fix articles 4204, consider Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : consider


I demand right to inform Chch post-quake victims of human rights truth and ethical plan. (tags)

Christchurch, NZ, post-quake victims are facing severe discrimination, a human rights issue. However, they are deprived of hearing the human rights truth and ethical plan. Need to be informed in mainstream media to reach democratic majority.

Global turn-around: to persuade Western Powers to adopt 'bottom-up' ethical human rights. (tags)

Major Western Powers invited to New Zealand gives opportunity to adovate a global 'turn-around' by adopting the 'bottom-up' emphasis of global ethical human rights (developed in NZ) to replace 'near absolute', 'top-down' control of 'neoliberal absolutism'.

Escalating East/West Tensions (tags)


'Reason Lost' at UN which crosses line to authoritarianism and its not working. (tags)

The UN by crossing a line to authoritarianism and creating ‘neoliberal absolutism’ means the Rule of Law they promote is not based on reason but rather elite interests.

Message to the 10th General Assembly of Salinlahi Alliance for Children's Concerns (tags)

The Special Office for the Protection of Children of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) extends warm congratulations to Salinlahi Alliance for Children's Concerns on the occasion of your 10th General Assembly on 14-16 October 2013.

Dissent, ethical human rights, to create 'thinking culture' for progress. (tags)

Dissent, shut down under neoliberalism, is taking New Zealand, prompted by the Chch earthquakes, from a 'stupid culture' to a 'thinking culture' to enable progress. I consider the global ethical human rights plan far superior to neolib.

American Oikoscracy (tags)

What modern Americans consider a dream the ancient Greeks would consider a nightmare.

Kinda, Sort of Maybe Police Corruption (tags)

Cops don't give each other tickets because they consider being able to break the law kind of an employee discount.

Request for full investigation into 'unseen' major New Zealand tragedy and reply (tags)

I very much fear that America is following the same path as New Zealand. It is the 'truth' not power politics or the 'money grab' which will help overcome the climate of fear and hopelessness. Obama, I think, needs the assistance of some of the America's top thinkers and spiritual leaders.

Possible a very important note. Please consider this from a observer of the "leak." (tags)

"There are no satellite photo's of the oil slick since May 10, Anywhere on the Internet."


The rabbles commemorate but the people continue paying the bill.


The USA lost the war on terror because the usa with its murderous fbi/cia are the true global terrorists.

SoCal Arsonists Sentenced To Death (tags)

Local arsonists who killed five fire fighters has been sentenced to death. They can't kill this scumbag enough, in my opinion, despite the fact that I'm almost always against the dealth penalty.

You are being lied to about pirates (tags)

"This is the context in which the men we are calling “pirates” have emerged. Everyone agrees they were ordinary Somalian fishermen who at first took speedboats to try to dissuade the dumpers and trawlers, or at least wage a “tax” on them. They call themselves the Volunteer Coast Guard of Somalia - and it’s not hard to see why. In a surreal telephone interview, one of the pirate leaders, Sugule Ali, said their motive was “to stop illegal fishing and dumping in our waters … We don’t consider ourselves sea bandits. We consider sea bandits [to be] those who illegally fish and dump in our seas and dump waste in our seas and carry weapons in our seas.” William Scott would understand those words."

71% see themselves as poor or very poor, says Pulse Asia poll (tags)

Around two of every three Filipinos believe that the national economy is worse than it was three years ago, the latest Pulse Asia survey showed. The survey results were released Monday. The Pulse Asia survey also showed that around three of every four Filipinos consider themselves as very poor or poor.

If They Bomb Iran You Get Drafted (tags)

the privileged rich kids of the 60's, protesting war, are now ridiculously walking around campus, bald and fat, with signs saying STAND WITH US...which in reality of course means DIE FOR US....those people are zionists all, and not Americans...don't fall for their lies...their kids are not fighting for israel, only you expendable, poor kids do that (if you are gullible enough)...

UC Hunger Strikers, Supporters Confront UC Regents On Nuclear Weapons, 13 Arrested (tags)

More than 100 people, including 40 on the 9th day of a fast to protest the University of California's ties to the US nuclear weapons complex, delivered their demand for UC nuclear weapons lab severance directly to the UC Board of Regents at their meeting at UC San Francisco on May 17th. After several of the protesters vocally and persistently confronted the Regents on refusing to consider the demand, Regent Norman Pattiz ordered the dozen or so UC Police officers on hand to clear the room, moments after telling them to "go out and have some lunch."

Urgent - Eric McDavid in Need of Funds for Legal Fees (tags)

After paying for all of Eric's legal fees for over a year, his family is in need of assistance. His trial date is approaching and the legal fees are mounting. We need to raise $15,000 to ensure that Eric's legal fees - lawyer, investigators, etc - are covered through trial.

