fix articles 4324, your america
Did you hear! The Kadr team found a bushite manufacturing evidence in the military commissions trial. Death sentence for the bushite enemy, or more crimes against ourselves as the innocent for torturers, rapists and thieves... Clearly, enemies of Freedom in America. We decide.
Life thanks all honorable men who Bill on sight, the bushite God betrayers who bomb people in Iraq indiscriminately to please the neocon zionist enemies responsible personally for the crimes of 911. To save the lives of innocent families is the result of killing a 'lawless' bushite that has no care to defend America in war time.
The Corporate Bush Whores (tags)
The Corporate Bush whores, who lie to die our naive sons and daughters for stolen profits given to those personally who committed 911 must pay with public trials for their contempt of the value of our forsaken lives.
GLORY OF THE CORPS - A Real Man Speaks for Freedom (tags)
The more good than bad Alex Jones says George Norry, (who has Alex on once every six months or a year to say the NWO can't be stopped, never mentioning liquefied iron flowing like water from the towers, Ahmad, or that bush and Cheney are bad guys for officially closing criminal investigations [obstruction]) is heroic, I say, George Norry is an enemy to all Humans being.
The Whole Truth - Christ Claims Torture Illegal - Get The Enemies of Man (tags)
Torture IS illegal, yet, the TV threat is trying to teach America that We, The People, haven't spoken on this issue since Law came to be. Please, I beg, please fight back for Humanity by not excepting a zionist's betrayal to G-D on this subject.
The Reason's Why - Look, Torture is Criminal (tags)
Look, torture is criminal. Do you physically slap your neighbors, to find out if they did the criminal's crime? Should we slap Rivkin to ask him if he plans to commit crimes against the innocent, and if he then says no, again repeat till he's rightly dead from hearing a liar's denial?
The Myth of American Patriotism - The Truth Revealed! (tags)
What evidence does a bushite need, when it thoughtlessly murders America for demon bush as it's "G-D"?, the thing that does all it's opinioning for it?, on who is guilty of evil doing in complete blind faith puppeting LIES?
Electrical shock to testicles NOT torture so says Congress (tags)
To use electrical shock on testicles is NOT torture so says our self-proclaimed 'Family Values', sold-out, extortion-friendly, NON-representative Congress!!! Presumably okay for female labia as well???
THE SON OF MAN / / Anybody who supports George W. Bush is my ENEMY. George W. Bush committed 9/11 with his buddy, General Ahmad who funded the mastermind ring leader. That's according to the FBI. Any bushite who gets in my way, who says that isn't the case, I WILL KILL. \ \ / / Mr. Sattler, if you don't want US to arrest those responsible for 9/11, don't you thing we Americans should kill you? \ \
A special broadcast for the bushite nazi grunts (tags)
The reasons why, US true Christ like Patriot Warriors kill the enemy bushite for God and Freedom in America.
Yet, it was rummy and tommy franks who TREASONOUSLY threw out the State Department's semi-thought through ORHA plan of, securing the weapon sites and preventing anarchy, and, it was the IAEA that had tabs on the weapons before the bush demon kicked them out irrationally.
Johnny Wizard talks to America nationally broacasted! (tags)
Big deal. To the war mongering mass murdering thieves go the stolen spoils., as the bushite's devolving american new century would say.
Is john batiste going to sit with the loyal troops in the carnage he ordered, and bite the bullets for the team? Hell no, he's probably commanding from Florida, basking in the sun with his personal cut of that two billion with buford blount's two timing nazi whore of a wife.
Yeah?.. but what about the comments made by the bushite child killer phil smith? Maybe he'll tell us again why innocent children were targeted for murder to get rightly killed loyal enemy bushite nazi brethren?
I don't know about you, but I hate bushite rapists and torturers celebrated by corporate American Talk Radio news censors. As enemies of God and all that is great with this world, the bushite bombers should be called out for a man to man fight for their core beliefs, or be rightly killed as better dead than allowed to continue in our names.
[then subverted to steal American lives with by lying] (tags)
Demon Bush replied, "No, the intelligence I operated on [then subverted to steal American lives with by lying] was good, sound intelligence."
Don't kill bush for me, do it for Jesus (tags)
Demon bush must not, under any circumstances, be allowed to survive from his evil onslaught he has criminally dictated against our God and Humanity as war mongering monster liar.
Pleading with Americans to arrest bush for the love of children (tags)
The dumfuk bushite parasites have been PURPOSEFULLY blowing themselves up with mined cluster bombs as suicide bombers! Not dying for any noble cause, but to only further toll more American Patriot lives.