fix articles 4370, place Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : place


Capitalism can't overcome the laws of physics (tags)

That humanity can dominate nature “is an illusion.” The laws of thermodynamics remain in place. “Consequently, a growth-centered capitalist economy finds itself trapped in futile attempts to completely decouple itself from nature — aiming for a 100% circular, service-oriented and zero-waste existence.


but what interests us most now is how The English came to The South Pacific to kill all The Australian Aborigines, while The United Mexican States of The North made fools of themselves, turning to all sides except the place where their fucking mother from England was, wich dedicated itself to killing people left and right instead of dropping a couple of atomic bombs on London and Liverpool.

The Forgotten, “finding home in a new city.” (tags)

Post Katrina New Orleans seeks the means to avoid wide spread disaster relief as hurricane season approaches once again.

The Last Stage of the Middle Class (tags)

Money capital is fleeing into the speculative financial markets because investments in new factories have become unprofitable. While growing parts of society are impoverished or even impoverished outside of production, only a simulative accumulation of capital through financial bubbles takes place...


Upon returning to San Francisco, assisting friends with their move out of that place.

Guerre de profit, profit de guerre (tags)

Place à toutes les forfaitures...

Tax haven USA wants to dry up other tax havens (tags)

Two US states lure with particularly lax laws for companies. Constructions such as mailbox companies, which help to conceal the true owners of companies, are flourishing. The American government can certainly be accused of double standards in this matter:

Re’eh: God’s Chosen Place for the Temple in Jerusalem (tags)

Jerusalem, The Temple Mount, The Peace Accord Between Israel and the UAE, in the Light of the Torah

Ex-voto de réification (tags)

Des mondes complètement séparés...

Ex-voto de réification (tags)

Des mondes complètement séparés...

The four walls are not what we think they are (tags)

For Arendt, modernity in general is characterized by the loss of the world. The private home cannot compensate for all that is lost. The private home must be a part of the "world." By being imprisoned, we have lost our freedom and the world itself.

Shemot: D’Nile Isn’t Just A River In Egypt (tags)

JEW-WOKE: Jew Hatred in Ancient Egypt & Today

Paraphysique du subversisme (tags)

Les rapports inhumains...

Dedication of french yellow vests to the uprisen people in the world (tags)

On the occasion of the first anniversary of our movement on November 16th & 17th, we dedicate our celebration to all the popular risings in the world.

Mutu: rethinking our radical media (tags)

Link out to a story about radical media

Israeli Independence Day and Lag B'Omer vs. Nakba (tags)

Jewish National Liberation Succeeded, The Nakba Narrative Is A Lie!

DIARY OF A CON MAN . 23 (tags)

zionazi trolls are hiding me - but I fight on. And I´m way more human than them fascist bookburning thugs

Profit de guerre, guerre de profit (tags)

L'Union sacrée des erreurs...

Ex-voto de réification (tags)

Vie de l'économie, l'économie de la vie...

Asylum Seekers Heinously Abused By Trump, Sessions, Kelly, Nielsen, Miller Etc (tags)

a litany of crimes against the poor and helpless by Trump, Sessions and company

Paraphysique du coup de gueule (tags)

Le fascisme se nourrit du fascisme...

Le théorème de Bakounine, Coeurderoy, Hofmann (tags)

Du théorème paraphysique...

L'impermanence capitalisée (tags)

De ce monde où le pire est toujours possible...

IMF and World Bank Meetings Begin With Growth Forecasts and Crisis Risk Warnings (tags)

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank begin their annual meetings which run between October 13th and 15th.

IMF Reports Global Growth and Releases New Ways to Predict Economic Crisis (tags)

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) releases its biannual report on global economic stability and presents new indicators it says can help predict financial crisis.

Son Of Vietnam War Criminal Opts For Social Sanity (tags)

It is either walls or bones if it goes on any further, says Vitus Marker, son of army commander Widukind Marker, in the notorious Marker case over the removal of a phoney family home erected by the provincial government without clear order or convincing purpose. Marker argues if it were to turn out true that the building was specifically made for but not formally offered to him, and that it is cause for insanity of his father, and that a removal of the building could provide a circumstantial perspective for healing, then he does prefer the healing over the building.

Retour de la colonne Durruti (tags)

Que le mensonge devienne mortel...

Architect Chris Mercier Unveils Mural in Rogers Park, Inglewood (tags)

Christopher Mercier of (fer) Studio Unveils "Wiggle Walls" Mural in Rogers Park

Anti-Zionism is a hateful ideology. It has no place at UC (tags)

Judea Pearl is Chancellor's professor at UCLA, specializing in artificial intelligence and human reasoning. He is the president of the Daniel Pearl Foundation, named after his son.

Update on WHAT IS HAPPENING AT KPFK and what can be done & elections (tags)

This is a repost of a message to a list, then forwarded to the LAAMN list, and now here.

Disbandment of militias key to Peace in Mindanao, Philippines (tags)

Akbayan Partylist supports the investigation of the killing of lumads particularly in the CARAGA region and bringing the perpetrators to justice. There is no place for impunity in our shared pursuit of just and lasting peace in Mindanao.

How can california deal with this water crisis? (tags)

After 4 years of drought, California is asking what can be done? The answers are coming from an unlikely source

Gitmo in Chicago (tags)

police state

Paraphysique du coup de gueule (tags)

La liberté d'expression des conditionnements n'est pas l'expression libérée des conditionnements...

Christmas message 2014/No place for refugees in Fortress Europe/Reflections on Christmas E (tags)

It's a strange thing, that Christmas is to be celebrated more luxuoriously every year, wile the true meaning of Christmas is, that there was no place for a poor Child in the Inn, like nowadays boat refugees are not welcome in Fortress Europe. Only when all refugees are welcome in Europe, there will be a true Christmas.

Le théorème de Bakounine, Coeurderoy, Hofmann (tags)

Se défier de toutes les panoplies intellectuelles...

Why a construction company runs the world (tags)

People are separated and controlled through infrastructure, and how renting a warehouse full of bunk beds for $100-$200 a month could solve homelessness.

Conscience de l'isolement (tags)

Conscience de l'isolement, l'isolement de la conscience...

Uranium Madhouse unleashes The Duchess of Malfi in Hollywood (tags)

Uranium Madhouse revives John Webster's The Duchess of Malfi in a provocative new production. Playing at the Theater Asylum Lab in Hollywood select dates from May 23 through June 1.


Walking the New Broadway (tags), the journal of the carfree movement, generously allows downloading 40 past issues.

The Pussies did not Riot, they wanted publicity instead (tags)

Cold War Politics in Sochi (tags)


Promised Land Disenchantment (tags)


Bush Nazi Housing * (tags)

Bah! Bush Nazis! Really brave cowards! (a.& c.) They say, "He can't hear. He can't do anything about it! NoBody is going to do anything about it!" "We won't be held guilty."(Zech. 11:5)

Press Release: 2013 LA Anarchist Bookfair (tags)

The 5th Annual 2013 LA Anarchist Bookfair takes place this weekend, from December 6-8, featuring Ward Churchill, Scott Crow, IWW, Money Mark and much much more...

What is America (tags)

a summery of a traitor

Solidarity with Villa Amalias Squat , Athens/Greece (tags)

Those Women That Serve Us (tags)

When engaged in combat situations it only makes sense to say that the armed forces is a dangerous place to be. It only follows; people go in knowing this danger exists, though it is unlikely any person can be fully prepared for the horrors of war. The realities of bombs going off around them and the cries of the men and women fighting alongside them can't be prepared for with anything like even the most purposefully random drill or intensely real movie or video game. There are bullets, grenades and other devices being targeted at you with malicious intent, and there are no outcomes the enemy of the United States of America desires at that moment, but to see you dead.

Where We May Also Place Our Thoughts (tags)

On December 14, 2012 my home state of Connecticut experienced one of the worst school shootings in American history claiming 28 lives all told. Once a rarity, murderous rampages have become an all too common occurrence in American society. Within a week there was another one, and just a couple of weeks prior another. There were at least fourteen spree killings this year in the US alone, and the death toll is no doubt staggering. ( ( What we once called “going postal,” something that happened once every few years, not only has become commonplace, but has gone from workplaces, to schools, to shopping centers and beyond.

a visionary's report: our obligation to defend victims of war: the CHILDREN! (tags)

A visionary way to bring warriors to their knees before the next war (tho war is perpetual)

San Pedro: Science Center Endangered/Tongva Village Site Revitalization (tags)

Jacob Gutierrez, a Tongva, is trying to preserve two valuable Indigenous and environmental areas in San Pedro.

