fix articles 429, freedom Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : freedom


Dear Mr. High Commissioner: Help Free Assange! (tags)

Mr. Assange is a defender of human rights; an innovative journalist and creative publisher; he is one of us. He should not be locked up but standing with us in our office. Is he not persecuted for doing what every serious human rights investigator should be doing every day: investigating allegations and promoting truth, accountability and justice?

Intransmissibilité paraphysique (tags)

Il ne peut y avoir ni amour ni amitié dans la rivalité ou la compétition...

Is it permissible to criticize the West? (tags)

Children in the West today are brought up to believe that the West is superior in every way to Africa, Asia, China, Russia: that the world outside the West is a garden of horrors...It seems almost paradoxical that the West, which sees itself as the inventor of Enlightenment reason against dogmatism, still arrogates to itself the right to have a monopoly on reason

Climate catastrophe and `freedom of consumption' (tags)

It is not five to twelve, but five past twelve, as philosopher Slavoj Žižek writes. The fact that climate change is a fact (the details may well be debated) and poses a serious threat to humanity is something that the last fool should have realized by now.1 It is also clear that the emission of CO2 and other greenhouse gases must be radically and rapidly reduced.

Liberté, égalité, fraternité (tags)

La soumission qui rassure...

Persons without a center (tags)

"They have their great, constantly changing I, but none of them has a self, a core, an experience of identity (...) ...Without awareness & confidence in his own self, man, Fromm argues, is disconnected from both himself & environment."

Defensive Invasion & Strategies of Power (tags)

Imagine it's war and no one goes! This dream is being hurled into the dustbin of history by NATO. War is socially acceptable again, new lifestyle. Many voices cry for revenge, cry for the most modern weapons. It all seems like a duplicate of the US founding story.

No nuclear war in Europe! and Glorification of violence (tags)

The well-read do not believe in Russia's sole guilt anyway. They remember the promise made to Gorbachev not to expand NATO eastward. They know that the U.S. organized and financed a coup on the Maidan in 2014 to install a puppet government.

Stumbling into world war and Ukraine War (tags)

We are on a slippery slope that could end in a world war and a nuclear apocalypse. And it is also clear that for going to war, the West would have to sacrifice those "values" that have so far been used to justify war, first and foremost freedom of speech and democracy.

The price explosion of wheat (tags)

Many people in this country develop the willingness to explicitly freeze for an ideal. Whether for freedom of whatever kind or for the climate. Already now one could marvel at signs on "peace demos", on which was written: "Better freeze, than gas from Putin!"

More weapons is not the solution and Julian Assange (tags)

What is insane, however, is the belief that peace can be secured for the future with even more weapons. SPD Chancellor Olaf Scholz has announced that he wants to invest an additional hundred billion euros in Germany's army.

Paraphysique de la liberté (tags)

Ainsi, voici l'écriture invisible...

What 2022 is about: eliminating conservatives with progressive economic policies (tags)

A labor shortage that is slowly taking shape and the demand for progressive taxation of high wealth, which is being championed in many countries, will make it possible to change the economy and society in Austria and Europe for the better. They will help us eradicate poverty.

The logic of coercion (tags)

Liberty restrictions such as lockdowns, contact restrictions, or mandatory masks are authoritarian by their very nature. Authoritarian action, however, does not correspond to a liberal state, but to a state of authority, as it was realized in the GDR (East Germany).

I consume, theerefore I am (tags)

People who, according to Erich Fromm, are afraid of freedom, who, suffer from "mental constipation" according to Wilhelm Reich, With consumer freedom, the long tradition of Enlightenment thinking is simply erased:

"We were paralyzed for a long time" (tags)

Only in dialogue with those who are strangers to us can we become discerning, can we develop political wisdom. If it is true that we are tipping into a particular form of oligarchy, we should consider how we might supplement our representative system - to re-democratize it.

Born Free, Die Free, L’Hiyot Am Chofshi (tags)

Liberty & Freedom vs. Covid-19 Lockdowns, Vaccinations, Power Grabs

Hormonothérapie biopsychosocioculturelle (tags)

Les hormones de la culture...

Building Bridges (tags)

The new normality is characterized by fear, social distancing and increasing state control. Many fear that the current situation could become permanent and that our liberal democratic legal system could be transformed into a dictatorial system of injustice.

International Scholars Raise Concerns over “an Attempt to Destroy a New Religious Movement (tags)

On July 20, LA local minority church members spoke out at an international human rights webinar titled “COVID-19 and Religious Freedom: Scapegoating Shincheonji in South Korea”, which addressed the recent issues of aggressive attack from politically powerful conservative and fundamentalist Protestant churches against minority faiths.

The four walls are not what we think they are (tags)

For Arendt, modernity in general is characterized by the loss of the world. The private home cannot compensate for all that is lost. The private home must be a part of the "world." By being imprisoned, we have lost our freedom and the world itself.

When fear reigns (tags)

What was thought to be temporary has remained until today. Snowden warns of a similar process in the context of a real crisis. Surveillance is accepted The virus is dangerous. But the destruction of our rights is fatal because it is permanent, Snowden believes.

Thoughts and Theses on the Corona Exceptional State (tags)

The state of emergency threatens to become the normal state - Maximum vigilance is now required to ensure that the new state of emergency does not gradually normalize and that the authoritarian turnaround does not become entrenched.

Freedom of Asembly is Sick (tags)

The denial of these problems and the refusal to deal with the destructive effects of capitalism are the reason why the USA is particularly ill-equipped to face future challenges.

Hayek and the Social Question (tags)

Hayek, author of Road to Serfdom, said the market was self-healing and market outcomes were just outcomes. In his book "Submission is Freedom," Schreiner explains how public investments and market corrections are vital.

Trump and the Post-Factual (tags)

Trump's politics is naive and skeptical, gullible and cynical. Trump's relation with truth is like a generalization of conspiracy theory assumptions that see manipulative-conspiratorial activities at work behind observable reality. Beware pathological narcissists & path paranoids!

Boris Johnson and the Long Shadow of Stalinism (tags)

The capitalist bourgeoisie needs and defends democracy as a form of social freedom only as long as it is useful to its own class rule. Their understanding of democracy & freedom is structurally limited. The 26 community centers in Vancouver could revive freedom and democracy.

Freedom of the Press is Dead Worldwide (tags)

CIA Director Pompeo claims Wikileaks is a "hostile secret service" and Julian Assange is not a journalist. Democracy cannot function without watchdogs. Watchdogs and whistle-blowers must be under special protection.

Justin Amash is the loneliest Republican in Congress (tags)

Justin Amash is the loneliest Republican in Congress

Neoliberalism and Authoritarianism - A Symbiotic Pair (tags)

Rightwing populist parties mix the conventional rightwing authoritarian political style with neoliberal economic ideas emphasizing the free unregulated market and the sleek but strong state. For Hayek, unions allegedly threaten democracy and force a just redistribution policy.

Intransmissibilité paraphysique (tags)

Tout est apprentissage...

Freedom Shouldn't Depend on Your Bank Account Balance (tags)

Did you know that the median bail amount in California is $50,000? That’s just a little less than the state’s median income of $61,000.

Where is Our Personal Freedom Going. – Robert Tronge (tags)

I think it is time to take a look at where our political leaders are leading us. America has always been based on the concept that all men are free and there should be no barriers put up barring a person’s liberty or freedoms regardless of any defining characteristics that a person has. The most obvious examples are race, color, creed, and religion but there are also others.


Animal Defenders International (ADI) dramatic mission to save all of Peru’s wild animals from illegal circuses

Our Beautiful New Clothes (tags)

Neoliberalism seems to create "clothes no one can see" when it mystifies the market and competition and uses the austerity-model, the location-model and the adjustment-imperative or extortion to turn economics into nature.

Attempt the Impossible! Theses for a New Left Majority (tags)

The Brexit vote and the American presidential election have dramatically accelerated the crises of classical neoliberal policy. The exit from neoliberalism can only succeed in a social movement and cannot only be a matter of a government or of the parties.

Take a Step Back – Robert Tronge (tags)

I’m sure we’ve all heard the statement “walk a mile in his shoes”, but how many people are actually willing to step outside of their comfort zone and do this for a real. Most people are unwilling to see the other person’s point of view, especially when it violates their concept of right and wrong, whether that view of right or wrong is based on past experiences, ethnic, cultural, religious believes or outright bigotry.

The Unending Story of the Achievers (tags)

All personal and corporate success depended on state investments in roads, schools, hospitals, community centers, airwaves, food safety and water quality. The achievers' myth ignores this, Austrian researcher Bruno Rossmann explains.

The Totalitarianism of the Market (tags)

Neoliberalism demands reeducation for its implementation like command socialism. The neoliberal view of the person is exemplified by the figure of the Homo Oeconomicus and is the antipole of the socialist person. All persons are entrepreneurs of themseves.

Propaganda: Making Alternatives Disappear (tags)

The main responsibility of a government in a "democracy" is protecting the minority of the ownership class against the majority of the non-owners...The neoliberal indoctrination systems serve in the manufacture of ignorance.

VIDEO: 33 lions leave behind circus suffering in South America, for a new life in Africa (tags)

33 lions that went from circus cages to freedom

How Much State Does the Social Market Economy Need? (tags)

The use of property is only legitimate within the limits of the public interest. Whoever takes a risk must bear it and be liable for the losses. The state has the political task of laying down effective rules for risk assessment, liability and providing transparency. Distributive battles intensify.

Award winning Lion Ark returns to LA to help Save The Lions (tags)

LA Screen Actors Guild, 5.15pm, on Saturday April 9

Freedom (tags)

Who actually gains freedom in this barbaric civilization!

Freedom and the Market (tags)

Neoliberalism as a movement and ideology is a world of ideas where egoism and personal responsibiilty are celebrated, the social is faded out and no place exists for solidarity and social balance. Everyone is the creator of his own happiness here.

Abridge FREEDOM OF SPEECH discreetly (tags)

Here is a summary of how Freedom of Speech is compromised by corrupt law enforcement.

Criticism of Market Theory and Market Ideology (tags)

Market fundamentalists cling to the myths of the self-healing market and corporate beneficence..The real market economy functions very differently than the fantastic notions of the theoretical market economy. Maximum individual profit does not agree with social welfare.

Neoliberalism. Submission as Freedom (tags)

The society in which we live is increasingly unfree in all areas and yet successfully passes off this growing unfreedom as freedom.

Pussy Galore: Sir Roger Moore calls on public to help fly 33 lions home to Africa (tags)

Ground-breaking airlift of abused ex-circus lions from South America

Reviews: Submission as Freedom. Life in Neoliberalism (tags)

The challenge of neoliberalism took an offensive form in the global North with the victories of Reagan and Thatcher. No coup and no dictatorship were needed to gain mass support for carrying out the political ideological hegemony Stagnation, unemployment and futurelessness

Israelis Are Today's Nazis (tags)


The MH17 Big Lie: The Russians Did It (tags)


Dream ending for circus lions rescued in South America: Huge airlift to take 33 lions home (tags)

Thirty-three lions rescued by Animal Defenders International

Egypt's War on Press Freedom (tags)


Living and Working Differently and Self-Optimization (tags)

How did neoliberal policy gain a mass influence? To neoliberalism, we must soon oppose a great alternative narrative of freedom, democracy and solidarity before the social dislocations neutralize the positive resources amid a collapsing world climate.

Egypt's New Anti-Terror Law Targets Dissent (tags)


Unconstitutional Senate Intelligence Authorization Act (tags)

police state

US Supports Egyptian Tyranny (tags)


Reduced Working Hours as a Socio-Economic Investment (tags)

In these Austrian articles, reduced working hours is seen as a socio-economic investment, not as a cost-trap. In a 1909 study by Sidney Chapman, shorter working hours leads to higher productivity and greater output. More time sovereignty and better health of workers would be long-term gains

Revisiting Patriot Act Police State Legislation (tags)

police state


Proceeds of Nutty Traxx ‘Freedom’ go towards massive ADI rescue in South America

Freedom Flotilla III Heads for Gaza (tags)


Israeli Security Force Thugs Attack Russian Journalists (tags)


Kiev Recognizes Ultranationalist Nazi Era Collaborators as Freedom Fighters (tags)


VIDEO: Cholita the abused ex-circus bear takes first steps to freedom! (tags)

Real life Paddington bear relocated to ADI rescue center ahead of ‘Spirit of Freedom’ flight to the US

Rescued Animals go Back to the Jungle with Help from Peru’s Armed Forces (tags)

Dozens of native wildlife saved relocated to Amazon sanctuary in ADI mission

Dwell Time...A Conversation With Eric Foner (tags)

A brief, breezy look at historian Eric Foner

Cholita the Real Life Paddington Bear is Cleared for Take-Off with 33 Lions! (tags)

Funds urgently needed as ADI team prepares to collect Cholita

“Censoring Palestine” event at UC Berkeley (tags)

Report on UC Berkeley Event: Censoring Palestine at the University and Academic Freedom at the Crossroads, March, 6, 2015, Boalt Law School- “Censoring Palestine” Event at UC Berkeley claims denial of free speech from perch at prestigious taxpayer-funded venue

Paddington Creator Backs Campaign To Save Bear in Peru (tags)

Paddington Bear creator joins ADI to rescue Cholita.

City of Fullerton Conspires to Silence Free Press Following Hung Jury #LivestreamOnTrial (tags)

After the jury returned a hung verdict, the Fullerton district attorney announced their intent to retry independent journalist livestreamers AJ Redkey and PM Beers for their presence at the January 18, 2014 protests of the police murder of Kelly Thomas. #FilmThePolice #FreeThePress #LivestreamOnTrial #opFullerton

Paddington Bear to Hitch a Ride on Animal Defenders International Flight From Peru (tags)

Cholita hitches a ride with Animal Defenders International

Indiana State Premiere of Award-Winning Lion Ark comes to The Alhambra Theatre Film Festiv (tags)

Award-Winning Lion Ark comes to Indiana!

The New York Times War on Truth Revisited (tags)


Human Right Self Defense (tags)

Our Unique American Right of Self Defense has been documented and freely available.

Dental Surgery For Lions To Repair Damage from life in the circus (tags)

Renowned veterinary dentist Dr. Peter Emily flies in to aid lions at ADI Operation Spirit of Freedom Rescue Centre, Peru.


My report on the state of our country and of our people:

Copenhagen False Flag? (tags)


Shots fired at free speech event in Denmark (tags)

Is free expression dead in Europe?

Lonely Monkey Finds His Val-entine (tags)

An embrace with Valerie ends a lifetime of loneliness for rescued Pepe

New petition for Albert Woodfox launched today by Amnesty International; Please sign! (tags)

Urging people to sign the new petition launched today, Jasmine Heiss of Amnesty International USA declares: "Allowing Albert his freedom is the only just and humane action the state can take after decades of holding him in cruel and inhuman conditions. Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal must ensure that the state stops standing in the way of Albert's freedom. Tell the Governor: Stop wasting valuable taxpayer resources. Help ensure Albert's release without further delay. It is imperative that justice delayed does not become justice denied. Albert has endured the unthinkable. It is unconscionable to hold him for a single day longer.

Sami Al-Arian: Deported, Free at Last (tags)

police state

Salaita Sues University of Illinois (tags)


Ukrainians Against War (tags)


Do Not Submit! Republish the Mohammed Cartoons Everywhere. Here’s How. (tags)

Strike a chord for freedom

Expect Dirty Business as Usual Following Saudi King's Death (tags)

Saudi Arabia

Kiev Planning Full-Scale War on Donbas (tags)


Deconstrcucting Netanyahu in Paris (tags)


Charlie Hebdo Fallout in America (tags)

police state

Kiev Big Lie on Ending Donbas Conflict in Two Weeks (tags)


Know the consequence of insulting ISlam (tags)

People know the consequences. Why did France allow the tabloid to provoke Muslims?

Twelve dead in attack on French Newspaper, Charlie Hebdo (tags)

An assault on Freedom of expression in Europe

Perfect Storm Conditions Threaten Ukraine (tags)


Thoughts on New Year's Eve (tags)


What It’s Like to Be an Atheist in Palestine (tags)

Waleed Al Husseini spent 10 months in Palestinian prison for being an atheist blogger. He asks why non-believers like himself are abandoned by the world.

Israel's War on Press Freedom (tags)


Ukraine: Fascist Dictatorship Masquerading As Democracy (tags)


Against our highest principles (tags)

Students and labor in solidarity against #BDS

Labor Solidarity Demands a “No” Vote on Israel Boycott (tags)

The AAF currently consists of over 120 liberal and progressive scholars, affiliated with The Third Narrative, who are dedicated to combating academic boycotts and blacklists, defending freedom of expression and promoting empathy and civility in the debate over Israelis and Palestinians.

Kangaroo Court Justice for Hassan Diab (tags)

police state


Bob Barker makes animal rescue mission in Peru possible

The Myth of the Unexpected Crisis and Security (tags)

Many knew the rise of housing prices had to end some time or other... Four theses explain why the Fed was not active during the real estate boom: power of lobbyists, market ideology, trust in abstract academic models and inflation targeting.

Neoliberalism has brought out the worst inus (tags)

Bullying used to be confined to schools; now it is a common feature of the workplace. This is a typical symptom of the impotent venting their frustration on the weak – in psychology it’s known as displaced aggression. There is a buried sense of fear, ranging from performance anxiety to a broader social fear of the threatening other.

Crisis of Freedom (tags)

Neoliberalism forms a free entrepreneur out of the oppressed worker, an entrepreneur of himself. Everyone is a self-exploited worker of his own enterprise. Everyone is master and servant in one person. The class struggle is also changed into an inner struggle. One problematicizes oneself...

Ukrainian-Style Democracy (tags)


Mass Surveillance Destroys Freedom (tags)


Chinese Spring? Hong Kong rebels (tags)

Thousands take to the streets in Hong Kong demanding equality and freedom

Karl Polanyi - Still Actual 50 Years After His Death (tags)

Karl Polanyi was the author of "The Great Transformation." As in Polanyi's times, the absurdity of the market utopia must be made clear and confronted with social reality. Freedom and democracy are goals to defend, not markets.

Hate-Mongering in America (tags)


Firestorm Over Steven Salaita's Sacking (tags)


Hard Truths on Ukraine MSM Suppress (tags)


Kiev's Dirty War (tags)


Huge Rescue Mission Launched in Peru to Save Suffering Circus Animals (tags)

ADI calls for circus lion who attacked teacher to be handed to authorities.

Kiev's War Without Mercy Continues (tags)


Mass Murder in Gaza and Ukraine (tags)


Statement by American Muslim Organizations: End Israeli Aggression and Occupation, Uphold American Principles (tags)

Muslim Organizations and Individuals Statement by American Muslim Organizations: End Israeli Aggression and Occupation, Uphold American principle

War Without Mercy Continues (tags)


Media Scoundrels On Sham Ukrainian Elections (tags)


Activist Professor Denis Rancourt's Judicial Lynching (tags)

police state

Kiev's War on Freedom (tags)


Freedom or Fascism (tags)


Fighting for Internet Freedom (tags)

Net Neutrality

One Hemisphere Indivisible (tags)

Freedom Socialist Party National Convention. One of our panels includes international scholars and activists. Join us!

Latina organizers call for a radical path for the immigrant rights movement (tags)

Yolanda Alaniz and Christina Lopez will explore the question "Which Way Forward for Immigrants?" at a panel discussion on Saturday, May 24.

Obama's War on Ukrainian Freedom (tags)


State Department Big Lies (tags)

police state

Ukraine Hypes a Nonexistent Russian Threat (tags)


Slavyansk Braces for Onslaught (tags)


Unacceptable State-Sponsored Murder (tags)


Koch Brothers-Style Free Society (tags)

class war

Duplicitous Human Rights Misinformation on Ukraine (tags)


Racism in the Netherlands/Party for Freedom/PVV, Wilders and the poison of racism (tags)

The extreme right wing and Islamophobic Party for Freedom [PVV] of G. Wilders is a great danger, not only because of its discriminatory, racist, repressive and hate speech agenda, but also because of its embracing of causes like anti EU and battle against Dutch austerity measures, thus reaching people, who are not perse racist, and the cooperation with European right wing parties as the racist and antisemitic Front National.


Dalai Lama Met With Protest Over Religious Persecution (tags)

The Dalai Lama's public talk today was met with protest from the International Shugden Community. The demonstrators were protesting the religious persecution of Shugden worshippers, a practice which has been banned by the Dalai Lama.

Obama Targets Press Freedom (tags)

police state

US Press Freedom Threatened (tags)

police state

Unconstitutional Protect Academic Freedom Act (tags)

police state

Neoliberal Rollback (tags)

Both Germany and the US seem locked into unsustainable models. The Alternative Economic Policy study group has been publishing memorandums for 20 years urging a radical change of course: qualitative growth, expansion of public sector and reducing working hours.

NSA's Fake War on Terror (tags)


Israel Targets Conscientious Objectors (tags)


US Universities of Shame (tags)


Academic freedom demands we reject the American Studies Association resolution (tags)

countering assaults on academic freedom in our schools

Rogue State Israel (tags)


Tribute for Nelson Mandela (tags)

Nelson Mandela, 1918-2013, Mabuhay!

US Scholars Endorse Boycotting Israel (tags)


Human Rights Day 2013 (tags)

human rights

Britain's War on Press Freedom (tags)


France Lies for Israel (tags)


Targeting Press Freedom in Palestine (tags)


Appalling Human Rights Abuses in Bahrain (tags)


Obama's War on Press Freedom (tags)


Criticism of Market Theory and Market Ideology (tags)

Market fundamentalists cling to the myths of the self-healing market and corporate beneficence..The real market economy functions very differently than the fantastic notions of the theoretical market economy. Maximum individual profit does not agree with social welfare.

Jewish Voice for Peace supports hate speech (tags)

At the "Jewish Voice for Peace" anti-Israel site, they urge their fans to lobby to defeat Proposition 76:

"Pope Francis thinks politically" (tags)

"We are a society that has forgotten to cry and to sympathize. The globalization of indifference robs us of the ability to cry." Full of wisdom, the new pope says: "The greatness of a society is measured by how it treats the neediest." Modern society is barbaric, bloodless and cruel.

Honoring Bayard Rustin, Freedom fighter (tags)

Labor leader and civil rights activist Bayard Rustin has been posthumously awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian award in the United States. Along with Rustin, 15 others will be honored at a White House ceremony later this year.

Presidential Medal of Freedom Hypocrisy Redux (tags)

police state

Longstanding Bahraini State Terror (tags)


Controlling the Message: Targeting Iran (tags)


Hands Off Snowden Campaign (tags)

Hands Off Snowden Campaign

America: Police State Ruthlessness Writ Large (tags)

police state

Mass Surveillance in America (tags)

police state

Freedom in America: Rest in Peace (tags)

police state

Harvest of Empire, the Untold Story of Latinos in America (tags)

Movie Night benefit for the Freedom Socialist newspaper, the Voice of Revolutionary Feminism. This fascinating 90 minute documentary will be followed by a discussion chaired by author Yolanda Alaniz.

America Honors Its Worst (tags)

police state

Spies "R" Us (tags)

police state

Institutionalized Spying on Americans (tags)

police state

Turkey Targets Press Freedom (tags)


University of Ottawa Racism, Censorship and Abuse of Power (tags)

police state

Netanyahu Rejects Palestinian Sovereignty and Democratic Freedoms (tags)


Aaron Swartz: Suicide or Murder? (tags)


Aaron Swartz's Suspicious Death (tags)


Destruction of heritage sites in Syria raises questions about cost of democracy (tags)

Syria, similar to Iraq and Afghanistan, has suffered the loss of thousands of lives during civil wars. But it also has suffered culturally from the ravages of revolutionary conflicts by the destruction of ancient heritage sites that have stood for centuries and, like a human life, can never be replaced.

Berkeley's Free Speech Movement (tags)


From hidden to face-to-face: Seeking truth and global ethical human rights. (tags)

Following continues a discussion between myself and the President of WPEA. It gives a simple way the UN can get the global ethical human rights vision into the mainstream. In earlier discussion I describe its omission a "crime against humanity".

Queer Democrats Celebrate Election Victories at Freedom Awards (tags)

The predominantly Queer San Diego Democrats for Equality celebrated recent election victories in San Diego County at their annual Freedom Awards November 17 at 1202 Club in HIllcrest. They also honored retiring State Senator Christine Kehoe, the first open Queer ever elected to office in San Diego County, for her19 years in elective office.

