fix articles 43269, cell
This is not vaccination but prophylactic gene therapy (tags)
"The manufacturers openly admit that the vaccination is not to prevent any infection, but only severe courses. But even that has not been proven with any study. So, by definition it is not a vaccination but at most a prophylactic gene therapy. This is labeling fraud!" So why is it called a vaccination?
Irwin Jacobs Against Cell Towers (tags)
He was against the new cell towers that will kill people - killed just before the voter.
DIARY OF A CON MAN . 17 (tags)
the anne frank story in the diary is a lie
Amy Goodman interview on cell phone safety (tags)
God hacks a border crossing (tags)
New episode of crackbird saga
Torturing Chelsea Manning in Prison (tags)
police state
Another US Jail Cell Death Sentence (tags)
police state
NSA Mass Monitoring Cell Phone Calls Globally (tags)
LAPD spying using StingRay (tags)
LAPD Spied on 21 Using StingRay Anti-Terrorism Tool Mimicking a cellphone tower, it bypasses checks and balances
NYT Editors Ignore GMO Health Dangers (tags)
Lawless Domestic Spying (tags)
police state
COP WATCH MOBILE ALERT NETWORK (877) 588-0804 (tags)
Report police activity directly from your cell phone. Become a copwatcher and receive local alerts instantly on your cell phone. Start your own local copwatch or join one. Cop Watch Mobile Alert Network is nationwide (soon international)
Cell Phone Pics of Police Line on Main St (tags)
Police set up a huge perimeter around city hall last night to prevent supporters from joining occupiers in the park.
Your cell phone company is helping the police spy on you (tags)
Uncle Sam is listening to your cell phone?
Government cell phone snitches (tags)
Government cell phone snitches
BTL:World Health Organization Study Links Cell Phone Use to Cancer Risk (tags)
Interview with Devra Davis, Environmental Health Trust founder and president, conducted by Scott Harris
Police use your cell phone to spy on you (tags)
Please be paranoid about your cell phone!!!! Remember anytime your cell phone is turned on the police know where you are.
Will Jerry Brown Close Pelican Bay Prison? (tags)
Democratic Governor Jerry Brown is under a federal mandate to release thousands of prisoners from California's overcrowded concentration camp-prisons. Abolishing the entire prison-punishment system and the death penalty would be best, replacing it with job training for decent-paying jobs in one year for those under 50 and lifetime good pensions for those over 50. He could start by closing Pelican Bay Prison, a vicious hellhole that would make Hitler proud.
Accused WikiLeaker Bradley Manning claims rough justice (tags)
"At night, if the guards cannot see me clearly because I have a blanket over my head or I am curled up towards the wall, they will will wake me in order to ensure that I am OK."
Jeremy Marks, Arrested for Filming Police, Released on Bail (tags)
Obama Tortures Bradley Manning; Where are CCR & ACLU lawsuits? (tags)
Democrat Obama is now torturing whistleblower Bradley Manning by keeping him in solitary confinement 23 hours per day, with no news contacts and no pillow or sheets allowed so he is now on anti-depressants. Where are the CCR (Center for Constitutional Rights) & ACLU lawsuits?
Human Rights Group Calls on Authorities to Free Two Pregnant Detainees in the Philippines. (tags)
PESANTE-USA , a human rights and peasant advocacy group based in Los Angeles today , two detained health workers accused of being members of the New People’s Army are pregnant and may give birth inside their detention cell in Taguig City if they are not released. Pesante learned it from the group calling themselves as the Free the 43 Health Workers! Alliance asked President Benigno Aquino III to release the accused communists.
Breaking: Cell phone photos of lockdown in street (tags)
Cell phone photos from the scene.
Obama Promoting Secret Police Idea (tags)
Obama Promoting Secret Police Idea
Guantanamo Detainee Deaths (tags)
Detainee murders called suicides
Do Cell Phones Really Cause Cancer? (tags)
Cell phones use a form of radiation called radio frequency (RF) to send their signal. This RF radiation is regulated by the FCC, and has been deemed safe by a number of government and private scientific studies. However, some studies have found that the radiation from cell phones may increase the chance of developing cancer and other health problems.
T-Mobile Tower in Palms (tags)
There is a hearing on Wednesday June 17, 2009 at Los Angeles City Hall Room 1020 on a proposed cell phone tower on top of a residential apartment building.
11:30 pm - Cell Phone Photos from Protest (tags)
Cell phone photos just received to LA-IMC Newsroom
GMO Biotech Lobby Gets Foot in Harper's Editorial Door?! (tags)
Is Harper's magazine editorial staff jumping onto the biotechnology bandwagon, along with mainstream neoliberal and neoconservative politicians looking for quick-fix "solutions" to our petroleum based food crisis?
