked the all-powerful Jews; the hobbit pierced the sinew of Nazgul as he stooped to kill. The Israeli army roused from its prey turned north and lashed with all its might at the Hezbollah fighters. But they stood fast.
A History of Judao-Facist Terror Massacres (tags)
A Reference of Jewish Terrorism in Palestine. These are just some of the massacres committed against the Palestinians and Lebanese by the Zionists. If the raids on southern Lebanon old and new were to be taken into account the true magnitude of Zionist crimes against humanity could start to emerge. If one were to go into the gruesome details of the atrocities committed in 1948 the -mopping up operations -, the deliberate humiliation and massacres of Arabs and the desecration of the holy places of both Muslim and Christian as well as the looting of these holy places and personal property by the Israeli army and settlers; one might just start to appreciate what Zionism is all about.
Filipinos Protests US-Israel Agression vs Lebanon and Palestine (tags)
Tracing a Trail of Destruction: Report from Lebanon, August 13, 2006 (tags)
BEIRUT, Lebanon - The wounds of war were evident shortly after we crossed the Syria-Lebanon border at 1130 in the morning on August 12. At Haissa, about three kilometers from the Dabboussiyeh border crossing, we come across the ruins of a bridge hit by Israeli war planes just the day before. Villagers tell us 12 people were killed and 10 wounded, all civilians.
Videos from Lebanon protest (tags)
Six videos from the demo on Saturday in support of the people of Lebanon and Palestine. All videos on YouTube.
You will need cable to see it but it is a welcome departure from the pro Israel propaganda on CNN.
Protest Against Israel Agression in Lebanon, Palestine (tags)
Protest Against Israel Agression in Lebanon, Palestine
Rogue Israeli State Protested at White House Rally (tags)
What are people of conscience suppose to do in response to the unspeakable acts of barbarism being perpetrated daily by Israel? In America, they can still go out on the streets and protest. This is what happened on Sat., Aug. 12, 2006, in Washington, D.C. A rally at Lafayette Park, near the White House, organized by Arab-Americans, protested the relentless terror bombing of innocent civilians in Gaza and Lebanon by the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF).
Letters from Lebanon: The Proximity of Death (tags)
Israeli airstrikes, humanitarian aid cut off, and the proximity of death in Lebanon
The refugees' fury will be felt for generations to come (tags)
Israel has failed to understand that it cannot expel a people and call itself the victim; that it cannot conquer its neighbours and treat any and all resistance to that conquest as terrorism; that it cannot arm itself as a regional superpower and annihilate the institutional fabric of two peoples without incurring the fury of their children in the years that follow.
Hizbullah, Zionism and the Ideology of late Imperial America (tags)
Awakening the Resistance
A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Cuba, Netherlands, Spain, and Russia.
Israeli Ambassador Caught Lying (tags)
Israel's ambassador to the United States, Daniel Ayalon, was questioned last Sunday in Washington DC as part of a press stakeout. Sam Husseini of the Institute for Public Accuracy was there to ask the tough questions. He grilled Ayalon on Israel's targeting of civilians and use of cluster bombs in Lebanon, Israel's nuclear arsenal and its lack of adherence to United Nations Security Council resolutions. [includes rush transcript] Israel's cabinet authorized an expanded ground offensive into Lebanon on Wednesday, backing a push towards the Litani river which lies 18 miles from the border. The decision came on a day of fierce fighting in southern Lebanon. Fifteen Israeli soldiers were killed in action - the highest number in a single day since the conflict began almost a month ago.
Lebanese Civilians 2 March SOUTH (tags)
After August 12, the campaign will continue with a series of civil actions, leading to an August 19 civilian march to reclaim the South. "Working together, in solidarity, we will overcome the complacency, inaction, and complicity of the international community and we will deny Israel its goal of removing Lebanese from their land and destroying the fabric of our country," explained Samah Idriss, writer and co-organizer of this campaign.
'We are just hit-and-run guerrillas' (tags)
Israel has done absolutely nothing to diminish Hezbollah
Neocons’ Middle East Scheme Is Backfiring (tags)
Back in 1996, a clique of Neocons, led by Richard Perle, concocted a scheme for Israel to “destabilize” the Middle East. The Palestinians were to be crushed and Iraq and Lebanon balkanized. The U.S. and UK were conned into doing the Neocons’ dirty work in Iraq. Now, Hezbollah fighters have tossed a huge wrench into the not-so-clever plot. Instead of Israel becoming “safer,” the Neocons have put its citizens at risk and its army in danger of defeat.
Petition: International Criminal Tribunal for Israel (tags)
We, the undersigned, demand that The United Nations General Assembly immediately establish an International Criminal Tribunal for Israel (ICTI) as a ‘subsidiary organ’ under U.N. Charter Article 22 to prosecute the Israeli Prime Minister Olmert, Defense Minister Peretz, Chief of Staff Halutz and Israel’s other top generals and war criminals for their infliction of international war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide against the Peoples of Lebanon and Palestine.
All Out for Aug. 12 Mass March in LA to Stop the U.S.-Israeli War (tags)
Come out to defend the people of Lebanon and Palestine for a mass march and rally in LA. The march is coordinated with national and international actions on Aug. 12.
On the August 12 International Mobiizations Against US-Israel Agression in Lebanon and Pa (tags)
We, the International League of Peoples' Struggle (ILPS), strongly condemn the ongoing barbaric attacks of the Israeli military on the people of Lebanon and Palestine. Under the pretext of rescuing Israeli soldiers captured by Hamas and Hezbollah, the Zionist Israeli government has unleashed wave upon wave of air, naval and ground attacks on the civilian populations of Lebanon and Palestine. These unbridled acts of international terrorism are emboldened and supported by US imperialism.
Power and Powerlessness (tags)
Many fear Israel's terror machine encouraged by the pathological, indictable George W Bush. Might does not make right. Military logic is helpless in solving political conflicts. How sad the UN is instrumentalized to legitimate aggression!
Israeli war crimes aimed at “cleansing” south Lebanon (tags)
On Tuesday, Israeli warplanes struck the southern Lebanese town of Ghaziyeh, killing at least 14 people. Missiles demolished civilian homes just as some 1,500 mourners were participating in a procession to bury 15 of their relatives and neighbors slain just the day before. The explosions sent the crowd running in panic, dropping shrouded corpses in the street.
LEBANON AND PALESTINE PHOTOS AT ANNIE'S LETTERS BLOG Assalamu aleikum. Annie's Letters is an almost daily updated blog that includes significant photos and numerous articles exposing the zionist foe. For today's (August 8, 2006) blog: Annie's Letters See also Annie's Letters archives (scroll to bottom of page at above URL).
On The Zionist Israeli Nazi Liar (tags)
No democracy or religion is going to vote in rights inferior to the supreme nazi zionist enemy. A "Jewish State" is a State where all GODLY people are treated equally with respect and honor. As according to Hillel. That is not the practiced tyrannies of the zionist Israeli liar, therefore Israel is not a Jewish State. John has spoken in our own image, while Israel continues to victimize the innocent unjustly.
Behind Bush’s “truce” plan: the drive towards a wider Middle East war (tags)
US President George W. Bush on Monday declared his full support for a US-French United Nations resolution that dictates Israel’s terms to the Lebanese people while allowing the Israeli military to indefinitely continue its occupation and devastation of Lebanon.