In Memoriam: Robert Miles Parker, 1939-2012 (tags)

Pioneering San Diego-based Queer artist and photographer Robert Miles Parker also founded Save Our Heritage Organization (SOHO), dedicated to preserving San Diego's historic buildings and parks against redevelopment and gentrification. His recent passing in New York, where he had relocated, was memorialized by SOHO.

German pirates set sail for change (tags)

Direct democracy storms parliaments

Factory Place Open Studio Sale (tags)

Factory Place Arts Complex is having an Open Studio Sale, February 24-26, 2012. Residents and businesses at Factory Place are inviting the public to the complex in order to showcase the diversity of talents and services available at Factory Place.

Factory Place Open Studio Sale (tags)

Residents and businesses at Factory Place are inviting the public to the complex in order to showcase the diversity of talents and services available at Factory Place.

More Police abuse of media covering OWS in three states (tags)

three links on stories regarding OWS related police interference with journalists

Time, Place, and Manner Restrictions on Peaceable Assembly (tags)

Time, Place and Manner Restrictions on First Amendment Right to Peaceable Assembly (protest)

An Open Letter to Facing History and Ourselves (tags)

Calling for the withdrawal of FHAO's partnership with the ADL.

Jan Perry Proposes Waiver of Green Space Requirement for South Central Farm Land (tags)

What was probably intended as a quiet move by Jan Perry gets media attention and puts two organizations with an adversarial history on the same side. Four companies are named in regards to Ralph Horowitz's sale of the land (now in escrow). People are encouraged to print out copies of a petition against this plan and gather signatures.

demand the Global Shut Down of Nuclear Power Now! (tags)

he date: May 21st. 2011. The place: Every where. The time: 12 noon in every time zone.

Casino Security Guard Pulls Attacker from RCMP Officer (tags)

According to Ferguson and other witnesses, the man charged with the assault repeatedly punched the officer in the head. They say he also tried to take the RCMP officer's gun from its holster. Armstrong said it's "rare" for an assault complainant to assault a responding officer. Police do not want the officer to speak to the media, said Armstrong.

Egypt: Revolution in Motion (tags)

"A revolution is not a single event-it is a process. A process with ebbs and flows, advances and setbacks that can take place over weeks, months and even years..The Russian revolutionary Leon Trotsky developed the theory of `permanent revolution.'" Links to Howard Zinn and Marcos

Democrat Obama Chooses anti-union, anti-gay Charlotte NC for 2012 convention (tags)

In choosing Charlotte, North Carolina to host the 2012 Democratic National Convention, President Obama selected a city with no unionized hotels, a non-union convention center, and the least union membership of the four options. AND Charlotte is not a friendly place for LGBT people.

Engels on Capital and Surplus Value (tags)

Review of the chapters on Capital and Surplus Value in Engels' book Anti-Dühring showing the contemporary relevance of Marxist theory.

Uncovered Conspiracy to Screw Up Sites Like Indymedia (tags)

Ever wonder who these assholes are who go onto leftist sites like Indymedia and spew their ranting, insulting, mental-rapist garbage? They were paid for and trained by some rich conservatives.

ELECTION DAY Vote Yes on 19, 21, 24, 25, Peace & Freedom or Green (tags)

RUN TO YOUR POLLING PLACE RIGHT NOW AND VOTE. Do not delay until the end of the day when you might forget or something might keep you from your polling place until after it is closed. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT YOU VOTE. If you voted on an absentee ballot but have not mailed it, WALK IT TO ANY POLLING PLACE IN YOUR COUNTY OR YOUR COUNTY REGISTRAR; do not mail it. THE ONLY POLL THAT COUNTS IS THE ELECTION.

Resistance in Westlake: Report From The Street (tags)

"Hey J. I just got home. I got hit with a rubber bullet. I was there until 11.00 p.m. Police went on tactical alert especially after 10.00 p.m. and were really aggressive.

a mesage from jean Victoria Norloch (tags)

wish you all to find the wisdom within your hearrts to heed the warnings of our brother - there will be safe haven is the planet declares war on the people

Seeking a Safe Place to Live in 2010 United Nations Refugee Day (tags)

TAMPA BAY, FLORIDA - Every year 19 million youth flee their own country, seeking somewhere else that’s safe to live. Over 70% of them never make it. But that doesn’t stop them from trying. This is the message Youth for Human Rights International portrays in their PSA to help others understand Human Right # 14, “The Right to Seek a Safe Place to Live”, for creating awareness on United Nations Refugee Day, and every other day.

Earth Day Film Festival - The Antarctica Challenge (tags)

The Antarctica Challenge: A Global Warning was the only film to be officially invited to screen to world leaders attending COP15, the climate change conference in Copenhagen last December. On Saturday, April 24, the award-winning documentary will make its Los Angeles premiere as part of Earth Day celebrations.

Regarding that video (tags)

"The best place to view it is at The show for April 6 includes excellent comentary on the video and several insightful interviews."

New Heart, New Spirit and New Person (tags)

Jesus calls us to a new language and a new mathematics. "The world will be changed when people speak as Jesus spoke, in a liberating not a religious way so people are shocked and drawn by its power" (Dietrich Bonhoeffer).

Father's Support Group (tags)


It’s My Party and I’ll Crash If I Want To (tags)

Michaele and Tareq Salahi weren’t the first to maneuver past Secret Service. I have done the same thing. Twice....I am pleased that the media who once hoarded the most valuable commodities in America—information and ideas—have been forced to pull extra chairs to the table.

Discussion with Jonathan Pershing (#2 U.S. climate negotiator) (tags)

On Nov. 23, 2009, a discussion regarding the global climate negotiation process with Jonathan Pershing (#2 U.S. climate negotiator), was held in Washington D.C. This was simulcast to the UC Berkeley Boalt School of Law, UCLA school of law, and took place at UC's extension in D.C.

The Untold Story of the Cuban 5 (tags)

The Cuban 5 are 5 Cuban anti-terrorists working in Miami to expose terrorism against Cuba. They were framed up in Miami and are serving long prison terms here in the U.S. for doing nothing illegal. Below is part one of a series about their case.

The food catering and wedding coordinator at Hotel Laguna was found murdered in his home (tags)

Laguna Beach Mayor Kelly Boyd told the media he was shocked when he heard news of the murder. "It's just so rare to hear about a murder in Laguna Beach," he said, adding that he can't recollect when the most recent murder took place in the city. Laguna Beach is a small, tight-knit community where neighbors look out for each other, Boyd said

Wells Fargo and Cheronda Guyton: Call for Investigation (tags)

Wells Fargo clearly lacks proper internal controls to prevent abuse of foreclosed property. As bailout money recipients, they have an obligation to the taxpayers.

Rally for Leonard Peltier (tags)

“I am Barack Obama's political prisoner now.” -- Leonard Peltier, September 11, 2009

VIDEO: Noam Chomsky and Friends at the UN (tags)

This panel took place on June 23, 2009.

Code Pink Betrayed by Anti-War's "Leadership" (tags)

While Cindy Sheehan led Code Pink's protests against the U.S. led war in Iraq outside of Bush's Crawford , TX ranch, she was the most popular activist with the anti-war's pro-Democrat establishment, yet Code Pink's current protests against Obama's continued military occupations in both Iraq and Afghanistan are ignored and scorned by the establishment neoliberals who claim to lead the peace movement. Most likely we can expect this neoliberal establishment element to support additional U.S. troops sent to Afghanistan, our current alpine quagmire..

