fix articles 4369, process Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : process


Present and history (tags)

Postmodern consciousness is completely absorbed in the present, the point of the now, indeed is eager to be absorbed in it - a state of affairs that manifests itself in the fact that all thought and action relates solely to it: There is the present - and nothing else. Or to be more precise: there is the present of the now (which continues indefinitely) and the past presents.

Why anti-fascism? (tags)

Capitalism is not in a position to solve the social and ecological crisis that it is causing. An open-ended transformation of the system is inevitable, and a struggle for transformation will be waged – especially against the fascist threat. Conscious reflection on the systemic crisis is the best antidote to the conspiratorial crisis talk of the New Right.

Instrumental Reason and Left Politics (tags)

In the neoliberal variant of capitalism, postmodern pluralism dominates and with it a reason that is no longer trusted to understand the whole.. For instrumental reason, the actual world is always the best of all possible worlds since the question of a better world cannot arise in it. No problem arises that makes another, not yet existing world necessary or desirable.

The end of work (tags)

The pace of business rationalization has accelerated to such an extent that in the core sectors of world market production, fewer and fewer workers are needed despite growing output of goods. Thus, the development of productive power has reached a point at which it makes absolutely more labor superfluous in each period.

Emancipation in Crisis (tags)

The contradictory capitalist mode of production is thus not only the driving force[11] behind the mounting debt and economic crises,[12] it is also the cause of the unfolding climate catastrophe. “Man-made” climate change is in large part the result of the social system.

The subjectless rule of capital and Working class hero (tags)

Fortunately, his death did not silence him. The opposite is the case. Because John Winston Lennon became more immortal through the assassination than he already was as a member of the most successful band of all times. Not a martyr - but a working class hero.

The necessary breach and Rackets and Rockets (tags)

The climate movement should not be afraid of being accused of radicalism. It is a matter of sheer collective will to survive to solve this monstrous problem. Capitalism, in its compulsion to grow, is incapable of reducing resource consumption and emissions.

A new quality of crisis (tags)

From the systemic urge to self-destruction arises the survival necessity of the emancipatory overcoming of capital. The capitalist regime of constraint must be transformed into history. The struggle for the transformation of the system has to be the central moment of left practice.

System Transformation or Barbarism (tags)

Overcoming capital is thus a necessity for survival. Consequently, the climate question is not a question of burden sharing, it is not a question of social security. The global exploitation process of capital, in which resources and energy are burned to make more money...

State and crisis (tags)

Capitalist crisis policy is ultimately in a crisis trap... The central banks' billion-dollar "quantitative easing" may have prevented the collapse of the world financial system in 2020, but it is only a postponement of the crisis.

How to desublimate repressive? (tags)

Love is the gate to eternity, but what if a process of sexual liberation could save the status quo of existing ruling structures?

From senseless working to senseless learning (tags)

Up to the threshold of modern times, work - as the traditional term for externally determined action(!) - had been perceived from the perspective of the biblically mediated, divine curse. It was regarded as a bitter necessity imposed on people.

Impeaching a President and Impeachment and Corruption (tags)

Resisting "corruption" has occupied the American republic since its origin-along with the search for "virtuous leaders." The impeachment process was understood as a remedy for corruption. The violation of the people's trust is the reason for removal from office.

UN Forum Wrestles with Funding Development (tags)

After months of negotiations and four days of formal meetings, the United Nations voted on development policies at the fourth UN Financing for Development Forum. The UN meetings convene world leaders, ministers, governments, the IMF, World Bank and development groups. The annual process attempts to implement the 2015 Addis Ababa Action Agenda, an international agreement that includes policies on debt, tax, trade, transparency and aid.

How Will PG&E Vankruptcy Affect Nuke Plant Shutdown? (tags)

PG&E's bankrupcy filing will, among other things, affect the scheduled shutdown of its Diablo Canyon nuclear plant on Central California's coast. But how?

PR Debt Cancel, Judge Reviews Cofina Debt (tags)

The Oversight Board in Puerto Rico has just filed for a dismissal of $6 billion of the island's debt because they say it was contracted unconstitutionally.

Capital as Climate Killer (tags)

The growth pressure of the world economy makes a resource-sparing social order only possible beyond capital. The seeming rationality of capitalist goods production serves an irrational end-in-itself - the multiplication of capital.

The System Question as a Survival Question (tags)

A fundamental social alternative to the permanent capitalist chaos is sought. A rational social discourse on system alternatives would be an antidote to populism and to the irrational identity-mania that spreads. The public discusses headscarves while late capitalism sinks in crisis

Korban Pesach and Israel’s Redemption (tags)

Jews re-enact Passover Sacrifice near Temple Mount. Arab/Muslim world outraged.

Treating Peace Process Delusional Disorder in Israel and Worldwide (tags)

It looks at the problem of peace process addiction and how to cure it.

Trump Calls for Puerto Rico's Debt to be "Wiped Out" (tags)

In an interview with Fox News on Tuesday, President Trump called for Puerto Rico's debt to be wiped out.

Hurricanes Katrina, Harvey, Irma, and the Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process (tags)

This article surveys the relationship between the Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process and catastrophic weather events in the US.

Hurricane Katrina, Harvey, Irma, and the Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process (tags)

This article points out how catastrophic weather events have coincided with the Peace Process initiatives.

Puerto Rico Board Meets on Anniversary of Debt Legislation (tags)

Puerto Rico's oversight board is holding its eighth public meeting in San Juan at the Sheraton Hotel Convention Center.

Puerto Rico Religious Leaders Write Judge as Bankruptcy Process Begins (tags)

Puerto Rico religious leaders sent a letter to Judge Laura Taylor Swain as she presides over the first bankruptcy proceeding in San Juan to restructure more than $70 billion in debt.‎

Puerto Rico Bankruptcy Process Begins (tags)

Puerto Rico bankruptcy proceedings to restructure an over $70 billion debt begin on Wednesday in San Juan.

Puerto Ricans Gather at Diaspora Summit as Island Begins Bankruptcy Process (tags)

Puerto Ricans from across the United States and the Caribbean island are meeting in New York City to discuss ‎the island's economic crisis.

Puerto Rico Oversight Board Meets as Bankruptcy Deadline Approaches (tags)

Puerto Rico's oversight board meets on April 28th in New York and could authorize a bankruptcy process for the debt ridden island.

Puerto Rico Religious Leaders Call for Bankruptcy Ahead of "Vulture Fund" Deadline (tags)

Before May, protections expire that shelter Puerto Rico from debt lawsuits and predatory financial groups popularly known as "vulture" funds.

Anti-Mall '16: Buy Back the Farm! / Stop DAPL / Free Peltier (tags)

The winter 2016 Anti-Mall was in solidarity with Stop the Dakota Pipeline and Buy Back the Farm! (and there were multiple ways for guests to support them). Clemency for Leonard Peltier was also promoted. And as always, the Anti-Mall was a chance for shoppers to put their money into the activist-artist community and practice sustainable living (e.g., repairing more and throwing away less).

KPFK Local Station Board Elections In-Progress (tags)

KPFK has begun the election process for its 2016 Local Station Board. The nomination process began on June 1, 2016 at 9:00 am PST and will close on June 30, 2016 at 9:00 pm PST. There are currently three Staff and nine Listener-Sponsor positions up for election.

Planned Crises or Alan Greenspan's "Tsunami" (tags)

Greenspan knew his policy would create a financial bubble that ultimately had to burst. The subsequent crisis was consciously accepted since it speeded up the process of creative destruction. Lessons from the 2008 financial meltdown include shrinking the financial sector and expanding the public sector.

January 2016 Honduras Coup update (tags)

This month in Honduras, 6 and a half years into the coup, attacks including fatal attacks continue against indigenous persons defending territory, workers from different walks of life, journalists, and even politicians. And from the general news section there are worrying warnings of increases of mass deportations from US, about Zika virus having been introduced as another US intervention as a form of biological warfare, and some updates on corruption and who is getting away with it and who might appear not to be..

Mindanao, Philippines: Stop ‘Lumad’ killings, harassment - UN (tags)

Killings and harassment of the Lumad, or the indigenous people (IP), should stop and those accountable should be brought to justice, according to Ola Almgren, the UN country representative and humanitarian coordinator.

Criticism of Market Theory and Market Ideology (tags)

Market fundamentalists cling to the myths of the self-healing market and corporate beneficence..The real market economy functions very differently than the fantastic notions of the theoretical market economy. Maximum individual profit does not agree with social welfare.

America's Corrupted Political Process (tags)


NYC SJP questions the BDS Movem,ent (tags)

Many divestment campaigns have passed through student referendums and student government resolutions, but all but a few have been purely symbolic. No actual divestment, and no real boycotts against israeli universities have been established...

Haiti's Sham Electoral Process (tags)


Russia to Veto UN Resolution for US-Controlled MH17 Tribunal (tags)


United Nations Votes for Global Bankruptcy Principles (tags)

Greece: Approving Its Own Death Sentence (tags)


Pope Francis Calls for Global Bankruptcy Process (tags)

Pope Francis called for an international bankruptcy process in a news conference as he left Latin America on Monday. According to the Associated Press, when asked about the Greek debt crisis, Francis stated, "if a company can declare bankruptcy, why can't a country do so and we go to the aid of others?" Francis offered further comments noting that too many countries are struggling with high debts and he suggested a United Nations bankruptcy proposal could be the solution.‎

Russia to Remain 2018 World Cup Host Nation (tags)

World Cup

Venezuela's Maduro in Moscow: Lunatics in Washington Want Him Ousted (tags)


Grenada Reaches Debt Deal as Caribbean Mired in Debt Problems (tags)

Grenada Could Influence Global Debt Negotiations

Principal Chief Tiger of this Great Muscogee (Creek) Nation answers allocations (tags)

As Principal Chief of this Great Muscogee (Creek) Nation, I have always adhered to the unwavering principles and requirements in our Constitution

Principal Chief Tiger of this Great Muscogee (Creek) Nation answers allocations (tags)

My fellow Muscogee Citizens, I want to respond to you my position on recent actions taken by the National Council regarding my elected role as your Principal Chief

Philippines: The fate of peace in Mindanao hangs in the balance (tags)

Akbayan statement on the video of killing of injured SAF trooper

Mindanao, Philippines: An Appeal for All-out Justice; All-out Peace (tags)

Today, we reiterate the collective call to give justice to all who have perished in this tragedy and to ask that we recommit ourselves to a lasting peace in Mindanao.