What would happen if Israel had won the war? (tags)
It is impossible to speak of a Hizbullah victory' when nearly a thousand Lebanese civilians have been killed, thousands more injured, a million people internally displaced; and Lebanon's infrastructure, environment and economy laid to waste as the world watches. The general consensus however is that Hizbullah's and Lebanon's steadfastness after four weeks of merciless Israeli attacks means that Israel has failed to achieve its objectives through military means: crushing/disarming Hizbullah, reinstating its deterrent, and protecting the security of northern Israel. Indeed, Hizbullah's resistance has gained unprecedented support throughout the Arab world, and Nasrallah has emerged as a Nasser-like figure who has restored pride to Arabs everywhere in contrast to the uniformly servile and unpopular Arab regimes.
Israeli Intellectuals Love the War (tags)
Dedicated to the too few Israeli intellectuals who do dare speak out against this war.
Galloway wipes the floor with Sky News anchor (tags)
Awesome video!
UN resolution on Lebanon: blueprint for intensified war and colonial occupation (tags)
The US-French resolution that is to be voted on by the United Nations Security Council early this week represents an imperialist diktat to the people of Lebanon and an attempt by Washington to legitimize and consummate the geo-strategic goals pursued in the last month of US-Israeli war of aggression.
Get Filipino OFW’s Out of Lebanon, (tags)
Up to now, less than 2,000 out of the 30,000 have returned to the Philippines. The President’s promise to “evacuate all Filipinos out of Lebanon” is just another empty promise that she is fond of making to endear herself to the country but to no avail. What we see now is the slow pace of evacuation being done by the government. There is no serious plan on the part of the Manila government to get the majority of Filipino OFW’s out of harm’s way.
Bold Proclamations of Lebensraum (tags)
Tony Blair and Condoleeza Rice have recently made statements that suggest a view that is, essentially, genocidal in nature. In so doing, they have stripped away their saccrine masks of democracy and apple pie, exposing themselves for the lizards they are.
VIDEO: Peace March for Lebanon & Palestine (tags)
Los Angeles, 8-5-06
From Iraq to Palestine: Occupation Is a Crime (tags)
Protestors marched in the third largest Jewish city in the world to stop the U.S. and Israeli war machine.
Westwood Rally - Photos (tags)
About 200 people showed up in Westwood today to show support for the people of Lebanon, the latest victim of U.S.-Israeli Imperialism.
PHOTOS: March & Rally for Lebanon & Palestine, 8-5-06 (tags)
About 300 people marched though Westwood today to show support for the people of Lebanon and Palestine. They called for an immediate ceasefire and the withdrawal of all Israeli forces from Lebanon and occupied Palestine.
Paving the Way for Another 9-11 (tags)
In Israel two civilians were killed by Hizbollah missiles but, as usual, Lebanon bore the brunt of the day's attacks which centred - incredibly - on the Christian heartland that has traditionally shown great sympathy towards Israel. It was the Christian Maronite community whose Phalangist militiamen were Israel's closest allies in its 1982 invasion of Lebanon yet Israel's air force yesterday attacked three highway bridges north of Beirut and - again as usual - it was the little people who died.
BTL:After Qana Slaughter, Israel & Bush Administration Widen War in Lebanon (tags)
Interview with Ian Williams, U.N. correspondent with the Nation magazine, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris
Israel is drunk on it's power
"If this scenario is possible, why then would US, UK, Israeli, and other Western leaders who see what's going on, be willing to take the risk? Ahmed states what a growing number of knowledgeable observers now believe - that the Western, mainly US, so-called neoliberal imperial freewheeling "free-market" model is failing and may collapse short of a desperate "Hail Mary" military solution to try to save it even though the chance for success at best would be uncertain and in some views unlikely."
Young Jews stage "Die-in" (tags)
A group of young American Jews staged a "Die In" on Tuesday August 1, 2006 at South Station in downtown Boston to demonstrate their opposition to recent actions by the Israeli government in Lebanon and Gaza.
The US Media's "Special Relationship": Out to Lunch (tags)
The US media's biased coverage of the crisis in Lebanon should come as no surprise. While the White House and Congress claim a "special relationship" with Israel, our news outlets are not supposed to have a "special relationship" with anyone. Their job is to fairly reports on matters; anything less is a disservice to those watching their news programs and reading their newspapers.
Bombing Milk Factories, Grain Silos, Churches, Bridges,Bridges, s, Power Stations... (tags)
I wish, one day, that Israeli Jews could crest that ridge, and have their breaths taken away as the magic of Beirut unfolds below them. But they will never see the full beauties of the region they inhabit by dominating others militarily, and denying equal rights to Palestinian Christians and Muslims.
Germany joins US, British, Israeli axis of aggression (tags)
Last Sunday, German government spokesman Ulrich William spoke on behalf of the chancellor, Angela Merkel (Christian Democratic Union—CDU), and expressed Merkel’s “great regret and deep sadness over the consequences of the Israeli air raid on Qana.” Two days later, German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier (Social Democratic Party—SPD) began an interview in the Süddeutsche Zeitung with the words: “What took place on Sunday in Qana was appalling. The large number of civilian victims of the Israeli air raid is terrible and unacceptable.”
Kevin Zeese Challenges Rep. Cardin on Israel (tags)
Kevin Zeese, an Independent candidate for U.S. Senate from Maryland, is shaking up the Establishment. Despite the “unmatched power” the Israel Lobby exerts over our foreign policy, Zeese is challenging Rep. Ben Cardin to speak out about Israel’s “terror military policy” in Occupied Gaza and Lebanon. Cardin, who is also running for the U.S. Senate in MD, submitted a two sentence reply to Zeese. The people of Maryland deserve better!
The Bankruptcy of the Hawks (tags)
The pcitures of victims among the civilian Lebanese population and the heroic fighting Mudschahedin play into the hands of the Jihad-rhetoric of Al-Qaida..The war against terror can only be won when the ideas of Al-Qaida are discredited.
A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Spain, Cuba, and Russia.
Letter to Senators Feinstein and Boxer on the Crisis in the Middle East (tags)
The following is a letter sent Aug. 3, 2006 to Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer from a California voter regarding their failure to call for an immediate Israeli cease-fire in Lebanon:
A Message to Impeachment Supporters from Ramsey Clark (tags)
Bush Making More Enemies in the Middle East
A new face to Hezbollah's resistance (tags)
"This is not a question of Hamas, Islamic Jihad or Hezbollah. Neither is it a question of [Hamas leader] Khaled Mishal or Sheikh Osama [bin Laden] or [Hezbollah leader] Hassan Nasrallah. This is a question of do or die. And whoever leads the battle, we will be with them."
Less than three months after its formation, the Olmert-Peretz government succeeded in hurling Israel into a two-front war.. When the weapons speak, the muses fall silent. When the cannons roar, the brain stops functioning
Palestine, Lebanon: Zionism-Assassin, Imperialism- Accomplice! (tags)
Palestine, Lebanon: Zionism-Assassin, Imperialism- Accomplice! The Israeli attack in progress in Lebanon received, according to the expression even of the international press, the "green light" of the United States and the "tacit agreement" of the other great imperialists States, beginning with France (in spite of the declarations of "amity" with Lebanon!).