Capitalism as Religion (tags)

"The basic trust in capital still exists. Modern capitalism has gained a firm place in our subconscious. The debacle of the global financial markets should have led to a rethinking long ago. But the culprits will probably get off lightly because the capitalist system is held as divinely ordained."


the life of Jesus Christ is everyone's spiritual autobiography, this truth causes a conflict within the individual - and that is the battle of Armageddon. Neutrality is impossible. You cannot attach the new cloth to the old; it is all or nothing

I can't get no...SATISFACTION! (tags)

THERE IS A PLACE FOR EVERY ABERRATION OF BEHAVIOR IMAGINABLE. But is that place for us? As individuals? We decide. NOONE ELSE. If it's not our thing why do it or bother to look at it? Curiousity

big event in Bay Area of California (tags)

Dancing with Kali (tags)

Philosophical impetus for engaging in climate justice direct action.


a great war whose final battle is called �Armageddon�. You may have been taught that this battle will take place on the outside, as races battle races, and nations battle nations.

Fascism and racism in Denmark and Sweden (tags)

Well, before 2 days I was discriminated again, so I decided to spread information about institutional racism and fascism in Scandinavia.

Messages of love~ listen to your heart (tags)

Ah, what a great gift this angel has given you, the gift of silence, a treasure beyond all imagining, and the power to give it to yourself whenever you choose.

Next the Venice NIMBYs Vote to Exterminate Homeless People? (tags)

Big Election in Venice is Biggest Fiasco!

Does Color Fucking Matter? (tags)

Throughout my lifetime, I have heard many, many times from folks who I am in regular contact with that they do not see color. Their opinion is that we all live in the same world, and if everyone would just “not see color,” then gosh darnit, this ding dang world would be a grand ol’ place to be. Because, they say, color does not matter.

Greece: Prisoners support and more actions on New Year's eve (tags)

New year's eve, most of the people choose to stay in their houses or go to bars, all celebrating the coming of the new year. However there are people who at these times choose to stand close to those who are alone, locked away and forgotten and there are people who believe that the social struggle never ends.

Monday+Tuesday (12/22-23): Reports from Greece (tags)

Police threating of raiding the Polytechnic University, occupants are not backing down. Protests continue.

Sunday (12/21): Reports from Greece (tags)

Things are usually slow on Sundays and that was the case today. However, many local assemblies took place to decide further actions.

Friday (12/19): reports from Greece (tags)

Another day in the streets. Big solidarity concert in Athens and more protests, most of the peaceful.

Interfaith Dinner: Celebrating the Day of the Patriarch (tags)

Islamic Society of Corona-Norco invites you, your family and friends, and members of your church, Synagogue, temple, and organization to celebrate the Day of the Patriarch – a common bond between the People of the Book.

A thanks day in Venice, a happy story (tags)

Did you miss the” Feed the Venice Beach” on Thanksgiving day? The "home-lesser" and all who walk the boardwalk ate ravenously and venice residents gave generously. A happy newly-formed-families story.

Unbelievable U.S. Gov. Action (tags)

They are giving (8) trillion dollars of our tax money to the very guys who ripped us off in the first place

Transgender Day of Remembrance (tags)

11.20.08 was the 10th annual Transgender Day of Remembrance.

PESANTE CONFIRMS HR RIGHTS GROUP FINDINGS: Rights abuses continuing in RP (tags)

Pesante-USA, a Filipino American peasant , environmental and human rights advocacy groups confirmed thorough relaisble news sources that human rights abuses are continuing in the Philippines with 21 extrajudicial killings taking place in the third quarter of the year, a local rights monitor said Thursday. Pesante reported that of the killings 19 took place on the restive southern island of Mindanao where the government is fighting Muslim and communist secessionist groups, substantiated and according to a report by Karapatan, an umbrella organization of human rights groups in the Philippines.

Studs Terkel: The Passing of An Icon (tags)

He's irreplaceable.

No Country for Old Women, is more factual (tags)

Laments of Old Men living in this country have some relevant points to make but neglect to notice that there are even more of the 'other kind' - the Old Women living here too.

Interfaith Roundtable: European-Muslim and American-Muslim Relations (tags)

Interfaith Roundtable of Claremont will present a special program with Imam Ali Siddiqui.

The Homeless Move to Bushville. (tags)

This is what I have been watching the wires for, a report revealing the 21st. century Hooverville.


The Gospel of Truth is joy for those who have received from the Father of truth the gift of recognizing him, thru the power of the meaning who comes forth from the fullness which is in the thought and mind of the Father. This is he who is called the Savior

Love of Place vs. Patriotism (tags)

Americanism creates anti-Americanism.

Our failed earnings...getting me scared ! (tags)

Money is the Problem - getting it, saving it, earning it...whatever words are used "recession" or not, "economis" or not, whatever word is convenient to explain what ARE the conditions are that we are trying to live-in, it doesnt matter semanically.....

6/3/08 ELECTION DAY: Save Rent Control; No on 98 (tags)

RUN TO YOUR POLLING PLACE OR THE COUNTRY REGISTRAR FIRST THING 6/3 ELECTION DAY AT 7 A.M. DO NOT DELAY. You can vote at your polling place or the County Registrar’s office to save rent control and the homes of millions of Californians by voting No on 98/Yes on 99 . Our victory will come down to a handful of votes, so you must vote to save rent control and the environment. Only 25% of absentee ballots have been returned, so we NEED YOUR VOTE.

March 8, IWD: This Moment and The Oppression of Women (tags)

The oppression of women is rooted in horrific silences and self-righteous conservatisms. The oppressions festers behind the walls and traditions of family “privacy.” It is wreathed in shame and custom. It is denied as it is so vigorously enforced by state and church and male fists. It is harvested in the great global productive loops of sweatshops and field labor — from endless days of labor at sewing machines and assembly lines, in the nights of domestic slavery and in lifetimes sacrificed to enforced childbearing.


This review highlights the global positioning of discourses/writing on the Filipino diaspora, given the neocolonial and subjugated situation of Filipino migrants, exiles, refugees, etc. in the planet. Unless this subordination to U.S. imperial hegemony is acknowledged and the revolutionary resistance to it recognized, any reflection on the condition of the Filipino/the Philippines is only a Hollywood fantasy, if not a bad case of incurable self-delusion.

US Dept. of Veterans: 73,846 US troops dead, 1,620,906 disabled (tags)

The U.S. Department of Veteran's Affairs, in conjunction with the Joint Chiefs of Staff, has released the truth because they need all people to know the US military is literally destroyed. They are under orders to conceal the truth at all costs, so they let slip a report which now cannot be "un-slipped."

2nd Screening of Videoactivism and Independent Documentaries, Caracas January 2008 (tags)

* The collective editors of the Venezuelan journal El Libertario and the Organizacion Nelson Garrido, have issued a call out for filmmakers and video activists from all over the world to present their recent autonomous works concerning active social movements in struggle. This will be held in Caracas, Venezuela, between the 21st and the 28th of January 2008.


CALL TO ACTION TO ALL TRANS PEOPLE AND ALLIES: Attend THE GENDERCATOR screening and hold the gay and lesbian community accountable! On Saturday, July 21st, Outfest at 6:00pm, at the Village at Ed Gould Plaza. The screening will be followed by a panel discussion moderated by Riku Matsuda. The address for the Village is: 1125 N. McCadden Place Los Angeles, CA 90038

Moret & Webre: 9/11 War Crimes Tribunal (tags)

Nine-eleven, as we’ve said…. had multiple reasons for it. It was to provide the pretext for a genocidal and ecocidal invasion using low-level nuclear war, using Depleted Uranium against central Asia - in other words, Afghanistan and Iraq and Lebanon and other areas. It provided the pretext to impose a terror-driven national security state… in North America, Europe, Asia and all throughout the world.

911 EPA oversight hearings taking place (tags)

911 EPA oversight hearings taking place

The South Central Farm: The Struggle Continues (tags)

June 13, 2007: Today is the one-year anniversary of the eviction at the South Central Farm. A reunion was held just outside the now-barren farm space. Throughout the evening, the continued determination to restore the farm was emphasized repeatedly.

LA Mayor & Police Chief Responsible for 5/1/07 LA Police Riot (tags)

The 5/1/07 Los Angeles Police Riot was obviously planned weeks in advance as a means of silencing the movement for unconditional amnesty for undocumented immigrants. The order for the preparations came from the top, the Chief of Police and his boss, the Mayor of Los Angeles. That's the ONLY way such an operation can take place.

Police Riot on Peaceful Protest (tags)

Police shoot tear gas and rubber bullets into Immigrants Rights March

gathering anticivilization 2007 (tags)

After the success of the last gathering in Tavertet, we are calling for a new one this year. It will take place the 8, 9, 10 and 11 of September.