Spring-Break-March Delegation to Venezuela: The Revolution Continues! (tags)

While the mainstream media speculates about the future of the Bolivarian Revolution since the passing of Hugo Chavez, for the Venezuelan popular sectors, there is no turning back to a state of marginalization and exclusion. Come learn about the process currently transpiring in Venezuela as the people, faithful to the legacy of Chavez, deepen and further radicalize their struggle in defense of the Bolivarian Revolution. Come learn, connect, and show your solidarity at this critical moment for the Venezuelan process.

United Nations Votes for Process to Create Global Bankruptcy Framework (tags)

UN Process Could Limit Default and Stop Predatory Funds

Inequality and Liberal Democracy: A Disturbing Association (tags)

How do we bring fundamental reforms about at a time when organized minorities and disorganized, quiescent majorities appear to be the norm in both the North and the South?

America: The Real Evil Empire (tags)


Democratic v. Sham Elections (tags)


IMF Annual Meetings Focus on Inclusiveness and Global Job Growth (tags)

"The risks the IMF raises are real. We need to address inequality if we are going to grow the global economy," said Eric LeCompte, Executive Director of the religious anti-poverty organization, Jubilee USA.

Flashback to 2001: President Assad to Prime Minister Blair:'Stop bombing Afghan civilians' (tags)

Reading the transcript of a joint press conference by Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and British Prime Minister Tony Blair, which was held on the 25th day of the Anglo-American-led invasion of Afghanistan, makes it abundantly clear why another Anglo-American-led genocidal war had been launched against Syria nearly ten years later.

UN Vote Tuesday Could Create Global Bankruptcy Process, Deter Predatory Funds (tags)

The UN General Assembly votes Tuesday at 3pm (EDT) on a resolution that could create a global bankruptcy mechanism. Such a process could protect poor countries from predatory funds and limit future defaults. Jubilee USA's leadership, a group of religious leaders and financial experts sent a letter to United States UN Ambassador Samantha Power urging her to support the resolution.

UN Treaty Could Enact Global Bankruptcy Process and Stop Predatory Funds (tags)

The UN General Assembly votes Tuesday on a convention that could enact a global bankruptcy process and stop predatory hedge funds. Bolivia proposed the resolution that if voted upon is expected to pass by a majority. The executive board officers of Jubilee USA sent United States UN Ambassador Samantha Power a letter urging her to support the resolution. Jubilee's 400 US faith communities are holding the Ambassador in prayer as she prepares to vote.

The State of Reform in the Philippines (tags)

Akbayan on Aquino’s 5th State of the Nation Address

The "Great Transformation" of the 21st Century (tags)

An end of the Great Crisis is not insight at the beginning of the 21st century... The regime of finance-market driven accumulation has not brought forth any new formation of capitalism capable of development.

Vancou9ver Coluncil opposes Tesoro oil terminal (tags)

Close to 700 people attended a Vancouver City Council meeting Monday, and a majority of speakers urged councilors to fight an oil-handling facility at the Port of Vancouver.

Syrians Vote (tags)


WRITE! for Justice, Human Rights, and International Law in Palestine (tags)

Letters needed

Upcoming Syrian Presidential Election (tags)


Palestine Under Siege (tags)


IMF Annual Meetings Focus on High Debt Burdens and Global Inequality (tags)

The annual International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank meetings are focusing on the role of high debt burdens in both global economic recovery and increasing inequality. At the onset of the meetings, the G24 released an IMF statement noting that the IMF's failure to implement quota reform and the outcome of the US Supreme Court Argentina/NML Capital case impacts global inequality.

IMF World Economic Outlook: Economy Improves for Some as Inequality Persists (tags)

Debt Restructuring Process Discussed by IMF and G20

Obama's Kill List (tags)


Akbayan welcomes Philippines-MILF deal with hopes for inclusive peace (tags)

Akbayan Party today said it welcomes with high hopes the signing of the last annex to the Framework Agreement on the Bangsamoro between the Aquino government and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF).

Peace Process Hypocrisy Continues (tags)


Fraud, Intimidation and Vote Buying in Honduras (tags)


Is Capitalism at an End? (tags)

The capitalist system in its current form is no longer fit for today's world. The system that led us into crisis has long been ourdated. The brave new world of neoliberalism lies in ruin. Surveys show that a majuority of people regard capitalism as unjust and unsocial.

Dead in the Water Peace Talks (tags)


Israel Avoids Human Rights Scrutiny (tags)


International Monetary Fund Reviews International Bankruptcy Process for Sovereign Countri (tags)

International Monetary Fund Reviews International Bankruptcy Process for Sovereign Countries

Echo Park Community issues an "Injunction" against City of LA (tags)

[This is a report by Vik from a demonstration against the gang injunction in the Echo Park area. It was originally posted to facebook. Some background information is appended at the bottom if you need to learn about what a gang injunction is, and the gentrification in the area.]

Philippines: Declare a humanitarian ceasefire in Zamboanga City now! (tags)

A Petition Campaign in Support for Dialogue, Humanitarian Action and Ceasefire

G20 Focuses on Debt, Taxes, Corruption, Syria and IMF Quotas (tags)

G20 Focuses on Debt, Taxes, Corruption, Syria and IMF Quotas

Egypt's Bloody Wednesday (tags)


Profile of a Rigged Peace Process (tags)


Portland's Austerity Resistance Movement Sparks Changes to City (tags)

On June 20, Oregon’s Portland City Council unanimously voted to approve a budget that had been one of the most grassroots-contested examples of austerity in recent memory.

Why peace talks between the Philippine government and the NDF collapsed (tags)

MANILA, Philippines — The peace talks between the government and the National Democratic Front (NDF) reached a high point in December 2012, when Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) founder Jose Maria Sison agreed to the so-called “special track” that would have facilitated the process.

Iranians Vote (tags)


Fixing OccupyTogether (tags)

Each movement defines its own language, and OccupyTogether is no exception. The problem is, their definitions are more vague than the old definitions. Here are some suggestions.

Peace Process Pretense (tags)


Venezuela's Maduro Inaugurated (tags)


The BRIC - States: World Economy on a Silk Thread (tags)

In 2013 for the first time since the beginning of European industrialization, the production volumes of the threshold- and developing countries will surpass the volumes of the triad. Sinking real investments is true for all `developed' countries.

More Peace Process Hypocrisy (tags)


A ‘mixed’ economy brought down Sandinistas; same danger exists for Venezuela (tags)

The question of who owns, controls and/or manages production and distribution is what will be decisive. Venezuela’s economy remains mostly in the hands of capitalists, and that represents a threat to the Bolivarian Revolution.

Occupiers, Stop Using Consensus! (tags)

Consensus process (the idea that a group must strictly adhere to a protocol where all decisions are unanimous) is the absolute worst idea that has ever been introduced to the activist community.

Brazil: SEMI-ARID will be a thing of the past? (tags)

In this process truly poetic rather than scientific, in which consortia of species succeed in building an environment increasingly rich and varied, every plant, every animal, every micro-organism has its contributory role, being the man for the first time in history, leaving his sad protagonist role of stingy tormentor of nature and life and move creatively to assume the coordination of the construction process.

Israeli/Palestinian Peace Process Hypocrisy (tags)


Avigdor Lieberman Faces New Charges (tags)


Institutionalizing Indefinite Detention (tags)

police state

Workaholics and Burnout (tags)

"Real life is unlived because one has traded oneself and everything one has for a promise of success and career that turns out to be nothing but a race without a goal or end."

On the Peace Framework Signing between the Philippine Government and the MILF (tags)

Official Statement of the Rebolusyonaryong Partido ng Manggagawa - Mindanao (RPM-M) on the Peace Framework Signing between the Government of the Philippines (GPH) and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF)

Philippines - Ranking Red exec named party-list third nominee (tags)

The Anakpawis party-list announced on Monday that it was adding the name of Randall Echanis, a political consultant of the Communist Party of the Philippines-National Democratic Front (CPP-NDF), as its third nominee, a move which observers say could hasten the integration of the extreme left into the political mainstream.

Why Chavez Won BIG! A Comparison Between the Presidential Elections in the U.S. and Venezu (tags)

U.S. workers and those who are unemployed are frequently told that the current presidential elections are among the most important in this country’s history. With continuing high unemployment and underemployment, declining wages, and looming massive cuts to social programs that help workers, such as Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security, we are at a grave point regarding the direction of this country. However, the policies of both presidential candidates and their parties have perpetuated the devastating effects of the Great Recession for workers. Wall Street, the banks, the corporations, and the wealthy have been the beneficiaries of these policies while the only thing workers have received has been more sacrifices.

America's Sham Electoral Process (tags)


Chavez Opposition Disintegrating (tags)


Cloud-sourcing and Cloud-working: Brave New World of Work (tags)

"Nothing is more absurd than to try to enforce capitalist property relations within the expanse of the World Wide Web.. In the ideal case, the competing persons in the asocial networks should become part of a `cloud' of living workers.."


US prosecutors have threatened to revoke Homies Unidos leader Alex Sanchez' bail and return him to prison for his part in supporting a truce between imprisoned gang members in El Salvador. The prosecutors are seeking to prevent Sanchez fromappearing in San Francisco this weekend at the opening of a Culture Clash play, "Placas", based loosely on Sanchez' long journey from gang-banger to peacemaker.

(the future of the right to sleep in the Commonwealth) (tags)

The Occupation of St. Ann's Academy: Immersive Data Hub (or The Process of How It Is That It Is Legal to Have a Tent, at Night, in a park in the City of Victoria, BC, Canada)-

Solitary Confinement on Trial --An interview with law professor Angela A. Allen-Bell (tags)

On the eve of Tuesday's Senate hearing on solitary confinement, we interview Angela A. Allen-Bell, a law professor at Southern University in Baton Rouge. The newly released issue of the Hastings Constitutional Law Quarterly features an article by Prof. Bell entitled "Perception Profiling & Prolonged Solitary Confinement Viewed Through the Lens of the Angola 3 Case: When Prison Officials Become Judges, Judges Become Visually Challenged and Justice Become Legally Blind.”