Why Lebanon? Think OIL, water, pipelines, and profits. (tags)
Why a war on Lebanon? Why now? A new article by Professor Michel Chossudovsky suggests it's about oil, water and pipeline routes, and offers insight into the war's impending expansion. The U.S. and Israel aren't the only nations with interests in this game. Other players appear to include the U.K., France, and Italy.
What way forward in the struggle against war? (tags)
As the brutal US-Israeli war against the Lebanese people enters its fourth week, there is no sign that the massacre of innocent civilians is about to end. On the contrary, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), backed by air strikes and artillery fire, are pressing deeper into Lebanon, with the apparent aim of advancing 18 miles to the Litani River, either killing or driving out the entire population between it and the Israeli border.
Middle EastHizballah, the Lebanese Shi‘i movement whose militia is fighting the Israeli army in south Lebanon, has been cast misleadingly in much media coverage of the ongoing war. Much more than a militia, the movement is also a political party that is a powerful actor in Lebanese politics and a provider of important social services. Not a creature of Iranian and Syrian sponsorship, Hizballah arose to battle Israel’s occupation of south Lebanon from 1982-2000 and, more broadly, to advocate for Lebanon’s historically disenfranchised Shi‘i Muslim community.
Was Racism and Fundamentalism a Factor? The Massacre at Qana (tags)
This often ignored menace of Jewish fundamentalism needs to be addressed as seriously as other forms of fanatic religious thought which sows racial hatred, animosity and war mongering. While adhering to moral principles alone will certainly not bring any of Qana's murdered children back to life or compensate any bereaved parent or loved one anywhere, perhaps insisting on the equal worth of all human lives, regardless of ethnicity or religion, and rejecting racism from any source, including from sanctimonious former victims, can help diminish the chances of such ruthless crimes recurring in the future. Irrespective of the Holocaust, or precisely because of it, Israel should not be allowed to get away with its racist, at-will flaunting of international law and its state terrorism against defenseless civilians. It is time to go beyond mere condemnation to properly channel irrepressible grief and simmering anger into morally sound acts of intervention. Just as it worked against apartheid South Africa, a comprehensive regime of boycott against Israel is urgently called for. People of conscience everywhere share the responsibility of stopping this unrestrained behemoth before it scorches everything in its blind quest for hegemony and colonial control.
Qana Massacre Protested at State Department Rally (tags)
As a result of the Israeli massacre of 56 civilians, mostly children, in the village of Qana, in Lebanon, a protest action was held in front of the State Department in Washington, D.C. on Monday, 07/31/06. The activists were there to protest the massacre and to demand an immediate ceasefire. Noura Erakat said, “Israel needs to be held accountable for its murders.” Four of the demonstrators were arrested in an act of civil disobedience.
The Cruel, Collective Punishment of Lebanon (tags)
Lebanon, which has never fought Israel and has 40 daily newspapers, 42 colleges and universities and hundreds of different banks, is being destroyed by our planes and cannon and nobody is taking into account the amount of hatred we are sowing. In international public opinion, Israel has been turned into a monster, and that still hasn't been calculated into the debit column of this war. Israel is badly stained, a moral stain that can't be easily and quickly removed. And only we don't want to see it.
Bush, Rice and Israel's Hack Legions: The Triumph of Crackpot Realism (tags)
Presidents announced Star Wars, Reagan's dream has come true. Behind ramparts guarded by a coalition of liars extending from Rupert Murdoch to the New York Times, from Bill O'Reilly to PBS, America is totally shielded from truth. Here we have a Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice, who gazes at the rubble of Lebanon, 300,000 refugees being strafed with Israel's cluster bombs, and squeaks happily that we are "witnessing the birth pangs of a new Middle East."
Israel's war crimes continue unhindered in Lebanon and Gaza (tags)
In this moment, the want for international action is dire; at stake are not only the lives of innocent civilians but also the credibility of humanitarian morals and international values that have been held ransom by the belligerent forces of international politics and war machines.
Katyusha rockets don't discriminate, but Israel does (tags)
As the world continues to watch Israeli atrocities in Lebanon and the occupied territories (West Bank and Gaza) unfold, it is important to keep in mind the violence that the state is committing within its own borders against its Arab citizens, who remain a minority that is unwanted and unprotected.
Israel = Baby Killers Using Racism to Hide Their Crimes (tags)
This post is in response to the racist Zionist propaganda posted earlier which is emblematic of Israeli racism against the Lebanese and Arabic people who have been slaughtered by the Nazi-like aggression of Israel. Its sad the depths these aggressors will sink to to defend their crimes against humanity, whether its dehumanizing Palestinians to taken their land, or Lebanese to taken theirs. And the indications starting to seep out of Israel is that not all of the Israeli population shares in this internalized racism and anti-semitism. Anti-semitism also describes racism against Arabs as well as Jews, by the way.
Nazi Israel - The Judgement of Jesus (tags)
They'll say, "Well.. it could have been a Hezbollah hide-out. We know they'll put themselves among civilians, they're so terrible. Willing to kill innocent Lebanese people." And then, they'll bomb bomb shelters, or apartment buildings. They won't warn anybody, but just say they did and corporate news America will refuse to confirm or deny the made routinely baseless allegations THROUGH their/OUR "unbiased", we don't need any evidence, bin Laden did it, broadcasts.
Ehud and his mentor
The Qana massacre: Slaughter of innocents in Lebanon (tags)
The repeated missile strikes, launched in the dead of night while the targeted victims were asleep, reduced a four-story apartment building and nearby houses to rubble, killing at least 57 residents, including 37 children.
Some Courageious Thinking People in Israel (tags)
We wanted to protest the foolishness of this war," attorney Yifat Solel, who also serves on the Meretz board of directors, told Haaretz. "It's obvious that a military operation would cause the harming of innocents, and that the most significant achievement would be reached only through diplomatic negotiations."
Israel’s Allies and the Lack of Civility! (tags)
I wrote back: Chris, I believe you are caught up in the Zionist hype. No civilization in the world regards freedom fighters as terrorists except Israel and its allies. Strange enough, your buddy, Britain, once regarded the American freedom fighters as terrorists. According to your standards, which I don’t agree with, they were right and we now have a terrorist “civilization”.
Israel massacres 56 civilians - 34 of them children (tags)
Photo: A civil defense worker carries the body of Lebanese child recovered from the rubble of a demolished building at the village of Qana, Sunday, July 30, 2006. Israeli missiles killed 56 civilians... at least 34 of them children. AP Photo/Nasser Nasser
Offence dressed as defense (tags)
The idea that the Israeli soldiers were captured by Hezbollah in Lebanon is starting to make people very nervous.
Mayor Martin O’Malley Pimps for Israel Lobby (tags)
U.S. Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-NY) is a politician that regularly sucks up to the powerful Israel Lobby. Fortunately, she has an opponent in this year’s primary, Jonathan Tasini, who is calling her on her shameless behavior. In Baltimore, Mayor Martin O’Malley, who wants to be governor of Maryland, is following in Clinton’s footsteps. When the Israel Lobby called a rally, on 07/25/06, to boost support for Israel, O’Malley showed up to do its bidding.