Cell Phone Photos from downtown March (tags)
Photos just received to LA-IMC newsroom via cell phone.
Obama proving no different from Bush
Prison on Lockdown and Eric McDavid in the Hole after Alleged IED Found (tags)
Eric McDavid is in the hole...
Cell phone photos of IVAW/Rage march in Denver (tags)
Some cell phone photo txt msg to LA-IMC newsroom today from the Iraq vets against the war march
Friday 6:10 pm - Cell Phone Photos of Protest against ICE Raids (tags)
6:10 pm The downtown protest against ice raids continues.
Now We Know: The Anthrax Attacks Were an Inside Job (tags)
Bush moves to clean up before leaving office.
UCLA Adult Stem Cell Speech (tags)
I had already researched embryonic stem cells, and that was so far away. There weren’t any clinical trials going on that I could find. It looked like it was going to be two, five, maybe ten years away. With the controversy over embryonic stem cells raging, the future of any new discoveries coming in time to help me was pretty dim.
Islamic-Christian front warns of scheme targeting Arab presence in Jerusalem (tags)
OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)-- Dr. Hasan Khater, the secretary-general of the Islamic-Christian front for the defense of Jerusalem and holy shrines, warned that the IOA started a few days ago to implement a dangerous scheme targeting the Arab and Islamic presence in occupied Jerusalem through promoting a new ID card as a prelude to imposing it on Jerusalemite Palestinians.
HollyWould Freewaves’ 11th Festival of New Media Arts - OPEN CALL (tags)
OPEN CALL for experimental media art, video, animation, cell videos, wifi events, images for electronic moving signs
US Patents for HIV AIDS and Patent for CURE (tags)
Here it is the proof... along with this there is thirty years of documentation of the developement and distribution of AIDS as will as who worked on the project..just google the patents...
Cheaper than Coal? More discussion of a phosphorescent solar cell (tags)
The following is a continuing discussion of the development of a solar cell based upon phosphorescence....
CIA Rendition: The Smoking Gun Cable (tags)
In a CIA sub-station close to al Libi's jail cell, the CIA's "debriefers," who had been talking to al Libi for days after his return from Cairo, were typing out a series of operational cables to be sent Feb. 4 and Feb. 5 to the CIA Headquarters in Langley, Va. In the view of some insiders, these cables provide the "smoking gun" on the whole rendition program -- a convincing account of how the rendition program was, they say, illegally sending prisoners into the hands of torturers.
Devices Enforce Cellular Silence, Sweet but Illegal and can be had for $150
2:00 pm Anti-police brutality rally at Parker Center going on now (tags)
1:50 pm Anti-police brutality rally at Parker Center going on now. March to Mac Arthur Park set to start at 2:00 pm. Caller estimates 200 people there now.
The Radiation Poisoning of America (tags)
(and the world)
911 EPA oversight hearings taking place (tags)
911 EPA oversight hearings taking place
The High Price of Cell Phones (tags)
Cell Phone technology has gone mainstream recently. Almost everyone, it seems, has a cell phone or similar device. The advantages of having this technology are readily available and promoted in the advertising for these products, but what about the drawbacks and dangers? This paper will shine some light on the dark side of widespread cell phone use, including possible radiation exposure and brain injury risk, increased risks of vehicle accidents, the disruptions caused by ringing phones and those who talk on them in inappropriate places, the financial costs of monthly fees and surcharges for services, the high turnover rate of phones resulting in large amounts of e-waste, hand muscle strains from using tiny keyboards, and the reduction of face-to-face personal contact.
AID$ Hypothesis Suffers Another Crushing Blow (tags)
"Science Daily — Scientists have refuted a longstanding theory of how HIV slowly depletes the body's capacity to fight infection, in new research. Now, who was saying that VERY same thing YEARS ago? Could it have been the AID$ dissident movement and Prof. Peter Duesberg?
AIDS hypothesis suffers another blow (tags)
"Science Daily — Scientists have refuted a longstanding theory of how HIV slowly depletes the body's capacity to fight infection, in new research. Now, who was saying that VERY same thing YEARS ago? Could it have been the AID$ dissident movement and Prof. Peter Duesberg?
works every time
Cell phone photos from Take Back the Park March (tags)
Photos sent to LA-IMC newsroom via cell phone.
