fix articles 42425, a woman Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : a woman

a woman

Femicide? We still call it homicide!!! (tags)

Why they still call it femicide?

Trump not sensitive (tags)

Trump is out of touch.

Sarswati Help Us (tags)

Misogyny rising

Iowa Senate Race: Candidate Joni Ernst Voted To Block Women's Access To Contraceptives (tags)

The Tom Harkin endorsed candidate for senator from Iowa, Bruce Braley, is opposed by a woman who wants every fertilized human egg to have personhood status, a woman who bragged she has often castrated piglets.

Ding Dong! Thatcherism and sexism are alive (tags)

Margaret Thatcher is part of a system, not an individual deus ex machina, no matter how personally ambitious.

Narcissist Females Use False Allegations for Power (tags)

Females with narcissistic personality disorder often make false allegations of rape against men that do not submit to their control. False allegations of rape are counterproductive and injurious to women who experienced rape in reality. Not to mention the effect on innocent men who could face real rape in prison.

Over 500 Turn Out for San Diego Slut Walk (tags)

For those who thought the battle over whether women who dress in sexually provocative clothing are thereby giving men the ?right? to rape them was won in the 1970?s, it was a shock last January when a police representative in Toronto, Canada told a class he was lecturing to that ?women should avoid dressing like sluts in order to not be victimized.? His boorish, sexist remarks had one positive result: they rekindled the feminist movement via a series of ?Slut Walks,? mass demonstrations in which women deliberately dress in so-called ?slut wear? both to communicate a sex-positive message and to make the point that women should be free to dress any way they like and go about wherever they like without inviting men to rape them. The message of the ?Slut Walks?: don?t teach women how to avoid rape: TEACH MEN NOT TO RAPE!

Break the Chains! Unleash the Fury of Women as a Mighty Force for Revolution! (tags)

On International Women's Day we are taking to the streets to call for something sorely needed and unseen in generations: an uncompromising outpouring of fury and resistance from women and men who want to see women, the world over, lifted from centuries of being condemned to being treated as the possessions of men.

The romance of rape (tags)

It is tempting to describe the decision of the Court of Appeals acquitting Lance Cpl. Daniel Smith of the crime of rape, promulgated by the all-female 11th special division, as the revenge of the “manangs”. The decision certainly seems to have been written by a conspiracy of spinsters, in vigorous denial of reality, and sustained by fantasies of chivalry (in favor of the American serviceman) and chastity (against the woman we all call “Nicole”). “This court finds [as] deceptively posturing Nicole’s portrayal of herself as a demure provinciana lass,” the CA ruled, contrary to the unflattering characterization, sometimes using colors supplied by the victim herself, that the trial painted of flirty, hard-drinking Nicole. “On hindsight, we see this protestation of decency as a protective shield against her own indecorous behavior.”

pro life-pro-choice (tags)

right to choose

Gabnet/Mariposa Alliance proudly affirm our participation 16 days of activism (tags)

November 25, 2008

LOS ANGELES - Gabnet/Mariposa Alliance proudly affirm our participation in the international feminist movement's 16 Days of Activism against Gender Violence campaign. Along with over 2,000 organizations in 154 countries who have participated in this campaign since 1991, Gabnet/Ma-Al launches our own 16 days of activism, beginning on November 25th, the International Day Against Violence Against Women, with a nationwide Speak Out Against Violence, and ending on December 10th, International Human Rights Day.

Thoughts on Pride (tags)

Thoughts on the recent Queer [Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender] Pride events in San Diego.

Is Chemo Best Before or After Surgery? (tags)

Giuen Media

Overturning Roe v Wade Grounds for Civil War. (tags)

You have the right to choose the course you will take and I advise you to choose wisely for there are a great deal more people that think like me then there are people that think like you.

Super Bowl Militarism (tags)

Commercia media, like Ashcroft when he draped the Justice Department statues, goes berserk at the sight of a woman's breast but is silent about killing machines featured at a sports event.

The Debate Marches On (tags)

This article is written in lieu of Congress passing and Bush signing into law the bill that outlaws partial-birth abortion. Plenty of things to be said.

"Report From Baghdad" Part Four--Women in Iraq (tags)

This is a part four of the six-part series "Report form Baghdad" by Pacifica Radio KPFK Los Angeles Reporter Lee Siu Hin's July 2003 trip to U.S. occupied Iraq, to commemorate 6-months commemoration of U.S. invasion of Iraq (Sep 20), and to understand the future of Iraq. To view the entire series, please visit:

Arnold Schwarzenegger, women, and toilet bowls (tags)

"How many times do you get away with this -- to take a woman, grab her upside down, and bury her face in a toilet bowl?"

The Nazis Do Not Want Men To Exist (tags)

The Nazis wanted men as robots, men without thought, purpose, passion or self. Is this the "Liberal?" Yes. Don't swear, don't look at a woman, don't talk to a woman. Go to your golf course to escape the woman that will call the cops on you for walking on the sidewalk near her.

Termitary (tags)

The reading we will present is a play written by Diane Lefer. Titled. “Termitary”. The play revolves around Magda. Magda was a woman imprisoned in a man's body. She came to the U.S. for surgery and now she's just a woman in prison -- an INS detention center to be exact. Join us on February 8th as we expose what the government is doing to immigrants, along with the life cycle of the termite!

Over 700 Bid Farwell to Slain Transgender Teen (tags)

Over 700 family, friends and transgenders gave a solemn farwell Friday to Gwen Lida Araujo, the 17 year old transgender woman who was brutally murdered in an Oct. 3 hate crime in Northern California.

pornography and patriarchy (tags)

this is an extended reply to a comment found here.

Conservative lawmakers seek to divorce themselves from gay-marriage legislation (tags)

Legislation that would create a parallel system of marriage for gay couples in California is raising a political fury between Democratic lawmakers and conservative voices who say marriage should only exist between a man and a woman.

Abuse of women (tags)

The abuse of women should not be tolerated in our society in any field, whether its ordinary day living or in the film industry. They are seen as just thngs, when there much more than that, like an education, but then I appreciate women in many ways, many of my species do not, but it was about time they started too.

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