June 18th - Important NRC Meeting on San Onofre Nuclear Plant Safety (tags)

June 18th, 2012 5 PM – 9 PM San Juan Capistrano Your voice is needed! WE WILL HAVE A IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT.

PHILIPPINES: Akbayan welcomes Corona conviction (tags)

Akbayan welcomes Corona conviction, calls it a triumph of truth and accountability over impunity

Open Letter to General Delfin Lorenzana, OVA. (tags)

Dear General, I have been informed by the JFAV in San Francisco the following concerning the WW ll Filipino Vets again today. The Embassy is only supporting appeals that were filed and not all the 24,000 that did not file appeals, after filing claims. I was quite surprised to hear this since the VA and NPRC have made it clear they will not accept any Philippine documents as proof of service and nothing has been reviewed with western leaders as to an agreement for all that have been denied. If it is true I would like to request a SUMMIT of the western states leadership area concerning this decision since all the input appears to have come from DC based sources to develop this policy and no request for input was asked or even put forth to get suggestions from the Filipino-American Veterans of America & Families who are fighting for denied veterans here in this state and California.

German pirates set sail for change (tags)

Direct democracy storms parliaments

Terrorizing Palestinian Youths (tags)


Electoral Politics in America (tags)


Act Up Against ACTA (tags)


On The Many Ways We Deal With Rapists (tags)

‎"When I first started out as a rape crisis advocate I did not think there was any hope for justice beyond reporting to the police, and even though I could criticize them as an institution for evils like violence and corruption, I figured they would still help a victim in need. I was proven horribly wrong enough times that I had to change my position. My rage and disappointment and disgust required me to change my position."

The Crisis Explained (tags)

So much crisis was never analyzed with a crisis-conditioned satisfaction guarantee! Instead of seeking culprits, we must seek the systemic causes of the indebtedness dynamic. These gigantic debt mountains were necessary to keep capitalism functioning. Fewer and fewer workers can producer more and more goods in an ever-shorter time.

The Laffer Curve— (tags)

The Laffer Curve

Israel v. Palestine in 2012 (tags)


Russian v. US Elections (tags)


Political Washington Abolishes Due Process Protections (tags)


NEWS ADVISORY: Green Party presidential candidate forum, Saturday, December 3rd, LA (tags)

Illegitimate Egyptian Elections (tags)


Product v. Process (tags)

Those who criticize the Occupation Movement see it and everything else as a product but what the OM is is process.

Hotline Now Open For Foreclosure Complaints (tags)

The Wall Street Journal Bank regulators and the mortgage industry have launched a complaint process to reach out to more than 4 million homeowners to find and compensate any who were harmed by deficiencies in banks’ foreclosure operations.

Collapsing Debt Towers (tags)

The crisis is 30 years old, not three years old. The causes of the crisis should be tracked down in the real goods-producing economy, not in the financial markets. The financial markets were keep alive up to the collapse of the speculative bubble by credit-financed demand.

Israel's Proposed Counterterrorism Law (tags)

police state

Philippine peace process gaining headway (tags)

Upon assuming office a year ago, President Benigno S. Aquino III declared that the government was ready to resume peace talks with the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) and the Communist National Democratic Front (NDF) without pre-condition and repeated it in his first State-of-the-Nation Address (SONA).

Medical Care in Gaza (Part II) (tags)


History and Resistance on Blair Mountain (tags)

Blair Mountain, a crucial site of labor history, is being threatened by the disastrous process of Mountain Top Removal. People from around the country are marching in early June to raise awareness and save the mountain.

Echo Park Moms leading the way. Demand your right to vote! No more LAUSD privatization wit (tags)

Echo Park Moms 4 Education lead the struggle to save the public advisory vote, the only democratic portion of LAUSD's deceptively named Public School Choice motion which gives away public schools.

FIS recommends removing the last semblance of democracy from an already undemocratic proce (tags)

LAUSD's Public School Choice is already an anti-democratic measure to give public schools away to private charter corporations. Removing the advisory vote makes PSC all the more totalitarian and entirely removes community and parental voice. Either keep the advisory votes or repeal PSC altogether. This article discusses the document LAUSD is using to justify this move.

Economic Recessions in America (tags)

The US economy, and for that matter the global economy, is a living, breathing thing. With that analogy in mind, we find that the comparison is closer than most of us would normally think.

Obama's Lawless Authorization of Military Commissions Injustice (tags)


PHILIPPINES: Gloria Arroyo and Merceditas Gutierrez are “enemies of EDSA” (tags)

A day before the 25th celebration of the historic EDSA people power uprising, members of Akbayan (Citizens Action Party) conducted a “people power protest” in Quezon City calling on the Filipino people to defeat the “enemies of Edsa.”


The Pesante Buletin based in Los Angeles reported today that the NDFP in Mindanao salutes and congratulates all commands and units of the New People’s Army (NPA) in Mindanao and the rest of the country for its display of a high sense of political maturity, responsibility and military discipline during the mutually-declared seven-day ceasefire between the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) and the Government of the Philippines (GPH). Jorge Madlos, NDF-Mindanao spokesperson commended the NPA units in Southern Mindanao, in an act of goodwill and for humanitarian reasons, have released three prisoners-of-war (POWs) on separate occasions during the same period, further creating a more favourable atmosphere and bolster confidence for the peace negotiations and the entire peace process.

Obama on Palestinian Rights: Nyet (tags)

resolution veto

Egypt: Revolution in Motion (tags)

"A revolution is not a single event-it is a process. A process with ebbs and flows, advances and setbacks that can take place over weeks, months and even years..The Russian revolutionary Leon Trotsky developed the theory of `permanent revolution.'" Links to Howard Zinn and Marcos

Police State Injustice: Canada's Security Certificate Process (tags)

assures gross injustice

Will Peace Break out in the Philippines? (tags)

Will peace break out at last? Much hope has been sparked by the coming resumption of peace talks between the National Democratic Front (NDF) and the Aquino government. Undoubtedly, this optimism stems from the widespread public perception that President Benigno Aquino III is genuinely interested in ending the four-decade-long war between the NDF and the Philippine government.

Haiti's Electoral Council Tries Alternate Ways to Legitimize Fraud (tags)

Haitians again denied democracy

Important Eric McDavid Update (tags)

Eric's petition for a rehearing en banc has been denied

More Fraud, Intimidation and Illegitimacy Assured in Haiti's Electoral Runoff (tags)

tyranny in Haiti

Reactionary PH Congress leaders urges talks w/o conditions to sabotage peace talks-AJLPP (tags)

The Alliance-Philippines (AJLPP) based in the United States scored the apparent moves to sabotage the peace talks by Congress leaders in the Philippines. Saying that to avoid hitches in the resumption of peace talks, the government and the communist-led National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) should not impose difficult preconditions, a former AFP chief of staff said Sunday.

Massive Fraud in Haiti's Sham Elections (tags)

sham elections

Haiti's Sham Elections: Solidifying Imperial Control (tags)

no democracy in Haiti

World Geopolitics and The Battle for the Mediterranean (tags)

"If one were to live in a city where the only form of employment was a coal mine and there was no means to leave the city then one would have no choice but to work at the coal mine. Control of labour movement is a cornerstone to the socio-economic objectives of the U.S., the E.U., the World Bank, and a league of associated international financial institutions (IFIs). By rendering work forces immobile in any given geographic locality the rights of employment choice and occupational alternatives are removed and a new form of monopoly is established — a forced acceptance of work on whole pools of individuals. Rising fuel prices are also adding to the erosion of mobility rights.??The security agenda behind controlling movements is heavily tied to economic objectives, as are the international disease scares like avian influenza (bird flu) and the swine flue that lock up human movement. Control of mobility in the oceans and international waters of the world is also part of this objective. The internationally illegal Proliferation Security Initiative (PSI) was initiated by the U.S. government, with the support of the E.U., in 2003 as part of the “Global War on Terror.” The Proliferation Security Initiative is presented as a means to prevent the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMDs), however it can be applied to bring about a hold over global maritime mobility. The strategy is a threat to international movement on the high seas and maritime trade. There is good reason why it is illegal under international law and the 1982 U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea.??Industrial De-location in the European Union and the Global Economic Crisis??This process of industrial de-location has already been underway in the E.U. for years, under which industries have been relocated to Eastern Europe and other global regions. Under this neo-liberal paradigm jobs and industries can gradually be removed from wealthier E.U. states to Southern Mediterranean nations, where cheap and immobile labour forces will be awaiting."

"Our America is Coming" : Social Movements Assembly Declaration - August 2010 (tags)

Social movements present at the IV Americas Social Forum, in Asuncion, Paraguay, we reaffirm our solidarity and commitment to Paraguayan people to the urgent need for progress in their process to sovereignty recovery over its territory, goods common, energy resources, land reform and democratization.

Imperial Israel (tags)

Like America, Israel has imperial ambitions

Economy in Service of Life (tags)

The 2004 Accra confession of the Reformed World Alliance emphasizes justice in the economy and the earth. "The ideology of neoliberalism penetrating all areas of our life is incompatible with our Christian faith.. and does not serve life."





The Charade Exposed: Latest Israeli No Peace/Peace Talks for September (tags)

Israel wants conflict, not peace

US-Aquino Regime Dismisses MILF Threats as “Posturings” (tags)

The Alliance News of the AJLPP noted today that in apparent bid to dismiss or ignore the warnings of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) warning that it is preparing for war in case the peace talks do not resume soon, the US-Aquino spokesman called the warnings “posturing.” “I guess it’s just posturing on their part,” said presidential spokesperson Edwin Lacierda. “We get positive information from them that they are also eager to pursue the peace process. “Maybe they are worried that the peace process wouldn’t push through,” Lacierda said of the remarks attributed to MILF chair Ebrahim Murad.

