fix articles 44101, diseases Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : diseases


San Francisco Bay Area & ... (tags)

Indian Bar Association Sues WHO Scientist for the Murder of Indian Citizens by Misleading them about Ivermectin.

Underreported Cause Of Covid-19 Deaths In US And Elsewhere (tags)

The filthiest places in any country are the slaughterhouses. Animals are defecating and urinating in terror. Their blood spills everywhere. Slaughterhouses throughout the US as well as in England, Wales, Portugal, France, Germany, The Netherlands etc have been hotspots for Covid-19 transmission.

USDA Withholds Names Of Turkey Companies Spreading Salmonella (tags)

update on the turkey salmonella outbreak which has spread to 35 states as of November

Fbi deletes this report on their atrocities (tags)

This is a report first-hand from the front lines of fbi's war on the people.

Trump is Old King Coal.. Multiplying Harm (tags)

miner diseases and hazards, mountaintop mining, sulfuric acid turning to acid rain, poisoned watersheds The coal miners make good money.... Yes they make good money for the mine owners Meanwhile Appalachian coal country is still as it has always been ... a region of poverty.

Proposed US Legislation Mandating Child Vaccinations (tags)


Toxins In Cow, Pig, Sheep, Bird, Fish Flesh, And Animal Products A Partial List (tags)

Meat is a cadaver food. No amount of irradiation, preservative, freezing, dehydrating, butting, scrubbing, boiling can prevent its toxic affects.

US/Saudi Genocide in Yemen (tags)


Medical Neglect in Israel's Gulag (tags)


As Many As 6 Million Piglets Die Of Virus In US (tags)

Factory farming conditions create an epidemic which has killed millions of pigs in the US, Mexico, and Canada

Food Borne Illnesses (tags)

There are thousands of food borne illnesses. Knowledge of foods to avoid preserves health.

America's Criminal Legacy in Afghanistan (tags)


Samer Issawi's Liberating Struggle (tags)


Medical Neglect in Israeli Prisons (tags)


Flu Epidemic Hysteria (tags)


The Public Needs To Know (tags)

The fbi abuses the Global Disease Surveillance System Against Dissidents & Whistleblowers

Libya: War Without End (tags)


Yanomami Indians seize plane in health protest (tags)

Yanomami Indians in the Brazilian Amazon have captured an airplane used by health workers, in protest at corruption within the health service.

One of History's Greatest Crimes (tags)

Iraq as it was no longer exists

Ineffectiveness and Dangers of Flu Shots (tags)

they contain a toxic brew

David Crowe, part 2: The Politics of Belief in “HIV/AIDS” (tags)

A second portion of the extended interview with Canadian alternative AIDS activist David Crowe, published in the August and September 2009 issues of Zenger’s Newsmagazine. In the first part, Crowe discussed the reasons neither HIV nor any other single microorganism can be the cause of the 30 previously known diseases lumped together under the “AIDS” label, and why the so-called “AIDS tests” (actually tests for antibody reactions to the nine proteins presumed to make up HIV) are useless in determining one’s present or future health. In this installment, Crowe discusses the politics behind the belief in “HIV/AIDS” and why this fundamentally silly pseudo-scientific theory continues to command belief throughout the world.

Vaccination Myths and Truths (tags)

vaccine dangers

Readying Americans for Dangerous, Mandatory Vaccinations (tags)

an insidious government-industry plot

Unreported or Underreported Real Pandemics, Not Fake Ones Like Avian and Swine Flu (tags)

swine flu scare is a scam

"Two If By Sea" premieres Saturday on Republic Broadcasting (tags)

Pacifica affiliate KSKQ host launches new show.

911 Truth's Failed Trajectory - Thanks to CIA/FBI Infiltration! (tags)

Take two 6 ton jet engines and rocket them at 500 miles at the Pentagon's exterior and you're definitely going to get not only indentations but 2 big,deep holes also! Obviously whatever hit the Pentagon was not a Jetliner with a 6 ton engine on either wing! ...................................................................

Body and Mind (tags)

During a long time the Medicine kept itself unprepared for understand the association of the diseases of the body with the psychosomatic beginnings, but, at present, doctors show itself well open to the emotional aspects of his patients, passing to consider the human bring as a whole one, and not barely like a liver or a heart.

Soft drink additive damages DNA: report (tags)

The singularly profit driven Corporations have lied and lied regarding food additives, tobacco and climate changing pollutants. They only respond to VERY LARGE financial disincentives. A drive to sign up whole populations for a class action against these polluters is a great start for future mental and physical health. This action may also reveal the combination of additives in foods and the water supply that impairs the human will. Never before in human history have entire populations become so subservient, helpless and passive in the most alarming circumstances. The apathy and complacency witnessed today in the face of horrendous illegal wars, pollution induced climate change/GLOBAL warming, to name the two most catastrophic events, is beyond comprehension. Hit them hard and hit them in the pocket, the "class" of the action should include the entire population -- you and your children have been poisoned!

White House as Madhouse (tags)

"Brains are not only washed but spin-dried. Soldiers become murder machines or pro-fessional killers..The Bush cavemen are convinced that they liberate their victims. Hitler was also convinced he had liberated Czechoslovakia.."

TB, Influenza and Pneumonia, Leading Causes of Death in SA (tags)

Tuberculosis, influenza and pneumonia and cerebrovascular diseases, have emerged as the leading causes of death among South Africans, a study by Statistics SA has shown.

Genocide of African Americans (tags)

Approximately 50,000 African Americans are dying each month in America, according to the National Vital Statistics Report.

Virgin teens 'have same STD rate' - BBC (tags)

FROM THE BBC NEWS SERVICE Young Americans who pledge to remain virgins until they marry have the same rates of sexually transmitted diseases as those who do not, a new study says. __________

mark purdey and the cause of mad cow disease (tags)

Purdey claims the cause of mad cow disease lies in the use of organophosphates

14 More reasons (tags)

Even more evidence that 'AID$' is a rascist puritan myth

After hundreds of years Pope right for once (tags)

"The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, part of the National Institutes of Health, released the report compiled by the panel of 28 experts, who analyzed about 138 published studies on the use of condoms during penile-vaginal intercourse. "There was a lack of evidence to help us make a definitive conclusion about the effectiveness of condoms," said panel member Dr. Timothy Schacker, an infectious disease expert at the University of Minnesota"

Public health as a public good (tags)

Infectious diseases, though they manifest themselves in individuals, really are a public issue. We are no healthier than the health of our community, which itself has an ever-increasing scope.

Gates offers millions for diseases of poor (tags)

His foundation will give away $200 million to fight such maladies as HIV, malaria.

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