Bush & Public-deception on Number of Iraqi's Killed since His 2003 Invasion (tags)


Lebanon, Iran, Syria, Sudan: coldly premeditated neocon wars (tags)

Before emotions and disinformation gain the upper hand, consider what General Wesley Clark wrote in 2003--that by late 2001, the Neocon-led Pentagon was planning a five-year campaign of wars against seven countries: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Somalia and Sudan. (And don't expect to hear about this from Lieberman, McCain, Pelosi, Feinstein, Howard Dean, or the Clintons.)

Lebanon, Iran, Sudan: Three more premeditated neocon wars (tags)

Before emotions get the upper hand, let's catch our breath and consider what General Wesley Clark wrote in 2003--that as of late 2001, the Neocon-led Pentagon was planning a five-year campaign of wars against seven countries: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Somalia and Sudan. (And let's not forget that Sudan has both oil and uranium.)

The Root of Poverty is, Literally, Belief in Pride (tags)


Proof that Bush and the Neo-Cons are Vatican operatives (tags)

Humanity's long nightmare has one underlying cause. The existence and requirement of money and the widespread greed, falsehood and injustice that it directly causes. The only way to end this world's widespread and persistent suffering is to end the existence of money and to replace it with wisdom and compassion.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (9/27/05) (tags)

Israel pushing Palestinians out of Jerusalem.

The Value of Workers (tags)

Maybe we need them to take care of us. Maybe we need them to, as *they* say, take the risks. But then again, maybe we don't.

Walkout Inauguration Day and the Anniversary of the invasion of Iraq (tags)

Walkout Inauguration Day and the Anniversary of the invasion of Iraq Global WALKOUT for Peace, Freedom & Justice for All WALKOUT Thursday January 20 and Friday, March 18, 2005 1-800-884-1136

Urgent: Battered Women Deportation Hrngs Tues & Wed (tags)

Please take the time to send a few emails, stick up for people who need support in their struggles. Please also consider printing flyer to post in your area.

Future Generations Against Bush (tags)

Most folks with half a brain know that the Bush regime does NOT consider the next seven generations when they set environmental, fiscal or international policy. Hell, they don't even consider the NEXT generation!

Quakers Whitewash Nixon (tags)

Critique of the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting (PYM) of the Religious Society of Friends' brief biography of Richard M. Nixon.

Stay Healthy So You Can Stay in the Streets (tags)

Some suggestions from the Street Medics on what you can do to stay healthy before, during and after the demonstrations against the FTAA.

I don't use money. (tags)


Answer to REAL POLITICS POST RE: “Sherman Austin” website (tags)

Yes, an injury to one is an injury to all, which is precisely the reason why you might want to consider researching the case so that you can gain a better understanding of the entrapment and coercion involved on the part of the government.


Traveling to Cancun for the WTO? Here are some suggestions from the street medics -- what to do now, what to bring, how to stay healthy so you can stay in the streets.

"Junk History" (tags)

For the purposes of posterity I must reveal here that I am not a Muslim, but a conservative Catholic. By a conservative Catholic, I hold to the notion that there is only one faith, and therefore one would assume that it would be in my interest, given these leanings, to jump on that same religion bashing bandwagon that many of my co-religionists have.

Nomads for Peace (tags)

change your address and change the world!

Before all things be not proud. (tags)

highest sacredness

Before all things be not proud. (tags)

highest sacredness

Love is the master spirit. (tags)

highest sacredness

Love is the master spirit. (tags)

highest sacredness

Jesus said "Be not proud" because we are perfect- If You Don't Like War Stop Pay (tags)

love (the love that people who know about love talk about)

There is no evil; only lazy kids pretending pride is virtue. Love is real... (tags)

love (the love that people who know about love talk about)

Germans consider Bush more dangerous than Saddam (tags)

Bush is considered more dangerous to world peace than Saddam, according to a recent poll of German citizens.

There is no evil; only lazy kids pretending pride is virtue. Love is real... (tags)

love (the love that people who know about love talk about)

Love is real. Pride is sin. (tags)


Activism 101: revealing pride (tags)

Assuming love is real.

The Only 'Action' That Can Work (tags)

Assuming love is real.

The Only 'Action' That Can Work (tags)

Assuming love is real.

The Only 'Action' That Can Work (tags)

Assuming love is real.

Imagine (tags)


Corporados Attempt Massive Privatization of U.S. Water Supply (tags)

The water infrastructure bill introduced in the Senate in February 2002 makes federal assistance for water systems conditional on the recipient's consideration of privatization. This language jeopardizes public access to safe and affordable drinking water

Anarchists and the definition of Middle Class liberal (tags)

It seems whenever Anarchists are critiqued they begin with rants of you are nothing but Middle class liberal scum.

Chaos and Violence (tags)


For California's Independence (tags)

SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT IN THESE DIRE TIMES: We must not continue to be held hostage to U.S. monopoly finance KKKapital!!!

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