Resignation from PSL (tags)

Document for resignation from PSL. (edited for formatting errors mostly)

Dealing with PSL and ANSWER #3 (tags)

Resignation letter to PSL

Canada's War on Islam: The Case of Mohamed Harkat (tags)

attacking innocent victims for political advantage

Israeli Hypocrisy: Talking Peace While Preparing for War and Institutionalizing Dire Condi (tags)

Israel always chooses violence over peace

March and Rally to DHS Secretary Napolitano's Speech at Pomona College Graduation (tags)

Together with the Coalition of Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles (CHIRLA) and the National Day Laborer Organizing Network, and the Latina/o Roundtable of Pomona and San Gabriel Valley, we are organizing a march and rally on Sunday, May 16th to denounce the harsh immigration enforcement policies of the Department of Homeland Security during DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano's speech at the Pomona College graduation ceremony. We will begin the march at the Claremont Greyhound Station, the site of numerous Border Patrol raids in the last year, and end with a rally at a park near the graduation site.

KPFA Workers & Community Speak Up, Manager "Resigns": Politics of Latest Management Change (tags)

The departure of KPFA General Manager Lemlem Rijio was an open secret debated prior to the public announcement and a News commentary on her "resignation." A group of staff and supporters had campaigned to reverse the Local Station Board's supposed termination vote in a confidential executive session. Their talking points are summarized and addressed here. Other KPFA workers and community members stated that removing the GM was necessary to correct the station's deteriorating finances and declining listener support, to restore democratic process and respect for Pacifica's bylaws and mission. Under the Rijio-Lilley regime the gains of the Free Pacifica movement and democratic institutions at KPFA were obstructed, subverted or shut down.

KPFA Manager "Resigns" (tags)

KPFA's General Manager was forced to resign by the LSB amd PNB, but the anti-democratic faction she represented protested, putting out much misinformation about the termination and her performance as GM, even compromising the integrity of the KPFA news to present their one sided spin.

Internet revolution in Venezuela and No Going Back (tags)

"There's an Australian journalist and documentary film-maker, John Pilger, who said that, 'What you're seeing is really an unprecedented propaganda campaign that's being waged against the Chavez government' – 

FF: It's a media war – 

KJ: It really is a media war. And I think if you go to Venezuela and see what the media says, this will become clear immediately. You often hear the claim that there is no freedom of speech and so on, but internally in Venezuela there are more than 50 daily newspapers and about 45 of those newspapers support the opposition and are constantly attacking the government everyday – including having front page headlines calling for the military overthrow of the government... Then you have those 4 newspapers that support the Bolivarian process; and then you have one newspaper that, you know, presents itself as being neutral. So, on the level of the print media, the opposition to the government is overwhelmingly dominant... A lot of the television stations are extremely hostile as well. 

The other important aspect to note is that, as a result of the Bolivarian process, you actually have a massive explosion of community media in Venezuela, in particular community radio stations in the Barrios...but also a number of community television stations and other independent media websites and so on. So this is like the first time where a lot of the grassroots groups and Venezuelan poor are actually getting to participate themselves in the production of the their own media; whereas prior to the Chavez government, they didn't have a voice in politics or the media."

Class Struggle in Claremont (tags)

Food service workers at Pomona College in Claremont, CA are fighting to organize an independent union. Claremont Solidarity fights with them, against labor exploitation and the corporatization of the university.

Peace Process Hypocrisy: Stillborn from Inception (tags)

The peace process is a charade

Dialogue between Nicaragua Sugar, Grupo Pellas and ASOCHIVIDA regarding CKD (tags)

Report from the Compliance Advisor and Ombudsman (CAO) of the World Bank: Dialogue process between the San Antonio Sugar Mill and ASOCHIVIDA advances.

UCLA starts upping parking even for disabled visitors (tags)

UCLA started charging parking fees for blue curb parking, pay-for-spot parking spots, and anywhere on campus....except for the 16 or so coin meters, [soon to be eliminated as the other meters have been already ] starting Jan 1, 2010

Who's shaping California's political landscape for the next 10 years? (tags)

California's new Citizens Redistricting Commission. Never heard of it? You're not alone.

JFAV Scores the DVA Data on Veterans Claims (tags)

As the deadline for application for one-time claims payment, the Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) expressed doubts the DVA report that “ 11,300 Filipino veterans have received their claims”. The US Embassy in Manila reported this data. As of September 22,2009, the DVA has reported 22,800 claims pending an entitlement decision out of the 32,000 applications. Since then 34,000 applications have been applied. JFAV, a national alliance of veterans, youth and community advocates in the United States said the report of the DVA that half of the claims received are Filipino veterans are in the United States are greatly exaggerated.

'Making Cents: Life Below the Bottom Rung' (tags)

A new series of oil paintings examining the daily existence of people making a living in the worst working conditions in the global economy.

Netanyahu is running scared. (tags)

The Saudis, Abbas and the Emerites about to declare an independent Palestine at UN.

The "Omaha Two:" Victimized by COINTELPRO Injustice (tags)

Two innocent men imprisoned for 40 years

Obama Year One: Betrayal and Failure (tags)

Obama's shocking betrayal

Vetelca: The story of the first ever Bolivarian maquila factory (tags)

* This report originally appears in issue #57 of Venezuelan anarchist newspaper El Libertario [website in Spanish, English & other languages]. It is a detailed examination of the events behind the mobile telephone manufacturer Vetelca, in which the notion of a socialist industrial production model in Venezuela is unmasked.

Discussion with Jonathan Pershing (#2 U.S. climate negotiator) (tags)

On Nov. 23, 2009, a discussion regarding the global climate negotiation process with Jonathan Pershing (#2 U.S. climate negotiator), was held in Washington D.C. This was simulcast to the UC Berkeley Boalt School of Law, UCLA school of law, and took place at UC's extension in D.C.


“ Claims Delayed, Justice Denied! The Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV), an alliance of veterans, widows, students and youth and community advocates in the United States based in Los Angeles again raised it voice against the insidious and unfair propaganda of the DVA against the Filipino World War II Veterans. It is the fault of the DVA that they only projected 18,000 veterans to be filing pension claims under the Filipino Veterans Equity Compensation Fund, and now nearly double that number -- or 32,795 applied? The JFAV scores the malicious insinuations of the DVA that “ This could indicate, according to analysts, that there may be spurious or incomplete claims being filed, or that some veterans may be submitting duplicate claims. “ JFAV bewail the fact they use this reason to say “these could be slowing down the application process. As early as 2002, JFAV has stood with the Philippine Veterans Affairs Office (PVAO) that were at least 70,000 still living Filipino veterans in the Philippines. But the DVA bulldozed their claims that there are only 18,000 veterans both in the US and the Philippines. Who now is telling the truth? Why are they surprised with the number of claims?


About 18,000 veterans are projected to be filing pension claims under the Filipino Veterans Equity Compensation Fund, but a website shows nearly double that number -- or 32,795 applications -- have been received by the Manila Regional Office of the US Department of Veterans Affairs as of October 1, 2009. This could indicate, according to analysts, that there may be spurious or incomplete claims being filed, or that some veterans may be submitting duplicate claims. And these could be slowing down the application process.

Venezuela: The murderers can not make justice. On the exhumations of the Caracazo (tags)

* Different organizations and individuals from Venezuela with tradition in the social struggles linked to different anti-authoritarian and critical leftist approaches, with whom we have converged at the space called INSURGENTES, set position before the exhumations of the Caracazo.

Guinea: Bloody Repression Marks Independence (tags)

Today opposition and labor protesters descended from the main boulevards of the city to the national stadium ("Stade du 28 Septembre"), but were met with a ban order, lines of troops, live fire, and rumors that the military is disappearing captives and bodies of the dead. As many as 80 bodies have been rumored to have been laid out in the stadium itself. If anything like the events of 2007 reoccur, the military would be willing to continue this crackdown for weeks or even months.


On behalf of the Justice for Filipino American Veterans(JFAV) a national alliance of veterans, youth, students and community organizations and activist for veterans rights based in Los Angeles, California, points out the fact that as of August 2009, less than 10 percent of more than 35,000 Filipino World War II veterans who applied for their claims have received their benefits. Although you have reassured our fellow organization, the ACFV that the VA department is doing its best to implement the new “Filipino Veterans Compensation Law” as quickly as possible we still have to bring to your attention the slow process as more veterans fade away in the waiting process.

"The Open Internet is in Danger" (tags)

The IT-branch is part of the solution. The best solution is balance or eco-social equalization. The Finnish constellation produces the greatest prosperity. Higher prosperity arises out of a state of balance, not under Brazilianization conditions.

A Cycle of New Battles (tags)

"We are moving into a world-historical situation where all the points of social, economic and political life will be reset..A revolutionary process is only possible when a radical reform gets going.. A radical redistribution from top to bottom must be fought for.."

Milwaukee Zoning Committee Unanimously Adopted Resolution (tags)

Spanish speaking taxpayers left out of the planning process

RP Government Impotent (tags)

( The AJLPP Secretariat reprinted the editorial of the Inquirer, the prime newspaper in the Philippines in its reaction in the CA decision on the Smith rape case) MANILA---Close this When the Court of Appeals handed down its decision acquitting Daniel Smith, no one was surprised. The departure of “Nicole,” his accuser, from our shores had already conditioned the country into believing an “arrangement” was in the works. In that sense, whatever the actual merits of the court’s decision, the case may be relegated as yet another one decided on clout rather than in fulfilment of justice. The United States can claim it fulfilled the letter—though not the spirit—of the Visiting Forces Agreement by keeping Smith in Manila throughout the judicial process, but not a second longer. Smith is now out of sight and, probably, out of mind—seemingly the objective of both the Philippine and American governments. Smith’s co-defendants went on to dishonorable or less-than-honorable discharge from the military. And no one expects Smith to be glorified or rewarded by his military or country. But that is a pretty small consolation for the manner in which Smith’s case proved that the VFA is a lopsided agreement; and worse, that the instinct of our own officials is not to assert Philippine rights and processes but to kowtow and grant every possible consideration to American wishes. Public opinion forced the prosecution of Smith and company. Public opinion kept the justice system creaking along; and while the beginning of the case found American authorities complying with their obligations under the VFA, Philippine authorities began finding ways to subvert the spirit of the agreement. Most dramatic of all was the handing over of Smith to American custody in the dead of night in December 2006. All throughout the judicial process itself, it was hard to tell whether the Department of Justice, for one, was lawyering for the government, the alleged rape victim, or the American soldiers.

