fix articles 42554, zalmay khalilzad
New York Times Editors Front for Power (tags)
New War Rumors: U.S. Plans To Seize Pakistan’s Nuclear Arsenal (tags)
"“The free-wheeling access to US covert military and intelligence operatives, both officials and private contractors, is another destabilising factor that we seem to be unable or unwilling to check. And now there are the NATO incursions into our territory and targeting of even our military personnel, which shows how servile a state we are living in at present. [10] As the war in Afghanistan, the largest and longest in the world, proceeds with record casualties among civilians and combatants alike on both sides of the Afghan-Pakistani border, plans are afoot to further expand the war into Pakistan and to threaten Iran as well. Comparisons to Washington’s war in Indochina have been mentioned. [11] But Pakistan with its 180 million people and nuclear weapons is not Cambodia and Iran with its population of over 70 million is not Laos."
Afghanistan; Our Alpine Quagmire, 8 Years is Enough! (tags)
After eight years of hunting OBL throughout the mountains of Afghanistan with no luck, can we finally say "enough is enough" and begin the process of U.S. troop withdrawal from this alpine quagmire??
Mission accomplished? PNAC Website Expired (tags)
PNAC has expired, but the evil lives on.
US dismisses IAEA report of “progress” over Iran’s nuclear programs (tags)
The Bush administration has rapidly rejected the findings of an International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) report finalised on Thursday, which found that Iran had made “substantial progress” towards clarifying outstanding questions about its nuclear programs. The US confirmed its intention to press ahead with another UN Security Council resolution demanding that Iran halt its uranium enrichment and other nuclear programs. The US ambassador to the UN, Zalmay Khalilzad, declared that Washington would like to see more “biting” sanctions against Tehran than those imposed under UN resolutions passed last December and in March. The debate surrounding the latest IAEA report is not simply a rerun of previous arguments. Behind Washington’s demands for tougher UN sanctions is the barely concealed threat of a unilateral US military strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities. In response to a declaration last month by Russian President Vladimir Putin that there was “no objective evidence” that Iran was building nuclear weapons, US President Bush warned that Iran should be prevented from having the knowledge to make a bomb “if you’re interested in avoiding World War III”.
the Iraq War -- a Socialist perspective (tags)
The war in Iraq is at the heart of the instability in the Middle East – and the U.S. It is now the third-longest-running war in U.S. history: longer than the American Civil War, the First and Second World Wars, and the Korean War. Only the Philippine-American and Vietnam Wars have lasted longer. Although control over Iraq’s oil was a major reason for the invasion, it was not the main factor. Overall strategic control over the region and teaching a “lesson” to any country that dares “step out of line” was the main objective. However, none of U.S. imperialism’s political, economic, or military objectives have been achieved. Far from demonstrating its power, U.S. imperialism has demonstrated the limits of its power. The results will be far-reaching both internationally and within the U.S. itself.
U.N. Still Looking for Iraq's Weapons of Mass Destruction (tags)
More than four years after the fall of Baghdad, the United Nations is spending millions of dollars in Iraqi oil money to continue the hunt for Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction.
George Bush's Samson Option (tags)
George Bush's reckless agenda to plunge the Middle East in total war
Will a coup in Iraq follow the US elections? (tags)
Another comment has appeared in the American press foreshadowing a move by the Bush administration to remove the Shiite-dominated government of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki in Iraq. In an opinion piece in the October 2 Washington Post, the newspaper’s deputy editorial editor Jackson Diehl strongly suggested that Washington may dispense with Maliki’s regime shortly after the November 7 US congressional elections.
Iraqi police may lose aid for human rights violations (tags)
Yea sure! We are turning Iraq into a democracy. A democracy that looks like Nazi Germany!
DOS batallas de Bagdad una cubrieron para arriba y una destapada (tags)
Un oficial de ejército anterior describe las realidades del unreality de la liga de Bush en el asunto de la batalla de Bagdad, apenas admitida ayer por embajador Khalilzad -- pero sucediendo hace tres años. Dé la bienvenida a Orwell 101.
A former Army officer describes the realities of Bush League unreality on the topic of the Battle of Baghdad, just admitted yesterday by Ambassador Khalilzad -- but having happened three years ago. Welcome to Orwell 101.
Lebanon, Iran, Syria, Sudan: coldly premeditated neocon wars (tags)
Before emotions and disinformation gain the upper hand, consider what General Wesley Clark wrote in 2003--that by late 2001, the Neocon-led Pentagon was planning a five-year campaign of wars against seven countries: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Somalia and Sudan. (And don't expect to hear about this from Lieberman, McCain, Pelosi, Feinstein, Howard Dean, or the Clintons.)
Even before the bombs fell on Baghdad, a group of senior Pentagon officials were plotting to invade another country. Their covert campaign once again relied on false intelligence and shady allies. But this time, the target was Iran.
