fix articles 420203, federal acquisition regulations
Students, faculty, community, native groups resist US military hegemony in the Pacific (tags)
Since 10 a.m. on Thursday, April 28, a coalition of Native Hawaiian groups, students, faculty, anti-war activists, environmentalists, and religious organizations have joined forces to occupy the University of Hawaii administration building, to demand the University cease all work on a secret Navy research project, UARC. This secret research is for the development of space-based laser systems, surveillance technologies, and sea-based mines. Live Webcam of the protest: Since September 11, 2001, the US military has embarked on its largest expansion onto Hawa'ian land, since World War II. The Army plans to take 28,000 acres of this precious land to station a Stryker Brigade.
Nonviolent Protesters Occupy Univ. of Hawaii admin bldg, demand end to military R&D center (tags)
Nonviolent protesters have occupied the administration building of the Univ of Hawaii, calling for end to military weapons development facility. Live Webcam: