fix articles 423459, jack snatch tillman
Honest Federal Bank Examiner, Persecuted, Flees To Canadian Border, Denied Entry, (Am I no (tags)
Honest auditor persecuted and then denied entry into Canada, partially blinded, and shell shocked after years of torment and abuse. Beware of their VA Doctors at LA VA Westwood. I want the ones who injected me, brought to me in a court of law, or if not
Attack Hollywood: Movie Script For Fascist Hollywood to D.C. to Ala-Bama (tags)
The comedy is here in the links below with music and true to life Alabama Sheriff who a San Francisco auditor caught. Dead FDIC managers are now his quarry, or I should say, those who killed him. Our enemies reign in high places. We take the underground, we take it all, because the above ground......collapses