Update about the student protests in Athens and Thessaloniki (tags)

Latest report about the brutal and provocative actions of the police in Athens and Thessaloniki. Please translate & circulate

The war is over, let's go home (tags)

Any soldier killed from now is not worth it.

The Ghosts of Bud Dajo return to Jolo, Sulu (tags)

Mindanao tales tells that whoever made or put the mysterious white “agong” in the small cave at the foot of Bud Daho remains a mystery to this day. The “agong” is a musical instrument which produces a single note when pounded with a mallet or a large drumstick. It is commonly used by many Asian tribes along with other native brass instruments and is largely associated with religious rituals or festivities. The people living near Bud Dajo even believe that the silver gong is enchanted and that nobody has dared take it away from its nesting place. The Bud Dajo massacre of 1906 IN villages near Bud Dajo (Mt. Dajo) in Jolo, Sulu, where over a thousand people died in a massacre by American forces over a hundred years ago, the sound of the puting agong has often been heard as a warning.

Quality of Life 2007 (tags)

US losing ground as best place to live citing loss of freedom cited for decline in quality of life.

Col. Gardiner's Warning: Pieces in Place for Escalation (tags)

Regional diplomacy must replace empire-building and sabre-rattling. The strength of the law must replace the law of the stronger, the law of the clenched fist, the law of the jungle.

Historic Danish Anarchist Center Faces Destruction (tags)

Undomgshuset, an historic Scandanavian anarchist youth center located in the an historic leftist/communist building, is slated for destruction by the new owners, an ultraconservative Christian sect.

No place in the Inn, asylum in Egypt (tags)

In contrary to the often hypocritical ''Christmas'' approach, The Birth of the Child is no sentimental story about ''A Little Child in a Manger'', but the reality of the exclusion of the poor, persecution by the State and seeking illegal asylum in a foreign country That's the reason, this Story is based on respect towards any human being, regardless descent or committed crime

Quote hangs above the final resting place of Dwight D. Eisenhower (tags)

Just off Interstate 70 in Abilene Kansas.....

The Amerikan Empire making Iraq a better place to live. (tags)

Look at how things have improved after the American Empire over threw Saddam and installed our own "democratic" puppet government. Isn't freedom and democracy American style great????

Greece: Student severely bStudent severely beaten by undercover policemen, right after the (tags)

Student severely beaten by undercover policemen, right after the 17N demonstration

Nuke everyone (tags)

Olmert wants to nuke Iran

Let Spanish-speaking Voters Know the Truth. Take Action Now. (tags)

Distribute Spanish-language flyers to inform voters that naturalized citizens can vote, despite the lies distributed by the Republican party.

The Improbable Lunch of an American Asshole (tags)

They out number us all.

Time and Place for Oct.3 anti-Bush (tags)


Not to the evict of the Almagro`s Assembly ! (tags)

¡No al desalojo de la Asamblea de Almagro!

MSNBC poll on government complicity in 9/11 - 59% say yes! PLACE YOUR VOTE! (tags)

author: very interesting

Mexican theme park turns border crossing into sport (tags)

A place were La Migra are not jackbooted thugs? Hey they are only actors here!

Title: Shambhala Music Festival! Was the British Columbian Playboy Mansion on the Beach. (tags)

Brief: The counter Culture Icon is dead; Hunter where have the “Bunny Hop,” parties of the sixties and seventies gone?


URGENT! SEND A LETTER TO YOUR REPRESENTATIVE NOW! click here: Please copy, e-mail and distribute as widely as possible. *In the past few days Israel has killed hundreds of Lebanese and Palestinian civilians—in many cases wiping out entire families—in clear violation of international law. I am dismayed that, despite the indiscriminate bombing of civilian areas, the U.S. has stifled any attempts to bring the matter to the United Nations in hopes of reaching a resolution. I demand that my representatives speak out against the war crimes taking place in the Middle East right now.

The Second American Revolution : High Places (tags)

Our ancestors had revolution after revolution because they did not knock down the High :Places

The First Nazi City in America (tags)

Joe Turner's fascistic anti-migrant measure has been adopted by a small town in Pennsylvania, making it, not San Bernardino, the first Nazi city in the nation

A Nice Mess Our President Has Made for US (tags)

This is not a smart guy, or even a dummy fronting for a bunch of smart guys. This is an idiot who is listening to a bunch of idiots.

Good Police Work or Just Dumb Luck - It's the latter (tags)

If the cops catch the serial killer, shooter, rapist it will probably be a result of luck, not hard work or good police work. That's according to them as Phoenix police Detective Mark Potts said "90 percent of good police work is luck. It's being in the right place at the right time". Plus this serial killer, rapist, shooter is a real jobs program for cops. Det Potts is probably making close to $200K with overtime.

Terror suspects' move out of U.S. defended (tags)


The ones who read Wallpaper are going to love it. It's unique, very cutting edge modernist. MONSOON HERITAGE magical creations between art and design, decoration and sculpture, pop and fine, profane and sacred.

The Language of Life: Reflections on the South Central Farm (tags)

"...The root cause of the problems that threaten life on earth is the concept of land title acquired and maintained by force. Since modern civilization is based on this concept, it does not hold the key to peace." - Hopi Elder Martin Gashweseoma

The Most Important Place (tags)

"They can’t take away the Farm”, a child had told her, “because where will the lizards go”?

Sunday at the Farm (tags)

Strengthening community ties to SAVE THE FARM

Pope asks God why he 'tolerated' Holocaust (tags)

I always thought god approved of the Holocaust? Or since god doesnt exist i guess i would say that the pope approved of the Holocaust. Wasnt the vatican sleeping with the big wigs of both the Nazi Germany and the Fasist Italy at the time of the Holocaust happened? For that matter I think that the Vatican got its status as a country because of deals it cut with the Italian government.

the Nazis/SOS will be in West L.A. Wed. June 7 @ 4p.m. (tags)

oppose the Nazis and confederate rag wavers! When: Wednesday, June 7th Time: 4pm until 7pm Place: FOX 11 News 1999 South Bundy Drive Los Angeles, California 90025-5235


It reviews recent events and opinion polls in Israel.

Greece, Athens 4-7 May: An anarchist forum, a demo and a riot (Photos) (tags)

Greece, Athens 4-7 May: An anarchist forum, a demo & a riot (photos) & the co-operation of the European Social Forum with the police in arresting dozens of innocent passers-by and bystanders and charging seventeen of them.

Quotations from Israel’s leaders: (tags)

"From the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks".

Nakba, 58 years later, 2 accounts: (tags)

It is that time of year again. Oversized Israeli flags fluttering above buildings, homes and cars, firecrackers lighting up the night May sky and Israelis packing up their cars with picnic baskets and beach balls as they kick off the 58th anniversary of Israel’s independence. In a place full of contradictions, double standards and hypocrisy, for many Palestinians, this occasion represents the worst hypocrisy of them all.

Riots erupt during the European Social Forum march in Athens (tags)

Anarchist rioters used dozens of Molotov cocktails as well as crowbars and flag poles to attack banks, stores, police cars, and police and government buildings.

Riots erupt during Condoleezza Rice’s visit to Greece (tags)

Thousands of people marched the streets of Athens today protesting Condoleezza Rice's visit to Athens


luna sol

Whatever Happened to Empathy? (tags)

Whatever happened to empathy? How did the world suddenly become inhabited by good, red-blooded Americans and a bunch of gooks, slopes, ragheads, hadjis and any other pejorative which makes them seem less than human? How did the world suddenly become us and them? How is it that no one's beliefs and concerns have validity except ours? How has it come about that the world is now divided between us, our few allies, and a world of terrorists?

Update on the current situation of the South Central Farm (tags)

Update on the current situation of the South Central Farm

Has anyone seen Smedley Butler? (tags)

Well, sadly, Smedley is not around anymore but today we desperately need someone like him to help us stop the complete destruction of our freedoms by the industrialists and secret societies that have taken over this country.

I guess this really wasn't a good idea. (tags)

Minuteman Civil Defense Corps, a citizen border watch group, said it would use the maps to strategically place its teams of volunteers to better report illegal crossings to the U.S. Border Patrol.