Weapons bound for Israel said to pass through California
Professor of Propaganda The Lies of Alan Dershowitz (tags)
In a characteristic op-ed, titled "Arithmetic of Pain", that would surprise neither his supporters nor his critics, published by the Wall Street Journal on 19 July 2006, Alan Dershowitz sinks to new lows of depravity and inhumanity in his long-standing hate-mongering and truth-twisting anti-Arab, pro-Israel crusade.
Down the Memory Hole-More Mainstream media por-israel Bias (tags)
In the wake of the most serious outbreak of Israeli/Arab violence in years, three leading U.S. papers—the Washington Post, New York Times and Los Angeles Times—have each strongly editorialized that Hamas in Gaza and Hezbollah in Lebanon were solely responsible for sparking violence, and that the Israeli military response was predictable and unavoidable. These editorials ignored recent events that indicate a much more complicated situation.
Lebanon crisis reveals an Anti-Jewish Israeli State (tags)
"The Jewish people are commanded by Almighty G-d to live in peace with all peoples and nations on the face of the globe."
Operation "Save Israel's High Command" (tags)
"Israeli propaganda, except in the United States where there isn't any other kind, doesn't work its old magic."
Israeli strikes may boost Hizbullah base (tags)
Hizbullah support tops 80 percent among Lebanese factions.
What if Israel can't win militarily?
Israel’s New Math 2 = 500,000 (tags)
This is obviously the outcome of the newly emerged Hebraic arithmetic laws. For 2 kidnapped Israeli soldiers who are still kept alive, 500,000 innocent Lebanese civilians are displaced. For 2 abducted Israeli soldiers, Lebanon, a sovereign state, is brought back down on its knees. Its civil infrastructure is ‘gone’. Some of its capital’s residential quarters and southern villages are already wiped out. Indeed, ‘two equals half a million’ is the new arithmetic the Israelis insist upon imposing on the region. Is it that surprising? Not at all, as predicted by Gershon Sholem already in the 1930’s: once the Jews start to speak Hebrew, it won’t take long before they consider themselves to be God. In the Bible Sodom and Gomorrah were "brimstone and fire from the Lord out of heaven" (Genesis 13:13; 18:20; 19:24, 29; Hosea 11:8). The two towns where erased by God for the sins of its inhabitants. In the Biblical narrative (Genesis 18), God informs Abraham that he intends upon demolishing the city of Sodom because of its gross immorality. Abraham pleads with God not to do it. God is willing to agree as long as there were 50 righteous people in town, then 45, then 30, 20, or even just 10 decent people.
The Lies Israel Tells Itself (And We Tell On Its Behalf) (tags)
And how many of us believe that deliberate barbarity, at least when we do it, is only "apparently" a crime against humanity?
Six Fallacies of the U.S. Hizballah Campaign (tags)
The idea that the region is going to fall in line behind a U.S.-Israeli campaign against Hizballah is ludicrous.
A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Spain, Cuba, and Russia.
BTL:Israel and U.S., Partners in Lebanon Offensive (tags)
Interview with Phyllis Bennis, a fellow at the Institute for Policy Studies, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris
Appeasement 2006: Europe capitulates to American-Israeli aggression (tags)
The international conference in Rome held Wednesday to address the crisis precipitated by the Israeli attack on Lebanon ended without a call for a ceasefire. According to numerous press accounts, US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice stood virtually alone in opposing any language in the conference statement suggesting that the Israeli onslaught, which has already caused close to 500 civilian deaths and destroyed much of the country’s infrastructure, should be ended any time soon.
Diplomatic roads lead to Damascus (tags)
"Israel is losing this war," said Ralph Peters, a staunch pro-Israel columnist and military expert with the neo-conservative New York Post. "Israeli miscalculations have left Hezbollah alive and kicking."
Israel's "Shock and Awe" Bombing of Lebanon (tags)
by Beau Grosscup
Kidnapped in Israel or Captured in Lebanon? (tags)
Israel’s Invasion Pretext Under Fire
The next trick (in a series of tricks) (tags)
It will be just wide enough to allow Israel to grab the water! Once Israel grabs the water, it will rely on it (filling the settler’s swimming pools), and will never return it,
The spirit of resistance (tags)
The practical result is that Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah is ever more popular all over the Arab street. Kind of like the new, 21st-century Saladin. Hezbollah's moral and political cache could not but rise among peoples and movements worldwide who keep being bombed to oblivion but never had a chance to bomb back.
Israel’s Barbarism in Lebanon/Gaza Protested (tags)
On July 25, 2006, a spirited rally was held in front of the Israeli Embassy in Washington, D.C. The protesters demanded an end to Israel’s murderous attacks on Lebanon and Gaza. The rally was preceded by a march through the neighborhood, which included the protesters carrying 50 coffins draped in black. The coffins symbolized the innocent Lebanese and Palestinians, who have been slaughtered in the latest war crimes committed by Zionist Israel.
The dominant policy only knows the language of violence. Whoever tries solving problems with violence only produces more violence.. A war against terror is not waged. This is a war against a whole people.
Rice leaves bloody footprints in Lebanon (tags)
At some point in the future, when the ill-fated American drive for hegemony in the first decade of the twenty-first century is subjected to critical study, historians will discover ugly parallels between the tenure of Condoleezza Rice as American secretary of state under President Bush and that of Joachim Ribbentrop as German foreign minister under Chancellor Hitler. All the characteristics of the foreign policy of the Third Reich as it set the stage for World War—its depraved deceitfulness, cynicism, hypocrisy, recklessness, fascination with violence and utter contempt for human life—are to be observed 70 years later in the operations of the Bush administration, for whom Rice serves as chief foreign policy spokesman.
Israel kills UN observers in Lebanon, bombs Red Cross (tags)
This image was taken from video made by Lebanese Red Cross workers Sunday, July 23, 2006 in Qana, south Lebanon. It shows the roof of a Lebanese Red Cross ambulance destroyed in an Israeli airstrike. The Red Cross said that nine ambulance workers were wounded in the explosion as they tried to ferry injured civilians from a town near Tyre to the hospital ( Full story at:;_ylt=AuiWWmDmt7opeB95hWMvCijlWMcF;_ylu=X3oDMTA5bGVna3NhBHNlYwNzc3JlbA-- )
"We're Obviously Very Sorry" (tags)
A U.N. observer post was hit by an Israeli airstrike in south Lebanon Tuesday, killing four peacekeepers, U.N. officials said.
Lebanese Devastated In All Sorts of Ways (tags)
BEIRUT, Jul 23 (IPS) - Much of Beirut is a devastated city, infrastructure in many areas lies in a shambles after the Israeli bombing. But the Lebanese are also just feeling devastated.
The U.S. is helping to destroy Lebanon in its tacit support of Israel. (tags)
After getting out of Lebanon, writer June Rugh told Reuters on Tuesday: "As an American, I'm embarrassed and ashamed. My administration is letting it happen [by giving] tacit permission for Israel to destroy a country."
Emergency Peacemaker Vigil for a Cease Fire in the Mid-East (tags)
Emergency Peacemaker Vigil for a Cease Fire in the Mid-East!
Hezbollah banks on home-ground advantage (tags)
By Sami Moubayed
Declaration in support of the Arab Resistance in Lebanon: (tags)
by Nabila Harb, on the behalf of the editorial board of the Free Arab Voice
Jane Harman is no friend of Israel (tags)
Jane Harman's failure to condemn Israel's military aggression against the Lebanese people is detrimental to the cause of peace in the Middle East, which is in Israel's long range interests.
