fix articles 43842, cognitive Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : cognitive


How Religious Fundamentalism Hijacks the Brain (tags)

In moderation, religious and spiritual practices can be great for a person’s life and mental well-being. But religious fundamentalism—which refers to the belief in the absolute authority of a religious text or leaders—is almost never good for an individual. This is because fundamentalism discourages any logical reasoning or scientific evidence making it maladaptive.

Have the Architects of the Covid-19 Pandemic Lost Touch with Reality? (tags)

The push for mandatory vaccines creates additional injustices by ignoring sudden deaths of people soon after taking the vaccine. The heavy handed tactics of coercion used by the Israeli government are now being followed by other Western nations.

I consume, theerefore I am (tags)

People who, according to Erich Fromm, are afraid of freedom, who, suffer from "mental constipation" according to Wilhelm Reich, With consumer freedom, the long tradition of Enlightenment thinking is simply erased:

Muhammad Allan Suffered Brain Damage (tags)


Fukushima Radiation: Some Difficult Truths (tags)

The ongoing Fukushima nuclear crisis has raised numerous concerns, the candor of pronouncements regarding the reality of circumstances being one of them. As many wonder what the future will hold, the events reported in this article suggest some possible conclusions, the facts being less than reassuring.

Cognitive Dissonance and the New Amerikan Reich (tags)

Is mass cognitive dissonance leading to the creation of a prison planet ruled by barbarians the like of which this world has never known before?

Behavior Specialist, Teacher, Rehabilitation Services Coordinator (tags)

Crisis of the Mind Alzheimer’s, Dementia, Mild Cognitive Impairment and More Memory and the ability to think effectively can be lost, and the individual that has lost them may not know that they are gone. At this time in your life, you are the way you are, mentally and physically, because of your accumulated life experiences and your genetic make-up. Every drug, chemical, thought, environmental experience, what you have eaten, every minute of exercise, and everything that has been done to your body, etc., have made you the way you are now. Is it possible to be driving, working or cooking dinner and without warning, lose your memory and not be able to think effectively? I received a request from a hospital to evaluate one of their patients for possible referral to our traumatic brain injury rehabilitation program. The police had arrested this patient for driving under the influence and had brought her to the hospital emergency room because of her obvious serious medical condition. Her condition was stabilized, she was tested for drug and alcohol use and she was chemical free. She was definitely not under the influence. The hospital could not find a cause for her condition.


From the book "The Origin of Social Dysfunction" by Everett Allie.

Fired UCSD Janitor @ UCSD Rally, with Student (tags)

Alejandra Rodriguez, who was fired for trying to organize a union among subcontracted UCSD janitors, attended the rally. She is in the middle of this photo, next to Dan, a student from the Cognitive Science Department. Alejandra worked in the Cognitive Science Building.

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