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rutherford institute

Unconstitutional and Unethical (tags)

The Right to Be Let Alone: What to Do When COVID Strike Force Teams Come Knocking. & Mass Protests in Greece in Response to Unvaccinated Being Banned From Social Life. Many similar protest around the world, not covered by mainstream media.

Woman Is the Nigger of the World (tags)

John Lennon song Woman is the Nigger of the WORLD from Rutherford Institute

Police State Public Education in America (tags)

police state

Katherine Stewart Exposes the "Good News Clubs" (tags)

They bill themselves as "nondenominational Bible study" groups for grade-schoolers, but according to investigative reporter Katherine Stewart, the Good News Clubs are just part of a broad-based campaign by the radical religious Right to turn public schools into arenas of religious conversion. They've already won virtually complete permission from the U.S. Supreme Court to run roughshod over the separation of church and state, and religious organizations — especially anti-woman, anti-Queer Fundamentalist ones — have become a 900-pound gorilla able to push themselves into any public school they want to crash.

Obama's Outreach to Americans: Empty Rhetoric, Business As usual (tags)

Expect business as usual ahead


In his new book, "Cruel and Unusual: Bush/Cheney's New World Order," Mark Crispin Miller paints a sobering picture of the American extreme right and its campaign to dismantle Constitutional government and replace it with a pseudo-religious, "Christo-fascist" theocracy in which Old Testament law--and the Ten Commandments--would be brutally enforced. Death by stoning for adultery, for abortion, for homosexuality, and even for disobedient children. Could it happen here? Is the Bush administration already pursuing this vision? And will we vote to reject this vision on November 2? Yes, we will!

Bush's Man in the Iron Mask (tags)

"A court of the United States has no jurisdiction . . . to enjoin the president in the performance of his official duties." Therefore, according to the Justice Department and the president, the separation of powers—at the core of the Constitution—has been suspended in the war on terrorism. Somebody ought to tell Congress.

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