fix articles 4224, reaction Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : reaction


Progressive Reforms Were the Reaction to the Recessions and Social Turmoil in the 1880s (tags)

Progressive Reforms Were the Reaction to the Recessions and Social Turmoil in the 1880s

fbi increases psychological operations & assaults against me! (tags)

This report covers recent assaults on me by the fbi in their efforts 'to shut me up.'

Syriza and Podemos are a reaction against the neoliberal assault (tags)

By involving and not distracting one another, we become people of hope.

Protesting Hewlett-Packard on Black Friday (tags)

Demonstrations against Hewlett-Packard in Atwater Village, West LA, and Long Beach. Mostly positive and receptive responses. HP visited at least one store ahead of the demos to warn it.

Is Western Condemnation of Cultural Destruction Reserved Exclusively for Enemies? (tags)

Djulfa’s destruction, like that of the Bamiyan Buddhas and Timbuktu shrines, merits widespread coverage, unwavering condemnation, and international liability, no matter who the perpetrator is.


The American government wants new world war.


Brazilians want more journalism and less Israeli propaganda.

Scientist Shows Risks of Glyphosate, Threatened by Monsanto (tags)

An Argentinian scientist publically discusses his research on impacts of herbicide glyphosate on amphibian fetuses, claiming results indicate glyphosate can damage brain, heart and intestinal tissues of the fetus. Monsanto is heavily dependant on glyphosate, and has verbally attacked the scientist with ridicule and personal threats..

What is political correctness? (tags)

What is political correctness, where did it come from, and why is it so influential at universities? It is the object of widespread ridicule, usually a very powerful weapon, so why doesn't it go away?

Publication of the photographs of Saddam Hussein (tags)

The publication of the photographs of Saddam Hussein by the Sun is not only a flagrant violation of the 3th Geneva Convention, it also violates the human right on dignity of every prisoner of war, regardless of the crime

Oceans Eleven Plus One - (Sleezeburger In Paradise) (tags)

No Summary

An Empire Falls: Chalmers Johnson's "Blowback" (tags)

"The US military, Johnson declares, is transforming into an autonomous system. The mammoth military establishment is an indispensable instrument for the American empire..The military regards its own interests as higher than the old ideal.."

Practicing Protest (tags)

This article reviews basic street protest tactics and techniques. Practice them at your next party so you are ready to go at the next protest!

Got Patriotism? (tags)

US "Patriotism" is a result of Pavlovian conditioning.

Chew On This My Leftist Comrades (tags) January 21 2003

"My God ..." (tags)

"Whenever I hear of an impending war, my first reaction is, "My God..."


Living in a post-9/11 cloud...

U.S. Attack on Afghanistan Could Provoke Dangerous Backlash Across Muslim World (tags)

Between The Lines' Scott Harris spoke with Chris Toensing, editor of Middle East Report, who assesses reaction in the Muslim world to the U.S. bombing campaign and the possible repercussions for governments supporting the U.S. war against terrorism.

Perspective for the uncivilized world (tags)

Evil Empire – Innocent Citizens - This article is very interesting.

Reaction to LA Weekly Article on (tags)

REaction to LA Weekly article on

China's Reaction to U.S. Spy Plane Related to Past Conflicts with Imperialists (tags)

Week's stories: (1) China's Reaction to U.S. Spy Plane Incident Related to Its History of Conflicts with Imperial Powers; (2) Children's Defense Fund Decries Bush Proposed Budget Cuts for Programs that Assist Poor Children; (3) Labor Historian Examines Challenges Ahead for Global Social Justice Movement. Listen to RealAudio version of this program on Between The Lines' website for week ending 4/20/01. MP3s available for download or streaming for one month. To subscribe to Between The Lines Q&A and/or Weekly Summary, email and/or

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