Bahrain Cracks Down on Freedom (tags)

police state

Philippines: FDC clamor for the Freedom of Information (FOI) Bill (tags)

Freedom of Information (FOI): A Key to Freedom from Debt and Economic Justice

Nov 6: Vote Your Conscience: Peace & Freedom & Green (tags)

It is barricades time now as election day is November 6, 2012. When we vote, we remember Roe v Wade, the 1973 decision under President Nixon, legalizing abortion in the US, with the majority opinion written by Republican Nixon appointee, Justice Blackman, with a Democratic Kennedy appointee, Justice White, dissenting proving that it is mass movements that make the difference. The so-called “lesser” evil is just plain evil. You have to vote your conscience if you want anything to improve as Peace & Freedom Party and the Green Party are products of grassroots movements.

Vote Independent or Stay Home (tags)


Greece Suppresses Free Expression (tags)


I Can't See That Happening (tags)

We do so take our freedoms for granted in our country. They are storied and legendary. Right now, across the world, it is political systems modeled after our own that most often struggle to spring forth (though our government seems to be selective about which of the world's nation's citizens deserve support in their support of liberty and which don't). America's symbol and imagery to the world for so long has been “try and you can have freedom as we do, and we will help you achieve it.” Many of those people seeking more liberties, and a way of life free from oppression feel modeling their governments after our own could help them towards reaching those ends. There has never been a nation with a political philosophy as influential during it's time as ours has.

Britain 'has worse record on internet freedom than Philippines' (tags)

Britain has a worse record on internet freedom than countries such as Estonia and the Philippines, a new report suggests.

Besieged Gaddafi Stronghold Bani Walid Under Attack (tags)


EU Wages War on Free Expression (tags)


Young Filipinos urged to defend internet freedom (tags)

Manila, Philippines: Members of Akbayan Youth today hanged a banner on Welcome Rotonda expressing its opposition to the Cybercrime Prevention Act or Republic Act 10175. Akbayan Youth National Spokesperson JC Tejano today called on the youth to defend internet freedom as a necessary space for a growing democracy.

Freedom without Equality is Only Half Freedom (tags)

Social security guaranteed by welfare state institutions ensures security and freedom. Security is one of those resources that guarantees autonomy. Whoever can lead life free from anxiety is freer. Material privileges lead to a privileged access to power. Wealthy lobbies can buy laws today and normal citizens feel cut off.

Living with the Enemy (tags)


What We Say (tags)

It's shocking to see the protests in North Africa and that are spreading throughout the region and the Middle East in response to the film that was made by a small group of people living here in America. There are films made every day in America that have all manner of messages. There are movies that have made fun of or directly insulted any number of religions. Christianity has without a doubt bore the brunt of these films with movies going to all kinds of lengths to make fun of both the religion and Jesus Christ. Judaism no doubt comes in second. Check the record. Agree with the content or not, we are used to having media in our midst that is offensive, if not to ourselves, then to somebody.

State Terror: Official Israeli Policy (tags)


Stealth Corporate Coup d'Etat (tags)


Beirut Patriarch: EU Doesn't Care About the Fate of Christians in the Middle East (tags)

Cindy Sheehan Speaks at Reception in San Diego (tags)

For four years, from her emergence as an anti-war activist following the death of her son Casey in combat in Iraq, Cindy Sheehan was a hero among liberals and Democrats for her attempts to hold then-President George W. Bush to account for starting the Iraq war and taking her son's life in vain. Then she ran for Congress against Democratic icon Nancy Pelosi and made it clear she held both major parties responsible for the war and the rest of America's ills. Now she's Roseanne Barr's running mate in the Peace and Freedom Party's Presidential campaign, running on a socialist platform that says education, housing and health care are human rights.

Bahrain Imprisons Human Rights Leader (tags)


US Socialist Stewart Alexander Leaves the PFP (tags)

I have met many wonderful and dedicated activists throughout my experience with the Peace and Freedom Party, and hope to maintain many of those friendships in the upcoming years. While my position with regard to this past weekend's PFP Convention may be unpopular, I feel obliged to express the motivation behind my resignation. My commitment to the Peace and Freedom Party extends as far as the Party's commitment to socialism.

Cybersecurity Bills Threaten Freedom (tags)


Criminalizing Dissent in Israel (tags)


TPP: A Trade Deal from Hell (tags)


Stealth Trade Agreement Secret Negotiations (tags)

police state

When Everyday Russians Knew the Communists Were Failing (tags)

Growing up my parents kept people from all different ethnicities, races, religions, backgrounds, etc as friends. They tried not to discriminate, as they didn't want others to discriminate against them or their children. They had friends from Africa, East Asia, Southeast Asia, Europe, South America and of course America. They allowed people into their home from different backgrounds and were allowed into the homes of others. On the street we lived we were the first non-all white family; my mom being British, my dad being from India and our neighborhood predominantly Sicilian.

Presidential Medal of Freedom (tags)


Endangered Press Freedom in Israel (tags)


Vote June 5, 2012: Yes on 29, for Peace & Freedom & Green Party candidates (tags)

The California presidential primary is June 5, 2012, 7 a.m. to 8 p.m., and you can vote this weekend in some counties, including San Francisco, at the Registrar’s office, and you can deliver your absentee ballot to the Registrar’s office when they are open this weekend, Monday June 4 and Tuesday, June 5, 2012. You can also deliver your absentee ballot to your polling place on Tuesday, June 5, 2012. Your votes are needed for Yes on 29 and Peace & Freedom and Green Party candidates so that we cut down on smoking tobacco and so that these 2 parties continue to exist.

Social Justice on Trial in Canada (tags)


The High Stakes Battles to Save Public Schools (tags)

Dr. Steven Strauss, Baltimore neurologist, former linguistics professor and Freedom Socialist writer will discuss why capitalism will not allow quality education for all, and how socialism can provide for everyone.

Support for Anonymous (tags)

Anonymous is on the front lines defending internet freedom.

Leaflets and Truncheons at Riverside May Day rally (tags)

Report from Riverside, California, by Kevin Akin, Riverside County Chair of the Peace and Freedom Party.

World Press Freedom Day (tags)


Abbas Censors Truth (tags)


Un-Millionaire Presidential Campaign House Party (tags)

Durham, a Harlem based workers’ rights advocate, internationalist, and gay liberation pioneer, is on tour in advance of California’s June 5 primary where he is on the Peace and Freedom party ballot.

Warning: Visiting Israel Is Dangerous (tags)


Freedom Socialist Candidate for U.S. President tours California in April (tags)

Stephen Durham, who is vying for the Peace and Freedom Party (PFP) nomination in the California June presidential primary, will campaign in the state from April 12 to May 2. He will speak at several public appearances in and around LA between April 20 and May 2.

Israeli Court Enforces Hana Shalabi Injustice (tags)


Freedom or Death (tags)


Information Freedom from 2600 to 2012 (tags)

Need some assistance on outlining the developing movement for communication freedom.

Where's OUR Religious Liberty? (tags)

The recent controversy over whether institutions owned by the Roman Catholic Church should be required to include birth control coverage in the health insurance they offer employees, the attempt in Virginia to require women seeking abortions to submit to medical rape, and the radical Right's reaction to the 9th Circuit appeals court ruling that Proposition 8 is unconstitutional raises the question: why does it seem as if only bigoted Right-wing churches have "religious liberty" in this country? Why are America's officially tolerated spiritual belief systems seemingly limited to those of the Roman Catholics, Mormons and Southern Baptist Convention?

Socialists protest exclusion from California primary (tags)

When California Secretary of State Debra Bowen released the names of presidential candidates to be listed on the ballot for the June 5 state primary, she omitted two of four candidates submitted by the Peace and Freedom Party (PFP) electoral coalition: Stephen Durham of the Freedom Socialist Party (FSP) and Peta Lindsay of the Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL).

News conference to announce plans to sue Cal. Secty. of State, Wed. 2/29, 10am, Sacramento (tags)

To announce plans by a Freedom Socialist Party attorney to sue Secretary of State Debra Bowen to reinstate Stephen Durham to the Peace and Freedom Party presidential primary ballot. Speakers on behalf of the Peace and Freedom Party, National Lawyers Guild, Radical Women, the L.A. March 4th Committee to Defend Public Education and Social Services and others will also testify to growing public support for socialists on the ballot.

Syrians Overwhelmingly Approve New Constitution (tags)


Escalating Syrian Tensions (tags)


Video Tsunami of Rationality I (tags)

The expression of joy of a former Muslim turned an atheist and a humanist on his liberation from shackles of Islam.

Petition to Cal Sec of State to list all Peace & Freedom Candidates (tags)

Secretary of State Debra Bowen has unilaterally decided to NOT list 2 of 4 presidential candidates for Peace & Freedom Party on the ballot. This illegal activity must end now. Please sign the petition to demand all 4 be listed immediately. Anyone can sign; you do not have to be a Peace & Freedom Party member or a Californian.


February 8, 2012 California Secretary of State Debra Bowen has given no explanation to the party's state chair for omitting two of the four presidential candidates in the Peace and Freedom Party from the primary ballot. Peace and Freedom Party State Chair C.T. Weber of Sacramento calls the omission "unlawful," and the omitted candidates are protesting the decision.

How Mike Kelley Helped Me Paint My Way Out of a Prison Cell (tags)

How the Whitney Museum tried to exploit me, and in turn I exploited them by lying I was a murderer to show my art in the Mike Kelley retrospective. in 1993. This resulted in tremendous media exposure to my case where Governor Pataki of NYS granted me executive clemency. I literally painted my way to freedom as told in my book 15 to Life: How I Painted my Way to Freedom

ACTA: Worse Than SOPA and PIPA (tags)

Internet freedom

Protesting Internet Censorship (tags)


Criminalizing Dissent in America (tags)


Freedom: An Endangered Species in America (tags)


Targeting Journalists in Iraq (tags)


Ron Paul's Anti-Progressive Agenda (tags)


State of Human Rights in Israel (tags)


I Dream of Freedom (From U.S.A. Police State) - Music Video (tags)

Scott X and the Constitution Commandos Release the 7th rock music video off their 2011 Album "Fighting the U.S. Police State With Music"

Faith Heals Reason (tags)

"There is a beautiful fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen where the devil builds a mirror that distorts everything beautiful and good into nothing. The most glorious countrysides appear like boiled spinach, the best persons are repulsive or without torsos.."

Legislating Tyranny in America (tags)


New Report on Israel Restricting Free Expression and Assembly (tags)


Anti-labor SF Voters Support Republican-endorsed Mayor Lee’s Pension Destruction (tags)

Elections simply confirm the class struggle that has preceded them and it is clear from the San Francisco election results for November 8, 2011 that the needs and interests of the workingclass are held in total contempt with the electorate’s support of Proposition C, one of 2 anti-city worker pension destruction propositions placed on the ballot by Democrats.

Israel Assaults Freedom Waves to Gaza Activists (tags)


Internet Freedom Threatened (tags)


A Warning To The Economic And Political Elites: Listen Now (tags)

.... this is the beginning of an American revolt. Before considering occupation, we tried other avenues: elections, lobbying, petitioning, email campaigns, telephone campaigns, marches, rallies -- but they were ineffective..... We know that decades of the expansion of corporate power will not be undone with one occupation. Plans are being made by some of us to move "Beyond Occupation" to the next steps of building a movement that represents all Americans.....

Washington and Israel: Rogue State Partners (tags)


What Next for Libya? (tags)


Socialist Party Taps Stewart Alexander for President (tags)

Alexander, who prides himself on his working-class background, maintains that the Socialist Party historically has been ?the true representative of the Left,? a point he hopes to drive home not only to disillusioned progressives, but to millions of working-class and poor Americans who have been mercilessly pummeled during the current economic crisis ? a near-catastrophic downturn caused almost entirely by the recklessness and avarice of those on Wall Street and their overt enablers in the nation?s capital, Democrats and Republicans alike.

Stop the Machine Occupies Washington (tags)

social justice

Congressional Anti-Internet Freedom Bills (tags)


Double-talk on FOI: Philippine gov?t long on promises, short on political will (tags)

On President Aquino?s Open Governance Partnership (OGP) ON 20 SEPTEMBER 2011 in New York, President Benigno S. Aquino III will deliver the keynote address at the Open Government Partnership (OGP) forum dubbed ?The Power of Open: A Global Discussion?. The conference brings together governments and representatives of civil society, industry, academe, and media. The panels will discuss the role of openness in improving government responsiveness and accountability, fighting corruption, and creating efficiencies, innovation and growth.

National Lawyers Guild Assists Anonymous (tags)

The NLG has published a website for "Anons"

Libya is free. And Guyane Fran?aise? (tags)

Pepper in the buttocks of others is refreshment.

US Election 2012: Alexander says Troy Davis Should Not Be Executed (tags)

Stewart Alexander has joined with millions worldwide calling on Georgia state officials to spare the life of Troy Davis. Stewart Alexander is also joined by the Socialist Party USA, the Peace and Freedom Party, the Freedom Socialist Party, the Green Party USA, former President Jimmy Carter, and former Georgia Supreme Court Chief Justice Norman Fletcher requesting clemency for Troy Davis.

Imperial Arrogance and Hypocrisy (tags)

state terrorism

Ron Paul : Freedom to Die (tags)

A riff on a Krugman column.

Solidarity Hall Matching Fund (tags)

Local person offers to match donations to IMC with a larger donation to Solidarity Hall.

Systematic Israeli State Terror (tags)

state terror

The World is Out of Joint (tags)

The financial crisis has become a state debt crisis. "The rise of democracy was not possible without the social and legal civilizing of capitalism. The deregulation euphoria of democratic governments made possible the incredible ascent of the financial oligarchy."

NATO's Ugly Face (tags)


"There is an alternative to profit maximization" (tags)

The economy should be a part of life, not a steamroller crushing creativity and self-determination. The economy should be embedded in society; society should not be privatized and confiscated by the economy. The public sector must be expanded to create jobs.

Freedom for the prisoners and detainees / Libertad a Rafael Uzcategui y Javier Garate (tags)

Los compa?eros Uzc?tegui y Garate fueron detenidos en Suecia. Exijamos su libertad!!!!

National Organizing Committee discussion, sponsored by Peace and Freedom Party of Californ (tags)

Please join us for discussion of a united alternative to represent working people in our own government

winds of war (tags)

winds of war

Protest the Copyright Cartels - Use Bittorrent (tags)

A recent cable leaked by Wikileaks shows that the US government has been manipulating New Zealand's legislature... on behalf of the copyright cartel.

Denunciation of Israel's Anti-Boycott Law (tags)


Freedom Flotilla II: Final Thoughts (tags)

Israeli terror

Freedom Flotilla II: Blocked but not Defeated (tags)

Israeli terror

U.S. Election 2012: Alexander Will Only Seek SPUSA, PFP Nominations for President (tags)

Stewart Alexander says his presidential campaign is a left campaign to President Obama?s broken promises to working people. Alexander?s campaign has emphasized ending the U.S. war campaigns in Asia and Africa, introducing a single-payer health care system for working people, ending the big corporate tax breaks for big corporations, protecting Medicare, and creating millions of good paying jobs for working people.

Targeting Professor Terri Ginsberg's Academic and Speech Freedoms (tags)


Protest Planned on Henry Waxman Office Friday July 1st, I NEED PEOPLE (tags)

Planned protest on Henry Waxman's office this Friday, July 1st, 2011 against Obama's unconstitutional and tyrannical kinetic actions in Libya. I need supporters, I cannot battle tyranny alone.

Radio, A Powerful Tool For Human Rights, Celebrates Over 100 Years Of Free Expression (tags)

This week marks more than 100 years since the radio was patented on June 2, 1896, an invention that changed the world and the ideas of Human Rights such as Right #19 ?Freedom of Expression?. History was made when arctic explorer Robert E. Peary, in 1909, radio-telegraphed, "I found the Pole". Today, history is still being made through radio, as an array of human rights issues such as discrimination, religious beliefs, torture and other controversial subjects are discussed around the world on live radio.

May Day 2011 Celebration and Film Showing at Solidarity Hall, Friday, May 6, 7:00 pm (tags)

The Power of a General Strike to stop the war, to tax the rich, to save jobs, education & services

Poisoning Mother Earth: Fukushima and America's Gulf (tags)


2010 State Department Human Rights Report on Egypt (tags)


Batterers take charge of Orange County Peace Coalition? (tags)

Domestic violence victims seek answers as Orange County Peace Coalition places batterers in charge of events

U.S. Election 2012: Stewart Alexander Leans Far Left for White House Cabinet Picks (tags)

Labor Candidate Stewart Alexander has announced that he will seek the U.S. Presidential Nomination for the Socialist Party USA, the Peace and Freedom Party- California, and the Green Party USA. Alexander is also seeking support from the Freedom Socialist Party, the Liberty Union Party- Vermont and the support from working people from across the nation.

Send Obama and the Democrats a message and change your voter registration status! (tags)

Let's remember how the abolitionists were able to make use of the poltical party system. ...when it comes to electoral politics, please stop supporting the Democrats! Rather, support one of the "third parties" -- either the Green Party, or the Peace and Freedom Party....

Venezuela's New Social Responsibility Law (tags)


Begrudgingly for Freedom (tags)

This past week the leaders from ten member nations of the UN Security Council finally went ahead and voted to approve helping the Libyan rebels by imposing a no-fly zone over Libya. Gadhafi’s planes, ant-aircraft systems and some of his ground troops “posing a risk to civilians” are being targeted and that is a good thing as it is a measure of help and good faith with the size forces we currently have in the region we can easily provide. It is the least our nation can do (and in Libya the most we should do) as we made such a mess of Iraq, due to one administration basing everything on the say so of one person from Iraq and ignoring reams of evidence from multiple experts warning there was no justification for such action. (;contentBody) Saddam Hussein is gone and that’s good, but due to that administration we were shamed as a nation on not just a national stage but in front of the globe.

Dylcia and Cisco on Panthers and Independista --SF8 Hearing on March 2 (tags)

This new episode of Freedom is a Constant Struggle (filmed by Angola 3 News) features Dylcia Pagan and Cisco Torres. Dylcia is a Puerto Rican freedom fighter, Independista, and former political prisoner. Cisco is the last member of the SF8 facing charges. He has an evidentiary hearing on March 2, 2011, and there is an 8 AM rally prior to the hearing, where supporters are urged to attend.

On supporting the emerging freedom and justice movements in the Mid-east and beyond. (tags)

"t is up to the citizens to make democracy work. It is for this reason that I call upon people of good will everywhere to insure that justice be done by the democracy movement that is emerging today in the middle east and indeed, all over the world. Many of our governments, particularly of the developed west, have demonstrated an unwillingness to allow this freedom to take root. Therefore they should not and cannot be allowed to pretend a leading role in this advance toward liberation now. They absolutely can not be trusted. Please spread very widely. In addition, discussion groups, teach-ins, reading tables, and all manner of creative activities can support and encourage this drive to liberation. Our willingness to gather and cooperate can achieve amazing feats for love and human dignity. Let’s get started."

Peace and Freedom Party Statement on Wisconsin's Worker and Student Demonstrations (tags)

Peace & Freedom Party Stands in Solidarity with Wisconsin's Worker and Student Demonstrations

Israeli and PA Forces Suppress Solidarity with Egyptians (tags)

liberation struggles

Mubarak's Thirty-Year Dictatorship (tags)


Field Notes on American-Style Democracy (tags)


City Heights Human Rights Fest Draws 500 (tags)

The first annual City Heights Human Rights Festival drew over 500 people to the streets of San Diego’s most ethnically diverse neighborhood Saturday, December 11 for a march down El Cajon Boulevard and a fair in the parking lot of Hoover High School at El Cajon and 44th Street. Besides speeches by local elected officials who represent the area, including City Councilmember Todd Gloria and his former employer, Congressmember Susan Davis, the event also included musical performers, readings and a showing of a short film by the Media Arts Center, I Want My Parents … Back, dealing with immigrant rights and how border enforcement is breaking up families. The event was organized not only to commemorate the 62nd anniversary of the signing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, passed by the United Nations in 1948, but to call attention to rights abuses all over the world and especially in Viet Nam. The impetus for organizing the event came from local representatives of the Viet Nam Reform Party, which exists clandestinely in Viet Nam and openly among Viet Namese immigrants in countries like ours that guarantee political freedoms. Among their demands is an end to one-party Communist rule in Viet Nam and an end to its ban on independent media.

Obama Challenges China on Human Rights (tags)

gross hypocrisy

U.S. Election 2012: Weak Labor Demands, Bad News for Obama (tags)

Alexander says he has a plan that will create employment for working people; he refers to his plan as “A Better Deal.” Alexander’s plan would create employment in housing restoring existing homes and building low income housing; automobile manufacturing building electric cars and light rail automobiles; building mass transportation; and repairing the nation’s infrastructure. Establishing a Universal Basic Income (UBI) is one unique element of A Better Deal. Alexander is proposing a UBI that will help to relieve poverty and homelessness.

Tunisia: Talking About A Revolution (tags)

Lina Ben Mhenni … is a Tunisian assistant lecturer in linguistics at Tunis University and a blogger. Lina is mainly blogging about freedom of speech, human rights (especially women’s rights and students’ rights), social problems, and organ donation awareness. She likes photography, reading, writing, watching movies. Lina is also an athlete but within a special team: The Tunisian National Organ Transplant Team.

State without Shame: Contradictions (tags)

The central question remains unanswered: why no society in the past could permanently guarantee freedom and equality. Are we lacking in brotherliness and human relations? Are we not equal to the size of the task? Or are we prisoners of structures that force us to act against our will?

PFP Candidate Dina Padilla Endorse Stewart Alexander for U.S. President (tags)

Stewart Alexander is one of us and was raised in a working family. The son of a mother that was a nurse for more than 35 years and a father that was in construction all of his life, Alexander understands the challenges that working people are faced with on a daily basis. The many challenges in his life have made him a determine advocate for working people. Let’s elect Stewart Alexander as the next President of the United States.

U.S. Election 2012: Stewart Alexander to Seek PFP Presidential Nomination (tags)

Approaching 2012, Presidential Candidate Stewart Alexander is hoping to gain support from five political parties that he says will be crucial to his campaign to become president; the Peace and Freedom Party- California, Socialist Party USA, the Green Party of the United States, the Freedom Socialist Party, and the Liberty Union Party- Vermont.

Julian Assange arrested/Attack on freedom of press (tags)

The arrest case of Julian Assange, founder of Wikileaks is politically motivated and therefore an attack on the freedom of press

Bureaucrats are betraying freedom in America as ‘silence like a cancer grows’, a New Zeala (tags)

I consider that the American bureaucracy, in an act of betrayal, are attempting a complete takeover of academia. And once truth, to be marginalized to the fringes, is lost so is freedom as 'silence like a cancer grows'.

Wikileaks Scientology Crimes Motivated (tags)

The world-wide phenomena known as Wikileaks has captured the fascination of citizens and governments alike, but what was the motivation for human rights and freedom of speech advocates to launch the Wikileaks organization? A documentary covers the foundations of this phenomenally beneficial organization.

Nine Obama Pardons Mock Equity and Justice (tags)

gross presidential hypocrisy

ANSWER conference to honor the Angola 3 and other political prisoners (tags)

ANSWER Coalition leaders and organizers will make presentations and receive awards at the upcoming National Conference on Socialism in Los Angeles. The Nov. 13 and 14 event will feature two days of speakers, panels, organizing sessions, discussion and entertainment at the University of Southern California campus. Hosted by the Party for Socialism and Liberation, hundreds of workers, students, organizers, anti-war activists and progressive people will come together from across the United States.

2 Days to Vote: Yes on 19, 21, 24, 25, Peace & Freedom or Green (tags)

US ranking in life expectancy has gone from 5th in 1950 to 49th today, thanks to the expensive and for millions, unaffordable, private insurance racket proudly promoted by the Democrat-Republicans instead of the socialized medicine that exists in the rest of the industrialized world, and now at 49th, we are also behind many non-industrialized countries. That is why you should vote Peace & Freedom or Green, the two parties that support socialized medicine and oppose insurance companies.