The Hidden War on Women in Iraq (tags)
by Ruth Rosen
New U.S. Maneuvers on Iran: Tactical Shifts, Escalating Threats, & Continued Danger of War (tags)
For the first time in over 25 years the U.S. government has agreed to negotiate directly with the Islamic Republic of Iran. The talks would also include Britain, France, and Germany and would focus on Iran’s purported nuclear weapons program; the U.S. will participate only if Iran first halts its uranium enrichment program.
The Bush Administration's Dual Loyalties (tags)
Since the long-forgotten days when the State Department's Middle East policy was run by a group of so-called Arabists, U.S. policy on Israel and the Arab world has increasingly become the purview of officials well known for tilting toward Israel. From the 1920s roughly to 1990, Arabists, who had a personal history and an educational background in the Arab world and were accused by supporters of Israel of being totally biased toward Arab interests, held sway at the State Department and, despite having limited power in the policymaking circles of any administration, helped maintain some semblance of U.S. balance by keeping policy from tipping over totally toward Israel. But Arabists have been steadily replaced by their exact opposites, what some observers are calling Israelists, and policymaking circles throughout government now no longer even make a pretense of exhibiting balance between Israeli and Arab, particularly Palestinian, interests.
Popular Female Leader From Afghanistan to Speak in L.A. March 6 (tags)
“Today she is [27] years old. Because of her brave stand in Afghanistan, she has received the support and the love and affection of the majority of Afghan people. Meanwhile, the warlords, this small group of extremist men, have decided that she's a threat to them. So she gets daily death threats.” -- Sonali Kolhatkar, KPFK and Afghan Women’s Mission
Cheney, the dumb, just now sees what he has done in Iraq.
Scheme to Assassinate Wayne Madsen? (tags)
Is the Bush Cabal So Desperate?
Report From Afghanistan by Sonali Kolhatkar, 5-27-05 (transcript) (tags)
". . . If the news media covers something [about Afghanistan], donations pour in. If they stop covering it, donations go down. . . . Our donations have plummeted. A lot of projects [are] closing down." -- Sonali Kolhatkar, co-director, Afghan Women's Mission
Venezuela: The Coup Makers- the Invisible U.S. Hands (tags)
U.S. War in Venezuela
Mr. President, have you no shame? (tags)
Our Republican Party has outdone the worst of the Democrat taxers and spenders, all the while smugly touting the lie about which party overspends.
Robert Fisk: Iraq's occupiers suspected of losing touch with reality (tags)
Robert Fisk: Iraq's occupiers suspected of losing touch with reality
9-11 Commission Covers Up Bush Family Ties (tags)
You expect maybe to find suck revelations in the New Yuk Times? Yeah, right. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!
Bush Administration Incompetence Results in More Dead (tags)
For his part, al-Sadr, while denouncing "the American occupation legitimized by the UN", wants "a representative government of the Iraqi people" as soon as possible. He echoes what is arguably the consensus among Iraqis: "Saddam [Hussein's] regime was unacceptable, but the foreign occupation is also unacceptable." On the heavy-handed behavior of American troops, the young al-Sadr pointedly says "one does not combat terrorism with terrorism".
Carving Up The New Iraq (tags)
Carving Up The New Iraq By Neil Mackay The Sunday Herald Tuesday 15 April 2003
Kick Their Ass and Take Their Gas: Democracy Comes to Iraq (tags)
One month after the fall of Baghdad, the US has successfully liberated the people of Iraq from meaningful involvement in decisions about their own future.
HOLOCAUST 2003 - The ONLY Solution is The Final Solution
Bush administration readying for 2004 invasion of Iran (tags)
This war came from a think tank (tags)
As far back as 1998, ultra right US think tanks had developed and published plans for an era of US world domination, sidelining the UN and attacking Iraq
Has war with Iraq already started? (tags)
In military jargon, all these attacks look very like a systematic effort to ‘prepare the battlefield’ ahead of any ground invasion.
Iraq under U.S. Occupation? (tags)
From the White House, reports leak out about plans for an Iraq after the Ba’th (the ruling party of Iraq). The main scenarios do not allow for the development of democracy in Iraq. Each of them is built on a racist assumption: that the Iraqis either need a military dictator or else a monarch – any form of democracy is impossible to imagine.
Forbidden Truth:Mainstream Media Sellout (tags)
That Washington's media elite appears to be anesthetized to Bush's current drive to turning the United States into some mirror image of East Germany, China, or Pinochet's Chile cannot be overstated.
RAND War Planners & U.S. Military/Industrial/Foundation/Media Complex (tags)
War Planners at Santa Monica, California's RAND/Project Air Force military think-tank apparently planned war against Afghanistan's Taliban regime many months before 9/11/01. Establishment Foundations fund RAND military think-tank and collaborate with U.S. military-industrial-media complex