Israel’s Indiscriminate Onslaughts (tags)
Targeting Civilians As Deliberate Strategy
writing from Damascus, Syria
Hezbollah, Hamas and Israel: Everything You Need To Know (tags)
A perilous excursion into the distant past, starting seven whole weeks ago
Let Us Form the Broadest Possible Arab People's Front (tags)
Dr. George Habash, Founder of the Arab Nationalists' Movement and of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Calls for the Formation of the Broadest Possible Arab People's Front in Support of the Lebanese and Palestinian Resistance
Dershowitz and Grades of Human Beings (tags)
So you see, one reason that you can just bomb the hell out of the Lebanese in general is that they aren't human beings at all. They are "animals."
Israel and International Law (tags)
The use of military force without approval of the UN Security Council is prohibited in inter-national law.. Humanitarian international law is in effect during an armed conflict.
for more information visit and be sure to sign the petition
VIDEO: Pro-war Rally in Los Angeles (tags)
LOS ANGELES, July 23, 2006 - An estimated 7,000 people attended a pro-war rally in the Fairfax District today.
Democrats, Republicans line up to back Israeli war crimes (tags)
Last week, both the US House of Representatives and Senate overwhelmingly passed resolutions praising the Bush administration for its full support of Israel’s military campaign in Lebanon. Democrats joined with Republicans to endorse Israel’s bombing campaign, which has led to the deaths of hundreds of civilians.
U.K. minister warns Israel of consequences of IDF assault (tags)
"Children are being killed, families torn apart, towns are being destroyed and the infrastructure of a country razed," she wrote. "It's the civilian population that is being attacked in both countries - Lebanon and Israel."
The fact that George Bush and Tony Blair are cheering Israel might be consolation for Ehud Olmert and the media in Israel, but it is not enough to persuade millions of TV viewers who see the images of destruction and devastation, most of which are not shown to Israeli audiences. The world sees entire neighborhoods that have been destroyed, hundreds of thousands of refugees fleeing in panic, homeless, and hundreds of civilians dead and wounded including many children who have nothing to do with Hezbollah.
Lies, Double Standards, and Culpable Fallacies (tags)
"Lebanon is being sold for the price of a word: Terrorism. What a bad joke!" by Beirut artist and blogger Mazen Kerbaj. View more of his work. The following is a list - by no means exhaustive - of lies, double standards, and culpable fallacies perpetrated by US and Israeli officials.
The New York Times and the war in Lebanon: A cynical defense of US-Israeli war crimes (tags)
In an editorial published Friday, the New York Times weighs in as the liberal voice of American imperialism on the US-backed Israeli war against Lebanon. Under the headline “More Than a Cease-Fire Needed,” the Times repeats the propaganda line of Washington and Jerusalem that Israel is the victim and Hezbollah the aggressor. It lines up with the US and Israel in opposing demands that Israel halt its bombing campaign—an assault so flagrantly in breach of international law and so nakedly directed against civilians that Louise Arbour, the United Nations high commissioner for human rights, was moved to declare on Wednesday that those “in a position of command and control” could be held personally responsible for war crimes.
STOP the War Coalition (Philippines) call on Philippine Government (tags)
American rushing bombs to Israel to help murder people in Lebanon (tags)
Makes you proud to be an Amerikan! Amerika the worlds number 1 terrorist!!!!! We're #1!! Heil Bush!!
Reassessing the Hariri assassination in the light of recent events (tags)
Reassessing the Hariri assassination in the light of recent events:
Israel to ethnically cleanse Lebanon up to Litani River. (tags)
Israel continues as it began. Murder and ethnic cleansing.
ACTION ALERT: Stop Israel's Attacks on Gaza & Lebanon JOIN US IN THE FIGHT AGAINST ISRAELI APARTHEID TERRORISM Take Action, sign up for political action alerts and tell Congress to stop using your tax dollars to support Israeli terrorism. For further political action and information see and and and Please copy, e-mail and distribute this as widely as possible.
The real aims of the US-backed Israeli war against Lebanon (tags)
As the onslaught against Lebanon enters its tenth day, Israeli troops are poised for a full-scale invasion that has been prepared by murderous aerial bombardment, and the far-reaching imperialist aims of the war have become all too clear.
Israeli spies in Lebanon (tags)
Another terrorist cell was caught earlier this year in Lebanon, which was charged with having links to the fundamentalist group Al-Qaeda. The group was also charged with planning the assassination of Hizbullah�s secretary-general, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah.
Will Americans Join Iraqis, Lebanese and Palestinians as Neocon Victims? (tags)
The Unfolding Horror Show
Nasrallah's address to the people of Lebanon (tags)
Please send around.
The Most Dangerous Alliance in the World (tags)
After getting out of Lebanon, writer June Rugh told Reuters on Tuesday: "As an American, I'm embarrassed and ashamed. My administration is letting it happen [by giving] tacit permission for Israel to destroy a country." The news service quoted another American evacuee, Andrew Muha, who had been in southern Lebanon. He said: "It's a travesty. There's a million homeless in Lebanon and the intense amount of bombing has brought an entire country to its knees."
Lebanon’s Expendable People (tags)
''We get no sense of rage in Israel’s behavior, just the calculated savagery of men who see their duty as systematically decapitating an entire civilization and leaving it in ruins.''
CONFIRMATION: Captured IDF Were Inside Lebanon (tags)
Twice in one month, the Olmert Government has been caught LYING you into war, Israel. First, with the phony, exposed "investigation" into the shelling of a Palestinian family on a Gaza beach, and now this.
Military analysts question Israeli bombing (tags)
But the growing list of civilian casualties — despite Israel's use of U.S.-designed precision-guided bombs — could turn Arabs and others against the Jewish state and its key ally, the U.S., and still not fatally wound Hezbollah, said military analysts.
A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Spain, Cuba, and Russia.
BTL:Israel's Unilateral Approach Toward Middle East Conflict is... (tags)
...Root Cause of Latest Battles in Gaza and Lebanon ~ Interview with Molly Malekar, director of Bat Shalom, or Daughters for Peace, conducted by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus
Hillary Clinton celebrates Israeli war crimes (tags)
The speech given by New York’s Democratic Senator Hillary Clinton to a rally staged by Zionist organizations Monday across from the United Nations headquarters in Manhattan amounted to a celebration of massacres and war crimes. Her remarks left no doubt that a vote for Clinton in November is a vote not only to continue the US war in Iraq, but to expand and intensify the slaughter throughout the region.
Now, suppose the Chicago gang kidnapped a couple of policemen and tried to ransom some of its members out of prison. This would cause a huge response, but would that response include the Illinois National Guard bombing the city’s black ghetto areas, indiscriminately killing hundreds, destroying homes and businesses, and imprisoning tens of thousands by not allowing normal contact with the city? Would the government say it is up to the people of the ghetto to get rid of the gang?
by Rania Masri
Soon after the start of the second Palestinian intifada in September 2000, Hizbullah abducted a former Israeli colonel from inside Israel. Following tortuous negotiations, in January 2004 Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon exchanged 436 Lebanese prisoners and 59 corpses of Lebanese soldiers for one Israeli hostage and three corpses of Israeli soldiers. At the last minute Sharon held back three prominent Lebanese detainees. Since then Hizbullah has talked about getting them released by abducting Israeli soldiers. A recent poll showed that more Lebanese were interested in their release than settling the dispute about the Shebaa Farm with Israel.