Liberation News California Voter Recommendations (tags)

"We have enough wealth to provide quality housing, health care and education to everyone in California. Most of us care about each other and want to protect our environment. But we are governed by people who want tax breaks and maximum profits for big business." Marsha Feinland, Peace and Freedom Party Candidate for Senate

3 Days to Vote: Yes on 19, 21, 24, 25, Peace & Freedom or Green (tags)

As the World Socialist Website states below, there is a right-wing consensus in the governor's race between the Democrats and Republicans, one capitalist party with millionaire candidates. You can break that fascist attack on the workingclass by voting Peace & Freedom or Green and Yes on 19, 21, 24 and 25.

4 Days to Vote: Yes on 19, 21, 24, 25, Peace & Freedom or Green (tags)

The future is in your hands and you must act to make it better. One way to act is to vote Peace & Freedom or Green to promote serious change. The Democrat-Republicans do not even bother to promote anything worthwhile anymore as capitalism is in such a state of decay that the capitalist class no longer has any crumbs to toss to the workingclass, the 80% of us who sell our labor for less than $77,000 a year. In addition to P&F and Green candidates, it is important that you vote on all of the propositions, including Yes on 19, 21, 24 and 25.

MAPA Endorses Some Peace & Freedom Party Candidates (tags)

When the Mexican American Political Association (MAPA) which usually endorses all Democrats instead endorsed some Peace & Freedom Party candidates, you know we are in a new era. And it was done with a stinging rebuke of the Democratic Party for ignoring the needs and interests of the workingclass.

Democrats or Alternative Parties? SUF Debates the Question (tags)

Work within the Democratic Party or start alternative parties of our own? It’s a debate American progressives have been having since the 1890’s (though until the 1930’s there was the option of working within the Republican Party as well) and the progressive disappointment with the Obama administration was pervasive when San Diego’s Socialist Unity Forum (SUF) met to discuss the question Sept. 19. But so was fear of the “Tea Party” movement — ostensibly independent but supporting and invigorating the Right wing of the Republican Party — and concern that abandoning the Democrats now is unnecessarily divisive and harmful.

Nov 2010 California Propositions; Voting by mail starts 10/4, Registration Ends 10/18 (tags)

Another election is upon us with lots of important ballot propositions. The only 2 parties worth considering are Peace & Freedom Party and the Green Party. Voting by mail starts October 4, 2010. Voter registration ends October 18, 2010. When you register, sign up for Vote by Mail so you never forget to vote.

The Shortwave Report 10/01 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Germany, Cuba, and Russia. 

The FBI’s War On Democracy --Claude Marks discusses the new film COINTELPRO 101 (tags)

Claude Marks, Director of The Freedom Archives,says "we undertook to make this new film, knowing that no government agent or agency has ever been held accountable for the assassinations of leaders, the destruction of organizations, the imprisonment and political targeting of so many people - people who still remain prisoners of the wars against movements for liberation and self-determination within the US borders."

Growing Thought Control in Israel (tags)

Israeli censorship

beliving in the power of love (tags)


Israeli Academic Freedom at Rish (tags)

israeli free expression endangered

Request for full investigation into 'unseen' major New Zealand tragedy and reply (tags)

I very much fear that America is following the same path as New Zealand. It is the 'truth' not power politics or the 'money grab' which will help overcome the climate of fear and hopelessness. Obama, I think, needs the assistance of some of the America's top thinkers and spiritual leaders.

Don't let darkness fall (tags)

"The corporate giants Google and Verizon have a plan to destroy freedom. Yes free speech is now at risk like never before. For the latest on this visit today (08/10/2010). Yes, the plan is to create a corporate "fast lane" and a "kiddy path" for the rest of us."

Israel Prohibiting the Right to Demonstrate (tags)

Israel attacking peaceful demonstrations

Democrat Boxer Opposes Prop 19; P&F Feinland Supports Prop 19 (tags)

Democrats Senators Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein, Attorney General and candidate for Governor Jerry Brown and Democrat Obama's drug czar Gil Kerlikowski oppose Proposition 19 while all Peace & Freedom Party and its candidate for US Senate Marsha Feinland and Green Party candidates support Prop 19 which ends the prohibition on marijuana, thus ending the police state and its prison-concentration camp system. Are you still registered Democrat?


The Americans say that they went to Iraq to give freedom to the Iraqi, but they never made anything to grant freedom to the Pygmy.

Democrat Obama Proclaims Unbreakable Bond with Zionist Israel (tags)

Are you still registered Democrat? Nutty Yahoo, aka Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu come to DC on July 6, 2010 and was warmly welcomed by Democrat Pres. Obama, with no condemnation of the murder of 15 people of the Gaza Freedom Flotilla on May 31 with our tax dollars nor any demand to end the blockade of Gaza or end the production of nuclear weapons.

100% Cal Assembly Honors Fascist Ronald Reagan (tags)

Are you still registered Democrat? On June 28, 2010, the entire California Assembly, Democrats and Republicans together, voted 100% to honor the fascist Ronald Reagan with a remembrance day, his birthday, February 6. In case you forgot or are too young to remember, here is a remembrance you should memorize, as you change your voter registration to Peace & Freedom or Green IMMEDIATELY.

California Primary Election Results- Riverside County will not Count 12,563 votes (tags)

Stewart Alexander is calling on California Attorney General Jerry Brown to investigate this violation of voter rights and says it is also the responsibility of Secretary of State Debra Bowen to insure that every vote is counted. “Unless the 12,563 votes are counted, the election is not valid.”

Venezuela: The jail bars will not silence people protest (tags)

* National and international campaign of epistolary solidarity with trade unionist Rubén González *

They're Coming: Freedom Flotilla Two and Others Planned (tags)

They're coming until the Gaza siege ends

June 8 election: No on 14 to Save Peace & Freedom & Green Parties (tags)

On Tuesday, June 8, you can to something to help the Palestinian liberation struggle: Vote No on 14 to save Peace & Freedom Party and the Green Party, the 2 parties that support the Palestinian liberation struggle. Also vote no on 16 to stop PG&E and No on 17 to stop Mercury Insurance. And Leonard Martin for School Superintendent. PLEASE VOTE TUESDAY JUNE 8, 2010!

Solidarity with the Freedom Flotilla to Gaza (tags)

STATEMENT OF SOLIDARITY from the STOP the War Coalition Philippines

video Freedom Flotilla: dead and injuries everywere (tags)

video Freedom Flotilla: dead and injuries everywere

Democratic Party Endorses Israeli Massacre on Gaza Aid Ship (tags)

Democratic Vice President Joe Biden, a heart beat away from Democratic Party Pres Obama, announced he supported the illegal and deadly Israeli attack on the Gaza humanitarian ships. Peace & Freedom Party and the Green Party support the Gaza humanitarian ships. If you are still registered Democrat, change your registration now.

Solidarity Online Petition with Gaza Flotilla victims and Palestine (tags)

The Bertrand Russell Tribunal Committee has an online petition to the people of the world condemning Israel's massacre of the Freedom Flotilla and the occupation of Palestine.

Canada's War on Islam: The Case of Mohamed Harkat (tags)

attacking innocent victims for political advantage



AF3IRM Calls for Justice for Killed/Wounded Freedom Flotilla Activists, People of Gaza (tags)

AF3IRM, formerly known as GABNet, condemns the Israeli military attack on the Freedom Flotilla on May 30, 2010.

Brave Israeli Commandos Slaughter Aid Activists at Sea (tags)

Murder at sea



Work- and Social Criticism in the Time of Capitalist Running Amok (tags)

The term social goes through a fundamental change of meaning. Earlier social described an obligation of society to its members. Today the little word social stands for the caring duty of members of society toward the capitalist machine

Never Turn Back: SNCC's 50th and the Ongoing Battle for Democracy (tags)

Full and firsthand report on the SNCC 50th Anniversary Gathering in Raleigh, NC, April 15-18 .

Talking About Freedom of Expression At Sunscreen Film Festival (tags)

Human Right Number 19, "Freedom of Expression" is the subject for Youth for Human Rights Florida President Dustin McGahee and Alexa Vega, star of the blockbuster movie, "Spy Kids".

Arizona concealed weapons bill expected to become law (tags)

Arizona,concealed weapons,guns,gun laws,right to bear arms,U.S.Consitution,2nd amendment

Targeting Academic and Speech Freedoms: The Case of Canadian Professor Denis Rancourt (tags)

academic and speech freedoms endangered

Capitalism and Democracy (tags)

Citizens are protected from incursions of the state and on the other side must accept the sovereignty of the state and the general law as prerequisites of property and security. Whoever has visions should be the physician. A good physician will urge changing one's way of life.

Freedom of Association Restrictions and Discrimination in Israel and Occupied Palestine (tags)

destructive Israeli policies

On the Benefits of Seceding from the United States (tags)

Time to disunite the states.

The Neoliberal Agenda is Over and The Despised Social State (tags)

Neoliberalism is the political-economic experiment of individualizing social risks and claiming growth and employment will be higher. This claim is refuted convincingly by the global financial crisis destroying enormous assets and causing growth and employment to crash.

California Governor Candidate Stewart Alexander Receives SPUSA Endorsement (tags)

After running as the 2008 Vice Presidential Nominee for Socialist Party USA, Stewart Alexander has now received the endorsement of SPUSA to run as a candidate for California Governor on the ticket of the Peace and Freedom Party.


Brazil media abuses and it asks to be controlled.

Passing the Torch of Equality to the Next Generation (tags)

Black Heritage Week, in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and his concepts of non-violence and equality.


Which will the changes be in States in reason of the Internet?

Tom Condit Presente 1937-2010 Mourn & Organize (tags)

The workingclass and the socialist community lost a major leader with the death of Tom Condit at age 72 on January 9, 2010 of prostate cancer. He was a founder, leader and candidate for Insurance Commissioner of and for Peace & Freedom Party, the socialist party on the California ballot since 1968. The best tribute we all can give is to affirm our commitment to never vote for the Democrat-Republicans, but rather vote for workingclass candidates, preferably of Peace & Freedom Party, who are for peace and freedom, and all the ideals for which this website stands. Condolences to his wife and equally oustanding leader of Peace & Freedom Party, Marsha Feinland. Below is the first statement of Peace & Freedom Party.

Blocking Freedom Marcher/Viva Palestina Aid to Gaza (tags)

Egypt complicit with Israeli siege

Freedom vs. Forced Health Care Insurance (tags)

Freedom vs. Forced Health Care Insurance

The Libertarian C.N.T. and the F.A.I. Supported Freedom of Religion in Spain (tags)

“Could any other declaration be made? It is de rigueur (socially obligatory -ed) that in any programme type declaration we register our respect for religions…” 1. states the C.N.T. on May 10th, 1938 Circular No. 12.


What to do when a newspaper practices censorship?

Calif. Governor Candidate Alexander Proposing Free Online University Degrees (tags)

While running as the Peace and Freedom Party’s candidate for California Lieutenant Governor in 2006, Alexander’s platform supported free education through university level. Alexander says this is still achievable through online educational studies. Alexander believes that online studies will drive the cost down for the state, will offer all students the opportunity to receive a free education, and students will be able to obtain a Bachelor or Master degree in almost any discipline.

Targeting Muslim Charities in America (tags)

the face of a police state

Honduran President Zelaya earns high marks for governance (tags)

"MCC's eligibility criteria include a commitment to "just and democratic governance." The pattern of actions taken by Honduras beginning on June 28, 2009, is inconsistent with this commitment and MCC's eligibility criteria. For the record, under the Zelaya administration, according to the MCC fiscal year 2010 scorecard, Honduras turned in grades well above passing with respect to “political rights,” “civil liberties” and “voice and accountability” — the latter, described by MCC, as “the ability of institutions to protect civil liberties; the extent to which citizens of a country are able to participate in the selection of governments; and the independence of the media.”

Preview of Ramzy Baroud's "My Father was a Freedom Fighter (tags)

could only be written by someone who lived through it

Freedom of Religion in Libertarian Spain (tags)

Hello, For anyone interested, here is Part 2 of the 'Libertarian Spain in the 1930's' series


Obama is being long to bury FOX.

PFP Candidate Wants Same-Sex Marriage on 2010 Ballot (tags)

While most of the Democrats and Republican gubernatorial candidates are opposing same-sex marriage rights and the legalization of marijuana, Stewart Alexander has placed these two important issues at the center of his campaign. Alexander says the best means to achieve same-sex marriage rights and to support legalizing marijuana is to support a political party and the candidates of that party that has a strong record of support on both issues, “that is the Peace and Freedom Party.”

Peace and Freedom Party 2010 California Governor Candidates (tags)

There are presently three candidates for California Governor representing the Peace and Freedom Party: Mohammad Arif, Stewart A. Alexander and Carlos Alvarez.

Were You at the March on Washington? (tags)

Two websites designed to energize Tea Party volunteers.

Internet Manifesto (tags)

The freedom of the Internet is inviolable. The Internet's open architecture constitutes the basic IT law of a society which communicates digitally and, consequently, of journalism. The web constitutes an infrastructure for social exchange superior to that of 20th century mass media.

Alexander: It’s Time to Save California’s Automobile Industry (tags)

Mary McIlroy, a candidate in the California 10th Congressional District race, has strongly opposed the closure of the Toyota NUMMI plant; the plant closure would affect tens of thousands of workers in her district which covers Alameda and other surrounding counties. Mary McIlroy, the Peace and Freedom Party candidate, says, “It is not too late to save these jobs and save the plant from closing.” Toyota has scheduled the plant closure for March 2010.

Former Obama Adviser Attacks Him at Freedom Awards (tags)

Steve Hildebrand has been described as Barack Obama's closest Gay friend and the person he listens to on Gay issues, but at the August 22 Freedom Awards, the main fundraiser for the predominantly Queer San Diego Democratic Club, he bluntly said, “The problem is Obama isn’t listening enough.” At the event, Hildebrand delivered a slashing attack on Obama and the Democrats in Congress -- both the so-called “Blue Dogs” in the House and the “moderates” in the Senate, as well as leaders like Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid who are letting them get away with hijacking Obama’s agenda and pushing him to the Right. Hildebrand predicted that the Democrats will lose their Congressional majority if they continue to tack Rightward and fail to do the things they were elected to do.

California’s Unemployment at 60 Year High, at Depression Levels (tags)

The news out of Washington is suggesting that the bottom of the economic decline is here, and last week, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke stated that the “economy is leveling out;” however, the people with the Peace and Freedom Party, based in California, is dismissing the Federal Reserve report as propaganda that will only benefit Wall Street.

The Smearing of Mary Robinson (tags)

The Israel Worshippers (IWs) are clever! As I write, 1.5 million Gazans are languishing under Israeli occupation. The IDF’s siege of Gaza from Dec. 27, 2008 to Jan. 18, 2009, took about 1,400 innocent lives. To change the subject from Gaza, the IWs orchestrated a campaign against Mary Robinson, whom President Obama had nominated for a “medal of freedom.” The IWs’ campaign failed. Ms. Robinson got her medal and the focus remains on Gaza.

Stewart Alexander: Same-Sex Marriage Rights Can’t Wait (tags)

The leadership within the Peace and Freedom Party wants a measure to support same-sex marriage on the ballot in 2010. Kevin Akin says, “The fight for human rights is back on the ballot for 2010, and if it fails, then 2012.”

August 15, 1945 : Victory Against Japan, Freedom for Asian Countries (tags)

The Alliance –Philippines (AJLPP) marked today, August 15, a day of freedom. Fifty four years ago, in August 15, 1945 several Asian countries won their freedom when Japan surrendered on this day. Although the formal surrender came later on September 2, 1945, Asian freedom fighters in Korea, Indo-China and Indonesia was freed and won their independence on August 15, 1945 from the clutches of the Japanese Imperialism.

Fascism: What it is and How to fight it (tags)

In light of the resurgeance of the ultra-right, the Freedom Socialist Party sponsors a six week study group on countering neo-fascism.

Bring the Bushite Enemy to Justice (tags)

"We don't give them a bail out on top of a bail out, they'll run Americans into the ground - is the for sure crime of extortion"

Greek government attaks indymedia! (tags)

Indymedia is ours and it will be alive as much as we need it to change the world

Big Brother's Cultural Roundup (tags)

War is peace, freedom is slavery and ignorance is strength. These are the slogans of Big Brother. With newspeak, the ministry for truth tries to stylize oppositional citizens as terrorists.. Activism must not be equated with terrorism.


Members and friends of the Peace and Freedom Party are encouraged to participate in local rallies protesting the reactionary, anti-democratic military coup in Honduras. As most heads of state and foreign ministers (with the notable exception of Secretary of State Hilary Clinton) have stated, the only acceptable next step is the return of President Zelaya to power, to finish the term to which he was lawfully elected.

UCSB terminates case against Professor (tags)

After withholding recommendation of charges committee, UCSB drops case against Robinson

ADL Hate Laws Hate Freedom of Speech (tags)

The Anti-Defamation League (as its contrarian euphemism for an organization that does little, if anything, to fight defamation against Arabs and Muslims by rabid Islamo-phobes in the U.S. like Jewish-American Michael Savage) is “again” proposing another anti-free-speech bill disguised as the “Megan Meier Cyberbullying Prevention Act” HR 1966, which makes it a thought crime to “intimidate” and “harass” anyone over the Internet or on the airwaves.

making Pride more real? (tags)

Within the huge SF Pride festival, radical faeries provide a NON-corporate space. Copyright 2009 by ......

Peace and Freedom Party Pledges Prop 8 Overturn, Human Rights Fight in 2010 (tags)

"The fight for human rights is back on the ballot for 2010, and if it fails, then 2012," says Peace and Freedom Party State Chair Kevin Akin. Reacting to the California Supreme Court ruling upholding Proposition 8's ban on same-sex marriage, Akin reports that his party's State Central Committee is dedicated to whatever work is needed to wipe the constitutional amendment from the books.

Faculty members protest investigation of sociology professor (tags)

UC-Santa Barbara professors circulate petition to halt proceedings against William I. Robinson and reject “outside pressures”.

People Reject Sacramento "Solutions" -- Real Solutions Needed (tags)

On Tuesday, May 19, 2009, the people of the State of California sent a strong rebuke to the Governor and State Legislature. Propositions 1A through 1E were defeated.

Romina Tejerina: A story of gender violence and patriarchal unjustness (tags)

Romina is a poor youth who was born in one of the most conservative and old-fashioned regions of Argentina: Jujuy. One day, while leaving a party she was raped by her neighbor, Eduardo Vargas. As a result of this raping she became pregnant. For six months she hid her pregnancy, all the while carrying out abortion steps through in-home methods. In spite of being raped, she was unable to ask for assistance as the society where she lives looks negatively upon pregnancy out of wedlock. To be raped is generally looked upon as the fault of the victim, because they either provoked the situation or did not do enough to resist it. During the time that her pregnancy lasted, the rapist felt as if he had gotten away with it and threatened her constantly in order that she wouldn’t say a word. Later, after various attempts at abortion, it ended – prematurely – in the bathroom of her house. She was overcome with post-traumatic stress upon sight of her recently born dead baby. Romina then found herself in a state of mental confusion upon learning what one of the official reports had said. The judge that wrote them never believed that it was actually a case of rape.

Stop the Witch Hunt Against Professor Robinson (tags)

I am a dismayed and concerned Southern California resident writing you to express support for Sociology and Global Studies Professor William I. Robinson. As you may know, Professor Robinson and academic freedom have come under recent attack on the UCSB campus.

Juliano Mer Khamis-- Is the Freedom Theater Training Children for Jihad? (tags)

Our Common Enemy: The Press (tags)

From the view of the rulers, the task of the media is to give a false impression about reality. It protects the governing elite from the people so the people do not really know what the elite actually does.. The freedom of the press is the freedom of 200 rich men.

Why is Peace & Freedom Party Attacking 9/11 Truth Movement? (tags)

While looking for those who correctly oppose the entire May 19, 2009 California ballot, as does Peace & Freedom Party, you will come across a strange article front and center on the Peace & Freedom Party website by a Bob Maschi entitled "Conspiracy Behind Conspiracy Theories? What is this garbage attacking the 9/11 Truth Movement doing on a socialist party's website?

Statement of Peace and Freedom Party California State Chair on San Francisco Police Riot (tags)

After the Monday evening demonstration at the Israeli Consulate in San Francisco was broken up by club-wielding police, video of the incident was widely distributed on the internet. One of those who saw it, Peace and Freedom Party California State Chair Kevin Akin, issued a statement demanding that the police videotaped beating demonstrators "at random, for no apparent reason, with clear malice and intent to inflict serious injury," be arrested and charged with assault. "This criminal assault shows us that after the murder of Oscar Grant, it is apparent that more members of Bay Area police forces need to be reminded that they can no longer get away with violent crime in this age of video."

Just SAY NO to the Employee Free Choice Act - Why? (tags)

One Reason is that The Coalition for a Democratic Workplace, Employee Freedom Action Committee, Chamber of Commerce, Alliance For Worker Freedom, Workforce Fairness Institute, Americans For Job Security, Save Our Secret Ballot, Union Busting Consultants, and other Corporate Front Groups all want you to.

Exposing Employee Free Choice Act Front Groups Like The Coalition for a Democratic Workpla (tags)

Who are these Front Groups Against The Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) ?

Two Dogs Rescued by ALF From Compound (tags)

Communiqué from the Animal Liberation Front Institution Target: Unknown Compound

Alexander: California Budget Needs More for Education, Less for Prisons (tags)

On March 16, 2009, thousands of students will gather in Sacramento at the Capitol Building for a march and rally to protest the budget cuts to education and cuts to community colleges. Stewart Alexander is encouraging students to join the march and rally to keep the community colleges open. For more information regarding the time, location and date for the Mass Community College March/Rally in Sacramento, call (415) 585-2121.

Alexander: Schwarzenegger’s Tax Proposal Unfairly Targets Working People (tags)

Stewart Alexander says the “governor’s tax proposal continues to demonstrate that the governor lacks the ability to lead the State of California.” While running as a candidate for California lieutenant governor in 2006, Alexander repeatedly criticized Schwarzenegger on California budget issues. Alexander says, “California’s economy has experienced major set-backs under Schwarzenegger’s leadership.”

Stewart Alexander will Enter 2010 Race for California Governor (tags)

During the 2006 California Election, Stewart A. Alexander was a candidate for California lieutenant governor; Alexander was on the statewide ballot representing the Peace and Freedom Party. During the 2008 General Election, Stewart Alexander was the U.S. vice presidential candidate for Socialist Party USA. Now, as the State of California continues to reel in a deepening financial crisis, Alexander believes he is the right person to be the next California governor.

The Top Twenty Forbidden Truths of Humanity (tags)

The human species is diseased, devolving, and doomed to extinction. Here are the top twenty Forbidden Truths of this pathetic species, that prove the argument that humanity is unworthy of continuing to exist.

Call Congress/Senate to Protest US-Israel Genocide (tags)

The latest chapter of the genocidal war of US-Israel against Palestine was deliberately perpetrated while Congress is on vacation this week, but theirl phones do have voice mail, so please do call either locally or ito DC. If the mailbox is full, try another time. And please stop voting for Democrat-Republicans, the 100% pro-Israel gang, and instead vote Peace & Freedom or Green.

mesage from atmos (tags)

Our connection to you is stronger than ever, as your energies reach up and join with ours. The result is that the strength of the Light upon Earth is permeating all around it, affecting the dark energies and lessening their power

Human Rights Require International Freedom of Movement and Residence (tags)

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 60 years old this week, has helped legitimate the supposed right of nation-states to regulate immigration, thus denying freedom of international mobility and residence, and undermining basic human rights in the process.


We, in the Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) now, a full pledged national organization based in Los Angeles ,salutes and pay the highest tribute to Jack Tejada. He was a tireless freedom fighter in the fullest meaning of the word. Commander Jack Tejada is from New Jersey but he represents all the veterans in the United States wherever they maybe. He is regular lobbyist in Washington D.C He fought for our freedom as a soldier of the Philippines and America. And did his part in winning World War II. But he did not stop there. He continued to fight for freedom and justice for the benefits and the recognition that they truly deserve and was taken away from them

Constant vigilance is the Price we must pay, for our FREEDOM (tags)

The New President learns how to Walk! Talking about keeping your enemies near? He can still hear our cheers and consul, ringing in his ears. Our Government will learn how to walk, again. But, it must take a few baby steps first

Bankruptcy of the Last Utopia (tags)

The economy should be a part of life, not a steamroller crushing creativity and self-realization. The economy should serve humankind; humanity should not serve bankers, SUVs and sports stadiums. The same Chinese letter represents crisis & opportunity.Will future be more human?

