fix articles 435317, army archives
JFAV Questions RP Embassy Data that Only 18,155 Filipino war vets are to benefit from US (tags)
The Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) adamantly questions the number of Filipino World War II veterans are expected to benefit from the equity bills awaiting action in both houses of the United States Congress, as reported in major newspapers. Newspapers quoted the report of Philippine Ambassador to the US Willy Gaa that only 18,155 of this number remain alive, according to Gaa.?"After the US Army left in 1948 with its list of Filipino WWII veterans, the Armed Forces of the Philippines continued to list late registrants," But for JFAV, a community-veterans alliance based in California; “ the crux of the problem is that the main stream newspapers report did not report the other half of what Gaa reported that PVAO reported that figures of 33, 571 living veterans in the Philippines as of May 2007. PVAO also reported 54,000 living Filipino veterans in the Philippines in 2002.”
Filipino World War II Veterans dwindling in US Army roster (tags)
Only 18,155 Filipino World War II veterans are still alive out of 260,143 veterans listed in the US Army roster immediately after the war, Philippine Ambassador to the United States Willy Gaa said. He said this “accurate count of surviving Filipino World War II veterans” came from the Philippine Veterans Affairs Office (PVAO) which maintains a list of survivors, and the Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) which has a roster of Filipino WWII veterans.