ACTION ALERT: Stop Israel's Attacks on Gaza & Lebanon (tags)
BACKGROUND: Israel is using weapons supplied by the United States to target Palestinian & Lebanese civilians and civilian infrastructure in the Gaza Strip and Lebanon in violation of the US Arms Export Control Act and the Geneva Conventions. * On July 12th, Israel killed 23 Palestinians in the Gaza Strip with missiles fired from aircraft and shells fired from tanks. Israel killed 9 members of one family in a missile strike on a house near Gaza City.
National Emergency Marches on Washington, LA & SF, Sat. Aug 12: Defend Palestine & Lebanon (tags)
Saturday, August 12, 12 Noon, at the White House: NATIONAL EMERGENCY MARCH ON WASHINGTON! Defend the People of Palestine and Lebanon! Stop the U.S.-Israeli War! From Iraq to Lebanon to Palestine, Occupation is a Crime! Stop U.S. Aid to Israel! Support the Palestinian People's Right to Return! Money for Jobs and Education, Not for War and Occupation!
Lebanon's Al Manar TV Flattened (tags)
A nation under fire and its rights, press and lives flattened
Lebanon's Al Manar TV Attacked (tags)
Attacks on free speech continue with increasing brazenness
A Nice Mess Our President Has Made for US (tags)
This is not a smart guy, or even a dummy fronting for a bunch of smart guys. This is an idiot who is listening to a bunch of idiots.
Images from S. Lebanon You Won't See in the US Press. (tags)
'" Dear friends and colleagues ,You will all have to excuse me for sending this. It's pictures of the bodies of babies killed by the Israelis in South Lebanon. They are all burnt. I need your help.
Lebanon's Al Manar TV Targeted (tags)
targeting the media under "self-defense" and with holocaust immunity
7 Canadians killed by Israeli air strike in Lebanon (tags)
The Israeli militarists have killed 7 Canadians in an air strike on Tyre, Lebanon, July 16, 2006. ( Reuters photo showing Lebanese civilians who were wounded from an Israeli aircraft strike on Tyre, Lebanon, July 16, 2006. - photo REUTERS/Elie Abou Faysal. )
Mayor Villaraigosa supports Israeli bombing of Lebanon (tags)
At a pro-Israel rally organized by L.A.'s Simon Wiesenthal Center, Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa made clear his support for the Israeli bombings of Gaza and Lebanon (Photo: AFP/Hassan Ammar - What if this was your mother? A wounded Lebanese woman, covered in blood, is evacuated after surviving an Israeli air strike in Tyre, south Lebanon.)
Children die in convoy attack as Israel widens Lebanon assault (tags)
'" Dear friends and colleagues ,You will all have to excuse me for sending this. It's pictures of the bodies of babies killed by the Israelis in South Lebanon. They are all burnt. I need your help. I am almost certain these pictures won't be published in the West, although they are Associated Press pictures. I need your help exposing them if you can..."
Lebanon crisis: Don't let them fool you - ISRAEL STARTED IT (tags)
Ever since the bloody carnage in Lebanon started, the mainstream media has echoed Israel's self-righteous indignation about how they're merely defending themselves - "Israeli sovereignty was violated" when Hizbullah "kidnapped" their soldiers from "across the border." What they conveniently reverse is that Hizbullah confronted Israeli troops on the LEBANESE SIDE OF BORDER.
International Action Center statement: STOP THE U.S.--ISRAELI WAR AGAINST LEBANON AND PALESTINE! July 13, 2006 The blood in Gaza and Lebanon is on George Bush's hands. The bombs, shells and missiles now pounding Lebanese and Palestinian cities and villages, wiping out entire families and leaving hundreds of thousands without power or water, are made in the U.S. So are the planes and cannons that launch them.
Massacre of 20 civilians in Lebanon (tags)
An Israeli missile incinerated a van in southern Lebanon, killing 20 people, among them 15 children. Police said the van was carrying two families fleeing the village of Marwaheen after Israeli loudspeaker warnings to leave their homes. Many of the bodies were charred and broken. All photos by Reuters photographers. Full story:;_ylt=Aozer6GRALvzhiDpD_s8qh.aK8MA;_ylu=X3oDMTA5bGVna3NhBHNlYwNzc3JlbA
Lebanon, Iran, Sudan: Three more premeditated neocon wars (tags)
Before emotions get the upper hand, let's catch our breath and consider what General Wesley Clark wrote in 2003--that as of late 2001, the Neocon-led Pentagon was planning a five-year campaign of wars against seven countries: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Somalia and Sudan. (And let's not forget that Sudan has both oil and uranium.)
Is the Arab Spring turning to Dust under Israeli Bombardment? BACKFIRE (tags)
Some press reports suggest, moreover, that a lot of Lebanese, seeing their capital under attack from Israel, are rallying behind Hizbullah. Even many formerly pro-American Christian Lebanese are deeply upset that Bush seemed to say it was all right for the Israelis to bomb their civilian airport and blockade the whole country. If the country goes to new elections, the results could be quite different this time.
Israeli military aggression, Bush and Terror (tags)
After all hasn’t the war on terror been the defining issue of the two-term Bush presidency? A president as short-sighted and ill-informed as this one is not about to learn from his grievous errors, partly no doubt because the greatest human price is being paid in Arab blood and tears.
Gilad Atzmon - Pour out your fury upon the people of Lebanon and Gaza (tags)
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Iran warns that Israel is Playing with Fire (tags)
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Thursday an Israeli strike on Syria would be considered an attack on the whole Islamic world that would bring a "fierce response", state television reported.
Israel Continues Terror (tags)
Israel intensified its attacks against Lebanon on Thursday, blasting Beirut's international airport and the southern part of the country in its heaviest air campaign against its neighbor in 24 years. According to Al-Jazeera TV station, 52 Lebanese civilians were killed in the attacks.
Indymedia On Air July 10, 2006 (tags)
Eric Leaver of the Institute for Policy Studies on Bush foreign policy; Poverty, War and Globalization in Lebanon
An explanation of Israel's real aims in assaulting the Palestinian people
Hizbullah draws massive crowd to mark Israeli withdrawal (tags)
A quarter of a million Hizbullah supporters packed a square in the southern port city of Tyre Friday to mark the anniversary of Israel's withdrawal from South Lebanon in 2000. A day earlier, the Islamic resistance group had launched a 10-day campaign to collect funds for Palestine, which is facing a crippling Western aid boycott after the election of Hamas.
Funeral for Lebanese Journalist Turns Into Anti-Syrian Demonstration (tags)
BEIRUT - Tens of thousands of Lebanese bid farewell on Wednesday to anti-Syrian publisher and lawmaker Gebran Tueni, turning his funeral into an outpouring of anger against Damascus, which they blame for his murder.
Gebran Tueni Perishes in Massive Car Bomb Explosion Near Beirut (tags)
Gebran Tueni, a fiery critic of Syria, was assassinated in a car-bomb explosion in Mkalles, east of Beirut Monday. He was 48. Tueni was An Nahar's general manager and Beirut legislator. "God have mercy on Gebran and An-Nahar will remain the beacon for freedom," Druze leader Walid Jumblat told LBCI.