Eric McDavid - Update and Writing from Eric (tags)

Update on Eric and writing from him

This Veterans Day, Say “Thank You!” (tags)

Veteran's Day Annoucement

Conscience of the Israeli spymaster’s daughter (tags)

Igal Sarna meets a Mossad chief’s daughter who is in jail for refusing national service Omer Goldman is a very pretty girl, slender as a model. Never still and very restless, the expected loss of her freedom fills her with anxiety. For months before she refused to be drafted into the Israel Defence Forces she went to a psychologist every week to prepare for what was to come: incarceration in a cell in a military prison. A narrow cage for a songbird.

Peace and Freedom Candidates Ralph Nader and Matt Gonzalez in Oakland (tags)

Over 500 people turned out to hear presidential candidate Ralph Nader and his running mate Matt Gonzalez at Oakland’s Grand Lake Theater Sept. 30. The two are on the ballot in 45 states this year as Independents or on various party lines, including the Peace and Freedom Party in California. Several P&F candidates also spoke, as well as Cindy Sheehan, running as an Independent for Congress against House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Update and Letter from Eric McDavid (tags)

Update on Eric's situation in Victorville, and a letter from Eric

Obama, McCain urged to unite against terrorism (tags)

In spite of reports in The Washington Post and Pakistan's DAWN newspaper that Pakistani troops fired at a U.S. helicopter that was raiding an Al Qaeda safehouse in Southern Waziristan, the defence establishments in the two countries denied the incident. Realpolitick and business interests of the military-industrial complex seems to be blocking a sound U.S. policy on defanging Pakistan's military.

Celebrate Constitution Day On The 221st Anniversary Of The US Constitution (tags)

Tell her you still love her after all these years. Who? The Constitution! Join us 17 September 7PM in Los Feliz

The Corporate State and the Welfare State (tags)

The idea of a "minimal state" may be passe. The author's two theses are: Liberalism is inconceivable without a strong state and liberalism undermines its own conditions of success. The modern welfare state is a child of democracy and can't be drowned in the bathtub.

Free Tibet (tags)

It's our duty to help free Tibet.

Ralph Nader Wins Peace and Freedom Party Candidacy for President (tags)

Ralph Nader won the Peace and Freedom Party nomination for president of the United States at the party’s convention in Sacramento. His national running mate, Matt Gonzalez, was also confirmed as the party’s vice presidential candidate.

Cal General Strike Needed to Tax Rich (tags)

Millionaire Nazi Schwarzenegger, the Republican California governor married to Democrat Maria Shriver, wants to lower 200,000 state workers' wages to the state minimum of $6.75 per hour and fire all temporary and part-time employees to balance the budget, instead of raising the progressive income tax on those who make over $200,000 from all sources. Labor must respond with a statewide general strike of all state workers, In one day, the rich will be taxed and the budget will be passed.

Moore-Alexander Seeks PFP Presidential, V.P. Nomination (tags)

The State Convention for Peace and Freedom Party will convene on Saturday, August 2 and 3 at the Hawthorn Suites, 321 Bercut Drive, Sacramento California. At the convention Brian Moore, Gloria La Riva, Ralph Nader, and Cynthia McKinney will be seeking the Peace and Freedom Party’s presidential nomination. A debate among the four presidential candidates will be at the same location on Friday, August 1 at 7 p.m.


WE DEMAND all real American soldiers to WAR for open dialog on 911, Afghanistan, and the thefts of innocence in Iraq. George Norry is an enemy of Freedom in America by refusing the facts of America to allow US to decide for ourselves. CNN, CBC, and FOXNEWS are of persons who lie, cheat and steal our rights to be represented fairly.

The Road to Carfreedom and Top Ten Myths (tags)

These articles from Carbusters 2006 are available at

The Shortwave Report 6/13 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia.

2008 Election problems begin early with Peace and Freedom Party (tags)

Tuesday election snafu denies Peace & Freedom Party voters ballots, may influence presidential nominating convention; Party chair says a lawsuit possible.

Solidarity and revolt across borders (tags)

Greetings to all friends, to all those who are not resigned to the situation in which we live: police occupation of the streets, of the cities, raids, deportations, arrests, daily difficulties, the dispossession of our lives; the situation that pushes us to cede a major part of our lives to the bosses of every genre, to those who preside over our destinies, to power. If we've taken the road of revolt, it's for all these reasons, to retake the power over our lives, for the freedom to live.


Google demon enemies of freedom to be just, refuse to allow my words heard through usenet. I will sue them for every dollar they have, thereby owning the company, and will fire/charge those responsible for refusing free speech to me, but allowing demon neoconner zionists like enemy KEN to pirate OUR authority. Google management are war criminals causing the deaths of our innocent families.

Warning of the American Friend (tags)

What primarily motivates US foreign policy-economic interests or a religious mission consciousness? A special world view is added to the economic interests In this perspective, economic liberalism brings political freedom and both together lead to peace and free trade.

Something smells different in Cuba (tags)

ººº With respect to the situation in Cuba these past few weeks, the Cuban Libertarian Movement – MLC (affinity group of Cuban anarchists in exile) speaks up to answer the unknowns and the challenges facing Cuban society. Ours is the voice of uncompromising commitment to freedom, equality and solidarity that has always been the sound of the Cuban anarchists.

Open Letter to Fighters for Mumia’s Freedom (tags)

Open Letter to Fighters for Mumia’s Freedom: For Mass Labor Mobilizations to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal! For United-Front Action!

The Golden Rule - A Man Takes a Stand (tags)

"Taliban fighters are guilty of nothing but standing in defense of the innocent victims of 911."

Pelosi and McCain: Pass the Equity Bill First Before Talking About Tibet-JFAV (tags)

Fix your own backyard. Compensate the Filipino World War II veterans . Pass the Equity Bill first, before you speak of justice and freedom in Tibet.” This was the admonition of the Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) to Republican Senator John McCain and Democrat Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi who was strongly criticized by the Chinese government for meddling in the current Tibetan crisis.

Democrat’s New Spy Bill – Lulling Americans Into False Sense of Security (tags)

The war on terror and the war on freedom are nonpartisan issues. Both Democrats and Republicans alike have consistently voted for legislation that, through the illusion of protecting our families and our homeland, have actually removed critical components of the U.S. Constitution. Will the Democrat’s new FISA Spy Bill be any different?


Did you hear! The Kadr team found a bushite manufacturing evidence in the military commissions trial. Death sentence for the bushite enemy, or more crimes against ourselves as the innocent for torturers, rapists and thieves... Clearly, enemies of Freedom in America. We decide.

Tibetan Protest in Los Angeles against Chinese Regime (tags)

Southern California Tibetan Community and Supporter groups condemn recent killing and brutal crackdown of peaceful tibetan demonstrators in Tibet.

Venezuela 2008: A libertarian proposal for the current situation (tags)

* The Collective Editorship of El Libertario,, expounds its vision of which path to follow in the current situation in Venezuela, summed up in the slogan, “Against the (B)oligarchy, demagoguery and corruption: Autonomous struggle of the underdogs! Shut Down by Government (tags) shut down by government, at behest of bank in Cayman Islands.

George Bush Sings! The Truth Serum CD Marks This New Election Year (tags)

It's important to keep Freedom of Speech alive. And when you're in the arts, it's an artist's responsibility to exercise those rights via the arts. Jon Hartmann has just completed "George Bush Sings" a music truth time capsule of all the errors of the Bush Adminstration in American History.

Be a Man, Take a Stand (tags)

Life thanks all honorable men who Bill on sight, the bushite God betrayers who bomb people in Iraq indiscriminately to please the neocon zionist enemies responsible personally for the crimes of 911. To save the lives of innocent families is the result of killing a 'lawless' bushite that has no care to defend America in war time.

GLORY OF THE CORPS - A Real Man Speaks for Freedom (tags)

The more good than bad Alex Jones says George Norry, (who has Alex on once every six months or a year to say the NWO can't be stopped, never mentioning liquefied iron flowing like water from the towers, Ahmad, or that bush and Cheney are bad guys for officially closing criminal investigations [obstruction]) is heroic, I say, George Norry is an enemy to all Humans being.

United Communities of America Declare Autonomy (tags)

We have been: Penned Cattle prodded Poisoned Lied to Spied on Bulldozed Robbed and Assassinated Long Enough. It's over.

Vivisection of Neoliberalism (tags)

"Therer is no such thing as society," said Margaret Thatcher. "The neoliberal understanding of democracy is marked by skepticism and open hostility." (Ptak) That market pressures are often more severe and oppressive is repressedf as long as possible.

Cal Prop & P&F & Green Results with 88% Precincts Reporting (tags)

With 88% of California precincts reporting, we have the usual reactionary election results of a minority of the population, mostly not the workingclass, voting for gambling. Peace & Freedom Party and the Greens need to register millions of the workingclass if we are to see better election results.

Liberation News Voting Recommendations (tags)

Every four years the American people are subjected to the farce of bourgeois democracy, a “democracy” where only the candidates chosen by the very wealthy have any chance of being elected. That season of nicely dressed pathological liars and false hopes is now upon us. Since the corporate media of the United States has long ago abandoned any semblance of reporting on anything of substance about candidates such as voting records and actual political views, it is up to the journalists of the left press and Indy-media to do so.

To Our Patriotic American Lovers of Justice and Freedom (tags)

Coast to Coast radio hosts are traitors who forbid the American Patriot to know: General Ahmad funded Atta, and that we have video of iron flowing like water from the towers

A Bushite is an enemy of America (tags)

TO THE UNBELIEVERS : 40,000 pounds of bombs dropped by ANTICHRIST FORCES OF EVIL on a populated City THEY OCCUPY - American Women are Raped by Bushite and American men are too cowardly to call pro-child killer happy George Norry - Corporate News Whores are Evil to All Humans Being - Pentagon Won't Probe KBR [GANG] Rape Charges - "Heaven Won't Take Marines" - American corporations actively attempt to MURDER American women, and American "Men" refuse to phone someone who cares... - I'm willing to Challenge America to a Presidential Debate on successes we've achieved as the governed for enlightenment - Catholic Bishop: 9-11 was inside job - TO CON AMERICA TO DIE AS TRAITORS - Evidence is Everything - Al-Qaida = General Mahmoud Ahmad - WOW! - 'How Bush misled the world' - WOW!

Heaven Won't Take Marines (tags)

LOOK! The lawless bushite is warring Humanity to bring about near what was there prior to them attacking.. THINK: they are trying to bring about the stability that their continuing conduct decreases through further LAWLESS rape, theft, and murder. Bill a bushite for God and America why don't you do it to save the atheists for Heaven as all included? Bushites are evil enemies of US all my friend, enemies of US all.

Egoism versus Pluralism: The Crucifix Decision (tags)

The truth of faith can only prevail without worldly authority through the word of proclamation. The Christian chruch must affirm pluralism relativizing its own existence. The state has the task of limiting egoism.

Mahatma Gandhi (tags)

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." --Mahatma Gandhi

Lakota Nation declares independence from U.S. Empire (tags)

Lakota Nation tribes withdraw from treaties with U.S. government, citing numerous treaty violations on part of U.S. and loss of cultural identity resulting from forced assimilation programs..

Coming to Town for Bushite Nasties (tags)

God is coming to town for bushite nasties on his sled of make believe. A halted bushite, is a mercy on our souls, in defense of ourselves the innocent. The innocent that a 'lawless' bushite holds for ransom in pain dying.

Palestine: PFLP Launches English Website (tags)

We are launching this English website today, on our historic anniversary, for a number of reasons. We stand today amidst an ongoing assault on our people, marked by occupation, exile, imprisonment, siege, assassination, destruction and invasion, an assault that has continued for sixty years.

This is how we (could) pray (tags)

On Tuesday December 11, 2007, I joined in a community effort to welcome and support a coalition of Native American Nations and environmental justice groups in their ongoing effort to defend Arizona's San Francisco Peaks from proposed ski area development.

Demand open line communications to defend Freedom through Justice (tags)

"Al-Qaida" = "General Mahmoud Ahmad" Defend freedom, and the FBI, by demanding Coast to Coast radio hosts allow free communications, absent their personal contempt for preserving freedom to be our America.

Demand America take our calls for Justice as all (tags)

Did You Know: the bushite is warring Humanity to bring about what was there prior to them criminally invading?

Look, CNN and FOXNEWS Forbid Americans to Know (tags)

Look, CNN and FOXNEWS forbid Americans to know, families are threatened with arrest for not agreeing to cause neurological damage to their children. Will YOU make same demands by refusing US to discuss these matters openly?, or will you side to remain silent while my America dies undefended?

The Reason's Why - Look, Torture is Criminal (tags)

Look, torture is criminal. Do you physically slap your neighbors, to find out if they did the criminal's crime? Should we slap Rivkin to ask him if he plans to commit crimes against the innocent, and if he then says no, again repeat till he's rightly dead from hearing a liar's denial?

Fresno, CA- Veteran Needs Food and Shelter (tags)

Socialist Party USA and Peace and Freedom Party have been sharply critical of the Democrats and Republicans, due to their failure to make ending homelessness a national priority. As a result of this failure, the nation’s homeless population may experience sharp increases within the next two years due to the recession and inflation. Federal assistance is now imperative.

new film "The power of Oaxaca's people" by Contraimagen (tags)

by contraimagen

American Environmental Activist Valerie Morse Jailed for Terrorism in New Zealand (tags)

Valerie Morse, a well-known Wellington environmental activist and one of the 17 arrested in the police 'anti-terror' raids, previously published a book on the effects of the 'war on terror' just six months prior.

Socialist Presidential Ticket: Moore and Alexander (tags)

Socialist Party USA and Peace and Freedom Party shared a mutual victory on Saturday, October 20, in St Louis, Missouri. During the National Convention of Social Party USA, Brian Moore was nominated as the presidential candidate to represent the party’s national campaign ticket and Stewart A. Alexander was nominated as the vice presidential candidate.

A Hundred and Fifty Years Later and Marx Still Prevails (tags)

Marx Was Right But Don’t Tell Them

The Plight of American Veterans (tags)

Socialist Party USA, and Peace and Freedom Party are asking all U.S. veterans to join their efforts to obtain more for U.S. veterans and to end the Iraq War. The two political parties are also demanding an immediate withdrawal of all U.S. and allied forces from Iraq and Afghanistan. Stewart Alexander says, “The Democrats, Republicans and Bush are already past the deadlines to get out; and that was before March, 2003.

Stewart A. Alexander, His Biography (tags)

Today, Stewart A. Alexander is seeking the nomination as the presidential candidate for the Peace and Freedom Party and Socialist Party USA; to give Americans an opportunity to have a voice in government and to determine the future course of America and our position in world politics. This is his Autobiography.

"Capitalism and Freedom" Unmasked (tags)

The dark side of Milton Friedman's economics.

Moravek Biochemicals Terminates Business With Notorious HLS (tags)

Moravek Biochemicals Terminates Business With Notorious Animal Lab Executive Paul Moravek Convinced As Animal Cruelty Exposed

Animal Liberation Front Strikes the OC (tags)

Executive's Home, Cars Vandalized; Supplier to Notorious Animal Testing Laboratory Huntingdon Life Sciences Supplier Moravek Biochemicals Is Targeted

Peace and Freedom Party War Protestor Arrested (tags)

Yesterday John Reiger, a member of Peace and Freedom Party, was among ten war protestors that were arrested at the office of Congresswoman Doris Matsui in Sacramento California. The protestors were part of a nationwide movement of anti-war protestors that oppose the Iraq War and congressional support for the war.

Psy-Ops of Stupidity - Who's in Charge Here? (tags)

I again, beg Humanity to speak in opposition to Amerika in the defense of our innocent forsaken dying lives. CBC producers know the bushmob did 911 but lie with propaganda to kill our families for the ungodly as thieving neocon enemies. They refuse to inform ourselves that Al-Qaida is General Mahmoud Ahmad, as according to the FBI. Or that video of iron flowing like water from the WTC towers exists indicating without doubt, the bushmob enemies did 911 as TRAITORS.

Alexander: US Government Should Protect Homeowners (tags)

Stewart A. Alexander, a presidential hopeful with Peace and Freedom Party and Social Party USA, says President Bush and Congress could do more to protect homeowners during this nationwide home mortgage crisis. Alexander has ruled out a federal bail-out of mortgage lenders and believes homeowners need federal protection; he is introducing several steps to ease this national crisis.

Tranforming Capitalist Schooling (tags)

School is back. So are liberals and conservatives, bickering over how to preserve capitalist schooling. At issue is how to get beyond capital, its promises of perpetual war and meaningless jobs. How shall we keep our ideas, yet teach?

The Abolition of the Unemployed (tags)

Researchers urge freedom instead of full employment. With a bsic income, the unemployed would have the freedom to seek for employment that suits them. No one would force them to accept any work. Basic income is a way to solve the dilemma of jobs destroyed by higher productivity.

Socialist Candidate on Two Tickets for President (tags)

During the month of April 2007, Stewart Alexander was the first candidate to announce that he would seek the nomination for president on the Peace and Freedom Party ticket in California. Now Stewart Alexander is joining 10 other candidates to seek the nomination of the Socialist Party USA to become the next President of the United States.

The Son of Man Begs America - DEFEND THE PEOPLES OF IRAQ (tags)

Who IS running this bushite nazi liar show, where they, our elite corporate media masters, kill our stupid kids with their flagrant naked monster lies, while refusing all calls for clarity, Johnny America really wants to know. Like immediately.

Fucked Nation (tags)

You're Fucked!

Sao Paulo (Brazil) is under a disguised dictatorship (tags)

It’s a disguised dictatorship, with press freedom, but no freedom for public demonstrations.

America in Critical as Americans refuse to Speak for Freedom! (tags)

How so can all of Iranian Military Officers be "terrorists", while lawless bushite bomb defenseless innocent peoples indiscriminately routinely, with praises from the actual demon antichrist responsible personally for 911 I want to know.

Black August (tags)

Now for the wonderful citizens living in Los Angeles. For more information on me you shold contact Alec Baldwin His helping me was very interesting. Alex is a great Patriot. His studio is in Santa Monica. He and Jennifer were woking on a great movie project about Robert F Simone. Alec Baldwin knows a winning script always. Jennifer is the brains behind this fantactic movie that will be an oscar winner. Her choice of music from Tosca is perfect and Jennifer Lynn Masaryk Ellis deserves the best. That is why Phil Spector asked her to marry him back in 2004. Phil is innocent and Bruce Cutler is not the correct lawyer for him. Roger Rosen from Century City and Robert Shapiro are instead. I would love to see the press give Phil a chance. How about the press cover the problems he has had to bear losing a child to an inept hospital in Los Angeles. Phil is a genius and he can not harm a soul. I know so much more than you could ever know. The tazering by the LAPD is cruel and uncalled for. Well LA is a police state and that will change once I testify against Dick Cheney. By the way Phil Spector is the co-writer to the song Imagine. Enjoy the link.

US Presidential Candidate: Free Education is Possible (tags)

As millions of college students begin preparing to enter college this fall, many have become accustom to increased tuitions year after year. Nationwide college tuitions are climbing and in some states the increase is 10 percent or more going into the fall semester. Stewart A. Alexander, a Peace and Freedom Party Candidate for President, says free education is possible through university level; a position the PFP, Peace and Freedom Party, has supported for 40 years.

Impeach Mainstream Media and Jail Murdock (tags)

Puppet regimes may come and go, but one of the greatest threats to freedom for most Americans is the Fourth Estate of propaganda and lies. This industry makes and breaks politicians. This industry and other elitists can easily handle a regime change—but they will continue to survive and thrive. Forget burning the flag: burn your newspaper instead—or one you especially despise.

Presidential Candidate Wants Iraq Vote on Ballots (tags)

Many top Congressional Democrats and Republicans are now taking the position that it will be necessary for the US to maintain a military presence in Iraq into 2009. Despite plummeting American support for the Iraq War, Congress continues to support the occupation and American imperialism. Stewart Alexander, a presidential hopeful with Peace and Freedom Party, believes it has become necessary to put the Iraq War vote in the hands of the American voters.

Competition and the Legal System (tags)

Competition is not always a fountain of economic development..Certain academic findings are dangerous for the functioning of norm systems. The critic becomes the delinquent. Several wicked mosquitos may be criticized, not mosquitos in general.

Los Angeles Moves to Forefront of National Impeachment Movement (tags)

Leaders of the Westside Greens, the Progressive Democrats of Los Angeles, the Los Angeles Greens, and the Santa Monica Democratic Club have established the Impeachment Center to provide a facility for phonebanking, letterwriting, and the distribution of lawn signs, bumper stickers and a full range of impeachment action items and related literature.

Immigration Reform Is Needed, After Bush (tags)

Stewart Alexander, a presidential hopeful with the Peace and Freedom Party, says, “I believe Congress should work on comprehensive immigration reform after President Bush ends his term in office. I do not believe this important issue should be used as a political football or as a bandage for an administration that is hemorrhaging before the nation and the world.”

The Neoliberal Catechism (tags)

Turning away from the state causes old age poverty and endangers life and limb.. The consequences of privatization are faded out in the US and Germany.. Defining freedom as only entrepreneurial freedom and freedom of capital can be easily veiled.

Alexander Applauds Michael Moore’s Movie “Sicko” (tags)

The major problem with Michael Moore’s new movie “Sicko” is that the movie is right on; the movie takes aim at America’s healthcare system and how profit and cost has taken priority over patient care.

Presidential Candidate Will Ban Death Penalty (tags)

As president of the United States Stewart Alexander will fight for a constitutional ban on the death penalty; he will also direct his attorney general to investigate the cover-up in the Mumia case by the state officials in Pennsylvania, potentially charging these officials with obstruction of justice for covering up the frame-up.

CANVAS and Freedom House linked (tags)

CANVAS,a suppose Gandhian non-violent site and Freedom House, linked as it is to the National Endowment for Democracy of infamous memory, are here shown to be linked CANVAS has been behind some of the recent pro-RCTV actions in Venezuela

Women, please be patient - still (tags)

I posit the radical notion that the denial of rights and oppression of women is equally important as the denial of rights and the oppression of any other group in a society. Underlying this notion is that women ARE those other groups and one cannot separate them out from “the rest of the population” seeking a better life.

Media Courtesans Take their Bows (tags)

Corporate Media gives itself a standing ovation on UN World Press Freedom Day

war protest (tags)

end this war or we will

The War on Free Expression (tags)

The struggle to save our First Amendment rights

the butchers apron (tags)

strip search the queen...

Presidential Candidate Wants to Supplement Social Security (tags)

The Social Security Administration was established in 1937 under the administration of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, it was an important part of Roosevelt’s New Deal to America; now 70 years since the system was introduced, Stewart Alexander, Candidate for President, wants to give more to an aging America.

Basic Income: Freedom for Every Individual (tags)

Katya Kipping rightly characterizes basic income as a democracy package. Solving a material question and strengthening civil rights and personal autonomy are joined.

Stewart Alexander Enters Race for President (tags)

Recently the Peace and Freedom Party launched a nationwide presidential search campaign seeking candidates for President of the United States; this week Stewart A. Alexander is the first candidate to formally announce his candidacy as a Peace and Freedom Party candidate for president.

How did Christian right fanatics take control of US government/people?? (tags)

How did the past few years of rule by the illegal war criminal GW Bush regime proceed to revoke the rights of the people and replaced by fascist religious dogma??

Support Al-Jazeerah. info, the US Independent News Publication (tags)

This website,, is not related by any means to Aljazeera TV station of Qatar.

Media collaboration with Haiti coup (tags)

A look at how the Haitian private media, the international media and Reporters Without Borders demonized President Aristide in order to justify his overthrow on Feb. 29, 2004.

Blair goes 1984 (tags)

with his new Ministry of Justice

Minors Prostituted in SoCal Farm Labor Camps; Event Raises Awareness and Funds (tags) announces the next chapter in the fight to educate and prevent the trafficking of human beings: The Freedom Project; a benefit supporting the International Justice Mission (IJM), a human rights agency that rescues victims of violence, sexual exploitation, and slavery.

I fully agree: “There IS a strategy against freedom of expression in Venezuela” (tags)

VHeadline en Español News Editor Jesus Nery Barrios writes: On Sunday, March 18, at the 63rd half-yearly meeting of the Inter American Press Association (IAPA) in Bogota, its chairman, Rafael Molina said that “there is a strategy against freedom of expression in Venezuela” ... a statement with which I fully agree.