About the FSA-Caracas 2006 and the venezuelan situation (tags)

º In this interview with the mexican alternative news group La Rosa Negra (LRN-ci), the CRA from Venezuela explains the importance of the Alternative Social Forum, which will take place in a few days, and comments about their activity as an anarchist group.

Things I Wish I Had Not Said In Public: (tags)

Why Israel cannot be trusted.

SOS fakes Alhambra Rally (tags)

Using a tactic that could best be described a silly the Save Our State organization has posted details for a rally that never took place.

Quotations from Israel’s leaders: (tags)

Can real peace ever be achieved with a legacy as dark as these? “…From the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.” - Jesus

MON 12/19 & TUES 12/20: Stanley Tookie Williams' Public Viewing & Memorial (tags)

There will be a public viewing of Stanley Tookie Williams on Monday, December 19, 2005, from 3 p.m. until 9 p.m., at the House of Winston Mortuary located at 9501 South Vermont Avenue in Los Angeles. The memorial service for Stanley Tookie Williams will take place Tuesday, December 20, 2005, at 12 noon. The service will take place at Bethel A.M.E. located at 7900 South Western Avenue in Los Angeles. The service will be open to the public, but seating is limited. Overflow viewing will take place outside of the church on jumbotron screens.


INCA Center is a non-profit, all-voluntary place dedicated to the alternative culture. The place has hosted in the past 3 and half years over 150 events: concerts, art exhibitions, projections & movie nights, performance, festivals, etc. also for next year already we have planned many workshops, conferences, concerts and others. If city will evict us, and there is huge chance for this to happen, one of the few alternative places in the region will disappear and will leave us with no place to host all these events. Because we have strong promises that we will never get a second place from the city. Also we know that the only thing that will make the city change their mind is three things: - International protests at Romanian embassies and consulates - Strong international and national response through email/fax/phone - The scandal goes to the media

SOS in Glendale, Turner Arrested (tags)

A very lively holiday season demonstration and counter demonstration took place in Glendale over the issue of day laborers, Home Depot’s “racist” ways and the basic human right to work and eat.

Support Lincoln Place evicted tenants - Friday night (tags)

The locked-out residents of Lincoln Place Apartments in Venice to invite you to an 'Ecumenical Mass' Friday night (Dec. 9) - this will be a very moving event and your presence will really help Lincoln Place residents keep up their fight and keep the spotlight on this issue.

Photos: Tent City, Lincoln Place (tags)

VENICE - On December 7, about 50 people show up at the Tent City, Lincoln Place, for a Pot Luck in support for the evicted tenants.

Lincoln Place Evictions. An interview with tenant’s rights activist, Jim Smith (tags)

MP3: Lincoln Place Evictions may have been unlawful. An interview with Jim Smith, Free Venice Beachhead

Lincoln Place residents evicted with two-minutes warning (tags)

With only a two-minute warning, 52 families were put on the streets at Lincoln Place Apartments in Venice by Sheriffs and Marshals acting at the behest of corporate owner, AIMCO.

Rally: Stop the Execution of Tookie (tags)

The Stop the Execution of Stanley Tookie Williams Rally took place at Leimert Park on Saturday, December 3. About 200 activists from many different groups attended the rally. Among the featured speakers were Nation of Islam Minister Tony Muhammad and Rev. James Lawson.

Dec. 2 Activists Vow Downtown “Tent City” Will Now Battle Against LA’s Newest Evictions (tags)

Ongoing tent city --starting at LA's City Hall lawn on Dec 2 --to now up the protest ante against LA's new, and raging, low-income evictions.

Longing for the North (tags)

Finland has the highest productivity in the EU and the lowest rich-poor differential. Inequality is not a panacea. According to a 2004 study, the Scandinavian model is the best protection against increasing income differences and poverty rates.

The Free sHop Movement (tags)

Scrounging for Freedom, circa 1999.

National Stand Down Day (tags)


The causes of the recent rebellion by the French born youth of African and Muslim parents (tags)

The racism is a common place in European society. Nothing has been done to create a friendly society where immigrants can enjoy peace of mind and the benefits of growing European economy.

Election Eve: Whiff of Election Fraud; Pollwatchers Needed (tags)

Nazi Schwarzenegger is predicting an "upset victory" for his fascist initiatives, Props 73 through 78. Considering he is very unpopular, and his initiatives are either clearly losing or at the 50% disappearing edge, this can only mean that his thugs will be committing election fraud, just as his mentor, Pres Bush did, in 2000 and 2004.

Katrina: A Rorschach Test - (Send in the Clowns) (tags)

No Summary

Hurricane Katrina -- Beware of disaster profiteers and peddlers of hate! (tags)

The Campaign to Stop Funding Hate urges donors to make an informed decision about how they want their contributions channeled and ask all those committed to broad values of secularism, pluralism and justice to oppose the forces that use the pretext of relief operations to further their sectarian agendas.

Killing Americans By Health Care Policy (tags)

Over and over, I have heard that America has the greatest health care system in the world.

It's Small World After All...Anti-War Demo & March to the Happiest Place on Earth! 9/24/05 (tags)


Guard Belongs in New Orleans, Not Baghdad (tags)

Repost fron

The Truth about a Mexican hero (tags)

Cesar Chavez was no hero to revolutionary change

Reds come out fighting: Time to turn up heat vs. ultra-right, Communist meet says (tags)

CHICAGO — The Communist Party USA wound up its convention here in a fighting mood July 3, with the 450 participants vowing to pour their energies into blocking the ultra-right effort to take over the Supreme Court.

BP2: Lesson in Movement Building (Revised) (tags)

This is a revised version of the first article published, "Baldwin Park 2: A lesson in movement building"

Baldwin Park Round 2 - A lesson in movement building (tags)

A report from a volunteer security person

Al OTro Lado--To The Other Side (tags)

A review of a very powerful film, beeing screened at the L.A. Film Fest, regarding immigration and corridos.

Publication of the photographs of Saddam Hussein (tags)

The publication of the photographs of Saddam Hussein by the Sun is not only a flagrant violation of the 3th Geneva Convention, it also violates the human right on dignity of every prisoner of war, regardless of the crime

Part 2: Subsersive Comedy Opens in LA (tags)

This inflammatory comedy, which first opened during the 2004 Republican Convention in New York City, will be shown in the Los Angeles Area from May 20 to June 25. There will be two shows in Downtown LA, Friday, May 20, at 8 PM, and Saturday, May 1, at 10:30 PM. To see additional shows in Santa Barbara, Glendale, and Santa Monica, make your reservation by calling this toll free number: 1 (888) 475 6181.

South Central Farmers (tags)

There’s a farm in the middle of the city! A real farm; where people grow food to eat and plants to heal. A place where people feel connected to the earth and to their community.


Wandering troubador Red Hunter begins Spring 2005 tour on Whiskey and Apples Records.

U.N. Accuses Beirut Authorities of Derailing Hariri Assassination Probe (tags)

A U.N. mission has recommended a new international investigation into the assassination of Lebanon's ex-Premier Rafik Hariri, charging the Lebanese authorities had bungled and systematically manipulated the on-the-scene probe at a waterfront resort in downtown Beirut Feb. 14.

Counter-Military Recruitment Action in SFValley (tags)

MEChA National Action taking place this weekend in the San Fernando Valley. Hundreds of students and community residents will converge and voice their opposition to the militarization of school campuses.

Remembrance: Rachel Corrie 1979-2003 (tags)

Sudan Rally,Teens 4 Peace (tags)

Sudan Rally, held by Teens 4 Peace on April 22nd. Come!!!!!!!

An appeal for solidarity concerning the threatening demolition of a Palestinian house (tags)

Underlying information isn't only revealing a highly condemnable event, but especially symbols the Israeli policy of mass land and house-exproprations within Israel at the cost of a great number of Israeli Arabs.

World forum seeks solutions to war, poverty (tags)

Forum registration lines reflected a rainbow of colors and ages. Young people were a very strong presence.

130+ PROTESTS SINCE NOV. 2 -also- DC Police Found "Guilty" (tags)

Over 130 separate protest actions have taken place in the US since Nov. 2. In January alone, there have been nearly 60 demonstrations and marches protesting against the Bush Administration and the Iraq war. Inauguration day saw 43 separate actions in as many cities from coast to coast.