Syrian Witness in U.N. Inquiry on Beirut Killing Reports Bribes (tags)
BEIRUT, Lebanon- A man claiming to be a former Syrian intelligence agent in Lebanon has said on Syrian state television that Lebanese officials tortured him and offered bribes to persuade him to present false testimony against Syria to a United Nations commission investigating the assassination of Rafik Hariri, the former Lebanese prime minister.
The Mehlis report on the Hariri assassination is just another dodgy dossier. In order to lay the blame for the assassination at Syria's door it specializes in innuendo and unverified allegations by anonymous persons. The only named individual purporting to possess information incriminating Syria turns out to be a multiply convicted swindler who was paid handsomely for his revelations by a Syrian dissident.
Saddaming the House of Assad. (tags)
Now that the U.S. coercion in the form of the Bolton recess appointment as U.S. ambassador to the U.N. has produced the U.N. Special Investigation Commission Report on the assassination of a former prime minister of Lebanon, it is time to ask the obvious question.
Car bomb injures Lebanese journalist May Chidiac (tags)
A prominent journalist for an anti-Syrian television station was severely injured yesterday after a bomb rigged to her car exploded, the latest in a string of targeted blasts in Lebanon's capital
Condoleezza Rice Makes Surprise Visit to Lebanon (tags)
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice made a surprise visit to volatile Lebanon under heavy guard Friday to encourage a new democratic government outside Syrian control ,
Minister survives Beirut car explosion (tags)
Lebanon's caretaker Vice Premier and Defense Minister Elias Murr survived an assassination bombing ambush
Lebanon parliament re-elects pro-syrian speaker nabih berri (tags)
Lebanon's parliament on Tuesday re-elected pro-syrian Berri as the speaker of parliament - a post he has held since 1992 - even after anti-Syrian groups won a clear majority in the house for the first time since the 1975-1990 civil war.
Reactionary terror continues in Lebanon (tags)
Bombings and assassinations continue in Lebanon. The latest victim of this wave of terror was the 67-year old George Hawi, who was killed when a bomb detonated in his car; the former leader of the Lebanese Communist Party lost his life on June 21st, only a day after the so-called “anti-Syrian bloc” claimed victory in the parliamentary elections.
INTERVIEW: Christian firebrand Aoun eyes Lebanon's presidency (tags)
Christian firebrand Michel Aoun, the surprise winner of Lebanon's third round of parliamentary polls, said he would take the job of president if there was consensus on his goals and on pro-Syrian President Emile Lahoud stepping down.
Ex-army chief wins Lebanon vote (tags)
Lebanon's former army commander and his allies have handed other opposition groups a surprising defeat in parliamentary elections
General Aoun addresses the crowd at Martyrs Square one hour after his return from exile (tags)
Oh Great People of Lebanon! I told you one day that the world can crush me but it won’t get me to sign. I return to you today and the world has neither crushed me nor did it get me to sign. I once told you, shame on a world that is afraid of a general in battle fatigues who has to tell the world that life, that existence outside the realm of freedom is a form of death. Here I am today, returning to you to a Lebanon that has recovered its sovereignty, freedom and independence.
Bashar Assad ordered the death of Rafiq Hariri (Bill Clinton ) (tags)
People in the media should stop making up infantile excuses by saying the real power behind Bashar Assad killed Hariri. Assad is the power
U.N. Accuses Beirut Authorities of Derailing Hariri Assassination Probe (tags)
A U.N. mission has recommended a new international investigation into the assassination of Lebanon's ex-Premier Rafik Hariri, charging the Lebanese authorities had bungled and systematically manipulated the on-the-scene probe at a waterfront resort in downtown Beirut Feb. 14.
London Times Says it Garnered 'Clear Evidence' that Syria Assassinated Hariri (tags)
British newspaper has claimed to have found "clear evidence" that Syria assassinated ex-premier Rafik Hariri in an attack that has plunged Lebanon into political chaos.
Bush Sketches 'Wing-Clipping' Scenario for Syria's Exit from Lebanon (tags)
President Bush has sketched a wing-clipping scenario for Syria's exit from Lebanon, asserting that its intelligence organizations should no longer be allowed to influence government functions in Beirut and insisting the withdrawal should be completed before the spring elections for a new Lebanese parliament.
Biggest Opposition Demo Swears to Break Syria's Stranglehold and Lahoud's Regime (tags)
Lebanon's opposition staged the biggest show of force in the nation's modern history from slain ex-Premier Rafik Hariri's graveside Monday, taking a thunderous oath to break Syria's ruthless stranglehold and tear apart President Lahoud's police state of "secret service phantoms." Between 1.5 and 2 million opposition activists converged on Beirut's downtown Martyrs Square and surrounding neighborhoods to mark the lapse of one month on Hariri's assassination. They shouted slogans demanding the resignation of all security commanders in Lebanon because of dereliction of duty in stopping the assassination.
Al-Asad: Withdrawal to Bakaa Valley (tags)
Syrian President Bashar al-Asad has addressed parliament and said his country's troops will first withdraw to the Bakaa Valley before redeploying along the border with Lebanon.
Beirut Protesters Back on Streets to Pressure Syria (tags)
BEIRUT - Hundreds of protesters waving Lebanese flags returned to central Beirut on Tuesday to demand Syria quit Lebanon after the toppling of the Syrian-backed government by what the media called "people power."
Anti-Syrian Protesters Fill Beirut Streets (tags)
Thousands of Anti-Syrian Protesters Fill Beirut's Streets Ahead of Key Debate in Parliament Feb. 28, 2005 - Defying a ban on protests, about 10,000 people demonstrated against Syrian interference in Lebanon on Monday, shortly before parliament was to debate a motion of confidence in the pro-Syrian government.
UN sets April deadline for Syrian pullout (tags)
U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan has warned Syria it must withdraw all its forces from Lebanon by April in the latest escalation of tension between the international community and Damascus. The hardening of attitude comes as Syria said it will "redeploy" all of the 15,000 troops it has stationed in Lebanon to the country's eastern border with Syria in a last ditch attempt to defuse increasing international pressure against it.
Hundreds of Thousands rally in Beirut against Syria one week after Hariri murder (tags)
BEIRUT - Thousands of Lebanese massed on the Beirut seafront chanting "Syria out" as pressure mounted on the government and its backers in Damascus a week after the killing of ex-prime minister Rafiq Hariri.
former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri 'Hama Rules' (tags)
NY TIMES:About two weeks ago, a friend of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri stopped by my office to update me on Lebanon and pass on a message from Mr. Hariri, whom I have known since reporting from Beirut in the late 1970's. The message was that the Lebanese opposition to the Syrian occupation was getting united - inspired both by the example of Iraq and by the growing excesses of the Syrian occupation. Mr. Hariri, his friend said, was planning to use the coming Lebanese parliamentary elections, and a hoped-for victory by the opposition front, to send a real message to the Syrians: It's time for you to go.
Lebanese Vent Wrath on Syria at Hariri's Funeral (tags)
February 16, 2005 Reuters BEIRUT - At least 150,000 Lebanese turned the funeral of former Prime Minister Rafik al-Hariri on Wednesday into an outpouring of public anger against Syria, blamed by opposition leaders for the bomb that killed him.