Support the Iraqi Freedom Fighters (tags)

Below are links to two videos showing courageous Iraqi Freedom Fighters wiping terrorists off the face of the planet.

War and the Misuse of God (tags)

No freedom of religion if religion calls to war, glorifies war, presents war as inevitable or promotes the hatred of humankind.

Clinton Wants US Troops in Iraq to Guard Oil (tags)

Hillary Clinton came right out and told the New York Times on 3/14/07 that US troops should stay in Iraq because "it is right in the heart of the oil region." Contrary to the Democrats' cynical belief that we have nowhere else to go, we can and must vote for the only 2 peace parties on the California ballot: Peace & Freedom and the Green Party

PAC movie night March 20! Legacy of Torture: The War Against The Black Liberation Movement (tags)

Tuesday March 20, 7pm

Tom Morello's Revolution Will Not Be Amplified (tags)


Killers in the Classroom (tags)

-- -- During a heated debate in a class I teach on social justice, several US Marines who had done tours in Iraq told me that they had "sacrificed" by “serving” in Iraq so that I could enjoy the freedom to teach in the USA. Parroting their master’s slogan about “fighting over there so we don’t have to fight over here”, these students proudly proclaimed that they terrorized and killed defenseless Iraqis. They intimated that their Arab victims are nothing more to them than collateral damage, incidental to their receipt of some money and an education.

Hidden terrorism: the last days (tags)

The Israelis are trying, by a hopeless campaign, to convince the world of their loyalty and cleanliness, but they already revealed, through nearly sixty years of repression, their real intentions.

Freedom for Anarchist Prisoners in Oaxaca! Freedom for Oscar and Sacramento! (tags)

Anarchists and anti-authoritarians have played a vital role in the struggle against the government of Ulisses Ruiz Ortiz in Oaxaca. Among the many prisoners being held in jails around Mexico are anarchist activists Oscar Santa Maria Caro and Sacramento Delfino Cano Hernandez who were arrested on November 30th in Oaxaca.

OO7 (tags)

Community and the commonalty are not necessarily the same. Equality is not the same as levelling. E-quality is quality on three levels as symbolized by the letter E.

Former Longtime Confidant Accuses Ariel Sharon of Assassinating Yasser Arafat (tags)

Ariel Sharon likely poisoned Yasser Arafat

The Dangerous Double Standard (tags)

In the early nineties, people hoped for the irrevocable ending of fear and the great peace dividend.. The governing limit themselves to fighting symptoms. The causes of terror are not a theme for them.

Freedom: A Christological Contribution (tags)

Christmas is a revolution, a new beginning and a change of loyalties where weakness becomes strength and power is seen as blindness. Poverty of spirit keeps us from the idolatry of riches and power as ends-in-themselves.

More Americans hungry, homeless in 2006 (tags)

More Americans hungry, homeless in 2006

Oaxaca Solidarity Demonstrations in the US on Friday, December 22nd (tags)

Johnny’s Flying Jalopy (tags)

Corporate America's contempt for Justice is STILL killing American teens un-necessarily. All religions are in agreement - God is just - and if there is to ever be a heaven granting freedom to all, it's a world that treats all people equitably, like Mohamed, Hillel, and Jesus with Confucius, Buddha, and so on preaches to real believers...

Who are the Cuban Five? (tags)

Now is the time to demand the release of the Cuban Five. They were sentenced 5 years ago this month and have been imprisoned unjustly in the U.S. for 8 years for the crime of trying to defend their homeland against terrorist attacks...

Rights group condemns Arroyo regime for butchery of Filipinos and their freedom (tags)

"We condemn the Arroyo regime for its butchery of hundreds of Filipinos and our nation's freedom by presiding over gross human rights violations and insisting on a self-serving charter change similar to that of the Marcos dictatorship," said the Philippine human rights group KARAPATAN whose members and allied organizations joined the anti-Cha Cha rally today at the House of Representatives in Batasan.


The 2006 Elections are over and the Peace and Freedom Party has plans to push forward with an agenda that will meet the needs of working class people across the nation. The Mid-Term Elections provided an indication of the great unrest and dissatisfaction that people nationwide have with America’s present leadership. Americans appear to be riding the fence between the Republican and Democratic Parties, and voters are uncertain about landing on either side of the fence.

Pesante-USA Support’s Cagayan Valley Peasant’s Struggle for Land and Freedom (tags)

--The Philippine Peasant Support Network (Pesante)-U.S.A vehemently condemned the despicable killing of the new Gunglo Dagiti Mannalon peasant association president Anthony Licayo last November 27 at Brgy. Cabirauan, Gonzaga, Cagayan, Licayo has just succeeded Joey Javier, the president of Gunglo was killed by military agents in Brgy, Bagunot,Cagayan. Licayo became the 791st victim of political killings perpetrated by the military throughout the Philippines under the US-Arroyo regime. Pesante is very much aware that the peasant associations led by the Kilusang Magbubukid ng Pilipinas (KMP) is taking the brunt of the fascist attacks by the US trained and directed Philippine military, police, its intelligence agencies and paramilitaries all over the country.

Information Control: The Disempowerment of America (tags)

“Information is power and whoever controls the information has the power.” This simple axiom applies today more than ever in America – with an addition to it. Whoever controls information access has the power to control the direction of our country, especially since the media are the most pervasive and omnipresent purveyors of information in the U.S. // © 2006, Sasha A. Rae, All Rights Reserved

Christ Wars Bushite Enemies for the Love of our Living God (tags)

See?, the zionist's hope is to create permanent war until it owns all as victim to slavery through censorship. Up on a cross somewhere Olmert would have you suffering as the Messiah forsaken. Steal your home, and everything you value as yours. Zionism is antithetical to the Jewish religion, for, as Hillel teaches us, to treat others as we would treat ourselves, would leave the innocent dying in some ungodly nazi concentration camp by the will of the Zionist criminal.

Economist Milton Friedman dies at 94 (tags)

Milton Friedman, the Nobel Prize-winning economist who advocated an unfettered free market and had the ear of three U.S. presidents, died Thursday at age 94.

No Fear of Neo-Fascist AETA!! (tags)

Following the passing of the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act (AETA), animal rights activists pledge to maintain resistance against animal rights abusers!!

11/7/06 Election & the 2 peace parties, P&F & Green (tags)

The California governor’s general election of 2006 was a low voter turnout election due to the deliberate lack of campaign by the pro-death penalty millionaire Democrat Phil Angelides against the pro-death penalty millionaire Republican incumbent Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. In spite of this mockery of democracy, the 2 anti-death penalty peace parties, Peace & Freedom Party and the Green Party did as well as could be expected and both certainly remain on the ballot.

NIFC "Shell To Sea" Video (tags)

The National Irish Freedom Committee (NIFC) has been helping publicise the struggle of the people of Rossport for quite some time now and we are the only Irish organisation here in America that has been vocal in our support of the community in Mayo, and have actively used all our resources to try help keep our membership, other concerned people, and the general public informed about what is going on there.

OAXACA Worldwide, Photos and text for flyer (tags)

Flyer to distribute to the unaware at marches and other Oaxaca solidarity actions. I was not able to upload typeset flyer, but below are the photos & text used if you want to use any. On the 8 x 10 flyer, the six photos from around the world are smaller than they appear here, about 1.5 x 1.5. The flyer includes a 3.5 x 5 photo of the girl confronting the PFP (Policia Federal Preventiva, Mexican Federal Riot Police), and a separate large poster was made just with her photo and the legend: the world is watching OAXACA November 2, 2006

The Failures of Faculty in Tough Times (tags)

t's possible that this watch-list strategy sprang fresh from the minds of the Young Conservatives of Texas, but it's more likely they were influenced by the national group Students for Academic Freedom and leftist-turned-right-wing-activist David Horowitz. The strategy is simple: Rather than attack specific professors for holding views critical of the dominant culture and its institutions, better to claim that the universities are dominated by these critical intellectuals who are crowding out other perspectives.

"I Never Feared for My Life"The Story of My Kidnapping in Nablus (tags)

Palestinians have tried every peaceful avenue to win their freedom. The United Nations passed dozens of resolutions affirming their rights; Israel simply ignores them.

Law of the Land - WE RULE - an indictment of the Bush regime (tags)

The UN-Elected Bush regime now states cowardly Americans have no longer any legal rights to defend themselves from unlawful arrest if commanded without reason by the lawless as godless, bushite enemy LIARS. Are YOU fooled?.. I didn't think so.

Perspective on Palestine, by a UTLA member (tags)

There are many reasons why the cancellation of a meeting at UTLA on the Palestinian question is just wrong.

No to Angelides and Schwarzenegger! Yes to Janice Jordan! (tags)

Angelides criticized Schwarzenegger for his praise for the racist anti-immigrant vigilantes called the “Minutemen” while in the same breath calling for a "guest worker" program that would create a new class of super-exploited worker with no political rights. Under the same type of program in the past U.S. bosses often failed to even pay Mexican workers for their hard labor. The fact that Angelides and the Democrat Party are now calling for this kind of legalization of indentured servitude place them firmly in the same racist camp as Schwarzenegger.

Prisons: Alexander Wants 50K Inmates Released (tags)

Governor Schwarzenegger has declared a state of emergency to reduce the over crowed conditions in California prisons; and under the governor’s proclamation 5,000 inmates will be transferred to other states. Stewart Alexander, with the Peace and Freedom Party, says the governor’s plan is doomed to failure before the first prisoner is transferred out of state. “Under the governor’s plan eventually California will need prison space in all 50 states."

MSN Censors Writer After Emailing Juaneno Unity article (tags)

Not long after emailing friends and family an article I wrote on Juaneno Unity, my MSN email account was closed for 5 or 6 days.

PFP, Stewart Alexander Represents America's Left (tags)

For years America perceived the Democratic Party as the party for working class people and protecting American jobs; today this party is no friend to working class people. The party has joined the Republican Party to suppress wages; the party has supported foreign trade affecting the income of millions of Americans and the ranks of the unemployed are fueling crime, poverty and misery.

The Death of Feminism (tags)

A speech for the 12/14/05 Senate hearing organized by the American Committee for Democracy in the Middle East.

Alan Dershowitz's Sinister Scheme: Paradigm? What Paradigm? (tags)

Dershowitz's claim that civil liberties require new government powers is eye-catching and remarkable for its initial appearance of absurdity. But tiresomely enough, he never resolves the apparent absurdity. There is no reconciliation of civil liberties with the kind of measures Dershowitz proposes. We can accept Dershowitz's defence of freedom, or his advocacy of new and rather sinister government powers. But we cannot accept both. One of these angles is there for appearance, one for content. It does not take much analysis to work out which is which.

Civil society groups denounce Singapore government, IMF-WB for barring activists (tags)

Jubilee South and the Freedom from Debt Coalition of the Philippines, two of the proponents and lead organizers of the International Peoples Forum vs the IMF and World Bank, denounce the latest move of the Singapore government to prevent the exercise of freedom of speech and peaceful assembly.

Bush's Speech Translation (tags)

what Bush didn't say yesterday

BREAKING: The Big Media Lie Exposed Again: Woodward Gate #3 (tags)

Sources close to the the US Justice Dept. confirm Richard Armitage only passed the name of covered CIA Agent Valerie Plame to a noted journalist.

Alexander Visits Fresno, S.F. Bay Area (tags)

Stewart Alexander is continuing his street campaign to become the next California Lieutenant Governor visiting the cities of San Francisco, Fresno and Oakland. He is reaching thousands wherever he goes with a simple and brief message; “Stop the war and bring the troops home now.” Within the past two months the street campaign has given Alexander the opportunity to make a visible presence to over a half million Californians statewide.


CODE YORKTOWN: AS OVERLORD AT YORKTOWN REMAINS RELENTLESS AND VICTORIOUS AS WE CONTINUE TO IDENTIFY THE ENEMIES OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION IN THE 21ST CENTURY AND ANNIHILATE THEM. The criminality of the National Security Agency (NSA) has now been fingered in operating a massive surveillance and Gestapo program directed against the American people that has been fully operational since November 22, 1963.


Bob Novak on NBC Meet The Press fingers Bob Woodward as Valerie Plame leaker. Without mentioning Woodward's name Novak says Colin Powell called Richard Armitage about the leak story at which point Armitage became distressed. AND Summation: The Bush Clinton Box Gang is desperately out to protect their media asset Bob Book & Snake Woodward of the Washington Post.


MUST hear this EXPLOSIVE, excellent, excellent all-inclusive INTELLIGENCE BRIEFING revealing the truth and reality behind the massive illusions and deceptions of the Traitor Cabal.

Terrorist Posada Carriles to ask a federal court for his freedom (tags)

International terrorist Luis Posada Carriles is to appear today in a U.S. federal court to ask for his freedom, in spite of his long criminal record, which includes the bombing of a Cubana Aviation passenger plane.


Be counted amongst the tens of thousands who will be in Lafayette Park, across from the White House on Saturday, August 12 at 12 Noon. In addition to the Washington DC-based event, MAS Freedom Foundation local chapters across the nation are also organizing simultaneous protests in Denver, San Diego, Los Angeles, and Seattle.

Terrorist Gang Stalking In America By Americans (tags)

Terrorist Gang Stalking is a tool employed by fascists who seek to quash freedom of speech along many other Constitutional rights. Please join us in the fight to expose and stop this insidious crime.

Roosevelt University fires teacher for allowing questioning of Zionism (tags)

Roosevelt University has fired a religion teacher for allowing students in his class to engage in questioning about Zionism, discussion of Palestine, etc.



Israel’s Allies and the Lack of Civility! (tags)

I wrote back: Chris, I believe you are caught up in the Zionist hype. No civilization in the world regards freedom fighters as terrorists except Israel and its allies. Strange enough, your buddy, Britain, once regarded the American freedom fighters as terrorists. According to your standards, which I don’t agree with, they were right and we now have a terrorist “civilization”.

today (tags)


Facts about Irish Political Prison Protest (and how you can help) (tags)

How can you help? Get involved and take part in the Cabhair monthly sustainer! Cabhair, is an Irish charitable organisation that provides financial assistance to the dependants and family members of Irish Republican political prisoners. I would urge everyone who reads this to help them in this most noble of work by making a contribution. Cumann Na Saoirse Náisiúnta (National Irish Freedom Committee) sends all collected donations straight to Cabhair through its Monthly Sustainer program. The program is the cornerstone of the NIFC's Irish Republican Political Activists Support (IRPAS) Campaign. The Sustainer program operates on the pledge principle, whereby, donors pledge a monthly contribution: the amount to be decided by the donor. The National irish Freedom Committee is getting the word out that there are still Republican political prisoners in both Irish states and that the dependants of these prisoners and other political activists deserve our assistance. Get involved! Participants in the program will receive monthly bulletins informing them of up to date information regarding the plight of political activists who are imprisoned on the inside or in a state of virtual imprisonment on the outside! The National Irish Freedom Committee supports the dependents of Republican political prisoners through Cabhair in Ireland. Cabhair has been in existence for many years supporting the dependents of faithful Republican prisoners, and ensnared Éire Nua political activists throughout the 32 Irish counties. Anyone wishing to take part in the program should contact at: and visit the NIFC's website at:


International Action Center statement: STOP THE U.S.--ISRAELI WAR AGAINST LEBANON AND PALESTINE! July 13, 2006 The blood in Gaza and Lebanon is on George Bush's hands. The bombs, shells and missiles now pounding Lebanese and Palestinian cities and villages, wiping out entire families and leaving hundreds of thousands without power or water, are made in the U.S. So are the planes and cannons that launch them.

Alexander Tours Southern California (tags)

On July 4th Stewart Alexander kicked off his campaign to become California’s next lieutenant governor, making several stops in Los Angeles County. The stops included Venice and Santa Monica, reaching over 50,000 people during a full day of campaigning.

On Jonathan Kozol's "Manifiesto" (tags)

The struggle for social justice can begin in schools, with a mass movement to take direct action in order to overcome racist high-stakes tests, and imperialist wars.

glory of Washington (tags)


Johnny on CPAC (tags)

The REAL demons CONFESS to going into a house, WITHOUT reasoned approach, and slaughtering an entire INNOCENT family.. for nothing but their lifeless SATANIC pleasures. The 'cause'? "The [mass murdered unarmed innocent neighbor's] back door was open.."

Camejo pushing for three way debate, not multi-party democracy (tags)

Green Party Gov. candidate Peter Camejo is appealing for funds to air TV ads to raise his profile and get himself into the 'debates' with Gropenator and Angelides. But there seems to be no effort to link the call for his inclusion with the right of the candidates of the other three ballot qualified parties to also be included.

Government authorized ways to celebrate your freedoms, this 4th of July (tags)

Tax dollars to fund study on restricting public data (tags)

Hmmmm.... A one million dollar grant by the feds to this law school to come up with excuses to flush the Freedom of Information Act down the toilet. I bet the number of reasons they come up with to flush the constitution down the toilet is directly proportional to the amount of money the feds give them!

KNOW: George Bush did 911 with General Ahmad, according to the FBI (tags)

Know, that all the emails that foxnews take from the Public, all the emails that cbc takes from the Public, and all the emails that cnn takes from the Public, have received my posts. Stating, George Walker Bush did 911 with General Ahmad, according to the FBI, and our corporate news professionals, don't want our soldiers to know that.

Philippines: Freedom from Gloria, Freedom from tyranny (tags)

One hundred and eight years ago, the Filipinos, declared independence from the oppressive control of the Spaniards, today AKBAYAN declares freedom from a homegrown tyrannical regime. "Taking into account the fact that the people of this country are already tired of bearing the exploitative rule of the elites led by President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo (GMA), we say we have had enough of GMA," said AKBAYAN President Ronald Llamas today as the group joins protest actions in celebration of Independence Day.

BUSHITES REACH NEW LOW - dying for lies no longer in disguise (tags)

Again, realize, FOX, CNN, and CBC will all in the thousands, receive this information about 9/11's Ahmad, but will refuse to support honorable Police officers, our Humanity's cause for Freedom through Justice, or our beliefs in any religion. They, as murderous sadists, fascists, obstruct Justice for ourselves by refusing to report on the facts of why America continues to fight, dying sacrificed, while censoring your cries for understanding.

People of Earth - The Son to God Speaks (tags)

There is no greater purpose served in killing a bushite, who wars Freedom for Humanity, all to cowardly help assist the escape of the enemy neocons for 9/11. Death to the thieving ungodly anti-American bushite, instead of the innocent they openly target for murder in Your names.



Innocent Falling in Your Name - Myth - A Johnny Wizard Journey (tags)

America's corporate NAZI propagandists, who deny truths to be spoken in Humanity's defenses, are enemies of US all. The FBI states General Ahmad funded 9/11's Atta, and news professionals would rather have Your children suffer and die as terror victims, than allow Justice be spoken for my defense.

Break the Neoliberal Hegemony! (tags)

This call to a new LEFT party in Germany could give hope to all who yearn for social justice and structural/systemic corrections. While corporate profits and assets incomes set new records, wages, unemployment benefits and pensions are cut.

Lt. Governor Candidate Proposing Socialize Health Care (tags)

The United States has fallen behind many other countries to protect the health of our citizens, including Canada, England and most other European countries. As a nation our government is first concerned with protecting corporate profits and the interest of big business above the health of our citizens. Now Stewart Alexander, Candidate for California Lieutenant Governor with the Peace and Freedom Party, is proposing socialize health care to protect the health of our society.

Free Media Software (tags)

This is the political statement for the dyneLbolic media operating system CD, a special CD that turns any PC computer into a media workstation. If you want software that doesn't engage in the tricknology of the system, you want free software.

Overlooked Dimensions in the War on Terrorism (tags)

A right-on-target essay written in December, 2001. Five years later, it turns out to be 100% correct.

The True Red White and Blue - A recording on the reality of George W. Bush's treason to US (tags)

The True Red White and Blue - American Patriot Answers the Call to Jihad - A recording on the reality of George W. Bush's treason to US.

Operation Iraqi Freedom (tags)


The Dilemma of Capitalism (tags)

Without capitalism, we could not live but we can hardly survive with it. Shifting social costs is the real core of capitalism..Politics is powerless toward the economy. Governments are forced to weigh the control of capital against positional deterioration.

Communiqués from the Intergalactic Commission and the Sexta Commission of the EZLN (tags)


The Utopias of Capitalism (tags)

:Government and freedom exclude one another" Max Barry in "Jennifer Government." In the negative utopia, the dystopia, the fear is over capital interests. Workers are no longer paid because their work is divine service.

inky night (tags)

lies covered in night

NIFC Report Of NY Hunger Strike Commemoration (tags)

The 25th anniversary commemoration of the 1981 Irish Hungerstrike in New York

futures shock (tags)

futures markets controling America

Steppingstone to war: House passes 'Iran Freedom Support Act', (for Israel, of course!): (tags)

Steppingstone to war: House passes 'Iran Freedom Support Act', (for Israel, of course!):

Statement from the Leadership of the Irish Republican Movement (tags)

Statement from the Leadership of the Irish Republican Movement

Cumann na Saoirse Náisíunta Easter Statement 2006 (tags)

Cumann na Saoirse Náisíunta Easter Statement 2006

Psychology of a Guaranteed Income (tags)

The main obstacle to a guaranteed income seems to be psychological, the envy triggered by another's good fortune.. People will always work since boredom becomes overwhelming.

liberty (tags)

liberty for all

clouds of tears (tags)

come bitter rain

Peace and Freedom Party Endorses May Day Rallies and Strikes (tags)

State Chair Kevin Akin. The party's California State Central Committee unanimously adopted the endorsement Sunday at a meeting in Los Angeles. "We are proud to be the first party in California to adopt a formal endorsement of this important and exciting movement to defend immigrant workers,"

California Gas Prices Spike Sharply (tags)

Within the past three weeks gasoline prices have risen sharply topping the $3 mark in most areas of Southern California. Californians are looking to Sacramento and Washington for relief at the pumps but state and federal leaders remain silent on gasoline price hikes.

no one belongs to jail for growing cannabis (tags)

looking for patients to stand up and support the cultivation of cannabis for the sick patient.Phillip northcutt is a U.S marine soldier that fought for his country and got injured and the only natural medicine that help his back pain is INDICA CANNABIS.Please help support phillip northcutt who fought for the freedom of all americans.

California - Automobile Industry Partnership Proposed (tags)

The Peace and Freedom Party candidate for California lieutenant governor is proposing a 75 billion dollar plan to revive the American automobile industry and to bring good paying jobs back to California. Unlike the Arnold Schwarzenegger, Phil Angelides and Steve Wesley, Alexander believes California needs a plan and a vision to build California and to help working people.

Download Song Commemorating Rachel Corrie (tags)

British folk singer Billy Bragg has released a FREE mp3 song dedicated to American hero/peace activist, Rachel Corrie... here's what Bragg said about his song: "Rachel Corrie went to Gaza to draw attention to the plight of the Palestinians, whose voice is seldom heard in her country, the US. That she herself should be silenced - first by an Israeli bulldozer, next by a New York theatre canceling a play created from her words - is a testimony to the power of her message. This song was written on a plane on March 20 and recorded at Big Sky Recordings, Ann Arbor, Michigan on March 22. The tune is borrowed from Bob Dylan."


The Democratic leadership in Sacramento and Washington has become silent on issues in government that will protect the working class and organized labor; and now to have a voice in government, working people must look beyond the emerging one party system for political leadership.

Who Benefits from a New Division of the World? (tags)

We in the West should be more prepared than ever to respect the cultural identities of other people. We should strive to accept their ideas and demands on us..The problem of the West is understanding the mental consti-tution of the poor and humiliated.

Good Girl Rice, Bad Boy Chavez? (tags)

Ms. Rice calls for a United Front against Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. Why? What ar the objectives behind such a move? We look at it from a both, Latin (in this case Brazilian) and U.S., American persepective.

Little Hope Left For Morales (tags)

Michael Morales is scheduled to be executed by lethal injection early Tuesday morning; however there is little hope that he will be granted clemency. "Schwarzenegger is now playing his favorite role as governor and it's another version of the terminator", says Alexander.


Schwarzenegger wants to build more state prisons to reduce overcrowding, however building more prisons will be wasteful spending and misguided planning.