UC Davis "Monkey Farm" Wants Expansion (tags)
The University of California Davis has proposed an expansion of the California National Primate Research Center, popularly known as the "Monkey Farm" located on the UCD campus. The expansion would cost over 7.8 million in taxpayer dollars, and include five new facilities for experimentation on nonhuman primates and other animals.
Spices Prevent and CURE CANCER! (tags)
A Curry A Day Keeps The Doctor Away?
Toxic technology: the hazards of micowave technology (tags)
A recent danish study seemed to give the all clear to cell phones, but it merely ignored the mountain of clear contrary evidence. The website: shows the extent of victims
FBI taps cell phone mic as eavesdropping tool (tags)
The FBI appears to have begun using a novel form of electronic surveillance in criminal investigations: remotely activating a mobile phone's microphone and using it to eavesdrop on nearby conversations.
The real terrorist are the American government! (tags)
Nov 17th is an Action Day For Imprisoned Anarchists in The Philippines (tags)
A day of protest has been called for the Sagada 11, young anarchists falsely accused of a Maoist guerilla attack and tortured in The Philippines - Phone, fax, email, write on Friday, 17th November. Also more actions at embassies etc are encouraged, please copy and distribute the leaflet below, and last but not least please write to the prisoners directly.
Animal Tests Obsolete If Human Stem Cell Passes (tags)
By legalizing human embryonic stem cell research in Missouri, outdated animal testing may become obsolete, recognized as the cruel AND inaccurate science that it is..
Stem Cells from Cancer Tumors (tags)
cancer farm usa.
Music is the best way to wake up, is my culture.
Rights group: Prison dogs cruel and degrading (tags)
The use of attack dogs against prisoners here in the U.S.has been a well-kept secret,"
Politics and Promise of Stem-Cell Research (tags)
Dutch F-16's ready to shoot down passenger plane because dark skinned men pass cell phone (tags)
I wonder if the general public thinks the war on terror has gotten out of hand when F-16s scramble to guard and possibly shoot down a passenger plane because dark skinned men on the plane are passing around a cell phone!
The new domestic terrorists (tags)
Article in Rolling Stone about Bush cracking down harder than ever on radical environmentalists.
BTL:Bush Stem Cell Bill Veto Another Christian Right Victory Over Common Good (tags)
Interview with Esther Kaplan, author of "With God on Their Side," conducted by Between the Lines'Scott Harris
Update on the AFP Military Rebels (tags)
For the people’s democratic forces, it is just plain killings, disappearances or torture in jail. For military rebels, it’s a different kind of torture. News sources revealed today that the combination of “solitary confinement, intrigues, unsolicited acts of kindness, and even continuous blaring of [heavy] metal music” has taken a toll on the detained Magdalo rebel soldiers, according to the former legal counsel of one of them.
Cell Phone Picture Called Obstruction Of Justice (tags)
Man Arrested For Shooting Photo Of Police Activity
Israeli spies in Lebanon (tags)
Another terrorist cell was caught earlier this year in Lebanon, which was charged with having links to the fundamentalist group Al-Qaeda. The group was also charged with planning the assassination of Hizbullah�s secretary-general, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah.
Stem CellDebate In Senate This Week (tags)
the gop abortion industry....
AUDIO - Immigrant Rights Activist at counter demo (tags)
Recorded via cell to cell phone with protester at the scene.
Violation of the US constitution (tags)
Georges W. Bush has violated the US constitution & sentenced.
4/22 Protest of Bush regime H2 greenwashing (tags)
Reportback on GW Bush visit to CA Fuel Cell Partnership in West Sacramento. Protesters expose the Bush hydrogen (IPHE) plan as a continuation of petroleum addiction and corporate subsidies. Greenwashing of Earth Day, shame on the Petroleum Puppet pResident..
breathe deep, the gathering gloom..
9/11 The Propaganda is Coming - Get Loose Change by Dylan Avery (tags)
In the midst of failure in Iraq, the president's approval at an all time low, corruption in the current regime being exposed on a daily basis, and the public not being swayed by the current attempt to distract them with the tired immigration issue, the powers that be have determined that the American people need to be reprogrammed, so the revision of recent history is underway.
Torture Victim Tells How He Was Brutalized In Iraqi Ministry (tags)
A first person account by a young Iraqi man of how he was tortured in the Ministry Of The Interior after being jailed for crimes he didn't commit. Offers Free Cell Phone Video Hosting And More. (tags)
Free Cell Phone Video Hosting Of Events And More.
Wireless World: Sensors detect icy bridges (tags)
Privacy threatened again.