Tsunami Global Vigil for the Global Village (tags)

Global Vigils will take place on Sunday, 9 January, Monday, 10 January and Wednesday, 26 January 2005 in cities across the planet. The earthquake and tsunami hit Asia on Sunday December 26th, 2004. We did not mourn immediately because we knew so little. Soon, a fuller understanding of what happened crossed our consciousness. We realised that the earthquake and tsunami HAD hit Asia – but it had also hit the whole world.

Bush - Fraternity President and Beyond (tags)

President Bush was a Fraternity you know what that means?

New Year Hitchhiker Happening in Slab City (tags)

A New Year's Hitchhiker Happening in the desert of Southern California is a celebration of the open road and a chance to connect with like-minded travelers. We will also be discussing safety and civil rights, and welcome all for discussion, live music, free camping and more near the town of Niland.

The Free Will (tags)

Does man really have any control over his own free will? Is it possible that any will that emanates from man is but a will that is under the influence of "the wills" of his cells? Could it be that the "wills" of the cells themselves are influenced by the "wills" of the molecules of his body cells, and that the "wills" of these molecules are just as inseparable from those of their atoms as are the "wills" of these atoms from those of their sub-atomic particles?



High Election Turnout in West Hollywood (tags)

Voted today in West Hollywood Park around 11 am. Polling place was very busy for that time of day but poll workers were very well prepared and lines were very short (average of less than one minute wait).

VOTE Nov. 2! Problems? Call ‘Election Protection’ 1-866-OUR-VOTE (tags)

COLUMBUS, Ohio — More than 1,000 union members marched on the offices of Ohio Secretary of State J. Kenneth Blackwell, Oct. 25, to demand that he protect the rights of 700,000 newly registered Ohio voters threatened by Republican vote suppression tactics in this crucial battleground state.

Registration Screwed? Vote Provisionally. (tags)

If your registration got screwed up, or you can't get to your designated polling place, you can still vote. Use the Provisional Vote.

October Surprise Voter Forum (tags)

Would you like a place to share info and discuss who/what to vote for with your Northeast Los Angeles neighbors?

Immigrant Rights Marches (tags)

Find 19 images and a short commentary about the two marches and the two rallies, about immigrant rights, that took place in East Los Angeles and Downtown Los Angeles on Saturday, October 16th, 2004 Between 9 AM and 4:30 PM.

Call to Action: Stop Government Repression of Indymedia (tags)

Call for Indymedia Solidarity


It is fairly well known among "activist"circles that on Oct. 16 there are two planned immigrant rights marches and rallies in L.A. It is fairly well known among "activist"circles that on Oct. 16 there are two planned immigrant rights marches and rallies in L.A.

The Rapture Is Here, Please Report to Your Posts (tags)

Invitation to supporters of George Bush only, from God.

S. KOREA. MSSC's Weekly Struggle Report (tags)

Now since more than 300 days migrant workers (MSSC/Myeong-dong Sit-in Struggle Collective) in S. Korea are in sit-in strike to get legalization, human and labor rights.

Former Soviet Union Won 2004 Olympics (tags)

Labor's collective wealth, as represented by the medals won at the Olympic Games in 2004, made possible 162 medals, with 45 of them gold, for the former Soviet Union putting it in first place, and 103 medals, wth 35 of them gold, to the US, putting it in second place, out of 301 medal events.

S. KOREA, Migrant workers' struggle... (tags)



Idiot Ronstadt gets served (tags)

Washed up songstress Linda Ronstadt expelled for making political remarks. There's a time and a place honey. YOU GOT SERVED.

S. Korea: Bring Back The Troops Home! (tags)

S. Korean anti war movement is intensifying the struggle against the plan to send additional 3,000 combat troops to Iraq. Instead we demand: Bring the troops home NOW!

Politicians filmed bowing to 'Moonie' (tags)

Capitol Hill, home to America's lawmakers, is well known as a place where strange things happen. Few have been as strange, however, as the recent "crowning" of the Rev Sun Myung Moon, eccentric head of the "Moonies".

Anarchist anti-olympic demo in Athens (tags)

more fotos:

Demonstration in Sao Paulo against the FTAA and the WTO (tags)

Yesterday, on Sao Paulo, where the 11th UNCTAD it’s having place , was made a demonstration protesting against the World Trade Organization, the Free Trade Area of the Americas and the war strategy of United States.

Day of Action at the Olympic Games (tags)

Day of Action at the Olympic Games

Red China (tags)

Freedom Rings Only In Our Ears

West Coast G8 June Protests: Update! (tags)

Updates on the west coast g8 regional mobilization in San Francisco.

Tell Bush the world says no to his regimes agenda! (tags)

Join with us in this virtual march taking place on the 29th August 2004 at 2PM US Central Standard Time, 7PM UK time, and send a message to the rogue regime that you do not support their stance on Iraq, the so called war on terrorism, environmental and defence issues.

South Korea, Migrant Workers Struggle Continues (tags)

Migrant workers in the South Korean capital Seoul, threaten by the government's policy of forced mass deportation, are fighting back.

3rd Annual Drug War Vigil Film Festival (tags)

Send us your films of 30 minutes or less on any topic related to cannabis, drugs and the drug war, and/or Harm Reduction. Only submit in plain old VHS tape or Hi-8 or digital-8. The films will be screened and judged by participants at the Drug War Vigil Film Festival Sept 24-25th as well as viewers of WWW.Pot-TV.Net The film chosen for first place will receive A Grand Prize of $2000 US.. 2nd place $1000.00 3rd place $500.00 New Special 500.00 Prize for best short, a short being 5 minutes or less. You must register your film for entry by to be eligible. Registration is FREE and only requires you email us at with your intention A.S.A.P. and projected length of your work. We will need to receive the finished film by September 10th 2004 Watch the web page for further details relating to with confirmed dates and actually attending the event: cost, entertainment etc. It is our hope to inspire independent and amateur film makers to produce inspirational works. e-mail us at Send your entry in to: D.W.V. c/o BCMP Bookshop 307 W Hastings Vancouver, B.C. V6B 1H6 CANADA

Emergency Demonstration against war in Iraq! (tags)

This weekend emergency protests demanding "U.S. Out of Iraq - Bring the Troops Home NOW!" will take place in L.A. and cities across the country and around the world.

We Are Resisting Conference tentative list of events (tags)

The We Are Resisting Conference aims to bring together people from across the spectrum of the movement(s) against Empire. WAR will take place June 30-July 3 in Lawrence, KS

March 20: Millions Demonstrate Against Occupation of Iraq (tags)

Millions of people in cities around the world hit the streets today, March 20, to protest the U.S.-led occupation of Iraq. Massive demonstrations took place in London, Brussels, Seoul, Tokyo, and thousands of other cities and towns in 45 countries. Demonstrations took place in more that 250 cities across the Untied States. Many of these demonstrations also demanded an end to the U.S./Israeli occupation of Palestine and an end to the occupation of Afghanistan.

california apoc conference workshop call-out (tags)

We are looking for speakers and/or workshop presenters for an upcoming Anarchist People of Color conference, to take place in Oakland April 16-18.

Civil Disobedience, Ten arrests in SMC (tags)

In Santa Monica, California, today Thursday, February 19th, six women and four men got arrested in an organized civil disobedience action in support of the grocery striking workers. Other similar actions were taking place at the same time at different locations in Los Angeles. Public figures showed up to support the strikers. The former mayor of Santa Monica was among the people arrested. Also the actress Jamie Lee Curtis joined the march from 3rd Street Promenade to the Vons on Lincoln and Broadway where the civil disobedience action took place.

Turn Toward the Left (tags)

Genuine libertarianism is to be found in a very special place and condition, the nexus overlap of both Equality and Liberty, a place where all liberties are rights, not licensed privileges to rend ones neighbors of their equal liberty.

Foolish of IMC to Water Down its radicalness (tags)

Allegations are arising that the IMC momentum is already slowing down due to too much administrative handiwork. An anarchist discussion points out possible reasons and solutions. Points to consider: the meta of control desires, pros/cons of restrictive protection vs enriching protection

Liberal Theology (tags)

I've gotten into reading the particular Torah portion that coincides with the week, and found some interesting interpretations.

The Official Story of Sherrywood Forest (tags)

This beautiful bedtime story tells about The Sherrywood Forest.