Same process - Same old story. (tags)

Same process - Same old story.

Employee Free Choice Act: The Enemies of Unions and The Lies They Tell (tags)

Corporate leaders see the proposed Employee Free Choice Act as a grave threat--and they'll say and do just about anything to prevent its passage.

For Media, ‘Employee Free Choice Act' Promise Is One to Break (tags)

Corporate outlets suddenly discover ‘workers rights’ If corporate media really cared about workers rights, there probably would have been more than zero stories on those rights on the nightly broadcast news in the last year.And labor representatives would likely have provided more than the not quite 0.2 percent of nightly news sources found in a recent survey (Extra!, 5–6/02). Yet we are to believe that concern for workers rights drives some elite media to oppose the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA).

Beware of opponents of the Employee Free Choice Act Union Busting Tactics and Lies (tags)

In recent weeks, you may have seen ads on TV or news releases or letters to the editor in your local newspaper bashing “big labor” and the Employee Free Choice Act.

Watch out for employers' attorneys writing as guest columnists on the Employee Free Choice (tags)

January 14, 2009 By Stephanie Kraft There's no law to keep newspapers from grabbing whatever comes across an editor's desk and cramming it into a column with the discreet disclaimer "Viewpoint."

Myth vs. Reality: The REALITY is the Employee Free Choice Act Helps American Workers (tags)

As more and more working Americans struggle to make ends meet, the ability to form a union is key to the economic stability, health, and well-being of American families. Union workers’ median weekly earnings are 30 percent higher than those of non-union workers, union workers are 63 percent more likely to have employer-sponsored health insurance, and union workers are 77 percent more likely to have short-term disability benefits. According to a recent poll, nearly 60 percent of Americans would join a union if they could. (AFL-CIO, “The Union Difference: Union Advantage by the Numbers.”)

Workers Understand Democracy, Say Pass Employee Free Choice Act (tags)

Almost eight in 10 Americans support legislation that would make it easier for workers to join or organize labor unions, according to a new national survey from Peter D. Hart and Associates released this week.

RIght Wingers Attacking Right to Organize (tags)

Jane Hamsher at Firedoglake writes that the right wing echo chamber is working hard to derail the Employee Free Choice Act, that will help workers join unions easier, and cheaper, than ever before.

Working for a Community of Life (tags)

Today Boff doesn't speak of liberation but of life protection for the excluded. Sixty years ago Gandhi explained the earth has enough for all people. That is still true today. But the earth will never produce enough for the squanderers.


The Alliance Philippines (AJLPP) expresses serious concern on the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) warned of a full-blown war with the peace process “in purgatory” after the government told the Supreme Court on Friday that a Moro homeland deal had been scrapped. The AJLPP also are very wary about reports that more than 400,000 people in Mindanao have been affected or dislocated by the heavy fighting as Ramadan sets in. MILF chief negotiator Mohaqher Iqbal told Reuters news agency that the MILF was no longer confident it could strike a final peace agreement under President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo’s administration. “We might as well wait for the next president after the 2010 elections,” Iqbal said. “She is just trying to save her own neck. That’s why she was not willing to defend the peace agreement and was also willing to sacrifice everything just to stay in power.”


The Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) Sunday warned of a full-blown war with the peace process “in purgatory” after the government told the Supreme Court on Friday that a Moro homeland deal had been scrapped. MILF chief negotiator Mohaqher Iqbal told Reuters news agency that the MILF was no longer confident it could strike a final peace agreement under President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo’s administration.

Federal Lawsuit Filed Against Obama: Ineligible for the Presidency (Not Natural USA Born) (tags)

Philip J. Berg, Esquire, filed a lawsuit in Federal Court 8/21/08, Berg vs. Obama, Civil Action No. 08-cv-4083, seeking a Declaratory Judgment and an Injunction that Obama does not meet the qualifications to be President of the United States. Berg stated in his lawsuit that Senator Obama: Is not a natural-born citizen; and/or lost his citizenship when he was adopted in Indonesia; and/or has dual loyalties because of his citizenship with Kenya and Indonesia.

Mindanao Bishops, MILF: pursue peace process, call for ceasefire (tags)

The Mindanao Bishops and Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) reiterated their commitment to pursue the realm of peace, justice, solidarity and development as well as the peaceful resolution of the Mindanao conflict and Bangsamoro problem through the ongoing peace process between the government and MILF. “The MILF and the Bishops reiterate unwavering moral commitment to pursue the path to peace, solidarity, justice and development in Mindanao, and resolve and support to the continuation of the peace process between the MILF and the government until its successful conclusion is achieved,” stated in their Joint Communique’ issued after their peace dialogue held at the Archbishop’s Residence in Davao City on August 14, 2008.

Jeff Halper's "An Israeli in Palestine" - Part II (tags)

Part II of Halper's important book.

Mukasey to Congress: Defy the Rule of Law (tags)

More attempted administration lawlessness.

Jeff Halper's "An Israeli in Palestine" - Part I (tags)

Halper's excellent book.

Bush can detain Americans and hold them indefinitely (tags)

"This decision," countered Jonathan L. Hafetz, counsel for al-Marri, means the president can pick up any person in the country–citizen or legal resident–and lock them up for years without the most basic safeguard in the Constitution, the right to a criminal trial." And in effect denies Habeas Corpus to all Americans.


We all know the true story concerning the injustice inflicted on America's Middlle Class and Working Poor Americans when it comes to the Federal appeal Process juudicial Process.

Don White: My Recollections and Pictures since 1985 (tags)

My recollections and pictures of activist Don White, whose death became known this past Sunday.



US Politicians at AIPAC "Hate Iran Week" (tags)

Sadly, these fanatics don't care if something is true (or has been proven false). All they care is that they are allowed to repeat these LIES in order to create the illusion of a crisis, because it distracts from their actual plot to attack the country, in the process, once again committing "The Supreme International Crime". It's interesting to watch these criminals as they keep doing, over and over and over, exactly what they call their opposition "antisemitic" for pointing out ...

Gov’t faces blank wall on KL role in peace talks (tags)

The Government of the Philippines based in Manila has failed to get an assurance from Malaysia that it will continue to broker the peace process between the Philippine government and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF). Malaysia’s role in the peace talks became uncertain as its Foreign Minister Rais Yatim, who met with Philippine officials led by President Arroyo, yesterday in Manila, was non-committal on the request of the Philippine government to continue facilitating the peace negotiations.

The conspiracy to divide Bolivia must be denounced (tags)

The process of changes in favor of the Bolivian majority is at risk of being brutally restrained

RP ‘surprised’ at Malaysia monitors’ pullout (tags)

he Philippines on Tuesday said it was surprised at Malaysia’s decision to end its monitoring mission to the troubled southern Mindanao island this year. The government’s chief peace adviser Jesus Dureza said he had just finished a trip to Kuala Lumpur and officials there had given “no indication of any announcement of total withdrawal.” “I feel that we, as neighbors, should be working very closely for peace,” Dureza said. “I am confident that Malaysia will be with us all the way.”

Non-Profits, Privatization, and Capitalism (tags)

As soon as we begun organizing our workplace into a union— a drug and alcohol rehab center— the murky non-profit world proved to be an obstacle. When first approached, many of our coworkers asked the same question, “would a union even work at a non-profit”? And to this we normally answered, “why not?” – Although a better answer might have been, “Why do non-profit workers believe they should have less rights or pay than other workers?” And with this question you’ve opened a Pandora’s Box that leads down a series of questions and answers that reveal a lot about how modern society functions, especially the relationship between workers’ standard of living, non-profits, and the present state of the capitalist system itself. To help explain the gargantuan role that non-profits play in modern society, a book of essays about the subject -- cleverly named The Revolution Will Not be Funded-- was released by INCITE! Women of Color Against Violence. In its introduction chapter, the book explains how non-profits have evolved into organizations that divert political movements into dead ends, shape public opinion, and most relevant to this article, perform services previously done by the state.

We have created human-animal embryos already, say British team (tags)

Embryos containing human and animal material have been created in Britain for the first time, a month before the House of Commons votes on new laws to regulate the research.

Washington v. Cuba After Castro (tags)

The passing of an era in Cuba and Washington's hostile reaction.

KPFK is not openly searching (tags)

KPFK restricts applications to it's Genl Mgr Search Committee - why ?

Moro group hits GMA’s ‘timeline’ to end rebellion in Mindanao (tags)

A ranking official of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front-Central Committee has criticized President Arroyo for her recent speech at the local Peace and Security Assembly in Mindanao where she reiterated her 2010 “timeline to end armed rebellion” in the region without specifically stating the current government-MILF peace process as the main component.

Tragedy and Travesty at Annapolis (tags)

The latest chapter in the sham Middle East peace process.

Criticism of Neoliberalism: Book Review (tags)

The neoliberal understanding of freedom restricts the possibilities of individuals to participation in the market. Structural and economic power are faded out.

The Myth of “Co-Management” in Venezuela: Reflections on Alcasa and Invepal (tags)

* With a lot of rhetoric and propaganda the Chavez administration has advanced different examples of co-management which, they claim, demonstrate their desire to transform Venezuela’s relations of production. A compañero from Europe visited us recently and got to know two of the most celebrated cases: Alcasa and Invepal. Here is the report he prepared for El Libertario # 51 about the actual working conditions in the country’s most “important” co-managed businesses.

PHILIPPINES: Kintanar widow to testify against Joma Sison (tags)

Gloria “Joy” Jopson-Kintanar has blamed Sison for the murder of her husband, Romulo Kintanar, on Jan. 23, 2003. She and another widow, Veronica Tabara, filed complaints against Sison early last year that served as grounds for the arrest of the CPP founder in the Netherlands on Tuesday.

