fix articles 437339, genetic roulette
Activist San Diego Shows “Genetic Roulette” Film (tags)
Activist San Diego screened “Genetic Roulette” Saturday, September 22 at the Joyce Beers Community Center. The film is directed by Jeffrey M. Smith and is based on his book of the same title, an exposé of the health risks of genetically modified organisms (GMO's) in the food supply. The showing was co-sponsored with the Yes on 37 campaign, which supports Proposition 37 on the November ballot, that would require genetically modified foods sold in California to be labeled as such.
Alert: FDA OKs Irradiated Spinach, EPA Sued 4 B Collapse Cover-up (tags)
Latest issue of OCA newsletter "Organic Bytes" alerts consumers about FDA approval of irradiated spinach, and features the lawsuit against the EPA for covering up the bee colony collapse. Other articles include victory gardens to support food independence.
Potential Health Hazards of Genetically Engineered Foods (tags)
The dangers these foods pose to human health
Genetically Engineered Crops May Cause Human Disease (tags)
FDA fakes test and misleads Americans about dangerous situations