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Beware of increasing medical torture at fed and state hospitals, beware of hostile federal (tags)

A new con job by criminals or government on unsuspecting craigslist landlords. Also forced injections of journalist leads to censorship of his newsposts at google. Protect your young from federal and state abuses and lies

Chemotherapy Increases Cancer Cell Growth, Kills Healthy Cells (tags)

New research from Fred Hutchison Cancer Research Center in Seattle shows that chemotherapy damages healthy tissue around tumors and causes cancer cells to become resistant and using damaged DNA of healthy cells to create cancer "super" cells that grow faster than before treatment. The pharmaceutical industry monopolizes the treatment field with toxic chemotherapy while using their FDA puppets to suppress lower cost yet more effective alternative treatments currently only available outside the U.S. and at great cost to patients.

Women's Day marchers beaten up in Manila (tags)

The Alliance of Progressive Labor (APL) denounces the attempt of the police to brutally disperse the rally of APL-women commemorating International Women's Day.

The Secret Wars of The CIA (tags)

John Stockwell is the highest-ranking CIA official ever to leave the agency and go public

Solidarity from Downunder (tags)

We have been listening, reading and watching what has been happening up in the USA. Our wishes and solidarity is with you.

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