Can Assad Halt Syria's Diplomatic Slide? (tags)
Syria's young president, Bashar Al-Assad, has been sailing along oblivious to the dangers his government has been courting. Now he's waking up fast.
One key to stabilizing Iraq isn't even in the country, but next door in Syria.
CFL ALERT: More U.S. double standards in the Middle East (tags)
The current rhetoric coming out of Washington is demanding that Syria end its "occupation" of Lebanon. However, not a single word is being said about the decades-long illegal and immoral occupation of the Palestinian people.
BTL:Palestinians Suffering in Lebanese Refugee Camps Hold Onto Hope for... (tags)
...'Right of Return'~Interview with Raida Hatoum, Lebanese activist and organizer, conducted by Between the Lines' Stefan Christoff
New extremist terrorist group born in Lebanon (tags)
A new extremist terrorist group was born in Syrian-occupied Lebanon. The group made its debut in Lebanese territories where the Lebanese security forces are “banned” form entering, while the Lebanese authorities are paralyzed by the Syrian occupation troops. Here are the details per Nahar newspaper (the most renowned newspaper in Lebanon):
{Znet} Stateless and Deported - Palestinian Refugees in Montreal (tags)
An Interview with the Coalition Against the Deportation of Palestinian Refugees
Human Right Violations In Syrian Occupied Lebanon Must Stop (tags)
In a savage reaction against the Lebanese students’ peaceful demonstration protesting the Syrian occupation of Lebanon, the Syrian installed Lebanese regime use of barbaric force sent several youngsters with broken bones to hospitals on Friday, March 12, 2004.
Lebanese student protesters clash with police over Syrian army presence (tags)
BEIRUT - Lebanese students clashed Friday with security forces during protests against Syria's military presence in their country which their hero, exiled general Michel Aoun, tried but failed to end 15 years ago.
Terrorist Organizations Syria supports (tags)
State sponsored terrorism is synonymous with Syria and more closely with the Assad regime. During the reign of Hafez al-Assad, and continuing with his son Baschar, Syria's al-Baath Party has embarked on strengthening its political hand by using the crudest of methods: Terrorism.
ANOTHER VICTIM OF TORTURE!!!!!!!!!!!! (tags)
ANOTHER VICTIM OF TORTURE!!!!!!!!!!!! (tags)
Lebanon Says It Foils Bomb Attack on U.S. Embassy (tags)
10/12/03 Reuters The Lebanese army said it had foiled a bomb attack on the U.S. embassy in Beirut Wednesday, arresting two men, one of whom was said to be carrying explosives, at the gates of the fortress-like complex.
Lebanese Farmers and the Syrian Occupation (tags)
"It is in exchanging the gifts of the earth that you shall find abundance and be satisfied. Yet unless the exchange be in love and kindly justice, it will but lead some to greed and others to hunger."[1] Lebanese poet Khalil Gibran, 1923
Lebanese Peaceful Revolution Against Syrian Occupation (tags)
The Lebanese universities youth, engineers, physicians, lawyers, workers and all society members are leading a peaceful revolution to implement the UN Security Council resolution 52O that calls for Syrian pullout of Lebanon. Hundreds are being arrested, tortured, imprisoned and even killed.
Does Syria sponsor terrorism? (tags)
Syria, a secular dictatorship with one of the worldâ??s worst human rights records, has been on the State Department list of countries sponsoring terrorism since the listâ??s inception in 1979
Pining for Freedom: Syrian occupation suffocates Lebanon (tags)
Syria's government, with its jackboot system, foul prisons, ruthless repression of dissent and support (in joint venture with Iran) of Hezbollah terrorists based in Lebanon, is utterly unfit to run Syria itself, let alone Lebanon. "All our intelligence agencies are under Syrian control," former Lebanese president Amin Gemayel tells me. Lebanon's Maronite Christian patriarch says that the entire Lebanese government has become "a creature of Syria." Lebanon is being transformed into a police
Lebanese Farmers and the Syrian Occupation (tags)
it is in exchanging the gifts of the earth that you shall find abundance and be satisfied. Yet unless the exchange be in love and kindly justice, it will but lead some to greed and others to hunger."[1] Lebanese poet Khalil Gibran, 1923
Here is a part of what the Syrian Baath regime have been committing in occupied Lebanon
'Israelization' of U.S. Middle East policy proceeds apace (tags)
'Israelization' of U.S. Middle East policy proceeds apace
Bush JINSA/PNAC Neocons Follow "A Clean Break" for War with Syria (tags)
Bush Stance on Syria Hit Shows Neo-Cons Still Hold Sway (tags)
Bush Stance on Syria Hit Shows Neo-Cons Still Hold Sway
The Bush Junta and company's tirade would be getting old at this point, if it weren't for the thousands of innocent people getting needlessly slaughtered.
Ariel Sharon: Israel's Prime Minister of Concentration and Absorption (tags)
"The failure of the Israeli legal system to act obligates the international community -- in particular the European Union since all its member states are High Contracting Parties of the Geneva Conventions -- to hold Ariel Sharon accountable, regardless of whether he is a private citizen of Israel, a cabinet minister, or the head of a government."
The suffering Palestinians (tags)
Palestinians get worse treatment from their fellow Arabs than from the Israelis
Under Surveillance In Lebanon (tags)
It is said that Abu Mahjen, leader of Esbat Al-Ansar, has established contact with people who believe in Al-Qaeda's orientations.
Eight killed, 25 wounded in Lebanon refugee camp battle (tags)
Six Fateh militiamen were killed during firefights with assault rifles and anti-tank weapons Monday between Arafat's partisans and those of the Osbat Al Nour group
Reflections on why the United States and Israel are threatening Syria (tags)
As if to underline this warning, the US bombed the Syrian Trade Center in Baghdad and closed the oil pipeline from Iraq to Syria. Syria’s valuable trade with Iraq ú which totaled about $5 billion in the period 1998-2002 ú has been cut off. This is a serious blow to the Syrian economy since Iraq had in recent years become Syria’s main trading partner.
4/10: Iraq - Liberation of Occupation? (tags)
**US Occupied Iraq** Is This What Our Future? Think Locally, Act Globally! No Blood for Oil! No Colonization of Iraq No Immigrant Bashing! Health Care Not Warfare! Books Not Bombs! Schools Not Tanks! From: PeaceNoWar For Latest Information, Please check URL:
Baghdad- a second Beirut ? (tags)
Irag War
Hezbollah: US troops will face suicide attacks (tags)
The leader of Lebanon's Shiite Muslim militia Hezbollah warned here Thursday that US troops will face suicide attacks if they strike Iraq, in an address to hundreds of thousands of followers.
I was perusing the site and noticed that there are no IndyMedia sites available for countries that I have a particular interest in, such as Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Kuwait, Jordan, Libya, Iraq, Iran, Oman, Qatar, U.A.E, etc. Why not? Israel is the biggest fascist state in the world and they have and Indy Media Site? This just doesn't seem to make any sense?!?
The American Left's anti-semitism and hate of Democracy exposed by John Perrazzo. Muslims killing muslims? Yawn. Jews from Isreal killing muslims? Throw up the barricades!