fix articles 43386, william hague
The persecution of Julian Assange (tags)
Melzer has distilled his detailed research into a new book, The Trial of Julian Assange, that provides a shocking account of rampant lawlessness by the main states involved – Britain, Sweden, the US, and Ecuador.
Reported Iranian Nuclear Deal: Hold the Cheers (tags)
East/West Cracks on Syria (tags)
False Flag Syrian Chemical Weapons Attack (tags)
Britain's ‘humanitarian’ missions for African women and Syrian children (tags)
Having kept a low profile on the 10th anniversary of the invasion of Iraq, the British government launched two ‘humanitarian’ campaigns in an effort to disguise its genocidal wars in the Middle East and Africa. On the day Britain deployed troops to Mali, British Foreign Minister William Hague and United Nations goodwill Ambassador Angelina Jolie went on an “anti-rape mission” in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Rwanda. The following day, British Prime Minister David Cameron’s wife Samantha Cameron visited Syrian refugee children in Lebanon as an ambassador for the British aid organisation Save the Children.
Latest North/South Korean Exchange (tags)
media reports obscure the facts
The AIPAC is a danger to democracy (tags)
And it has spread to Europe
U.K. minister warns Israel of consequences of IDF assault (tags)
"Children are being killed, families torn apart, towns are being destroyed and the infrastructure of a country razed," she wrote. "It's the civilian population that is being attacked in both countries - Lebanon and Israel."