Danish Cartoons: Freedom of expression or licence to insult (tags)

With tthe publication of the Danish cartoons under the pretext of freedom of opinion, the European papers not only show an elementar respect for moslims, they also are escalating the existing tensions

Electoral Miracle of February 2006 (tags)

The untold story of indies and smaller party types rescuing fabled Peace and Freedom Party by Nazi Govenator. (NOT CARRIED IN DAILY NEWS!)

Peace and Freedom party Back on the Ballot (tags)

Attempts to discredit and remove Peace and Freedom Party by Secretary of State McPherson appointed by the Governator fails!


The California Secretary of State reversed his decision on Friday to remove the Peace and Freedom Party from the June Primary ballot.

Caracas Libertarian Declaration // January 26, 2006 (tags)

Between January 23 – 29, 2006, anarchist activists gathered in Caracas for the Alternative Social Forum, coming from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, France, Germany, Italy, Mexico, Russia, Spain, United Kingdom, United States, Uruguay and Venezuela. We consider it important to establish a specifically anarchist position that speaks to our experiences and exchanges. In such a spirit we declare the following:


The Republican Party, and the appointee of Schwarzenegger, is resorting to illegal politics to keep third party candidates off the ballot.

World Can't Wait -- Tomas Olmos (tags)

Statement of Tomas Olmos, President of Mexican-American Bar Foundation

Peace and Freedom Party Members in the 29th District Re-Connect (tags)

Register- Re-Register- Sign my Petition for Congress! See you there!

Looking for Peace and Freedoom members in 29th Congessional district (tags)

Need Peace and Freedom party members in the 29th Congressional District to sign a petition to get our candidate Lynda Llamas on the ballot

Is NSA Spying a Case of China Business Blowback? (tags)

Capitalism isn’t bringing freedom to China, but it does seem to be bringing totalitarian control systems back from China to the U.S. courtesy of American business.

To End Death Penalty: Vote for Anti-Death Penalty Candidates & Parties (tags)

If you are serious about ending the death penalty, you have to vote for candidates of the socialist Peace & Freedom Party or the Green Party as those are the 2 anti-death penalty parties. Democrat Atty Gen Lockyer enthusiastically joins Republican Schwarzenegger in murdering human beings with our tax dollars, and is supported by pro-death penalty Senators Boxer and Feinstein, all Democratic candidates for President, the Democrats sitting on the US Supreme Court (Breyer dissented this time only) and sitting on the 9th Circuit. You get what you vote for.

Media under Military Control (tags)

The US buys journalists and dares to speak of freedom of the press. The gap between theory and praxis could hardly be greater.

SAOIRSE - Irish Freedom (tags)

Keep informed on Irish Republican activism--Read SAOIRSE!

California Left Candidates for 2006 Elections (tags)

The State Central Committee of the Peace and Freedom Party has endorsed a full slate of 2006 candidates for statewide offices.

A Cabal of Criminality (tags)

excellent look at the Bush/neocon cabal

homeless and jobless (tags)

living in enemy territory without means, rnc=vc

Humane Freedom and the Free Market (tags)

"MOre free market is a social-political program involving a redistribution of power and money - in favor of a few special interests of the already rich and powerful.."

Not Just Another Word for Nothing Left to Lose--It's the Whole Ball of Wax (tags)

Americans have been, and remain, all to willing to trade away a heritage of freedom for a false promise of security being peddled by charlatans in Congress and the White House.

ACT NOW - US/UK Extradition Treaty Goes to Hearings TUES. NOV. 15th (tags)

The US Senate Foreign Relations Committee has announced hearings for the proposed US/UK Extradition Treaty. The hearings are to take place TUESDAY NOVEMBER 15th 2005. PLEASE ACT NOW.

Against Hollywood and Globalization: UNESCO and Cultural Diversity (tags)

The Convention on Protection of Cultural Diversity was passed at the UNESCO General assembly over the objection of the isolated US government.

Senator Jim Elliott is no fan of cyclists, so why is he concerned about our civil rights (tags)

Senator Jim Elliott from the red state of Montana is no fan of cyclists, so why is he concerned about what’s going on with Critical Mass in in NYC ? Find out what got this cowboy mad enough to write an article for us.

R.I.P. Rosa Parks, 92 (tags)

Mother of the modern civil rights movement

*The Empire's Attack on Ojeda-Rios and Independence" (tags)

The September 23rd, 2005 attack and armed assault on Puerto Rican nationalist, Filiberto Ojeda Rios, left the family and his island without his proud and noble presence, but it did not achieve its real desired objective.

In the Commission of History and God (tags)

Somehow this does not add up, that there is now a fateful battle between the forces of good and evil in which there can only be one final victory. Bush's fear-mongering is a false unity threatening the planet with weapons firms profiting while the poor are abandoned. thepoor

Your Keystrokes Sent to Homeland Security (tags)

GOVERNMENT AND COMPUTER MANUFACTURERS CAUGHT INSTALLING HARD-WIRED KEYSTROKE LOGGERS INTO ALL NEW LAPTOP COMPUTERS! Devices capture everything you ever type, then can send it via your ethernet card to the Dept. of Homeland Security without your knowledge, consent or a search warrant each time you log onto the internet! Freedom Of Information Act Requests For Explanation From DHS, refused.

Freedom For Leonard Peltier (tags)

Fasting In Solidarity

Political and Spiritual Corruption (tags)

Hope is what sets us apart from the rest of creation. We can go beyond everything past and present in the power of the coming, the power of the promise. This was Jurgen Molt-mann's discovery in a British prisoner of war camp in World War II.

Marc Emery - Escape to Canada (tags)

MARC EMERY SPEAKS AT WORLD PREMIERE OF FILM ESCAPE TO CANADA “ESCAPE TO CANADA” highlights the issue of Americans leaving their country to seek freedom in Canada. Canadian cannabis activist Marc Emery is currently facing extradition to the US to face a sentence of 10 years to LIFE IMPRISONMENT for selling marijuana seeds to American customers.

Road to Freedom Seeks Interviewees (tags)

"Road to Freedom" show seeks law enforcement or medical personnel, or citizens who "know something" about vigilante stalking for anonymous interviews.

American Suicide (tags)

If Jeffery will permit ... here is my take on America the Beautiful and America the free.


A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia.

Comparison: USA v. USSR (tags)

Is life today in the USA like life yesterday in the USSR? The inexorable conflict between the totalitarian government’s need for repression and man’s desire for freedom can only be resolved by revolution.

Road to Freedom (tags)

All are invited to learn about a crime affecting an estimated one person in 100, and which has yet to be acknowledged by the justice system.

Who Creates Values? (tags)

"Unfortunately some market fundamentalists are at work in the EU who denounce every-thing the state does to protect public goods as distortion of competition.. The globalized market shatters balance of public & private.."

On Idleness (tags)

Uncontrolled capitalism proved to be a completely wrong track toward the end of the 19th century. The governing church of work does everything so people only have time and strength for two things in life: work and job-hunting. The 30-hour work week could be a life-giving goal.

Interview with Nancy-Larrence of the Peace and Freedom Party (tags)

Interview with Nancy-Larrence of the Peace and Freedom Party

Bush as God's Warrior (tags)

"The religious fundamentalist gave the American superpower's mission character to the megalomaniac worldview. its soldiers bring freedom everywhere as the gift of the almighty God, not as America's gift.."

We're Not in Kansas Anymore (tags)

If you look around everything looks pretty much the same. But what is that haunting and ominous sound? We're not in Kansas anymore Toto.

The War For Freedom (tags)

Utah concert attacked by MILITARY! Where's the media?

Literacy in Economic Questions (tags)

The neoliberal total market was created through political strategies, above all the installation of dictatorships by the secret service and military interventions of the US, not through democracy.."

A Little Box of Bullshit (tags)

The spinners and the bullshitters have presented us with a very narrow box to fit inside. But through acting and thinking outside that box, we can liberate ourselves.

What's Left? Freedom to Dream? (tags)

A new ruling by the NLRB strips workers of the right to hang out and talk with fellow workers even during coffee breaks or off the job entirely. Welcome to the new feudalism. -------------

San Anselmo anti-war activists calls out activists (tags)

Local anti-war activist calls out for solidarity in the face of a Town Council that passed a new regulation specifically designed to silence his anti-war billboard.

Freedom Fried (tags)

We are crossing a line and on the other side of that line there is fascism, totalitarianism, death squads, and crypto security. But in reality there is no security. It is a myth. But there are plenty of despots.

The Divided Camp (tags)

"There is no reason for the Iraq war, Buchanan said..The neoconservative approach is everything but conservative: they bomb a pseudo-democracy in the countries of the Middle East.."

Magical Mysterious 1967 (tags)

Nobody could have predicted 1967 in 1966. It seemed to come out of the clear blue sky. But it didn’t. It had been germinating for a long, long time. And there is no reason to think that if we couldn’t see it coming in 1966 that we would see it coming now.

Muslim American Society Freedom Foundation Statement on Sept. 24 Anti-War Demo (tags)


The Myth of Freedom (tags)

The cynical misuse and perversion of the word ‘freedom’ has made it difficult to discuss the idea rationally. But freedom is real and so is oppression. Those that pervert the term will tell you that a homeless person is free. That person has been indoctrinated.

BS ALERT (tags)

The Center For Consumer Freedom have several websites (,, etc..) and runs commercials to inform and protect us from "the growing fraternity of food cops, health care enforcers, militant activists, meddling bureaucrats, and violent radicals" but are in fact a fake front for corporate America and FOX news that want us to buy their products (oh and die from diabetes, cancer, heart disease and liver failure.)

America: No fireworks bright enough to illuminate the shame of your history of injustice (tags)

As Americans celebrate their myth of freedom and justice for all, Leonard Peltier is moved without warning or notification to Terre Haute, Indiana, USP and is held in solitary confinement at least through the long holiday weekend.

translating Bush's speech (tags)

translating the speech from last night

Corruption in "Good Ol" North Carolina? (tags)

Is there a “Good Ol Boy” Network in North Carolina?

Suspicious? (tags)

“You Decide”

EXPOSED - Center for Consumer Freedom (tags)

The Center for Consumer Freedom (CCF) (formerly called the "Guest Choice Network") is a front group for the restaurant, alcohol and tobacco industries. It runs media campaigns which oppose the efforts of scientists, doctors, health advocates, environmentalists and groups like Mothers Against Drunk Driving, calling them "the Nanny Culture -- the growing fraternity of food cops, health care enforcers, anti-meat activists, and meddling bureaucrats who 'know what's best for you.

Chicano Movement (tags)

The Chicano Movement is alive and well.

Silent Violence (tags)

If you like peace the notion of silent violence may be uncomfortable - disturbing even. But the elements that make violence what it is; fear, pain, danger, and death are all contained within deprivation. The only difference perhaps is that one is a result of aggression and the other a result of ignorance.

Father of Daniel Pearl Speaks Out! (tags)


The American Demise (tags)

As the war drums of the Bush Administration drone into background noise, a growing number across the globe turn their eyes to the USA itself.  The view becomes a prelude to the upcoming horror feature of this planets history - the Day America Turns on Herself! 

Economic Growth as Myth and Sickness by Marc Batko (tags)

We are called to be subjects, to struggle for equal opportunities and the minimum essentials of life. Our gifts and talents, hidden, ignored or buried by the neoliberal steamroller, can be rediscovered as we reclaim self-determination.

Freedom Summer Palestine 2005 (tags)

Freedom Summer Palestine 2005 is a Palestinian non violent campaign against Israeli occupation — This summer, With the participation of international supporters, Palestinians will continue their long-standing mobilization for nonviolent direct action against the occupation and draw the world's attention to what is really happening in the Occupied Palestinian Territories

Basic Income as a Democratic Civil Right (tags)

The ecnomic conditions in which the utopia of Aristotle or John M Keynes could become a real utopia objectively exist. We live under our real economic possibilities.The end of the work society is not the end of work but the transition to a really free society of citizens.

What side are you on? (tags)

We seem to be on the edge of a precipice. Maybe we have already been pushed into the abyss. It really depends on who is in control.


Academic freedom is central to resolving the conflict.

Axis of Justice and Rubidoux High School’s “30 Hour Famine” (tags)

The Article is a report back from Saturday's Fast for Famine in Riverside CA

Human Dignity is Inviolable (tags)

The Christian faith is obviously losing ground. Disorientation and superstition spread. The merciless religionof the market has long replaced faith in the humanitarian God..Act so you always trat people as ends in themselves and never as means to an end (Kant).

Bush's democratic rhetoric sets the middle east on fire (tags)

Battling the windmills while Iraq burns By RAMZY BAROUD Special to The Japan Times DOHA, Qatar -- Cast aside the nonsensical rhetoric about U.S. President George W. Bush's ostensibly successful efforts to bolster democratic tendencies "sweeping" the Middle East, and you'll discover that the facts are not so rosy, with Iraq remaining the most horrific reminder. Bush seems to reside over an entirely different world reality when he adamantly presents himself as a visionary whose uppermost concerns are freedom and democracy worldwide, with due emphasis on the Middle East.

Freedom according to the Stock Market (Gunter Grass) (tags)

"Our freely elected delegates are not free int heir decisions..Profit maximization is passed off as a basic value instead of the social obligation of property..Democracy perishes, not the state.."


For years there have been complaints about 'Réportères Sans Frontières' and their abject political - non-journalistic - approach to past and present dangers and developments in international journalism. They've sold their honour!

KUCINICH in San Pedro, Sunday, May 15 (tags)

Kucinch & the U.S. Department of Peace

Zero Voter Turnout (tags)

"If voting worked it would be illegal."

General Aoun addresses the crowd at Martyrs Square one hour after his return from exile (tags)

Oh Great People of Lebanon! I told you one day that the world can crush me but it won’t get me to sign. I return to you today and the world has neither crushed me nor did it get me to sign. I once told you, shame on a world that is afraid of a general in battle fatigues who has to tell the world that life, that existence outside the realm of freedom is a form of death. Here I am today, returning to you to a Lebanon that has recovered its sovereignty, freedom and independence.

What is Neoliberalism? (tags)

The market assumes control more and more while social policy is driven down with the argument of "personal responsibility." Growing impoverishment and social exclusion of ever-larger groups are the inexorable consequences.

Interview With First Navy War Resister: Pablo Paredes (tags)

On May 11, 2005, Pablo Paredes, a U.S. Navy Petty Officer, 3rd Class, will face a court martial for refusing to fight in the Iraq war. In Dec. 2004, Pablo refused to board a Navy ship as it left San Diego, Ca., becoming the first Navy personnel to openly refuse to cooperate with the Iraq War.

How Cults Work: Block Free Speech whilst waving the UN flag (tags)

Anyone who uses a computer will be painfully familiar with EULAs [End User Licence Agreements]- those nasty non negotiable clauses beloved of Software giants like Microsoft, that we have to accept before installing anything new on our machines. Now EULAs are being used by cults to get people to sign away their rights to free speech.

Neo-con's Definition of Freedom (tags)

It is imperative that the American people understand what this word means to the neo-cons.

Women has the right to Communicate (tags)

Fascist Targeting of Irish Americans (tags)

NIFC Speak Out Against Fascist Targeting of Irish Americans

Help Protect Uncensored Satellite Television for the Chinese People (tags)

The TV Station that broke the SARS story in China and pressured the Chinese government to admit the crisis, will go off the air in China on April 15, 2005 due to pressure from the Chinese Communist Party.

HELP! (tags)

a strong wind

Neo Cons to Meet in Vegas, Call to Action (tags)

Neo-Cons claim meeting is to foster democracy and freedom, yet they only invited one side. This is a good opportunity to show the right what democracy looks like.

Fascist Dictatorship is Here Already--On the Job (tags)

The firing of Boeing’s CEO, based upon the secret monitoring of his email correspondent with a co-worker/lover, highlights the police-state environment in which most of us now work. Revolution, anyone?



Criminals with them or against them? (tags)

The time to march on Washington is now!!

Cuba Comes to Los Angeles (tags)

What can we learn from a communist state considered by many to be a "third-world" society? Plenty! Because of their response to the dire situation imposed upon them by the Embargo, the Cubans have been praised for being the number one country in the world for their sustainable practices by the United Nations.

Petition: Defend Ward Churchill and Protect Academic Freedom (tags)

The American Indian Movement of Colorado supports Ward Churchill with a public petition to the Colorado University Regents. Sign on at

Mukasa (Willie Ricks) is coming to Los Angeles (tags)

You must come out to see and hear Mukasa (Willie Ricks), Mr. Black Power.

The Bondage of Terror (tags)

The change for building a common security lies in recognizing oneself in the other.. Security based on trust is a hundred times more valuable than the most expensive defensive system.

Black History Month Video Presentation (tags)

Radical Women and Freedom Socialist Party Sunday, February 27, 2:00 pm Special Black History Month Video Presentation-- Freedom on my Mind

Patrick Stewart Will Have His Revenge on Cyber Collectivism (tags)


Importance of French Workers’ Struggle to Keep 35 Hour Week Shouldn't be Underestimated (tags)

The real reason for U.S. capitalism's attempt to create anti-French sentiment is the French workers' stand for the 35 hour week at a time when U.S. and global capitalism is trying to normalize going backwards

In Defense of Academic Freedom: (tags)

The fascism behind the attack against Ward Chruchill

Academic Freedom is Almost a Thing of the Past (tags)

Colorado professor and Indian activist Ward Churchill, threatened with sacking for his outspoken views on the 9-11 attacks, at least has the protection of tenure. For most academics, that kind of protection of free speech is long gone. So is their willingness to take controversial stands.

Hypocrisy at Long Beach Library (tags)

Mountebank administrators install filters on internet computers, urge staff to turn in the names of Arab patrons to the cops, then congratulate themselves for being against censorship.

Freedom and Democracy (tags)

Bush jr begins his second term between fantasy and reality6. More wars threaten instead of freedom and democracy.. Permanent war also prevailed in "1984". The "Ministry for Truth" was responsible for propaganda lies and torture.

Celebration Of Artistic Freedom To Honor Martin Sheen & Terry George (tags)

The City of West Hollywood and The Lee Strasberg Theatre & Film Institute Host the Oscar-Viewing Event, 3rd annual Celebration of Artistic Freedom - Benefiting Amnesty International USA and ACLU Foundation of Southern California

Because There is No Cause (tags)

another Valenzuela must read about Iraq, war, its elections and the rise of the antiwar movement

Thousands assail Bush hypocrisy: Freedom for who? (tags)

Obscene spending at inaugural while millions go without

The Crusade for God and Global Conquest (tags)

“America, in this young century, proclaims liberty throughout all the world, and to all the inhabitants thereof.”

George W. Bush, second inaugural speech

“You think you know...but you have no idea...just what Bush has in store world...our future!”

Opening lines of the RCP’s statement
"The Battle for the Future Will Be Fought from Here Forward!"

George W. Bush swaggered to the podium of his inauguration and said he would put before "every ruler and every nation" a choice over whether to embrace his vision of "freedom." (Kinda like how the Godfather makes you an "offer you can’t refuse.")

The Bell of Freedom (tags)

Correction Please regarding 100K deaths in Iraq and in Banda Aceh (one sentence omitted)In the name of liberty and freedom Thank you.

Freedom and Liberty (tags)

“Our wisdom, in so far as it ought to be deemed true and solid wisdom, consists almost entirely of two parts: the knowledge of God and of ourselves.” (Calvin 1962)

Freedom Cinema Festival Hits Park City Again (tags)

Freedom Cinema Festival Hits Park City, Utah Again January 25-30 Freedom Cinema Festival provides a unique, alternative forum for leading grassroots artists addressing socially and politically relevant themes. It runs concurrently with the 2005 Sundance Film Festival.

Tsunami - Paradigm Shift Competes With Passion for Oscars (tags)

Tsunami catastrophe is face saving opportunity for American Armed Forces to shift from doing the devastating "right thing" for wrong reason to doing the "Right Thing!" for heartfelt right reason

JAN. 25-30: Freedom Cinema Festival Returns to Park City (tags)

FREEDOM CINEMA FESTIVAL RETURNS TO PARK CITY Festival Creates Home for Political Films and Leading Activists ‘Celebrating Arts and Media That Matter’ Announces Film Selections and Live Events Lineup January 25 to 30, 2005

Freedom Toast for Breakfast (tags)

According to thelegend, gaining power over the world is the only way of defending against the enemy. This scenario functions when the enemy is constructed as a world conspiracy. This enemy threatening the aggressor did not really exist and had to be invented.

Hope and Disappointment (tags)

We are saved but in hope. The hopoe that one sees is not hope since one cannot hope for what one sees.. Hope is as vital as the air we breathe.. Hope even if is only as weak as a straw keeps alive our longing for freedom.

Open Letter to President Bush from IAEFF (tags)

IAEFF wants Bush to extend freedom medal to AFL-CIO leaders

The Son of Man (tags)

THE SON OF MAN / / Anybody who supports George W. Bush is my ENEMY. George W. Bush committed 9/11 with his buddy, General Ahmad who funded the mastermind ring leader. That's according to the FBI. Any bushite who gets in my way, who says that isn't the case, I WILL KILL. \ \ / / Mr. Sattler, if you don't want US to arrest those responsible for 9/11, don't you thing we Americans should kill you? \ \

A special broadcast for the bushite nazi grunts (tags)

The reasons why, US true Christ like Patriot Warriors kill the enemy bushite for God and Freedom in America.

The 'American Dream' Is Not Dead (tags)

a call to war

old nazi lies (tags)

REUTERS up to their old nazi tricks again. Jotiar Nafaa, "coordinator", should surely know, that it is 175 families that had requested for the help of Red Crescent totaled several days previous, (without phones, nor abilities to leave their homes (150?)), NOT, "left in the city". [THINK: how could they possibly know? (nazi bushite whores were ordered to murder innocents indiscriminately as enemies to God)]

DREAM JOB (tags)

Dream job. The future now looks like something worth fighting for. Please, pass this recording to our news agencies. I do not have the ability to do this job of ours all by myself, I need Your help. Please do US this small favor, and I'm sure this Universe will thank you for it. Word on high is, "Dream-Job", is the doorway to miracles. Wow! The beginning has begun!

God is Great (tags)

A person accused in our name(s) of a criminal offence, needs to be established somehow to be as such, and the only way to do that, is to present evidence that formed your/our conclusion. Without evidence our accused is ourselves as the innocent, being falsely imprisoned, tortured, or murdered.

Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) (tags)

The LAUSD may be committing fraud with minority construction contracts

Wizard War - Live recording broadcast - The Mission Statement of Earth - (tags)

This is your World that I wish to play servant of. As my subject; I promise a fight to return Justice through freedom for all. How? By believing in you to do as you should, demanding the immediate arrest or execution of bush, rumsfeld, and condi for the crimes of 9/11. Demanding the return of all stolen Iraqi assets, made by those who personally profited off the criminal transactions. Demand the arrest or execution of Allawi for the bombing campaign of Samara, along with bushite military commanders who organized the satanic attack.

"Are USA Citizens Tired of Democracy?" A Response to the Presidential Elections (tags)

Reprint with correction: Joseph McCarthy, not Eugene McCarthy, used threats to cripple the democratic process. With sincere apologies. . . . The public’s tolerance of flagrant violations of candidates’ and voters’ rights indicates yet another instance where sacrifice of individual rights has become acceptable, with the assumption, I suppose, that it will always be the other fellow’s rights that are sacrificed . . .

Words of Advice (tags)

/ / Rumsfeld replied to a direct question yesterday as to whether he knew Zarqawi was in Fallujah with the answer: ``I have no idea if he is there.'' \ \ So, America! there is your reason for dying America's sons and daughters, Johnny's brothers and sisters. "No idea" rumsfeld states while his private partners cash in the blood checks for everything but the funeral services.


Palestinian Freedom fighter Marwan Barghouti is Arafat’s likely popular successor. Fatah Secretary-General (since 1994) and a key figure in both the first Intifada and the present Intifadat al-Aqsa, Marwan sits in an Israeli jail, sentenced last June 6 and serving five life sentences plus 40 years. Israeli and international progressives should raise two demands now loud and clear: for Barghouti’s immediate release from prison and for the protection of his safety wherever he is. There is a definite danger the Israeli government may decide to ‘eliminate’ him if they think he is the likely choice of the Palestinian masses.

