fix articles 41765, populations Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : populations


Animal Defenders International (ADI) is launching an urgent campaign on World Animal Day (tags)

On World Animal Day, ADI launch campaign to create a South American pact to defend the threatened real life Paddington bear – the Andean bear

3 More NW Illinois Counties Show Insect Resistance to Monsanto's GMO Bt Corn (tags)

Five counties in northwestern Illinois have now shown resistance in western corn rootworms to Monsanto's GMO "Cry3Bb1" Bt protein. This trend of pest insects evolving resistance is expected to continue throughout the corn belt region of the Midwestern U.S., the result raising prices at the supermarkets. The recommendation is to avoid consumption of any and all corn products not specifically labeled "non-GMO" though even these are questionable due to pollen resistance. Humans will take longer developing resistance to GMO Bt toxins than the corn rootworm beetles and can expect long term health problems if GMO corn is ingested regularly.

Jubilee USA Files to Supreme Court in Landmark Debt Case (tags)

75 Religious and Development Institutions Join SCOTUS Brief to Ensure Global Poor are Heard

Shut It Down, Mr. President (tags)

LA rallys to have the Keystone XL cancelled. Photo set two of two

Shut It Down, Mr. President (tags)

LA rallys to have the Keystone XL cancelled Photo set one of two

11/22 - Last Day for Public Comment on GMO Salmon! (tags)

Today is the last day for public comment on genetically modified salmon. Please tell Pres. Obama and the FDA that people do not want to risk tampering with natural ecosystems by releasing genetically engineered (GE/GMO) salmon into the oceans and rivers that currently support struggling populations of wild salmon. GMO salmon is the latest trick from Monsanto attempting to control our food supply by replacing wild salmon with genetically engineered "Frankenfish" salmon that have less nutritional value and greater risks of illness, including potential extinction of wild salmon populations by the Monsanto version of GMO salmon.

Salmon Closure 2008 - NEVER AGAIN: Ten Actions We Need to Take Now! (tags)

This is the final copy of the "Salmon Closure 2008 - Never Again" action alert from the Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen's Associations. This alert provides you with 10 concrete actions that you take NOW to restore Central Valley salmon, now in an unprecedented state of collapse, and other imperiled salmon runs on the West Coast.

Brazil/Curitiba: Eighty a thousand families without dignified home. (tags)

Cities that do not have public policy of popular habitation do push devoid populations for non buiding areas as fertile valleys of the rivers. The result is periodic flooding, with all the ominous and known consequences for local inhabitants, other populations and for the environment.

WNV Spraying Benefits Pesticide Manufacturers, NOT People!! (tags)

Since the mosquito season is upon us, many regional vector control districts will use corporate PR myths to promote toxic pesticide spraying to combat WNV. However, this yearly cycle of spraying can increase mosquito populations by adversely reducing populations of beneficial predator species..

bush Regime & Illegals : Arm In Arm They Pulled A Coup (tags)

los angeles mods are racist spic pieces of shit    

The Hate Contagion - Column of the Americas (tags)

Humanity's challenge is to plot out a course - even if it takes a hundred years - to get to the point where one day there will no longer be legal and illegal human populations. The abolishment of slavery was once also but a dream.

Free los rios from corporate agribusiness (tags)

Restoring los rios de california involves changing agriculture from corporate controlled 2 smaller scale permaculture and increasing use of drought tolerant native plants..

Greenspan Sounds Alert on Social Security (tags)

THERE WILL BE NONE FOR YOU!! For at least the fourth time this year, Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan issued his warning that the White House and Congress need to come up quickly with a plan to trim the Social Security and Medicare benefits that 77 million baby boomers are scheduled to receive when they retire.


March 10, 2003 -- THE NEW YORK POST


From the book "The Origin of Social Dysfunction" by E. Allie.

They Call it Asymmetrical Warfare (tags)

The heavy handed tactics witnessed in Los Angeles are part of an escalating trend of militarizing police, and using more force against domestic populations. Links to an indepth report on same.

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