fix articles 42353, venice justice committee
LA Living in Vehicle Law Found UnConstitutional (tags)
9th Circuit Court of Appeals Decision Overturns Long Standing Los Angeles Law Used to Criminalize the Vehicle Housed
What’s Up With the Beach Curfew? (tags)
Recent rumblings about the illegal Venice Beach and Ocean Front Walk closure.
Venice Homeless Sweep Stopped: A Good Day in Venice for Street People (tags)
Occupy Venice, Venice Locals, Lawyers with the National Lawyers Guild, and a group called Venice Community Unity all came together on 3rd Ave in Venice to stop a homeless sweep from happening on March 29. It was a good day.
Who's Watching The Neighborhood Watch? (tags)
Out of control and ex-con Venice Neighborhood Watch Members Promote Fear and Hate
So Goes the Lincoln Ramp and So Goes the Venice United Methodist Church (tags)
Venice UMC has seen a decline in membership, and chaos, since progressive projects have been cut from the church.
Voting for GrassrootsKPFK: It Matters (tags)
Another repost from (a letter they received from a board member), this time on who to vote for and why. The website admits it's partisan, but there is some insight into what's at stake in these elections.
California Coastal Commission Denies Overnight Permit Parking (OPDs) in Venice (tags)
Venice said NO to OPDs in the Venice Coastal Zone at the June 11 Coastal Commission Meeting and the Coastal Commissioners listened!
Venice Gentrification H-Bomb --To Poor, Rainbows, Travelers and the Arts (tags)
L.A. City's Newest Plan Will Kick Everybody Living in Vehicles Out of Venice Beach
Noe v. City of Los Angeles: A Victory for Venice Homeless (tags)
Class Action Lawsuit settlement helps Venice homeless.
The Gas Chamber - a Pepper Spray Horror Movie (tags)
The Gas Chamber is the LAPD pet name for what was done to Benjamin Barker on the Venice Boardwalk February 2005.