In the name of 'Freedom' (tags)

written Nov. 10th

The King Commands (tags)

/ / Rumsfeld replied to a direct question yesterday as to whether he knew Zarqawi was in Fallujah with the answer: ``I have no idea if he is there.'' \ \ So, America! there is your reason for dying America's sons and daughters, Johnny's brothers and sisters. "No idea" rumsfeld states while his private partners cash in the blood checks for everything but the funeral services.

In the name of 'Freedom' (tags)


Getting Started (tags)

Yet, it was rummy and tommy franks who TREASONOUSLY threw out the State Department's semi-thought through ORHA plan of, securing the weapon sites and preventing anarchy, and, it was the IAEA that had tabs on the weapons before the bush demon kicked them out irrationally.

Johnny Wizard talks to America nationally broacasted! (tags)

Big deal. To the war mongering mass murdering thieves go the stolen spoils., as the bushite's devolving american new century would say.

Digital Imprimateur (tags)

What's the future of freedom of speech, nay, freedom of existence on the Internet? What about on computers in general? This important document outlines a horrific future that can come to pass.

"Let Me Leave and Be Free", pleads Israeli whistleblower Vanunu. (tags)

Since April 21 2004 Mordechai Vanunu has been pleading for his freedom to leave Israel along with telling the Israeli government , and anyone else who will listen: 1. He told the truth about nuclear weapons 2. He has no more secrets to tell.

UCRiverside Forum on Police Brutality (tags)

Stop Police Brutality Forum in Riverside with Peace and Freedom Party VP Candidate Janice Jordan

Who is Hamad Hamoud? (tags)

Is john batiste going to sit with the loyal troops in the carnage he ordered, and bite the bullets for the team? Hell no, he's probably commanding from Florida, basking in the sun with his personal cut of that two billion with buford blount's two timing nazi whore of a wife.

Be American (tags)

Yeah?.. but what about the comments made by the bushite child killer phil smith? Maybe he'll tell us again why innocent children were targeted for murder to get rightly killed loyal enemy bushite nazi brethren?

Be American (tags)

I don't know about you, but I hate bushite rapists and torturers celebrated by corporate American Talk Radio news censors. As enemies of God and all that is great with this world, the bushite bombers should be called out for a man to man fight for their core beliefs, or be rightly killed as better dead than allowed to continue in our names.

New Recruit (tags)

Destroying enemy bushite is a gift to Humanity, it is saying you care for the lives of the innocent a bush bitch nazi grunt freely confesses to targeting for murder. Liars are the bushite, who steal Iraqi resources, allow racists and rapists to commit their demon crimes in America's name un-challenged, and who absent mindedly bomb the innocent without just reason given.

New Recruit (tags)

Destroying enemy bushite is a gift to Humanity, it is saying you care for the lives of the innocent a bush bitch nazi grunt freely confesses to targeting for murder. Liars are the bushite, who steal Iraqi resources, allow racists and rapists to commit their demon crimes in America's name un-challenged, and who absent mindedly bomb the innocent without just reason given.

A True Patriot Warrior (tags)

They just can't allow any one of US to publicly ask: what was the just cause, if the demon bush had complete unrestricted, one hundred percent access throughout Iraq prior to the conflict beginning?, following - that the unjustified war has only done what could be expected: LOWERED our ability to do any good. (What couldn't be done before the war began but for the rob and pillaging innocent pro-Iraqis part?)

The Forbidden Truths of all Human Political Systems (tags)

A Forbidden Truth dissection of the universal malice and genocidal oppression inflicted by all 21st century political and governmental systems upon all citizen-slaves of planet earth.

Gay-marriage foe fails to make case (tags)

Abaham Lincoln said, "Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves." I suggest that anyone who would deny those different from themselves the freedom to marry should look in the mirror and try a little introspection.

Art of War : RNC (tags)

Freedom of Assembly

Better than I ever did (tags)

It should also be noted his faithful wife, spends her days, phoning wives of other potential bush bitch nazi whores, encouraging them to support the war crimes of her husband, by not mentioning the treason that foreigner Saudi blount has dedicated the sacrifice of American soldiers for.

Time to Put America First (tags)

Another Israeli Spy, as reported by CBS is suspected in the Pentagon, though some news sources state this is the first time since Pollard during the 1980's one has been caught.

Bringing Evangelical Hypocrisy to its Knees (tags)

The In God We Trust Protection Act - ( petition) has raised a whole lot of issues totally unrelated to this proposal to U.S. Congress. It has nothing to do with a constraint on freedom of religion. It has to do with politically bringing Evangelical Hypocrisy to its knees - socially, morally and financially stopping them dead in their arrogant tracks. The Christian Right Wing Zealots, are wielding the power of religion politically, financially, socially and legislatively

Blogger Challenges Jerry Falwell on Christian Family Values (tags)

"Whenever We Read the Obscene Stories, the Voluptuous Debaucheries, the Cruel and Torturous Executions, the Unrelenting Vindictiveness, with which more than Half the Bible is filled, it Would be More Consistent that we called it the Word of a Demon, than the Word of God. It is a History of Wickedness, that has Served to Corrupt and Brutalize Mankind." Thomas Paine (1737-1809; Original Founding Father

The Government Says We Need More Government (tags)

ahhh Ron Paul....a breath of fresh air! I dream of an election between Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul- both voted against the war and patriot act, both are true leaders of our country and have actually done their jobs of preserving our constitution.Election 2004- Let's start over! Dennis Kucinich vs. Ron Paul....America Wins!!

Petition to Rock Fabric of Evangelical Hypocrisy (tags)

Petition to U.S. Congress Eliminates Religious Institutions from Tax Exempt Status - All Religious Texts Promoting Criminal Activity Must be Purged From Public Worship Handbooks.

So it is written, so it shall be done (tags)

Traitor evil lawless bushite enemy, die for us instead of our good families of innocent men women and children.

Haunted By Viet Nam To Kill To Be Free (tags)

The army of death for there shall be no partisans of the holocaust that have sanction life In the name of freedom for all. I sit upon the rock as the world pleas its cause. The man that walks with armored Gun. So who is man who speaks for thy almighty God who have broken all Gods laws. The hell and the fury which he stands before the man man laws. To kill are be locked in a 8/11 box refusing to serve the army of death. I pledge allegiance to which it stands , I the murder of my brother, Under the blood of justice man who turns his back on Gods law. I shall repeat the horrors each time I close my eyes, the death that smells Upon my trust, memories of the blood that stood before my gun. Screams from the grave I have killed my brother.

Contracts will be signed, and bushites will die (tags)

No respect for the American flag, nor the Constitution, while acquiescing to the, oh well, unaddressed rapes and torture of those evidenced innocent, while PUBLICLY claiming the rights to steal most everything, as the official definition of being lawwlessly "pro-Iraqi", while attacking any or all those demanding fair representation, or who honorably hold truces. Just imagine what the bushite's pro-Amerka will be like,


There is nothing so in this entire history that more makes me feel sadness for our great love stolen, than the American public's silent contempt expressed for the lives of those innocent People fallen murdered by their cowardly unjust indecision on foregoing the immediate arrest or execution of the "escaping" demon bush and rumsfeld for the crimes of 9/11.


Communiqué from the Asociación Diáspora Vasca inviting you to sign in behalf of the freedom of the six Basques nationalists detained for over a year in Mexico.

Peace and Freedom Party picks Leonard Peltier for President (tags)

Delegates to the Peace and Freedom Party convention, July 31, selected Native American political prisoner Leonard Peltier as their presidential candidate for 2004.

Peace and Freedom Party picks Peltier for President/Nader now off CA ballot! (tags)

The July 31st Peace and Freedom Party convention turned its back on Ralph Nader and instead nominated as its presidential candidate, political prisoner Leonard Peltier, who is serving a life sentence for the alleged killing of two FBI agents at Wounded Knee in 1975.

Persecution of young anarchist in Bulgaria (tags)

The political elite in Bulgaria, under uncrowned King Simeon II as Prime Minister, is closely allied to Washington and NATO. Specially beholden to the Bush administration and engineering its own new forms of Homeland Security, the political class in Sofia is now engaged in new efforts to suppress and silence dissent, branding anarchists as a threat to “national security.” The most flagrant example of this new wave of repression against alternative expression in the country is the arrest of Elitsa, a 20-year-old anarchist in mid-July, in the city of Dobrich in far northeastern Bulgaria.

G.W. Bush to Future Alzheimer’s Patients of America: “Let Them Have Teddy Bear (tags)


The Continuing Struggle of Afghan Women: A Three Part Film Series (tags)

Part 2 of a film series to help save a refugee High School from closure in Pakistan.

IFEF chair man in memorial of Zahra Kazemi:EU shares Islamic Republic's crimes! (tags)

This is Omid Habibinia's Speech in Zahara Kazemi's memorial in Switzerland June 24, 2004 Iranian/Canadian Journalist who was last year Killed under torture. Yesterday,the trial hearing an intelligence agent accused of her murder abruptly ended while the lawyers objected the proceedings. Omid Habibinia is journalist in exile and chair man of Iran Freedom of Expression frontiers.

Beanymedia Central Exposes June GWB plan to drug all and the preschool kiddies (tags)

community mental health for all including disruptive preschoolers. plan calls for drugs for preschoolers. see repost on AZ IMC as a ...(something) 'zombies ' article.

The Hague: Israel Wall Violates International Law, Must Be Dismantled (tags)

13 out of 14 of the justices believed that in building the fence, Israel violated international humanitarian law, by infringing on Palestinians' freedom of movement, freedom to seek employment, education and health. Israel violated international treaties it had signed which deal with these topics, the ruling states.

July 4th - Another Occasion (tags)

July 4th - Another Occasion For Hypocrites By Russell R. Bingman, Publisher No B.S. News & Commentary c. 2004 - All Rights Reserved

New American Freedom Summer 2004 (tags)

Volunteer immigrant rights activists work to maiximize voter turnout in key immigrant communities in project commemorating the 40th anniversary of Freedom Summer 1964

anything we disagree with = racism (tags)

Sat.Jun26 3pm Event - MALDEF& Music - Defend Immigrants Rights (tags)

Reception for photo exhibit features speaker from MALDEF, music by Domingo Siete, poetry from EnDependence. Images from the Immigrant Workers Freedom Ride by Peter Holderness. Event to benefit Border Action in Arizona: New American Freedom Summer.

8th Annual Run For Freedom (tags)

The 8th annual Run for Freedom, June 26th and 27th, 2004. This year's run will be in support of Leonard Peltier.

"Liberation is Hetero" (tags)

Total Liberation Tour = Total Bullshit Tour

Women Raped Before Their Husbands (tags)

Statements and findings by non-governmental organisations and human-rights groups detail how one female detainee had been raped 17 times in one day by ‘Iraqi’ police in the presence of US troops. Another NGO reported of how one mother-of-four killed herself after being held by her hair and raped in front of her restrained husband, who was forced to watch.


Part one of a film series dedicated to raising awareness of Afghan women, while also raising funds to save a refugee high school from closier in Pakistan.

Why You Should Not Vote (tags)


Regarding Leila Khaled's Message to the Japanese Red Army (tags)


Red China (tags)

Freedom Rings Only In Our Ears

Indigenous Freedom Fighters strike a blow (tags)

Al Queda Freedom Fighters strike a blow against the Imperialist Sexual Devient Americans and their endless thirst for oil.

Regarding Arab/Islamic Resistance and Western Leftists (tags)

Will Ménard continue denying his links with the CIA? (tags)

RSF chief Robert Ménard has always denied his links with the CIA. The White House has now seen fit to inform the public that these links are an evident reality.

Stop Voting for Pro-Israel Democrat-Republicans (tags)

The best way you can show support for the Palestinians being murdered and made homeless by Israel, with our tax dollars, is by never voting for any Democrat or Republican for any position as they all support Israel.

End of Suburbia (tags)

You are invited to a screening of The End of Suburbia Oil Depletion and the Collapse of The American Dream

Pro-Choice Rally Held In Fresno (tags)

Pro-choice events were held throughout the country today - including Fresno California. See pictures from the pro-choice rally in the Central Valley.

They Hate Us (tags)

They Hate Us Because of Our Freedom

Message to America (tags)

spread it!

Operation American Freedom (tags)

AB Filmmakers... MM and the item picked up on Buzzflash. President Bush may have a bigger bankroll for TV campaign commercials, but some prominent filmmakers are ready to do battle with him in the movie theaters. Among the flicks due for release before the November election:

Newsweek Misses Tax Freedom Day (tags)

Fallujah Delenda Est. (tags)

Anarchits and lovers of freedom! (tags)

Do you know what freedom is? Do you know what peace is? Do you know what real life is?...

All We Are Saying, is Give Grease A Chance! (tags)

What's brewin' in LA? Fuel the revolution!

I hate bushite (tags)

No words from the bushites who rule our communications through corporate news censorship, while Christian parents call out unheard: why has corporate america allowed forsaken soldiers to eat plutonium to murder God for a measly few dollars the bushmob will pocket for the up coming "unbiased" re-election news campaign?

From Latuff to Bryan Atinsky (tags)

Tribute to a brave man.

God or no God, I don't like that demon antiChrist, Our Mr. bush Jr. very much (tags)

By Annan not publicly addressing this very serious issue, will not be fooling me he hasn't heard it mentioned. The families of Iraq are accounted almost entirely by "comprehensive, extremely detailed" measurements. So what the hell is going on about supporting our world community by not condemning war crimes?, Just where is Annan on the issue of an international commitment kept I want asked religiously across this world. Now.

US/UK Extradition Treaty – NEW APPEAL (tags)

Transesterification Can Be Fun: Biodiesel in LA (tags)

What fuel is clean-burning, renewable, grown in the US, and brewed in back yards across the country? What fuel makes the murder of Iraqi children, the destruction of the arctic wilderness, and global warming obsolete? It’s called biodiesel and it’s arrived in Los Angeles.

What's wrong with America... and how we can fix it (tags)

Excerpts from 'The Empire of Ignorance, Hypocrisy and Obedience'. why the US lacks religious freedom... the seven basic tools of US foreign policy... poverty in the US... why money doesn't make one happy... and more.

With love to Guevara02 (by Latuff) (tags)

Keep strong, my brother. Keep the faith. You are not alone. Good wishes and vibrations are coming from all corners of the world, including Brazil. There is not an everlasting oppression. Palestine will be free.

The Forbidden Truths of the Insane Marriage Ritual (tags)

A Forbidden Truth dissection of the horrifyingly negative consequences of the unnatural, perverse, and toxic societal institution of marriage.

God, Freedom and the Separation of LIBERALS and State (tags)

"Liberals want no iota of religious speech, image, or thought anywhere in public -- if it is Christian. They allow and even encourage expressions of Islam."

Freedom of Speech Bush Style (tags)

So this is America???

Freedom From Nauru - Electronic Sit In (tags)

The Liberals in Australia and Amanda Vanstone's websites are under attack from cyber activists. In solidarity with hunger strikers on Nauru, cyber activists are staging a 'virtual sit in' creating a traffic jam through repeated visits to the above web sites - you can take part by downloading these files and suport the urgent pleas for freedom.

Bahrain Protests France's Ban on Muslim Scarves (tags)

Women gathered in protest outside of the French embassy in the Gulf Arab state of Bahrain Thursday, urging an end to Chirac's plans to remove the Hijab from France's state schools.

The Forbidden Truths of two recent george bush speeches (tags)

A Forbidden Truth rewrite of two recent public speeches made by the supreme leader of amerikkka.

The US as a Rogue State (tags)

Is the US a system of finance capital without genuine freedom? "Now and then Chomsky speaks of the US as the freest country in existence.. He seeks to inform, not convert. He looks skeptically at the media and sees in the media instruments of capital.."

Pleading with Americans to arrest bush for the love of children (tags)

The dumfuk bushite parasites have been PURPOSEFULLY blowing themselves up with mined cluster bombs as suicide bombers! Not dying for any noble cause, but to only further toll more American Patriot lives.

We're Finished, Jeb (tags)

Given the events of this past week in Miami- Nov 20-03, it is evident Jeb, that you are running with the wrong crowd. Men dressed in helmets, bullet proof vests, with stun guns-pepper spray-clubs-tear gas, is not my idea of the people I wish to associate with.

Americans are forbidden to know... (tags)

Here's what a bushite's granmom's tax payment is going towards, minus the 1.5 billion per month of 4 that is secretly STOLEN by the bushmob as something Americans are forbidden to know of through their corporate news censorship stealing their very own demeaned values, dying.

The best evidence to kill bush quickly (tags)

The evil is in plain sight, the danger only increases with denial

Escape From Islam (tags)

A Woman Born a Muslim Describes The Situation In the Middle East


The right of decent private citizens to personally possess, transport, and responsibly use arms without government interference is the ultimate freedom and the main pillar supporting all other liberties. Few cultures have allowed their general population access to weapons, the tools of power, to the same degree as the United States. Instead, most societies have restricted the keeping and bearing of arms to a select few power brokers and their agents, often resulting in oppression on a grand scale.

Veteran's Day (tags)

Today is Veteran's Day. If you appreciate the freedoms you enjoy today, thank a veteran, and pause for a moment to reflect on the sacrifices made to ensure you enjoy your freedoms.

Get bush INSTEAD (tags)

You know what is right, though you still may be blind, it's never too late to change your mind, we're all in agreement, in truth we rise, evil is just the deceived disguised

Baghdad George (tags)

I guess it was inevitable. Someone has compared President George Bush to "Baghdad Bob," the inadvertently comical Iraqi information minister who kept insisting Iraq was winning the war even as American tanks gathered outside his office.

If USA vote BUSH, return to France the Statue of Liberty ! (tags)

This international petition, provocative, wants by a startling new idea "you would not deserve more to preserve the Statue of Freedom on the American ground, if you vote Bush in 2004" to make speak about the attacks to civic freedoms in the USA

War Profiteers Flourish; Soldiers and Their Families Pay the Price (tags)

Operation Iraqi Freedom does not represent freedom for neither the Iraqi nor the American people; the freedom it represents is only for war profiteers to enrich themselves at our expense. It does not guarantee Iraqi or American security; it is driving us deeper and deeper into insecurity. Iraqis and Americans are dying and are being wounded daily; we are all facing an insecure future, while George Bush and his friends hold barbeques at his ranch and discuss the division of the spoils.

Freedom of Religion, Press, Speech, Assembly, Petition (tags)

First Amendment: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Interesting Dichotomy (tags)

AMMAN, Jordan - A group of Arab experts issued a report Monday that finds the Arab world lacking in three areas they deem fundamental to development: freedom of expression, access to knowledge and empowerment of women. While in Israel: HERZLIYA, Israel (Reuters) - An Israeli start-up has developed a processor that uses optics instead of silicon, enabling it to compute at the speed of light, the company said.

Yuri Kochiyama (tags)

On War, Imperialism, Osama bin Laden, And Black-Asian Politics

Turning the World to Crap (tags)

Decline of civilization worldwide

The regimes selective view of freedom. (tags)

Last month, prominent clerics and academics issued a statement warning against calls for equality and increased rights for women, saying such efforts aim to make Muslim women more like "infidel" Western women.

Silence about Muslim Deaths (tags)

How many times have you heard Israel blamed for Muslim Deaths? Now How many times have you heard Muslims blamed for Muslim Deaths- the disparity in numbers will shock you. All in all, it makes Israel look like a kitten.

Building Bridges Radio-On the Buses with the Immigrant Workers Freedom Riders (tags)

Building Bridges Radio presents this 15 minute radio program. To listen click on indymedia link

Maoist Debate: Free Speech under Socialism (tags)

The following exchange was taken from the website over the question of Freedom of speech after revolution.

Immigrant Workers Freedom Ride Rally a Huge Success! (tags)

As the culmination of Immigrant Workers Freedom Ride, on Saturday, October 4th, tens of thousands of immigrant workers joined friends and allies for a fabulous rally in Flushing Meadows Park in Queens, New York.

Freedom fighter in Haifa, occupied Palestine, takes out 18 of the enemy (tags)

A heroic Palestinian freedom fighter today took out 18 of the enermies of justice, freedom and peace in Haifa, occupied Palestine

A Freedom Rider’s journal: Solidarity saved us (tags)

Kat Rodriguez, coordinating organizer with Derechos Humanos, a human rights organization, joined one of the Los Angeles Freedom Ride buses in Tucson, Ariz. Here she shares excerpts from her on-the-road journal with PWW readers. At press time the bus had reached Memphis, Tenn.

A historic message — Justice for immigrants (tags)

WASHINGTON – Busloads of Immigrant Workers Freedom Riders brought their agenda into the heart of the nation’s political arena, Oct. 1, demanding Congress enact comprehensive reform of the nation’s immigration laws.

Unlimited freedom (tags)

The freedom for Iraqi people seems to be borderless


Do these words not ring true today? We the People have petitioned and received nothing but arrogance and silence from our servant government. We have remonstrated, we have supplicated. We have politely and respectfully asked our servant government to respond to our petitions.

BTL:Immigrant Workers' Freedom Ride Aims to Raise Awareness of Low Pay... (tags)

...Dangerous Working Conditions. Interview with David Glaser, national director of the Immigrant Workers' Freedom Ride, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Immigrant Workers Freedom Ride Send-Off Rally (tags)

September 20 2003 --- City Hall, Los Angeles Immigrant freedom riders will be boarding buses September 23rd to take part ...

Immigrant Workers Freedom Ride Send-Off Rally (tags)

The inspiration for this campaign comes from the Mississippi Freedom Ride of 1961.

Immigrant Workers Freedom Ride Send-Off Rally (tags)

Immigrant workers fighting for human rights follow in the footsteps of the 60’s civil rights movement.

Building Bridges Radio-Immigrant Worker Freedom Ride & The Next Pres.of El Salvador (tags)

Building Bridges presents this 28 minute Radio Program, TO LISTEN CLICK ON INDYMEDIA LINK

Represent What? Libertarian newspaper sheding ideals for marketshare (tags)

"In order to boost minority readership, the paper recently hired a writer to cover Latino entertainment and culture, and contracts minority reporters fresh out of college to cover prominent beats despite little experience. The editorial page of old would have called that bald tokenism,"

9/9 California Birthday, 2d Day of Recall (tags)

On this September 9, 2003 as we celebrate California's admission to the Union in 1850 as a free (non-slave) state, we can demand our freedom from the current bankrupt social order with the recall of the worst governor in California history.

They QUIT! (tags)

The "hunger strikers" although they were on a liquid diet of the same stuff as if you had a broken jaw quit after 22 days!

Executive Orders and Oil Profits (tags)

Another nail in the coffin of the ludicrous theory that the US invasion of Iraq had anything to do with weapons of mass destruction or "liberating" the Iraqi people.

1-800-BE-READY (tags)

A review of the Homeland Security's BE READY website, by a raving radical. Scary stuff folks...they boast DOUBLING the neighborhood watches, and that is not all! Read on!


PLEASE FORWARD – POST – IMITATE - PLAGIARIZE Okay, we dropped the ball with this – Ashcroft’s entire tour to date was done within two days of its announcement. But he’s coming to Boston, NY, and Salt Lake City, and probably other places. And the vile lies and half-truths posted on need to be challenged loudly, and often. Preferably by people with “mullet” hairdos.

The Southern United States As A Conquered People (tags)

America is Sick. Heres why.

One Giant Leap (tags)

A bushite soldier, to be proud of committing senseless murder for the American cop killer, the Iraqi bank robber, the demon bush Jr., along with WorldCom, Dutch-Shell, and Halliburton, is not only a cowardly traitor to victimized American families, but to all People our World over.

California Governor Election and PFP/Labor Events (tags)

California Governor Election and PFP/Labor Events:

Family fued at libertarian Media Giant (tags)

Freedom has long advocated a libertarian point of view on the editorial pages of its 28 daily papers and 8 tv stations. Today the company is one of the nation's largest newspaper publishers estimated to be worth about $2 billion.

Judge William Young Sentences the Shoe Bomber (tags)

JUDGE WILLIAM YOUNG, SENTENCES THE SHOE BOMBER I hope you will read every word! Pray for more Judges like this one.



Libertarians who loathe Israel (tags)

Irrational hatred for "an isolated Sparta, bristling with weaponry and little else" prompts libertarians to forget their welfare economics. For example, Raimondo menacingly warns that without US aid, Israel would cease to exist... Come again?


Education working in Los Angeles in spite of itself it would seem...