Al-Qa'ida Commander in Iraq: (tags)

Al-Qa'ida Commander in Iraq: 'A Terror Attack Against the U.S. With 100,000 Deaths is Imminent 15 Nov 03 MEMRI

Walk Out at Santa Monica College (tags)

Hundereds of students walkout November 3 against the adminstration and the president because of the distribution of money, elimination of programs, layoffs of hundereds of faculty workers, and semi-corruption taking place with the school funds.

New McCartyism at (tags)

Help defend the 1st Amendment at message boards,where moderators and a group of rightwing posters have imposed censorship of anything critical of the US government.

Problems at the Polls (tags)

LOS ANGELES: Reports of late poll openings, missing voting materials and equipment, and disenfranchised voters walking away from closed polls.

Here We Come (tags)

leaderless from below

Welcome to LA (tags)

I am not a painter however I like to paint something from time to time - this picture is my version of a "standard". I have never been in LA - could somebody tell me what is in place where they are standing ? Andy R. from Poland

How best to think of KOBE. (tags)

Think of KOBE as being like a fart in an elevator.

The Fight for New Palestine (Fernwood/The Hood) (full story) (tags)

Every place needs a mythology. It sings for it. When it gets to the point which it is singing then it only hopes that it is heard. I hope I got to transcribe the notes right. It has a certain tone to it -- a certan bassline. This place/my hood/barrio/community, well, it became a place where you knew people cared enough to help each other out

CKUT Radio: Confronting the WTO Ministerial in Cancun Mexico (tags)


Anarchism and the trash can.... (tags)

Nice banner, nice trashcan.....



Kim Jong Illin' (tags)

How Kim Lost the Russians Is this the end of North Korea's diplomatic games?

Extremists on Campus (tags)

Extremists on Campus

Rafah the cursed (tags)

"The reality is that the process of Apartheid they sat up and that consists in asphyxiating the whole population , is far more sophisticated and far more atrocious than what has been described to us until now."

Let's Play Monopoly! (tags)

FCC Hands Over Keys To Boardwalk, Park Place

Next: A Working Demonstration (tags)

Looking ahead to future protests. A protest by nature represents what a group is against rahter than what a group is for. A working demonstration is the reverse: it represents what a group is for. It creates a forum for positive action.


On the way to Thessaloniki against the lordships of the EU! The next EU-summit in Thessaloniki can be blocked! Thousands of demonstrators are planning to come from all over Europe!

Germany shifts military towards global peacekeeping (tags)

Leaked versions of the 22-page defence paper place resolution of international crises under UN leadership at the top of the task list, and add a new and unfamiliar role: helping the police fight September-11-style terrorist attacks.

An Open Letter to Lieutenant Layne McDowell (tags)

After the Dixie Chicks decided to do the unholy - express shame - one of our brave and bold fired off a letter to them talking about freedom of speech while simultaneously declaring his intent to participate in censorhip. Of course, Clear Channel put it up on a zillion radio web sites. Here's a rebuttal.



July 3, National Public Hearings to Repeal the Patriot Act (tags)

On July 3, cities around the country will hold National Public Hearings to Repeal the Patriot Act.

Comments to the FCC (tags)

Comments to the Federal Communications Commissioner Ownership Hearing - University of Southern California 4-28-03

For Iraqis - No Liberation, A New Colonial Oppression (tags)

At night on every one of the Shia Muslim barricades in Sadr City, there are 14 men with automatic rifles. Even the US Marines in Baghdad are talking of the insults being flung at them. "Go away! Get out of my face!" an American soldier screamed at an Iraqi trying to push towards the wire surrounding an infantry unit in the capital yesterday. I watched the man's face suffuse with rage. "God is Great! God is Great!" the Iraqi retorted.

Fisk: For people on streets, not liberation but a new colonial oppression (tags)

Fisk: For People on the Iraq Streets, Not Liberation but a New Colonial Oppression

Is The U.S. Silencing the Really Free Press? (tags)

The question is: Is the U.S. Government following an active policy of shutting down any outlet contradicting their Lies?

What A Gas (tags)

Think you're paying too much for gas? You may be right...

Not All Irishmen Hate America (tags)

An Appreciation

Anti-War Demo in Hollywood 3-22; Snapshot of Peace (tags)

A quick glimpse into the march today. There is reason to believe a better world is possible.

8 AM Wednesday CodePink Action at VA Cemetery (tags)

CodePink and Peace Activists to Stage Simultaneous Actions in Los Angeles and Washington, DC Dramatic Funeral Procession Wednesday With Children’s Coffins And Body Bags Will Mark Peaceful Prayer Vigil To Los Angeles Resting Place For US Veterans Of War

Into the Darkness - "Above all, do not succumb to despair" (tags)

This article is by William Rivers Pitt of the New York Times Syndicate. This, I think, reflects the fear all of us have over the ramifications of this war. But also, in the last paragraphs, reflects the need in our hearts and consciences to resist and not "succumb to despair." We owe America that much. Read on...

Organize, Organize, Organize (tags)

An overview of the critically important relationship... between online activism and the explosive growth taking place in the peace movement; specifically, how the internet can serve to expand and enhance that growth, if we online activists promote the application of the various internet tools to the organizational tasks of the mass movement -and do so in an organized, coordinated way.

What America means to me. (tags)

In response to several stupid things published here by fascists, I would like to take the time to ask, what does America mean to you?

RW: People of Iraq In the Crosshairs of an Unjust War (tags)

Powerful marches have sent tremors through the powerstructures and big power alliances of the world. Cities around the world have been packed with rivers of people--standing up against powerful warmakers and their media-flood of lies.



Eat the Rich! (by Latuff) (tags)

Support Opera Ball Attack Alliance in Austria. Copyright-free artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff.

Dear Mr and Mrs Citizen (tags)

The kind of thing you can expect to find in your mailbox soon enough...

If your enemy is hungry... feed him. (tags)

There is a grassroots campaign underway to protest war in Iraq in a simple, but potentially powerful way.

Top Cop in Nepal killed (tags)

Shrestha is the first top-ranking official to have been targeted by the rebels and was the first Inspector General of Police (IGP) of the 15,000-member APF raised about one-and-half-year ago to combat insurgents.

Neighbors for Peace and Justice (tags)



Protesters carry placards during an anti-war rally in central Tokyo January 18, 2003. More than 5,000 protesters rallied in the Japanese capital to voice their opposition to a possible U.S. attack on Iraq in one of the earliest waves of demonstrations set to take place in more than 25 countries around the world. (Kimimasa Mayama/Reuters)

The Animal and Earth Liberation Front - MORE! UPDATES FROM THE FRONTLINES! (tags)

The Relentless Determination of those Volunteers from the Animal and Earth Liberation Fronts Continue into the New Year!!! What follows are some highlights of actions and information taken from various websites.

Pt. 4, On the Duty of Civil Disobedience (tags)

Thoreau's essay became the most influential of his writings, serving, for example, as a model for Ghandi's campaign of passive resistence in India, and as a handbook for the underground in Nazi-occupied Europe.

Big Successful Anti-War Rally in Hollywood (tags)

A Thank You note to the people of LA from some of the event's organizers.

SHOCKING REVELATIONS: US Government, Not Terrorists, Picked 9-11 Date (tags)

From the start, the Bush Administration has insisted that anything like the 'planes-as-weapons' scenario of 9-11 was 'unthinkable' before 9-11. That's a HUGE LIE!! On Sept. 11, 2001 they had a brand new counter-terror emergency response plan in place at the Pentagon for exactly that scenario, and had a counter-terror 'wargame' set to begin on exactly that scenario that very morning in the nation's capitol.

Anti-war Demo at Chapman University on Wednesday (tags)

On Wednesday, November 20th, an anti-war demonstration will take place at Chapman University


Your basic backyard brown shirt...

Guns And Roses Fans Riot in Vancouver, Canada (tags)

Thousands of Guns And Roses fans rioted Thursday night, November 7, 2002, after an announcement outside GM Place in Vancouver that the show had been canceled.

Colombian communists are victims of an ongoing genocide (tags)

The current situation for the surviving members of the Patriotic Union and the Communist Party in Colombia, as well as their relatives, sympathisers or friends, is one of the worst ever examples of political persecution by forces of the far right.