URGENT Relief Needed for Native American Communities in Louisiana (tags)
CALL FOR URGENT RELIEF ACTION Hurricane Relief Needed in Native American Communities of Southern Louisiana
It was speculated that silicon diodes emitted radiation of some kind, but they are generally opaque so no light escapes. By 1963 the Light Emitting Diode became commercially available by using transparant material. The theory behind the phenomenon is related to energy released as light when a molecule or domain loses a subatomic particle. Sexual conception also involves molecules and domains trading parts. (hydrogen attraction (electronics)).
"Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned, they did not help the poor and needy" Ezekiel 16:49
21st Century American Revolution (tags)
Dispelling the Darkness (tags)
What are these towers for? Concentration camps in America?
Wireless World: Troubling gaps in 'e-911' (tags)
This is an expose of the problems of 911 on mobile phones.
Honors UCLA sudent missing on way to University (tags)
Honros student disappears while riding bus to University.
Abnaa el Balad leaders on Hunger strike in Israeli Prison (tags)
Abnaa el Balad Movement
Steve Cooley FBI report. From a viable source. Cooley's ties to terrorism. No justice for cooley vote him out in the primary election march 2 2004. Let alone failing to convict jeremy morse of assualting a handcuffed child with videotape evidence, he has set poison to his running mates in the election. From an FBI Source.
Rat brain damage after one cell phone call (tags)
Are cell phones the modern day equivalent of Rome's lead goblets (which did brain damage)?
911 cell phone calls impossible (tags)
An experiment was conducted to see if cell phones can work in airplanes.
This is war by Ann Coulter (tags)
THE NEXT WOMAN PRESIDENT? HERE'S A QUOTE FROM THE RIGHT WING COLUMNIST...We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity. We weren't punctilious about locating and punishing only Hitler and his top officers. We carpet-bombed German cities; we killed civilians. That's war. And this is war.
Bush andBlair in Belfast : Interviews Available (tags)
"Individuals have international duties which transcend the national obligations of obedience. Therefore [individuals] have the duty to violate domestic laws to prevent crimes against peace and humanity from occurring." (NurembergTribunal)
partial analysis of an "alternative scenario" to the events of 9/11 (tags)
this is an exposure of the errors of fact, logic, and conclusion as found in an "alternative scenario" to official accountings of the events of 9/11 commonly known by its title GHOST RIDERS IN THE SKY
Cell Phone Report from Dolores Restaurant 9:22 (tags)
The cops split up the Federal Building group again. Large demo. One lively contingent at SM Blvd and Purdue. Cell phone report from a restaurant right there.
Freedom of Speech is the dearest freedom people can have, for without it political repression and social states are easier to accomplish. Raze 213 articulates one of the brutal torture method that been used by Saddam Hussein's regime against political prisoner in Iraq
Tyranny in Tekirdag Prison, Turkey (tags)
This is a report by the TAYAD prisoners' support organisation in Turkey. It is based on an account by a prisoner held in Tekirdag F-Type (Isolation) Prison and describes both major and petty abuse of prisoners by guards and officials.
100 arrested at UN opposing immoral war (tags)
NEW YORK – “War against Iraq is unjustifiable and immoral. It will cost thousands of innocent lives, Iraqi and American. And I will do everything I can to stop it.” So said Rabbi Michael Fineberg before his arrest on the steps of the U.S. Mission to the United Nations, Dec. 10.
UCLA Student Arrested at Scchool of Americas For Non-Violent Civil Disobedience (tags)
Description of arrest at Fort Benning
The British government will this week go to unprecedented lengths to stop a renegade counter-intelligence officer, David Shayler, from making his most devastating claim yet : that the Libyan Islamic cell paid by British intelligence agents to assassinate Colonel Gaddafi in February 1996 were members of Al Qaeda. The Libyan cell is believed to have included one of Osama bin Laden's most trusted lieutenants, Anas al-Liby, who remains on the US government's most wanted list with a reward of $25 million for his capture.
innocent palestinians treated worse than criminals. Rare case of an isreali with a conscience
I was arrested 9/11 and beaten in Jail... (tags)
----tls---- I was arrested 9/11 and beaten in Jail... I hope you may be able to help me with legal referral or advice ASAP please.
Media Activists: mtg & demo - Wed 9/20 7 to 10 am - KPFK (tags)
~Perhaps Amy Goodman will call in to a cell phone at tomorrow morning's demonstation. She did last time.~
Salk Institute on HIGH SERCURITY ALERT for BioDev/Bio2001 (tags)
Increased Institute Security June 24-27 Must have Salk ID at all times to enter re: Security measures planned at the Institute during the Bio 2001 Conference