A Revolutionary View of the California Recall and Bipartisan Budget Crisis (tags)

Don’t Throw Your Vote Away by Giving It to the Democrats or the Republicans! OUT WITH THEM ALL! DON’T VOTE YES OR NO ON THE CALIFORNIA GOVERNORS RECALL The Recall is a Trap to Make Workers Pay for the Capitalist Crisis! VOTE FOR THE SOCIALIST CANDIDATE C.T. WEBER for GOVERNOR! PEACE & FREEDOM PARTY Organize Now to Build a Workers Party!

Building Bridges Radio - Organizing for the Immigrant Workers Freedom Ride- 28min (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community & Labor Report-National Edition presents this 28 min Radio Program"Organizing for the Immigrant Workers Freedom Ride" TO LISTEN CLICK ON INDYMEDIA LINK

Nobody Wants Saddam Back (tags)

Nobody wants Saddam back (except perhaps Matt, Diogenes, X, Meyer, and Sheepdog). The author is an Iranian journalist and author of 10 books on the Middle East and Islam. 

God Honest (tags)

When bush told Americans, americans didn't need any proof against Laden, bush really said, cowardly Americans no longer wish to protect Freedom by following the crime scene leads offered by the Justice departments. No Justice for Laden means, no documented arrest of actual criminal perpetrators. (Laden completely by himself was he?) Which incidentally, America's bush and rumsfeld had completely planned SECRETLY to NOT arrest for 9/11 before hand, with the official antichrist's, "invade Afghanistan without any evidence plan".

The Problem (tags)

A brief summary of the issues.

A John Kusumi appeal for the China Support Network (tags)

The China Support Network can build upon the 'people power' victory in Hong Kong -- with your help.

The Extinction of the Federal Government (tags)

In any revolution there is pain (and this is a revolution, whether there's shooting involved or not.) But soon the government parasites who subsist by inserting straws into their victims' throats will discover that their victims have simply walked away.

U.S. is 3rd on World's "Economic Freedom" Index (tags)

Hong Kong, Singapore, and the United States rank first, second and third, respectively, in the latest edition of the 'Economic Freedom of the World' annual report by the Cato Institute and more than 50 other libertarian think tanks around the world.

July 4 we Celibate what? Our independence? Our Freedom? (tags)

"...deriving their Just Powers from the consent of the governed." Did you give your consent to have your rights stripped slowly away? If you are not fighting it you are whether you wish to accept the responsibility or not.

Freedom Fireworks Kit! (tags)

Order your Freedom Fireworks Kit today!




We all KNOW factually, and freely confess without truthful contention, the UNJUST evil bush and blair, "sexed up" the falsehoods of a plagiarized essay, then bold faced lied as they continue today, to hide their "embarrassment" of indiscriminately murdering our Humanity for criminal thefts against a just rule of our god given rights Man.

War Crimes in the Name of Freedom: 227 Years.... (tags)

As Americans prepare to celebrate their Independence Day this July 4, 2003, with a grandiose glorification of ongoing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan—and wars from days past--it’s worth remembering those millions of civilians and/or non-combatants who have died at the hands of unconstrained and psychopathic American power.

Rage. Mistrust. Hatred. Fear. Uncle Sam's enemies within (tags)

A few things have happened recently that show just how powerful -- and, perhaps, unstoppable -- is the march of the right-wing machine in the US. This month the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), a right-wing think tank umbilically tied to the Bush administration, declared open warfare on non-governmental organisations (NGOs) deemed too left-wing and set up an organisation called NGOWatch to monitor these liberal pressure groups.

An Army Wife Speaks Her Mind (tags)

An Army Wife overhears a dinner conversation among anti-war protesters.

What Anarchism Is, and What It is NOT (tags)

Foolish Anarchists, begging for money to fight people WITH money. Using their First Amendment Rights to protest the government which grants them. PATHETIC.

Stockholm Conservatives (tags)

It is an interesting phenomena that while Indy is home to many free-thinking individuals that very freedom attracts a class of people who find freedom a petrifying concept. It is to them that this article is dedicated. May they rest in peace.

What Are Little Boys Made Of? (tags)

Lights, camera, action; live footage shows the military kicking down an isolated farm house door ordering the terrified peasant family, the elderly grandparents, little children and parents to kneel in the dirt their hands behind their backs. I feel sick and ashamed that the power-might-and untold blessings of my country, are being utilized in the subjugation, humiliation and terror towards people we've announced such altruistic concern for. Operation Iraq Freedom resembles Operation Bloodlust-Might Makes Right.

Triumph of Kleptocracy & Death of Reason (tags)

"The great danger of the lynch-mob terror-bubble we find ourselves trapped in, as the Germans under the Nazi regime were, is losing touch with the rest of the world..This is no longer our government, but has been stolen from us by country-sized corporations and their henchmen." from Slingshot 2003

Self Liberating Spirit (tags)

Contemplation about liberation of humans from authority. - Individual freedom of all human beings is an indispensable condition for a just, peaceful and egalitarian harmony in their relations. At the present, only a tiny minority of people in the world is experiencing a life in the vicinity of what may be described as freedom to develop their natural capacity as humans and realize their dreams.

Government Owns U.S. Media (tags)

Government owns the It's run by the gatekeepers, the editors - and the U.S. government runs them. They are all part of the click, the elite group now. They are just a bunch of high school bullies - stealing our money through taxes.

Save Palestinians From Themselves (tags)

...a national struggle is not a free-for-all street rumble. It is supposed to be a movement led by astute leaders...

July 3, National Public Hearings to Repeal the Patriot Act (tags)

On July 3, cities across the country will hold independant Public Hearings to Repeal the Patriot Act.

Sometimes standing out isn't good (tags)

"When it comes to individual rights and freedoms, I think some people misinterpret what freedom is all about. You can't have freedom if you're dead."

Freedom Fries Follies: Celebrating the Arts of Dissent (tags)

Freedom Fries Follies: Celebrating the Arts of Dissent will bring together a diverse group of artists to express their opposition to war, poverty, and injustice through music, poetry, spoken word, irreverent wit, and drama.

Webs of Power - Part 2: The Federal Reserve (tags)

The Federal Reserve Bank of America is not a government entity. It is a private corporation with stock owned by shareholders. A majority of these shareholders are not American. The prior paragraph is common knowledge by economists and professors, and can easily be found with minimal research.

Libraries are good (tags)

Every libertarian diehard who decries the government's involvement in anything beyond military defense is an avid user of public streets and highways--and thankful for their existence. The same can be said for national parks and libraries.

You Won The Battle But Lost The War (tags)

Today in the United States there are people who spit on the memory of your sacrifices -- people like Sen. Charles Schumer, who successfully pushes "gun control" laws that trash the Second Amendment, and Sen. John McCain, whose infamous "campaign finance" law made free speech a federal crime for independent advocacy groups. We shrink before officials who decree that unpopular opinions are "hate speech." We endure leaders who tell us that it's wrong to hate certain groups of people, but perfectly okay for those groups to hate and malign others.

Honk for Freedom (tags)

Honk for Freedom at 11 a.m.

Who Exactly are the Paranoid Anti-Americans? (tags)

Remember, these terrorists are brilliant. They are so brilliant that they anticipated and managed to piggy-back the September 11th attacks on top of two drills going on that morning. (One, a CIA drill, where an airplane crashing into a building was to be "simulated", and the other, a semi-annual NORAD drill apparently intended to "test" our nations defenses against attack.)

Religious Peace Tax Fund - H.R. 2037 (tags)

Rep. John Lewis has introduced H.R. 2037 to create the Religious Peace Tax Fund and allow taxpayers to direct their taxes to be used for nonmilitary purposes.

Libertarians mock the Left, May Day (tags)

The giveaway, and the clue to the real motive of today's left and their hangers-on, is that all their protests are against -- they are anti-capitalism, anti-free trade, anti-using the environment for man's benefit -- but they are not for anything.

Libertarians mock the Left, May Day (tags)

The giveaway, and the clue to the real motive of today's left and their hangers-on, is that all their protests are against -- they are anti-capitalism, anti-free trade, anti-using the environment for man's benefit -- but they are not for anything.

Iranian Culture minister calls for freedom of press (tags)

Speaking on the "World Day of Freedom of the Press," Iran's Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance Ahmad said that the war in Iraq proves the world has moved to a new phase of a free, multi-media press.

Comments to the FCC (tags)

Comments to the Federal Communications Commissioner Ownership Hearing - University of Southern California 4-28-03

Libertarian Links Free Trade to Freedom, Peace (tags)

Palmer, a senior fellow at the Cato Institute, said anti-globalization activists are missing the bigger picture. By way of analogy, Palmer referred to Homer’s Odyssey saying that Homer is telling the reader that "the cyclops is a savage because he doesn’t trade. He lives in the preferred world of the anti-globalization activists."

The war at home It's time to defend our liberties before protest becomes a crime (tags)

The War On Freedom launched by the Bush Junta continues. If you value your freedom, the right to speak freely your mind speak now or it will become a crime.

My Dream (tags)

Is that the whole world will be a place of social justice. . . like China, Vietnam, Zimbabwe, North Korea and, of course, Cuba. Viva Comrade Fidel!

The Forbidden Truth of all Human Political Systems (tags)

All human political systems are genocidally enslaving, terroristically brutal and brainwashing structures specifically designed to control, dominate, and destroy the lives of all citizen-slaves

God Bless America (tags)

God Bless America

Today Show Goes Dark On Tim Robbins (tags)

A conversation about free speech. An anchor asking reasonable questions. A guest responding in equally reasonable tones. No attempt to close out the discussion - to say "Well thank you Tim". This was not a filibuster. Robbins was not hogging the spotlight. Someone in the control room simply decided that it was time to pull the plug.

The anti-war movemnet has lost (tags)

The anti-war movement has lost, and freedom has won.

Revolution = Independent Thinkers (tags)

The real revolutionaries are the ones that are independent thinkers, sovereign, not groupthinkers. the groupthinkers are afraid, so they need groups to feel secure, so they act the way the group says they must act. So they remain stupid.

Become A Street Vendor For Peace (tags)

The real revolution is to become a street vendor, entrepreneur, small business owner and become big if you want. But, get the State out, the lazy bureaucrats that are too stupid to do the same, and too lazy, so they have to steal your money.g

Hitler too was Undone (tags)

Kennedy said once that, "we have nothing to fear but fear itself."

Arabs Sneer At US 'Iraqi Freedom' Label For War (tags)

Commentators in the region say the name Operation Iraqi Freedom, apparently meant to win over public opinion, has backfired to become grist for sarcasm and scorn as word of the wounded and the dead flows from Arab television channels.

Iraqis Seize Hyannisport (tags)

President Saddam Hussein has said that he expects Operation Restore Freedom should be over shortly, as the Americans reject the tyranny they have lived under for the past fifty years in order to once again have a voice in their own government.

Cowardice and Courage (tags)

I must say I admire and support the incredible courage of the Iraqi people in their fight against a cowardly enemy. I especially admire their use of the guerilla tactics the American revolutionaries used more than two centuries ago to defeat the Redcoats. The fake surrender and hit and run attacks are right out of the American Revolution playbook.


100 meters past highland blvd on hollywood blvd israelli style checkpoints are set up.

Anti-war party qualifies for California ballot (tags)

Riding a wave of anti-war sentiment, the Peace and Freedom Party has requalified for the ballot after 4 years off. It has opposed every U.S. military adventure since it was founded in 1967.


California now has a peace party back on the ballot!!!

Recovering the Power of the Global Grass Roots in the Antiwar Movement (tags)

Feel free to reprint this essay



The Lie Of The U.S. Military (tags)

I get this a lot: Hey Mark, you know what you should do, you pathetic piece of liberal S.F. scum? You should kneel down right now and thank our angry God there's a hard-ass non-pussified non-wimpy U.S. military out there protecting your pathetic little butt, baby. Isn't that thoughtful?

Song for Palestine w/dylan melody (tags)

Please record this song, or give it to Dylan so he'll record it. Uses 'chimes of freedom' chord progression

Full text of Bush speech, with comments (tags)

Full text of Bush’s Feb. 26 speech to the American Enterprise Institute (comments in parentheses).

It's the CHEESE!!!! (tags)

From the fine "journalists" at the FAUX News Network. So-called "patriotic" Americans are boycotting French Cheese and Wine!

The Pink Party (tags)

The Pink Party welcomes everyone interested in promoting global peace and understanding.



Bush JUNTA Proposes new Assault on Freedom (tags)

The Bush Junta is preparing a new assault on freedom. A new draft of legislation even more draconian and invasive than the “Homeland Security” Bill is circulating in draft form. A copy was leaked to the Center for Public Integrity.

Quite brilliant! (tags)

Freedom peace and pancake

We have proofs but... (tags)

Freedom peace and pancake

Europe and America must stand united (tags)

A declaration in support of the United States by the heads of eight European countries.

Mumia on Jamil al-Amin ( join the fight to free Jamil al-Amin) (tags)

This is a statement by Mumia on Jamil al-Amin. Jamil is the former civil rights leader H. Rap Brown who after converting to Islam, became a Muslim leader and powerful figure. He is serving a life sentence for a wrongful conviction.

Ready once again! (tags)

Dear American and British soldiers

POETRY MATTERS! On the Media Persecution of Amiri Baraka (tags)


Freedom House Homeless Youth Shelter (tags)

While we fight the move towards war and social service cutbacks, one small positive development is our opening this week of Casa libre/Freedom House, a shelter for homeless unaccompanied immigrant minors and inner-city youth.


Hi Revolution



Reportback on the Korean People's Struggle (tags)

A night of music, photos, and spoken word concerning the Korean people's struggle for freedom, peace, and justice.

The New Freedom Bus visits Los Angeles (tags)

The New Freedom Bus visits Los Angeles

There Was Never Anything Wrong With Being a Communist, (tags)

Communism is at the very heart of being human which fits the model that nature has hard wired us with, tribalism.


The Queen of Daytime talk-shows pimps for war.

Freedom Bus on its way to California! (tags)

Serviced Bus New Freedom Bus delayed. The bus was serviced and repaired after being without heat for 36 hours. This delayed the arrival of the freedom riders in Kansas.

netstrike against repression (tags)

netstrike to ask freedom for 20 italian activists arrested without a real reason but only to prevent!!


We are publishing this document so as to inform and ask for your support. This concerns a very important matter - the imprisonment of worker and social fighter Yannis Serifis and the wider repression by the state in Greece. Follow the link to sign for the release of Y. Serifis and against the greek terrorlaw:

Fucking Show UP!!!!!! (tags)

It's Time For People In Los Angeles To Get Active In Progressive Events - Start Attending Progressive Functions, Or the Status Quo Nazis Win......



Washington: People's Strike Update (tags)

All the information on the People's Strike activities which will cause a shutdown of the government and downtown businesses of DC on Fri. morn. Sep. 27 and related activites...



Faith Heals Reason (tags)

"There is a beautiful fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen where the devil builds a mirror that distorts everything beautiful and good into nothing.. I asked myself whether or not Andersen meant scientific reason.." This sermon is translated from the German. (tags)

Grassroots organization plans protest of attacks on constitutional freedoms for Ciitizenship Day, September 17, 2002.


Less than a week after being inaugurated as Colombia’s new president, extremist Alvaro Uribe Velez, has enacted a law that vastly curtails the rights of Colombian citizens and appears to legalise certain tactics used by paramilitary death squads. Civil society is bracing itself for the worst and already parts of the union movement are making plans to start operating in secret.

Open Letter To Committee to Protect Journalists (tags)

I write to inform you of specific acts and immediate threats against journalists in Venezuela, and to ask you 12 questions, as a journalist, about your organization's previous statements regarding press freedom issues in that country. I hope that your organization will take immediate action to defend these journalists at risk, and that you will offer full and honest answers to the 12 questions.

Artists wanted for Infoshop Benefit (tags)

Artists and performers wanted for a benefit show for the Long Beach Infoshop.

Independent's Day (tags)

well the FCC can suck on me the stuff comin' it's gonna be pee all yall freedom fighters better just flee cause why's everybody always pickin' on me (repeat chorus 85 times & call it a song)

New Web Site For Activism (tags)

The cause of freedom wants YOU!

The Amalgamation of the Bodies of truth (tags)


Palestinian Freedom Fighters remove 7 zionists from Palestine permenantly (tags)

JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Palestinian freedom fighters killed seven zionazis, in Palestine on Thursday. The brave, curagous freedom fighters burst past the zionazi occupation army and opened fire on the zionazi thieves killing 7.

Jerusalem Bus Bombing Kills at Least 20 (tags)

JERUSALEM (Reuters) - A Palestinian freedom fighter blasted the shit out of a bus packed with zionazis and war criminals during morning rush hour on Tuesday, killing at least 20 of them and wounding more than 50, police said.

Doesn't FREEDOM mean (tags)

that there will be unequal distribution of wealth?

It is time to take back America! (tags)

The long this is put off the higher the price that we will have to pay for our freedom and the freedom of our children......think about it...

FARC Freedom Fighters Target Cocaine Labs Protected By Special Forces (tags)

MEDELLIN, Colombia -- On Saturday government officials sent rescuers to the remains of a batteground between FARC freedom fighters and paramilitary special forces where more than a dozen people were wounded when paramilitaries killed 68 civilians, including 38 children, suspected of being Marxist sympathizers.

Journalists accuse Israel of media violation (tags)

"These have not been blunders but a deliberate policy of hiding from the world the truth of the Israeli army's violence and abuses,

Zappa on Democracy / Freedom (tags)

Frank Zappa, one of the greatest American artists of the 20th century. Sadly neglected by everybody. You should listen to what he had to say!

Feb 3, Rally for Freedom Feb 3, Rally for Freedom (tags)

Feb. 3, Rally for Freedom at the Federal Building at 11000 Wilshire Blvd. Westwood Support H.R. 3616 a ban on space-based weapons, directed energy weapons, including extremely low frequency electromagnetic energy mind control waves.

Angry about the shut down of Raisethefist? (tags)

Recently,, a website that was an avenue for freedom of expression and resistence to the corporate world order, was shut down along with

An Ode to Ashcroft (tags)

Just somewhat of a statement, semi-poetic.



Earthlink Shuts Down Activist Site (tags)

A jab at Earthlink's "activist" ad campaign.


I sent a photo to a friend in San Francisco -it's a man and his grand-child crying because of the kidnapping of his wife by slave dealers in the Iranian border.Here is his reply... example of Manufactured Consent?

Future US Political Prisoners Days Of Action Jan. 19 &20, 2002 (tags)

Two days of creating the freedom you never knew you had

Assembly Speaker-Designate Wesson Keynotes Freedom Banquet (tags)

Herb Wesson, L.A.-area Assemblymember and designated next-in-line for Speaker, keynoted the predominantly Queer San Diego Democratic Club’s annual Freedom Banquet November 5 and provided its emotional highlight. Wesson’s account of his own childhood experiences as both a victim of anti-African-American discrimination and a perpetrator of discrimination against Queers, from which he learned to see both kinds of prejudice as equally wrong, moved the Democratic Club audience.

Freedom Radio - Alex Jones (tags)

Listen to Alex Jones

Internet "Freedom" A Crock: Private Sector Censhorship In Effect (tags)

Freedom of the Press belongs to whomever owns the presses. It turns out to be true on the 'net, too. Oh well, so much for "freedom" online. Now it's time to fight.

Censorship of news in wartime is still censorship (tags)

The US administration began hacking at the foundations of the first amendment while the dust was still settling on the ruins of the World Trade Center, writes Veronica Forwood, chairwoman of the British branch of Reporters Sans Frontieres

Jacob Levich:Bush's Orwellian Address: Happy New Year: It's 1984... (tags)

Seventeen years later than expected, 1984 has arrived.

HIGHTOWER: Stand Up for Your Democracy (tags)

Look out America, here come the authorities to "defend" you against international terrorism.

MLK Speaks (tags)

Delivered on the steps at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. on August 28, 1963 by Martin Luther King, Jr. They still echo today in a way he never could have anticipated.

Battle Of Manhattan - The Fanatic vs. The Lady (tags)

Two warriors faced off in the City of New York on September 11th, 2001. One warrior was the Lady Liberty, the other was the Fanatic.

Freedom Fest for Mumia (tags)

Freedom Fest for Mumia - Saturday, September 15, 2001, noon - 6p.m., Lemeirt Park

Say NO to LSSI. Freedom of Speech in Danger in Spain (tags)

Freedom of expression is in real danger now in Spain. If the Electronic Commerce (Society of Information Services) Directive is approved, most websites that are not "properly" registered would be considered illegal and have to face enormous fees which will in fact paralyse their activity forever.

WHEN POETRY RULED THE STREETS The May Events of 1968 (tags)

It is forbidden to forbid. Freedom begins by forbidding something: interference with the freedom of others.

Free Hip Hop Single For Mumia Hits 1500 Downloads (tags)

Mumia Abu-Jamal, journalist and MOVE member, is on Pennsylvania's death row after a sham trial. Tens of thousands of activists, concerned citizens and progressive groups around the world have mobilized to stop his murder by the state. One such group is Groove Embassy Records, which is offering the single "Freedom of Speech" by hip hop duo Buddha Mind as one more tool in the fight to raise awareness of Mumia's case.

Buddha Mind Continues Hip Hop Battle For Mumia (tags)

Mumia Abu-Jamal, journalist and MOVE member, is on Pennsylvania's death row after a sham trial. Tens of thousands of activists, concerned citizens and progressive groups around the world have mobilized to stop his murder by the state. One such group is Groove Embassy Records, which is offering the single "Freedom of Speech" by hip hop duo Buddha Mind as one more tool in the fight to raise awareness of Mumia's case.

April Fools' Rate Hikes (tags)

The Disneyland Democrats had their state convention in Anaheim, California this April Fools' weekend and still insist on following their PG&E whore, Gov Gray Davis, like the blind fools they are, as he leads their party to sure oblivion into the gubernatorial campaign of 2002

Death Penalty Democrats (tags)

Death Penalty Democrat California Governor Gray Davis murders again, this time executing Robert Massie on March 27, 2001, who has been on and off Death Row for 36 years, courtesy us taxpayers. He was never rehabilitated, but was let out of prison, and thus killed again. Our tax dollars must go for rehabilitation, not punishment, if we are to solve any social problems at all.

New Single For Mumia Hits 800 Downloads With Help Of World's IndyMedia Centers (tags)

More than 800 people have downloaded "Freedom of Speech," the new hip hop single by Buddha Mind, released on Groove Embassy Records ( The single, inspired by the case of Mumia Abu-Jamal, is out on CD for US$5 and in MP3 format for free. All proceeds from sales of the CD single will go to the ICFFMAJ's organizing fund for Mumia.

Milestone Reached In Musical Battle For Mumia As New Single Passes 500 Downloads (tags)

More than 500 people have downloaded "Freedom of Speech," the new hip hop single by Buddha Mind, released on Groove Embassy Records ( The single, inspired by the case of Mumia Abu-Jamal, is out on CD for US$5 and in MP3 format for free. All proceeds from sales of the CD single will go to the ICFFMAJ's organizing fund for Mumia.

Oct 22 march on Freedom Photography (tags)

Check the Freedom Photography site for new updates on the oct 22 police brutality march.

NADER (tags)


Censored student journalists publish on the Web (tags)

More than a decade after a 1988 Supreme Court decision affirmed the right of school administrators to censor student articles, many high-school newspapers are finding a new and long-coveted sphere of freedom on the Internet, transforming the very nature of free speech for students, The Washington Post reported Tuesday.

Twelve Ways to Democratize the U.S. Political System: Twelfth (tags)

12. Ensure freedom of political expression.

freedom at the border? (tags)

Post Border protest/march. Jessica knows that there is no freedom once you cross that border!

Activists Pollute Bay, Hijack Ship (Satire) (tags)

November 28th, 1773 Web posted at: 2:54 p.m. EDT (1854 GMT)

Wed Aug 16th MARCH FOR JUSTICE (tags)

On Wednesday, August 16, people from all walks of life will unite in a powerful and diverse Festival of Resistance/Dia de Resistencia against rampant police brutality, mass incarceration, and the death penalty, and against repression of dissidents and freedom fighters locked in prison. We call on all those under the gun of this repression, and all those who seek justice, to join an organized, spirited expression of our freedom of speech,

We Will Defend Revolutionaries (tags)

For those at the WTO protest and the coming DNC battle (tags)

This is our time to change the world... and I can think of no better philosophy than to live your life in the way you wish this world to be, not accepting anything less than ultimate freedom for yourselves and your Brothers and Sisters...

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