Colombian communists are victims of an ongoing genocide (tags)

The current situation for the surviving members of the Patriotic Union and the Communist Party in Colombia, as well as their relatives, sympathisers or friends, is one of the worst ever examples of political persecution by forces of the far right.

Precinct walking for Green Party ticket (tags)

Precinct walking for the Courtney for Congress campaign, and the state Green Party ticket, will take place this Saturday and Sunday (11/2-3) in Riverside.

Help me out here (tags)

I keep hearing about voter intimidation down in Arkansas. . .

Pentagon sends combat troops to Colombia (tags)

The U.S. administration has dropped any pretense of fighting a "drug war" in Colombia. Now the U.S. troops are on the battlefield fighting the Marxist insurgencies

us govt not hijackers 'chose' the date of 9-11 attacks (tags)

by barbara honneger

WEF Protest Documentary Reviewed by Film Threat (tags)

The independent film web site Film Threat has just posted a review of the documentary short film "Protest! The WEF in NYC", a video chronicle of the protest march and rally that took place earlier this year.


Living in a post-9/11 cloud...

Mascot Protest This Tuesday (tags)

Please join us to protest racist mascots in Fullerton on Tuesday, September 10, at 5PM. The protest will take place at the Fullerton Joint Union High School District Board Meeting, at 1051 W. Bastanchury Rd. (at the corner of Euclid and Bastanchury) in Fullerton.

Protest Racist Mascots in Fullerton (tags)

Tomorrow we are having a protest at the Fullerton Joint Union High School District Board of Trustees meeting. The protest will take place at 1051 W. Bastanchury Rd. (at the corner of Euclid and Bastanchury) in Fullerton. We want the Board to remove the racist Fullerton "Indian" and Sonora High School's Zapata mascot. The protest begins at 5PM, and we will enter the meeting at 7:30. Help us get busy, y'all.

Speak Out Against Police Abuse in Costa Mesa (tags)

Speak out against police abuse in Costa Mesa! Speak to the City Council, and the Human Relations Committee about Naui's unjust kidnapping, and the mistreatment of other July 4th Nike Town protesters!

Los Angeles Unified School District vs the Community of 52nd Place and 53rd Street (tags)

The Los Angeles School District has threatened long time residence and business owners with the law of eminent domain in their desire to remove elderly and poor citizens from their homes in order to build schools and income producing apartments.

A place for a terrorist to hide (tags)

General article on terrorism in our society.

Many thousands rally in Paris to protest Bush and American Policies in Palestine (tags)

Tens of thousands rally to denounce Bush's disastrous foreing policy in Paris.

Original Woodstock site is being threatened by corporate interests (tags)

In Bethel, NY, the town where the original Woodstock festival took place in 1969, is now being threatened by corporate interests who want to bulldoze the site and turn it into an off-limits area for those who wish to see the site where the legendary event took place. We can put a stop to this if enough people are aware of it. Pass the word around...

Czech mayday demos (tags)

This year two big Mayday demos took place in Czech republic

Nation of Aztlan Issues a Call to Action (tags)

"We can not remain silent and immobile while the Palestinian people are being systematically exterminated by Ariel Sharon - the Butcher of Sabra, Shatila, Qibya, and Jenin." - Chairman Cuauhtemoc

1.5 Hours to Vote in California (tags)

You have 1.5 hours to vote. It is election day in California, March 5, 2002. If you have not voted, grab your voter's pamphlets and run to your polling place right now. Your polling place is stated on your mailing label on your County booklet. You can also vote at City Hall or County Registrar of Voters. Your City Hall is listed in your phone book and usually, so is your county registrar. The county registrar is also listed in your California voter pamphlet, pp. 56-57 and at

3/5 California Election Day (tags)

It is election day in California, March 5, 2002. If you have not voted, grab your voter's pamphlets and run to your polling place right now. Your polling place is stated on your mailing label on your County booklet. You can also vote at City Hall or County Registrar of Voters. Your City Hall is listed in your phone book and usually, so is your county registrar. The county registrar is also listed in your California voter pamphlet, pp. 56-57 and at

Finnish police moral and ethic (tags)

Article describes in short some of the latest top police crimes taken place at Finland.


The Campaign for Old-Growth is working to place an intiative on the november, 2002 statewide ballot calling for the preservation of old-growth trees on non-federally owned forestlands in the State of California.

Sweden is heading towards an indefinite future where justice may have no place (tags)

The aftermath of the riots in Gothenburg where three demonstrators were shot by the police, have turned in to a corrupt legal practice which may result in a transformation of the legal system in an unsatisfactory direction, where legal rights of the individual have no place. PLEASE READ!

Open Thought Forum (tags)

Something you'd like to discuss? A forum for discussing almost anything ; conspiracies, weird thoughts, announcements, things that just come to mind, anything at all, a place to publish ideas or truths that won't be accepted elsewhere.

The Alternative is Struggle! (tags)

...unite and strike like a clenched fist of all the forms of mass struggle!

Air Force Won (tags)

Legislation is moving in the House and Senate to ensure that armed protection will be available to citizens who use air travel to get from place to place.

Action: Stop Orange County Racist Attacks! call/write (tags)

Stop racist attacks in Orange County lesbian bar!

Interactive Video of Peace March in Paris, France (tags)

5,000 people marched from Place de la Republique to Place de Nation in the capital of France to protest the use of military attacks as a solution for ending terrorism.

US 'planned attack on Taleban' from BBC Asia (tags)

Niaz Naik, a former Pakistani Foreign Secretary, was told by senior American officials in mid-July that military action against Afghanistan would go ahead by the middle of October.

Local Union members demand money back from the energy companies at rally (tags)

Union Members rallied today to demand :"We want all the money back" from the energy companies.

Free Speech Radio Activists Protest the National Assoc. of Home Builders (tags)

2 photos: San Francisco, CA - On July 25th a small group of KPFA free speech radio activists held a demonstration against the National Association of Home Builders.

Why are so few Immigrant-Americans without Housing? (tags)

Many Immigrants are living in poverty but few are without a place to live. That's right. Income, benefits and social services must rise. Not the false assumption that construction of apartments is needed.They are needed to some degree. There are only a few hard edge homeless people.We describe this

"Genoa is mapped out like a battle field" (tags)

The Genoa Social Forum, a group of anti-globalisation activists, has been told that no demonstrations can take place within the so-called Red Zone. four

Sunday Night Train to Genoa (tags)

Genoa, a mysterious destination, a cave of promised treasure for the anti-neo liberal globalisation movement. During the next week’s upcoming g-8 meetings and anti g-8 demonstrations, anything can happen, and probably much of it will.


Join San Diego and Tijuana residents to demand corporate accountability from New Frontier Trading Corp., the U.S.-owned parent company of Metales y Derivados, an abandoned lead smelter containing 6,000 metric tons of lead slag that continues to poison children and families in Colonia Chilpancingo, Tijuana.

July 4 Suicide in Studio City (tags)

I saw the helicopters, three hovering in place and a fourth circling closer to the ground, while staying at a friend's place in the Valley today. My curiosity piqued, I went to see what the hubbub was. This is what I found ...

Stephanie Black interviewed on NYC IMC Webcast tonight 9PM (tags)

Stephanie Black will be on tonight's webcast to speak about her recent film, "Life and Debt." -

Rally Against Hate Saturday AM !!!!!! (tags)

Don't forget to take a stand against hate this weekend as the Center for Reclaim America meets to promote reparative therapy for the GLBT community, and trains people to take over our school boards and city councils.

Border Evidence - Maclovio Rojas (tags)

Border action ends a20 weekend with plans for the future.


This post announces the beginning of a series of COUP WATCH articles. It's not a coup by a particular small group of plotters, it's the fitting climax of a systemically anti-democratic process -- a plutocratic coup taking place in plain sight. Get informed. Join the opposition.

Convergence Center featuring CHE (tags)

The convergence center is where I made puppets and other art with Arts in Action and the Puppetistas. This is also where our meetings and trainings to prepare for the protest. This is also the place I napped between marches! I miss this place and the delicious vegan meals!

Outrage in Philadelphia! Philadelphia police shut down protest venue. (tags)

The Philadelphia police have violated basic civil rights by shutting down an R2k organizing space. This is obviously a tactic that the police are taking from the DC protest and will likely use in August.

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