fix articles 430873, brother jesus
Life thanks all honorable men who Bill on sight, the bushite God betrayers who bomb people in Iraq indiscriminately to please the neocon zionist enemies responsible personally for the crimes of 911. To save the lives of innocent families is the result of killing a 'lawless' bushite that has no care to defend America in war time.
The Corporate Bush Whores (tags)
The Corporate Bush whores, who lie to die our naive sons and daughters for stolen profits given to those personally who committed 911 must pay with public trials for their contempt of the value of our forsaken lives.
GLORY OF THE CORPS - A Real Man Speaks for Freedom (tags)
The more good than bad Alex Jones says George Norry, (who has Alex on once every six months or a year to say the NWO can't be stopped, never mentioning liquefied iron flowing like water from the towers, Ahmad, or that bush and Cheney are bad guys for officially closing criminal investigations [obstruction]) is heroic, I say, George Norry is an enemy to all Humans being.
FRONT PAGE - Anybody Out There? (tags)
the demon lying capital false accuser, who immediately closed outstanding criminal investigations on 911 while claiming to be a Christian, and all those who appose with independent thought, evil terrorists.
To Our Patriotic American Lovers of Justice and Freedom (tags)
Coast to Coast radio hosts are traitors who forbid the American Patriot to know: General Ahmad funded Atta, and that we have video of iron flowing like water from the towers
The Economy of Bread Allone and the Economy of Enough (tags)
Jesus' discipleship demands seeing through the economy of bread alone or structural egoism and not submitting.. The economy of bread alone, the economy of hoarding and riches of a few costs the soul and freedom.
The thieves that stood before the cross, the betrayal as the foundation of parents who don't have a clue. The cries of spirituality that youth seeks within the circles of hell. who just don’t give a dam children who cry out for help, leaders who don't know how to lead, and social workers, who don't know how to be social, teachers who don't know how to teach.
Truth Beyond Michael Moores Movie. (tags)
Dear Friends and Truthseekers, Does Michael Moore's recent movie, Fahrenheit 911, seems to be a brilliant display of truth unloaded in mass upon the American and world public - or does it still leave you bewildered and without any sort of ultimate and clear direction? Does it seem to leave something out? Because it did, appearing quite intentional to those who have been researching and discovering the true nature of problem we all face, that is, the forces behind the international banking controllers abominable quest to create a "New World Order" for their selfish benefit, that is the same New World Order that Hitler often proclaimed. Please read this 217 page downloadable PDF book available at and other places around the world wide web.