For a Just and Lasting Peace in the Philippines, Free Prof. Jose Maria Sison Now! (tags)

The Alliance for Just and Lasting Peace in the Philippines (AJLPP or Alliance Philippines) vehemently condemns the arrest and detention today, August 28, 2007, by the Dutch authorities of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) chief political consultant, Prof. Jose Maria Sison. The arrest of Prof. Joma Sison impedes the course of a just and lasting peace in the Philippines. The incident derails the prospect of the resumption of peace talks between the Government of the Republic of the Philippines (GRP) and the NDFP. The Filipino people’s prosperity and future depends on the resolution of the protracted civil war raging in the Philippines and the determined principled pursuit and eventual conclusion of GRP-NDFP peace talks.


The Anti-Terrorism Act (Republic Act No. 9372 or the Human Security Act of 2007) is part of the global wave of fascist legislation and state terrorism generated by the so-called global war on terror under the Bush regime of the US government. Aside from being a tool of US imperialism, the Anti-Terrorism Act (ATA) is a repressive tool of the Arroyo regime for intimidating and suppressing the people’s democratic movement and the broad range of opposition forces.

Gov’t downgrades peace talks, MILF says (tags)

Manila-- The Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) has described the replacement of Secretary Silvestre Afable as government chief negotiator with a non-cabinet member as a deliberate downgrading of the peace process by the government following Afable’s alleged resignation the other day. Jun Mantawil, head of the MILF peace panel secretariat, told Luwaran that while the MILF leadership has the highest respect for Father Eliseo Mercado Jr. as “a person, friend and as a priest” but he does not possess the authority that a cabinet member possesses.

AJLPP Express Deep Concern Over MILF-GRP Talks:Gov’t chief peace negotiator for MILF quits (tags)

The Alliance for Just and Lasting Peace (AJLPP) today expressed apprehensions over the sudden and unexplained resignation of Silvestre Afable Jr. , government negotiator for peace process for the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) MILF equally expressed fears that negotiations for a peace agreement with the government would have to start from scratch again as a result of the resignation of the chief of the government’s peace panel, Silvestre Afable. AJLPP is deeply concerned that Afable’s resignation came at a time when the government and the MILF were close to restarting talks on a proposed ancestral homeland for 3 million Muslims in Mindanao. AJLPP knows that Afable who was a former staffer of DND Secretary Juan Ponce Enrile,has served since the two sides agreed to return to negotiations after hostilities erupted in February 2003.

Only Pressure on the Streets Can Advance the Struggle of Immigrant Workers (tags)

Negotiations in the U.S. Senate on immigration “reform” legislation have stalled. Is this a victory or a defeat for the working class? Despite the hypocritical tears of some national immigrant rights leaders who lament that “we lost a big opportunity”, in reality, this stagnation of the process reflects an equilibrium in the balance of forces between those who benefit from the most miserable exploitation of 12 million workers, and the interests and organizational strength of those workers and their allies. A detailed analysis of the proposal clearly reveals that this is an anti-immigrant “reform” which would increase the persecution of undocumented immigrants. This law would not improve the conditions of life of millions of families; on the contrary, it would make things worse.

5th Generation Warfare (tags)

Information war. The not so silent, response to the manufactured 4th Gen. warfare of the pentagon which is a mere treatise of tactical response to civilian insurrection against an occupational force.

Even the Mormons (tags)

The Mormons are no longer unanimously behind the war policy of their government.. Large actions sued Bush for crimes in office on April 28, Impeachment Day, in all 50 states with the support of a growing group of senators and representatives of Congress.

MILF to respond to Arroyo’s statement (tags)

Chairman Al Haj Murad Ebrahim of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) will soon issue an official policy statement on the peace process, in response to the March 12 statement of President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo. This was learned from the office of the MILF chairman by Luwaran today. However, no hints have been given as to how the press statement would be worded or what specific issues would be given emphasis.

Buffalo River Dene Nation Seeks International Justice (tags)

Buffola River Dene Nation's Press Release announcing its attempt to seek justice at the International Court of Justice and the European Court of Justice.


The Alliance for the Just and Lasting Peace in the Philippines (AJLPP)-USA vehemently condemn the recent judgment by the European Court of Justice that dismissed the appeal of Prof. Jose Maria Sison for access to the secret documents used by the Council of the European Union. By putting Prof. Sison in the so-called terrorist list and imposing on him punitive sanctions, the European Court dealt the peace process in the Philippines, a very heavy blow



AFP: Peace pact with MILF by April (tags)

A peace agreement with the separatist Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) is expected early this year, Armed Forces chief Gen. Hermogenes Esperon Jr. disclosed yesterday. "A final peace agreement with the MILF would be signed by March or April," Esperon told a press conference held at the AFP Eastern Mindanao Command headquarters here. The contentious issues affecting the peace negotiations, particularly disputes over ancestral domain, are now being discussed by both panels, said Esperon, who arrived here as part of a series of camp visits to implement the second phase of President Arroyo’s campaign against insurgency.

Rep. McKinney Files Articles of Impeachment (tags)

On Friday, outgoing Georgia Rep. Cynthia McKinney has filed articles of impeachment against President George W Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney, and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.

Venezuela, Elections 2006: Anarchists Speak (tags)

From the Commision of Anarchist Relations (Comision de Relaciones Anarquistas) and its organ El Libertario, we disseminate three texts in which we publically express our perspective on the upcoming Venezuelan elections of December 3, 2006.

Call For Military Draft To Congress (tags)

reinstate mandatory military service



Brazil: PSDB's laboratory to new totalitarianism? (tags)

First and unique nation in the world that uses a fully digital electoral process that can't be verified, for proposition of M.G.'s Senator Eduardo Azeredo tries out to innovate now by becoming the pioneer in demanding identification and rates for internet users.

MILF denies agreeing to plebiscite (tags)

A senior leader of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) has denied having said the Front agreed to holding of a plebiscite in new areas to be added to the present territory of the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM). Ghazali Jaafar, MILF deputy chairman for political affairs, was reacting to a news article published in the Philippine Daily Inquirer (PDI) today, bylined by Jeffrey Maitum and Charlie Seòase, quoting him as saying, “We are for the constitutional process, if that’s what they (meaning, the government) want…."





Shambhala Art: Meditation and the Artist (tags)

Shambhala Art: Meditation and the Artist with Steven Saitzyk Suggested Donation: $10.00, 7:30 pm Oct 17, 2006

Brazil: the perfect electoral crime (tags)

The election was totally clean? Was there fraud in the election? God only knows. And some corrupt ones, also. Specialists warn: the security and the allegiance of the result of the electronic ballot box are not fidiciary.

The Law is an Ass, by Philip Ruddock (tags)

Philip Ruddock, Australian Attorney General, announced today that a broader range of people in the Australian community (non-Muslims) are to be targeted as “terrorists!” Ruddock also stated that persons who are not ‘terrorists’ need not be alarmed as his new wider classification should not concern ‘them’(?) Australian citizens are left to conclude that the determination of who exactly is a terrorist has become an arbitrary prerogative of the Attorney General and his gang of enforcers! Whatever happened to due process, innocent until PROVEN guilty? {God help that journalist who stepped on Ruddock’s toe, he will be the first to go!) It is not coincidental that the Bush regime also found due process to be an inconvenience. Ruddock’s logic and methods reek of neo-con methods, Guantanamo (Torture) Bay and Bush regime criminal methodologies have found expression in Oz.



Oil Robbery by Law: The Economic Invasion of Iraq (tags)

The US does not rob Iraq of its oil. The emphasis is on sharing. Production Sharing Agreements are long-term agreements between oil corporations and coil states. Richard Perle once said solidarity means countries agreeing with the US.

Defending Your Right To Travel, and practicing Our Faith (tags)

Say it LOUD; I am Back and I am Proud! and happy to have represented for San Gabriel Neighbors for Peace and Justice, The Peace and Freedom Party, L.A. Movement and Cuba Solidarity L.A. and anyone who ever had a heart. Another successful Caravan Breaks the Blockade = Blockaid !

Garotinho receives supports to the hunger strike against the persecutions and lies that tr (tags)

Garotinho receives supports to the hunger strike against the persecutions and lies that try to make impracticable its candidacy.

Don't wait for your legislature to Impeach Bush, WE CAN DO IT! (tags)

Impeach Bush Yourself! That's right, this is not a powerless petition. There's a little known clause of the "Jefferson Manual (part of the House rules)" which sets forth the various ways in which a president can be impeached.

Citizenship for Pasada, but not for our companeros? (tags)

Full American citizenship may be granted to terrorist Posada Carriles for his "Honorable Services to the Nation"

Liberation Theology and Globalization (tags)

Economic globalization leads to the exclusion of the masses..When world hunger increases, we must change the nature of the world economy to survive..We are all enslaved by a paradigm that makes us enemies of nature.

For a Worldwide Network against War (tags)

The recent deluge of expressions of “concern” about Iran by Cheney, Bolton, Blair, Rumsfeld et al should be setting alarm bells ringing throughout the world.

SOUTH CENTRAL FARM - Stay of evictions to continue while courts hears appeals. (tags)

Diebold Whistleblower Facing Charges (tags)

An open letter to Bruce McPherson and the citizens of the United States

Colombia: How Not to Negotiate a Trade Agreement (tags)

Article by Andres Mejia-Vergnaud, Executive Director of the Instituto Progreso ILP, Bogota, Colombia.

Hidden Status- Delete Question (tags)

What process are the overworked people at LA IMC using to hide and delete stuff?

No Work instead of Precarious Work (tags)

After the fall of the New Economy, flexibility, individualization and outsourcing are obviously threats not promises and mean nothing but poverty and precarious working conditions.

Vendidos Force Activist Into Reverse Discrim Lawsuit (tags)

The shenanigans and bad faith dealings have finally forced a long standing activist por derechos humanos into filing a discrimination action against Santa Barbara City College.

Call to Action by Dolores Mission (tags)

ECUMENICAL PRAYER SERVICE FOR COMPREHENSIVE IMMIGRATION REFORM at La Placita Olvera (Our Lady Queen of Angels Parish) 10:00 am, Friday, February 24

Auto-Cannibalism (tags)

Today's internationalization of capital is part of a drastic crisis process.. In the 1970s, several hundred so-called multis existed worldwide. Today there are 60,000 multi-national businesses with 50 million employees.


