fix articles 422191, napoleonic emperor
Aaron Burr and Dick Cheney: Two Treacherous VPs (tags)
V. P. Dick Cheney is a very powerful, but desperate individual. The idea that the Bush-Cheney Gang is planning to send 30,000 more troops into the Civil War in Iraq is insane. A planned war with Iran is also on Cheney’s agenda as a diversion to save himself and George W. Bush from impeachment. The Special Prosecutor will soon cross examine Cheney in the “Scooter” Libby case. Unless the U.S. Congress acts soon to impeach, say good-bye to the Republic!
The Second American Revolution : Capitalism, Proverbs and Parables (tags)
I will speak to them in parables (sound bites). I will reveal to them mysteries and the secret things which have been kept hidden from them for long ages past. A revolution is a propaganda war and it the decisive battles are not fought with guns.