fix articles 4185, compound Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : compound


Israel's War on Al-Aqsa (tags)


Netanyahu Escalates War on Palestine (tags)


Israel Attacks Islam's Third Holiest Site (tags)


Google Venice, CA Offices Vandalized (tags)

"She's got the world locked inside a plastic box." -Jim Morrison

Rally Planned to Test Crooked, Cult-Sponsored Ordinance (tags)

Riverside County’s hotly contested anti-targeted-picketing Ordinance No. 884 will be put to the test on Sunday, April 19, 2009, when a group of protesters plans to hold a rally at the gates of the sprawling Scientology compound known as Golden Era Productions located at 19625 Gilman Springs Road near Hemet.

Two Dogs Rescued by ALF From Compound (tags)

Communiqué from the Animal Liberation Front Institution Target: Unknown Compound

2 Filipino military rebel officers ‘mentally’ tortured, wives claim (tags)

The wives of two Filipino military rebel junior officers have claimed their husbands are being “mentally tortured” by the Army since their capture six months ago. Philippine Army 1st Lt. Sonny Sarmiento and 2nd Lt. Aldrin Baldonado have been kept in “bartolina” (solitary confinement) at the maximum-security compound of the Intelligence Security Group (ISG) at Fort Bonifacio since July 27, their wives said. They said the two officers were not being adequately fed, and deprived of reading materials and personal grooming items like combs.

Plans for war-crimes trials at Guantanamo under fire (tags)

Another huge waste of taxpayer money . . . to carry out kangaroo trials that will never pass constitutional muster.

Kangaroo trials at Guantanamo (tags)

Plans for war-crimes trials at Guantanamo under fire

Laura Bush trying to compete with Condoleezza Rice (tags)

Is Laura Bush jealous of Condoleezza Rice?

Barbara Bush trying to compete with Condoleezza Rice (tags)

Why is Barbara Bush visiting the Western Wall and the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound in Jerusalem's Old City?

Fallujah Rebels, Residents, Police Celebrate Victory over U.S. Marines (tags)

While Marines report a successful excursion to the heart of Fallujah, civilians and armed mujahideen join Iraqi police and soldiers in touting the defeat and retreat of US forces in the battle for Fallujah.

"The truth will get you in whole lot of trouble here." (tags)

Friends of truth and the recognition it brings, Well all is backslapping and smiles as the Saddam monster (of US creation) is corralled. Looks like he’s been hit with a good course of benzodiazphines already, lest he begin to jabber about his old friends in the CIA and White House betraying him.

Killing a Lind(h) (tags)

One can be a great humanitarian in this world but cannot live a long life. The news of the assassination of Swedish Foreign Minister Anna Lindh reached me on this amazing compound in the foothills of the California Sierra Nevada Mountains more than a week after the tragedy occurred.

The World condemns Israeli racism... (tags)

ISRAEL IS DEMOCRATIC? FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION? THINK AGAIN.... JERUSALEM - Israeli leaders shrugged off condemnation of their decision to "remove" Yasser Arafat whenever they choose, saying Friday the Palestinian leader should have been ousted long ago and the world has no right to judge a nation facing constant suicide bombings.

British Rats Flee Sinking Baghdad Ship (tags)

The British embassy compound in Baghdad has been evacuated following a "credible threat" of attack. Foreign Office sources told The Times British diplomats, security guards and contract workers had been moved under heavy guard to the coalition provisional authority (CPA) headquarters in the city. Thousands of US troops are guarding the CPA compound, the newspaper reports

Industry is aware of real dangers (tags)

Condoms contain 57 toxic proteins, 41 FDA toxins, 3 Carcinogens, 2 suspected Carcinogens and at least one Teratogen (causes birth defects). In addition silicone is the main lubricant (as in breast implants).

Condoms known to cause birth defects (tags)

A teratogen is any medication, chemical, infectious disease, or environmental agent that might interfere with the normal development of a foetus and result in the loss of a pregnancy , a birth defect , or a pregnancy complication .

Condoms contain known Teratogen (tags)

A teratogen is any medication, chemical, infectious disease, or environmental agent that might interfere with the normal development of a foetus and result in the loss of a pregnancy , a birth defect , or a pregnancy complication .

Iraq’s oldest Jew (tags)

Reflecting on life under Saddam Hussein, Sofer says times were not easy, “but at least we had security.” After several attacks on Jewish community buildings throughout the 1990s the Mukhabarat, the Iraqi Secret Police, which had already kept close tabs on Jews here, began to monitor the synagogue. By and large the fire of anti-Semitism has not singed most Iraqis. The anti-Semitic chants heard round the Arab world have not marred popular demonstrations here. Only once during this reporter’s three-week stay in Iraq were specifically anti-Jewish chants heard.

I Was Shot While Escorting Jenin's School Children (tags)

shocking to read this . . . CounterPunch, November 23, 2002

An open letter to my fellow American Jews (tags)

American Jews must come to terms with our/Israeli faults before peace can exist.

IMC Video from Palestine available now! (tags)

New Video from Palestine

U.S. Bombs International Red Cross (tags)

Tuesday, 16 October, 2001, Red Cross hit in US bomb attack

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