Mexico - The "Other Campaign" -An Interview with Sergio Rodriguez of the Zapatista magazine "Rebeldia" by Miguel Romero

Should the Irish be Trusting the Brits? (tags)

The Irish people want peace, with justice, in the Brit-occupied Six Counties of N. Ireland. This is why, in 1998, they voted for the “Good Friday Agreement” (GFA), a formula for power sharing. At an Irish peace forum on 11/18/05, at Georgetown U., panelists debated the GFA. They all seem to agree the now-suspended Six County “Assembly,” had to be restored in order to make any additional progress. However, many other issues, like building trust, remain.

Fetishizing Process (tags)

...if anything is essential to anarchism, it is the idea that social decisions are to be taken by everyone affected, and that this inclusion must involve substantive participation of each in deliberation and decsion-making. Thus a dispute on the nature of such participation is a dispute about the very essence of anarchism.

Report Back From the 16th World Festival of Students in Venezuela (part 3) (tags)

"[The U.S. ruling elites] have a lot to lose because Venezuela is setting an example. If the people of Venezuela are able to struggle and alleviate so much poverty and illiteracy and lack of healthcare in their country, then why can't we do it here as well?" -- Muna Coobtee, delegate, World Festival of Students, 2005

Report Back From the 16th World Festival of Students in Venezuela (part 2) (tags)

"[The U.S. ruling elites] have a lot to lose because Venezuela is setting an example. If the people of Venezuela are able to struggle and alleviate so much poverty and illiteracy and lack of healthcare in their country, then why can't we do it here as well?" -- Muna Coobtee, delegate, World Festival of Students, 2005

Peace Walk with Thich Nhat Hanh - Part 2 (tags)

Buddhist monks and nuns, progressive left and religious peace organizations and other seekers after knowledge met yesterday in MacArthur Park for a meditation with Buddhist master Thich Nhat Hanh that was intended to create a peaceful state that will eventually translate into an end to war.

Peace Walk with Thich Nhat Hanh - Part 1 (tags)

Buddhist monks and nuns, progressive left and religious peace organizations and other seekers after knowledge met yesterday in MacArthur Park for a meditation with Buddhist master Thich Nhat Hanh that was intended to create a peaceful state that will eventually translate into an end to war.

Irrationalism and Ideology in Risk Capitalism (tags)

Reductionist worldviews promise "order" in the mixed-up social consciousness.. Psycho-analysis has coined the term "regression" for this process of escapism..Psychic regres-sion involves withdrawal to a state of original immediacy, an earlier less complex stage.

Venezuelan trade union leaders discuss way forward for the revolution (tags)

Bolivarian Revolution

Bolivarianism can only be concretised in Marxism (tags)

Bolivarian Revolution

Bush Supports Home-Bred Terrorists (tags)

President Bush, Alberto Gonzales & Senator Dole support terror threats and civil rights violations within the U.S..

Dear IMC Persons. (tags)

Let me begin by complimenting you on the site upgrades. I suspect johnk involvement. Nice. I, however, feel bad. :>(

The Ancient Wisdom of the Breath (tags)

This may be the beginning of the most fascinating adventure that you have ever undertaken because it begins with you.

Review of the Venezuelan Revolution: a Marxist Perspective (tags)

Solidarity with the Bolivarian revolution

Transformation and Rebirth (tags)

We are in a wonderful time of change.

Venezuela from below - voice of the rank and file (tags)

Bolivarian Revolution

A Network At War (tags)

Since ostensiblly winning a campaign to recapture the small progressive Pacifica network that spanned years, involving at one time three seperate lawsuits, and 10's of thousands of its active listerners, the tiny network is once again at war with itself.....Having, along with senior producer Ryme Kakthouda, joined in filing complaints of discrimination on basis of national origin and ethnicity at the last meeting of our national board in NYC, ( and with women angry about sexism, and the networks failure to do anything more than deny its existence, planning an actual march on Berkley to file similar complaints next month, all matters likely to head into litigation within a matter of weeks now, this seemed like a good time to carve up all the sacred cows.

The Cult of Capitalism (tags)

And in the end we can look back on our lives and remember all the great shows we watched on television; the great virtual escape from alienation.

"The Way is Clear": Venezuela (tags)

Venezuela is one of the few states whose government is taking new paths against the global trend to political stagnation.. No one has the illusion that the people and the political system can change from one day to the next but the way is clear.

The process of corruption. (tags)

Pax Cultura.

Venezuela: The Revolution Will Be Televised! (tags)

Republican Abuse of Power: With This Congress, Democracy is dead (tags)

Even Newt Gingrinch says they have gone too far. "The House has become a place where trivial issues are debated passionately and important issues not at all."

Unveiling the Weapon of the Masses (tags)

This is a call to the spiritual warriors that serve humanity in the quiet of their abodes.

Hasbara (tags)

Listening and reading mainstream US media outlets creates the illusion that the "peace process" between Israel and the Palestinians revolves around "curbing the violence" and Palestinian "reforms." Devoid of any self-reflection, the pundits ignore realities on the ground and distort history in ways that try to deceive the US public to continue the massive military and economic aid to Israel at the expense of US public interests (in addition to its devastating impact on Israelis and Palestinians).

Rep. David Wu on Voting Irregularities (tags)

This letter was sent by Rep. Wu (D, Ore) on December 23, 2004.

Unprofitable of the World, Unite! (tags)

Capaitalism is a threat to humanity, not a chance.. The logic underlying this system is simple and brutal. Only what is profitable is entitled to live.. Capital is insatiably greedy for human labor to transform labor into more and more capital..

Don't Mess with Texas Voters (tags)

Voter intimidation is the tie that binds Texas to Ohio and Florida.

Report: Tallying Ballots for the 2nd KPFK Local Station Board Election. 12/4/2004 (tags)

An on-location video report on the process of tallying ballots and other election issues for Pacifica's Los Angeles radio station KPFK's second Local Station Board (LSB) elections. Includes an interviews with Pacifica National Election Supervisor Kenny Mostern. (23:40)

Think Your vote Should Coutn? (tags)

Why participate in a fraud? To vote is to collaborate with the disingenuous illusion. But I DO vote,. . . . .

Why Third Parties Should Join Independent Voters in Voting “Yes” on Prop 62 - Open Primary (tags)

California Prop 62 has provoked a mighty controversy in the Democratic and Republican Parties – where reformers supporting Prop 62 have clashed with party bosses who want to maintain the old order. And, it has also provoked a controversy within the independent movement, where reform independents are backing Prop 62 while the third party establishment is aggressively opposing it. . .

A Partial History of Aerosol and Weather Related Technologies (tags)


Noam Chomsky and Marxism (tags)

Noam Chomsky and Marxism

Boston Social Forum: Significance, Achievements and Some Lessons Learned (tags)

analysis of the recent Boston Social Forum by two of its organizers

The Weather Map of Globalization (tags)

"Globalization is a real process rooted in the crisis of worldwide capitalist exploitation and describing a new quality of capital export. Outsourcing particular economic areas in the global repression competition replaces the export of complete industrial products.."

Pesky Citizens Will Not Shut Up! (tags)

The 411 on 911 in Seoul- Michael Moore’s 911 Call to Seoul Gets an Answer (tags)

A coverage of the Seoul debut of Michael Moore’s Fahrenheit 911. 271 Words total.

Afghans Released From Gitmo Return to Terrorism (tags)

Quick, more crying about "human rights" from lefty loons about these Willie Al-Hortons!

Bolivarian Project in Mortal Danger (tags)

Bolivarian Project in Mortal Danger posted by jamie from zmag 16 Jun 2004 01:09 GMT ZNet | Venezuela Bolivarian Project in Mortal Danger by Hans Dieterich;; June 15, 2004 The legalization of the recall referendum against President Hugo Chavez—conducted by the Venezuelan right with pre-meditated fraud and recurring acts that violate the rule of law—open the doors for a possible loss of power for the Bolivarian forces. Such a loss could occur either de facto or de jure (via the institutions).

Massive Bolivarian march launches referendum battle (tags)

Solidarity with the Bolivarian Revolution

Stop Imperailsit interference in Venezuela-Without signatures there should be no Referend (tags)

Solidarity with the Bolivarian Revolution

TV or Not TV? Not! (tags)

TV programming is designed to shepherd viewers into compromising their values. To preserve freedom, Americans should severely limit or entirely eliminate their TV viewing.

Western Shoshone: War is not just in Iraq (tags)

Oppose the Western Shoshone Distribution Bill, S. 618/HR 884. Nevada Congressmen Reid and Gibbons, Gale Norton and our "National Interests" have taken a page from the influential Koch boys of Wichita, who were caught stealing oil from impoverished tribes in Oklahoma. "We want our fair share, and that's ALL of it!" It's 300 year old tradition in government: you sign treaties with the folks who rightly occupy the territory. Then you do whatever you please! And laugh all the way to the bank. The Native American Rights Fund has taken Gale Norton to court THREE times and WON each time, yet the Interior Department continues to act different from what they're doing with Western Shoshone. This is not government. This is tyranny masked as politics. So is passage of HR884, HR 2869, HR2772.

Chavez reiterates the call to arm the people (tags)

solidarity with the Venezuelan Revolution

Venezuela Week in Review- May 8th- HOV (tags)

Solidarity with venezuela

The Carter Center, OAS and the Recall Referendum in Venezuela (tags)

Solidarity with Venezuela


With questions of 9/11 and Africa's oil and "al-Qaeda" dominating headlines, it sure was lucky that Iraq returned to the front-page...or, was it more than just luck.

Kerry Indicates He Would Continue Bush’s Pro-Sharon Policy (tags)

Abraham Foxman, the Anti-Defamation League’s national director, who was present at a recent meeting in New York City between Kerry and 40 Jewish leaders, reported that Kerry laid "to rest a nagging concern - that relentless Democratic criticism of Bush’s foreign policy implied criticism of Bush’s closeness to Israel." This is according to Ron Kampeas in a column published in The Jewish Journal of Greater Los Angeles. The article further quotes Foxman as saying that Kerry "tried to exempt Israel from the [Democrat's] critique of Bush’s foreign policy." According to Kampeas, Foxman characterized Kerry as "agree[ing] with administration policy on isolating Palestinian Authority President Yasser Arafat, [and] supporting Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s plan for unilateral withdrawal from Gaza and on the security fence."



Venezuelan Revolution must advance towards socialism in order to defeat reaction (tags)


Don't Order the Fettucini (tags)

a personal account of the Iowa Caucus experience: riding the "Peace Train" to Iowa with the Kucinich campaign, and discovering the not-so pretty truth about the electoral process ... 1682 words

Open Letter to the Global Indymedia Network from San Diego (tags)

SF Bay Area IMC's open letter to IMC newswire echoes problems faced in San Diego and other cities.

The Man from Vermont is Not Green (He's Not Even a Liberal) (tags)

"Dean's attempts to run for president as an environmentalist is nothing but a fraud," Smith told Wild Matters. "He's destroyed the Agency of Natural Resources, he's refused to meet with environmentalists while constantly meeting with the development community, and he's made the permitting process one, big dysfunctional joke."

The Fallacies Of American Democracy For Iraq (tags)

American democracy today is in serious trouble. At the national level, the process of electing a president, or representatives and senators has become so expensive that only the wealthy or candidates supported by them can play. The process has been co-opted and corrupted by increasingly concentrated ownership of media and business, including banking, transportation, manufacturing, and energy. Legislative programs and goals largely focus on catering to the large organizations and the wealthy contributors. Our system was designed to work on a basis of majority rule, but effective control by a shrinking pool of elitists who also control both parties through contributions, has led to a situation in which not even the majority, albeit often invoked for political discussion, can decide any important issue.

A Call for Recall Reform Now! (tags)

Today the California recall reform site was launched.

The Corporate Media Engineers an Election By the Numbers (tags)

Never has there ever been a more profound example of the corporate media engineering an election and yes I mean a more profound example than even election 2000.

Interview with Key Leader of Venezuelan Workers Movement Pedro Eusse (tags)

Pedro Eusse is the Secretary General of the Food and Beverage Union, and the Secretary General of the United Confederation of Venezuelan Workers (CUTV). The United Confederation of Venezuelan Workers is currently the country’s main trade union federation and plays an important role in defending the patriotic, national democratic government headed by Hugo Chavez.

The Arab American Institute's Guide to Howard Dean (tags)

Dean told in May 2003 that the United States needs "a new oil policy... because our oil money is being used to fund terrorism in countries such as Saudi Arabia, Iran and Syria."

Beach Cities undergoing IMC Process. Bugs fixed! (tags)

Beach Cities IMC is undergoing the IMC Process, and we are currently writing our Mission Statement. We are interested in active editors who live in and around the beach cities in Southern California.


KPFK votes against diversity, grassroots democracy, moves left-wing Pacifica Foundation to the right

Basque petition for justice and peace (tags)

Petition is to highlight the Basque conflict to the media and the public. It is to show that Basques want peace and justice. Please read, sign, and pass on this petition!

KPFK LAB Votes Vs. Bylaws Draft B (tags)

The Local Advisory Board (LAB) of Los Angeles Pacifica Network Radio Station KPFK (90.7 FM) met Monday evening and voted against endorsing draft "B" of Pacifica's Proposed Bylaws.

Ron Paul's War with Socialists, Neo-Cons, and the U.N. (tags)

How trustworthy are "allies" who wish to remedy 9/11 by getting "the U.S. out of the U.N.!" -- permanently alienating us from the rest of the world and humanity's struggle against poverty, disease, and ignorance.

Global Power Elites and the New Wars (tags)

"A representative republic was transformed into a plutocracy. Privatizing public property was a continuous tendency during the whole modern age." The average net worth of the 400 richest Americans rose tenfold by 1999..The Bush administration has martial plans, not a Marshall plan." From the German

Venezuela- the revolution faced with sabotage (tags)


Lawrence v. Texas Milestone for Humanity (tags)

Lawrence v. Texas, the Supreme Court decision of June 26, 2003, legalizing homosexuality in the United States, is as much a milestone for the gay and lesbian community as Roe v. Wade of 1973, legalizing the right to abortion, was for women, and both are for humanity.

Border between Life and Death (tags)

If the presence of the life process is considered to be one of the exclusive characteristics of living creatures, what then are we to say about seeds? Does it ever occur to you that in those monocellulars “that have survived till today” the life process has virtually never come to a stop since the very beginning of their existence? Because of the obscurity of the line separating the living from the dead, is it not possible for us to claim that there is “life” in atoms?

Give it a chance (tags)

The Road Map is reason for hope, but the real dangers lay ahead and even an optimist must be wary. Extremists - Israeli, Palestinian and American - all remain committed to scuttling this still too feeble attempt to restart negotiations on the road to peace.

The ABCs of CBAs (tags)

A proposed new policy to put knowledge in the hands of communities and improve Los Angeles’ economic development process.

War Is A Racket (tags)

The nature of the Iraqi conquest was not lost on one cable TV news reporter who, in questioning a man who wanted the rebuilding process to be opened up to other nations than just the United States shrieked that the "French who wanted no part in the war now want to share in the spoils."

Bush and Blair to meet on Iraq (tags)

Bush and Blair to meet to discuss how they will carve up Iraq's oil reserves for the benefit of U.S. and British Petroleum companies.

Democratic Socialism: A Transformational Project (tags)

Democratic socialism as a transformational process could remedy the social coldness and ecological blindness of neoliberalism and its total absolute market. This article is translated from the German in: Utopie kreativ 2000.

Man's Symmetrical Body Shape (tags)

Do we not feel that, like animals, we too have a symmetrical body shape? Are we not curious enough to question why the functions of our body and those of the beasts have a lot in common? Then..., what’s the cause behind this?

5 Reasons ANSWER is not the answer (tags)

We can and should do bette than ANSWER!

Good Bye Blue Sky! (tags)

On detention of Iranian immigrants during INS Special Registration

BTL:U.N.-Iraq Weapons Inspection Process Provides an Opportunity for... (tags)

...Anti-War Groups to Make Their Case to the U.S. Public. Interview with Jeremy Brecher, author and activist, conducted by Between The Lines' Scott Harris

Weed, Youth And The Revolution (tags)

Here are excerpts from the debate on -- the online discussion site focused on the Draft Programme of the Revolutionary Communist Party,USA and the strategy for revolution in the U.S.


ANNCOL exclusive interview with key figure in the Colombian opposition: Jaime Caicedo General Secretary of the Colombian Communist Party.



Islam rejecting globalization - and Jews and Israel (tags)

[...] It bears mention that not just Islamic extremists, but also leftist movements' activities in the west against globalization rely on a strident anti-Israeli ideology which periodically lapses into outright demonstrations of anti-Semitism. For instance, Becker reports that in many anti-globalization rallies protesters carry placards that compare Israel to Nazi Germany [...]

Earth First! Activists Occupy Two Trees (tags)

Two Wild Rockies Earth First! (WREF!) activists, using the names Fireweed and Lupine, have occupied trees in a proposed helicopter landing site for the Little Bull and Big Bull timber sales in the Bitterroot National Forest (BNF).

Privacy (tags)

Stephen Rinehart

Impeachment? (tags)

Does a process exist whereby we, the people, can demand the start of the impeachment process? If not, can we gather signatures and vote Bush out of a political position he did not rightly win?


read on

POWER! People Opposing War, Empires and Rulers meeting This coming Monday Jan 14 (tags)

read on

Openlaw project (tags)

"By using the Internet, we hope to enable the public interest to speak as loudly as the interests of corporations. "

NON-G.M.O. process JUST ANNOUNCED! (tags)

Plant Vaccine Promises Safe Genetic Modification (Please read carefully: NO NEW GENE IS INSERTED! Down with MONSANTOS' GENETIC POLLUTION!!!) By Michael Byrnes SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australian scientists say they have scored a world breakthrough by developing a vaccine to make plants immune to viruses. Because of how it works, they say, the vaccine sidesteps consumer concerns about genetically modified food.

Wiesenthal Center Retaliation Call Contradicts Simon Wiesenthal's Beliefs (tags)

In direct contradiction of Nazi-hunter and humanitarian Simon Wiesenthal's lifelong belief in justice and due process in dealing with those responsible for the murders of Jews, The Los Angeles-based Simon Wiesenthal Center has published a press release that openly calls for violent retaliation for the recent Tel Aviv Disco Bombing.

The Revolution Needs Your Support (tags)

A call to aid on behalf of The Revolution Party

Cyber-Rights Groups Call for Hearings on Internet Domain Name Decisions (tags)

A group of Cyber Rights advocates including the ACLU, CPSR, EPIC, ACM and several distinguished law professors sent a letter to Secretary Norman Mineta of the United States Department of Commerce expressing concern over the lack of process and public oversight in the publication of Top Level Domains (TLDs) on the Internet.


This post announces the beginning of a series of COUP WATCH articles. It's not a coup by a particular small group of plotters, it's the fitting climax of a systemically anti-democratic process -- a plutocratic coup taking place in plain sight. Get informed. Join the opposition.

Challenging the Wealth Primary (tags)

Summary: There are moments in our nation's history when a tradition that we once thought constitutional becomes constitutional no more. The history of the right to vote in this country includes, in fact, a series of such moments. Today, we must face up to the newest voting-rights barrier: the "wealth primary"--a direct analogy of the racist all-white primaries of the past.

Twelve Ways to Democratize the U.S. Political System: Seventh (tags)

Twelve Ways to Democratize the U.S. Political System: Seventh Educate citizens to participate in the democratic process.

Twelve Ways to Democratize the U.S. Political System: Eighth (tags)

Twelve Ways to Democratize the U.S. Political System: Eighth Reduce wealth inequality.

Twelve Ways to Democratize the U.S. Political System: Ninth (tags)

Twelve Ways to Democratize the U.S. Political System: Ninth End discrimination in the criminal justice system. (tags)

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