fix articles 420426, heather williams
U.S. removed Aristide at gunpoint! (tags)
In the photographs an invading U.S. Marine stands guard at Port-au-Prince's airport, Haiti, on March 1, 2004, and thugs from the so-called "Haitian National Revolutionary Liberation Front" patrol the streets of Port-au-Prince. (note... the "rebels" who staged the coup against the democratically elected government are wearing U.S. Army uniforms and carry U.S. Army M-16 machine guns). Hundreds of US Marines have arrived in Haiti to secure their control over the island nation after U.S. troops forcibly removed the elected President Jean-Bertrand Aristide at gunpoint. Congressmember Maxine Waters received a phone call from the kidnapped President of Haiti, who told her that he did NOT resign and had been abducted by the United States in the commission of a coup. The U.S. occupation troops have secured key sites... including the Presidential Palace. Aristide's private residence has been sacked and looted. The corporate press remains silent... preferring instead the U.S. State Department lie that Aristide has "resigned."