fix articles 42310, brownsville Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : brownsville


Fbi commits sacrilege inside the Church (tags)

The low human monsters of Comey's f b I commit sacrilege inside the Church.

Dirty fbi, cops, DA, AUSA,Judges, etc (tags)

Here are my findings after 45 years of inside knowledge of fbi really dirty operations.

fbi increases psychological operations & assaults against me! (tags)

This report covers recent assaults on me by the fbi in their efforts 'to shut me up.'

'I am having the time of my life ' (tags)

My update on fbi thugs, the good news and the bad.

Fbi corrupts law and order, tripartite (tags)

Here is my latest report on fbi corruption across the board at all levels.

Request for public integrity investigation of Detective Posada, Brownsville, Texas PD (tags)

See how the fbi corrupts police across the nation.

Posada Adventure (tags)

My letter to AG on the defective detective Posada report:


My 2015 Open Records Request in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas.

fbi crimes against my person,a continuing saga (tags)

Fbi crimes against my person continue today and for the past twenty five years.

Sons of Satan. (tags)

Question. Who was the only individual ever to have the death sentence commuted by Governor Bush? -He mass murdered over 100 people with his other friend. In these murders, Lucas and his friend (and sometimes forcing children they bring along to participate and watch) group-murdered, flayed, hacked, cut, disemboweled, and decapitated over 100 people. Sometimes this involved necrophilia and cannabalism.-

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