fix articles 42651, independent media centers
LA IMC 10th Anniversary - Technology Workshop (tags)
Activists representing many progressive organizations and Independent Media Centers across the nation met to discuss and share experiences organizing around issues of technology. Resonating themes in the discussion included corporate media's implementation of technology and strategy first used by the IMC movement 10 years ago, questions of diversity, empowerment, and shared skills among technologists and organizers, having an outward message and intentionality versus holding open space on- and off-line, technology activism, and legal issues around freedom of speech online.
Spectacular Terrorism and the Terror of the Spectacle (tags)
“Such a perfect democracy constructs its own inconceivable foe, terrorism. Its wish is to be judged by its enemies rather than by its results. The story of terrorism is written by the state and it is therefore highly instructive. The spectators must certainly never know everything about terrorism, but they must always know enough to convince them that, compared with terrorism, everything else must be acceptable, or in any case more rational and democratic” (Guy Debord, Comments on the Society of the Spectacle).
Right Wing Hackers Target IndyMedia (tags)
Right-wing hackers '' are taking credit for attacking several IndyMedia websites posting anti-left rhetoric. This explains how to fix the bugs, who is responsible for the attacks, and how to prevent this kind of action in the future.
Over 75 Reports of Protests on M 19 (tags)
Hundreds of thousands of people around the world demonstrated against the War in Iraq on Mar. 19th and 20th.
Five Years After WTO Protests: Seattle Weekly Trashes Anti-Globalization Movement (tags)
The media spin cycle leading up to major anti-globalization protests has become so predictable that activists have been forced to come up with better media strategies to keep up with the lies and disinformation. The mainstream media starts the cycle several months in advance with articles and coverage about the upcoming summit and accompanying protests.
Exhibitionism, Trolls and Indy Media (tags)
There is a serious problem with Independent Media Centers (IMCs) in the open comment areas. IMCs end up publishing as much content *against* freedom, racism, sexism, classism, etc., as they do *for* those things via the open comment areas.
Are We on the Road to Ruin or Redemption? (tags)
It’s as if we were on a runaway train headed toward a precipice, with the mercenaries of the Republican and Democratic parties battling for control of the engine, and us, the passengers, hanging on for dear life to keep from being thrown from the train. Will we gain control of the locomotive before it’s too late?
The People's Media Reaches More People Than FOX Does (tags)
While Big Media is "simply in the business of selling products, the people's media reaches more people than FOX does.
IMCs Need Better Marketin (tags)
Ideas on how to improve readership and interest in publishing on Independent Media Center. Why the right to right as a citizen is important. Opportunities to write more opinion than the scrawny Letters to the Editors that are hacked up to a few sentences is a way to go. Can’t main stream media practice democracy?
Indymedia really IS financed by Communists! (tags)
In the wake of the anarcho-socialist invasion of Miami to protest the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) meetings, it is important to understand how such events are organized. Independent Media Centers (or IMC or Indymedia) are the “cyber-grapevine,” the “CNN,” and the “Clear Channel,” for just about every lunatic leftist fringe group dedicated to eliminating capitalism from the world. Indymedia is the institution developed so the anarcho-socialists can communicate with each other and coordinate their activities. In fact, no less an authority than Mother Jones magazine paid tribute to IMC in their November 17 edition, observing that, "The global antiwar protests that surprised the world on February 15 grew out of the networks built by years of globalization activism, from Indymedia to the World Social Forum.”
I say that while we should mourn the loss of Anna Lindh, coming so soon after the loss of Sergio de Mello, we should be inspired by what Dr. King said the night before he was assassinated.
I say that while we should mourn the loss of Anna Lindh, coming so soon after the loss of Sergio de Mello, we should be inspired by what Dr. King said the night before he was assassinated.
I was inspired to come to Iraq by the experience of reading “A Bright Shining Lie: John Paul Vann and America in Vietnam.”
Declare Independence From Corporate Media (tags)
Celebrate July 4th By Declaring Independence From Corporate Media
Independence from Corporate Media Week (tags)
see below
Celebrate July 4th by Declaring Independence from the Corporate Media! (tags)
Fed up with the mainstream media's lies, omissions and distortions? It's time to send them a message: we're not taking it anymore. During Independence Day week - June 30-July 6, 2003 - join with thousands of others across the country and put your daily newspaper subscription on hold, turn off your TV, and act to support independent media!
A Call to Converge on October 10-11, 2003 In Burlington, Vermont
Latuff: persona-non-grata in German-spoken IMCs (tags)
I'm honoured to be a frequent contributor for many Independent Media Centers, but did you ask yourself why my posts are usually hidden and alleged to be anti-Semitic by German-spoken IMCs? Norman G. Finkelstein can explain it to us (in English and German).
Join Radio IMC-LA for an orientation/training in radio production for our Kill Radio ( show!
I was perusing the site and noticed that there are no IndyMedia sites available for countries that I have a particular interest in, such as Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Kuwait, Jordan, Libya, Iraq, Iran, Oman, Qatar, U.A.E, etc. Why not? Israel is the biggest fascist state in the world and they have and Indy Media Site? This just doesn't seem to make any sense?!?
Learn how to create the radio shows you want to hear (tags)
Join Radio IMC-LA on Feb 3 for a special info & training session where you'll learn how to create your own radio shows.
Resisting "Complexity Management" (tags)
Breaking Free of the Protest Mentality (tags)
Protestors are in the classic role of "protestors", people with no real power over their lives so they must demand it from the ruling class. Demonstrations also point to a lack of creativity; the only thing we can come up with is playing the song and dance of our rulers. How much longer will these protests go on for? If we could only get a few more tens of thousands to protest, will we be successful in overthrowing capitalism, the state and wage-slavery? Why do the state, capitalism and wage-slavery exist, why do the governments of the U.S. and Israel do what they do, and what are we actually going to do about it?
San Diego IMC Extravaganza, Poetry, --CLICK HERE! (tags)
IMC EXTRAVAGANZA! VIDEO, MUSIC, DANCE, POETRY, FOOD Featuring the following films: Free America-Trade Bush!: the FTAA protests at the SD/TJ border Storm from the Mountain: the Zapatour to Mexico City Bodies and Boundaries: families divided by the border Praha 2000: The World Bank and IMF Under Siege
Nazi era danger of American police violence (tags)
Pleading the innocence of lambs, state police and national intelligence agencies have, nevertheless, obviously engaged in unwarranted violence against anti-capitalist dissent, to a degree that has already escallated into the admittedly dangerous patterns of Nazi era mass murder designed to suppress political dissent.
The L.A.IMC IS Affiliated With Pacifica (tags)