fix articles 41574, pier
Peace Vigils in Los Angeles
Please join us (Hands Across The Sand & Surfrider Foundation) in drawing a human line in the sand to say NO to offshore oil drilling and YES to clean energy on Saturday, June 26th,11am on Santa Monica Beach (next to Santa Monica Pier) and on beaches all over the world! Please see our national web site:
Freedom is tabling on the HB Pier on Saturday, July 25, 2009, 12 Noon - 3 p.m. This is a front group for Nazis using "illegal immigration" as bait to grow their White Supremacist numbers. We won't let them.
Living Peace Symbol in Santa Monica to Celebrate Day of Nonviolence 10/2/07 (tags)
Join us to celebrate the first annual UN designated International Day of Nonviolence. This event will take place this Tuesday, October 2, at 6:30 PM, just North of the Santa Monica Pier, and will involve lighting up the beach with a living peace symbol!
This Wednesday: Gold Star Mom to Lead Anti-war Protest March to Congressman’s Office (tags)
Gold Star and Military Families Speak Out at Congressman Dana ìWarbackerî Rohrabacherís Office. Local Military Families and Gold Star Mom to lead March from Huntington Pier to Congressman Rohrabacherís office to on August 30th
Peregrinacion por la Paz (tags)
Santa Monica, Sunday, March 19, eighty people marched with Fernando Suarez Del Solar from the Federal Building in Westwood to the Arlington West Memorial at the Santa Monica Pier. There, Mr. Suarez, Mrs. Castro, and others, in front of many cameras, checked some of the 2,317 crosses set up on the beach, in honor of the U.S. soldiers killed in Iraq.
Santa Monica Critical Mass this Friday (tags)
6:00pm, Santa Monica Pier Colorado Blvd. & Ocean Ave. (at top of pier ramp)
Veteran's Day Weekend at Arlington West (tags)
SANTA MONICA, November 12, about 300 volunteers show up to carry 50 flag draped coffins on a procession from Santa Monica Pier to 3rd Street Promenade.
NOV 11-13: Arlington West Veterans Day Weekend (tags)
400 Volunteers are needed at Arlington West just north of Santa Monica Pier at 9AM on Saturday, November 12th to carry 100 flag draped coffins on a procession thru Santa Monica. To volunteer call Tonia at 310.455.2688.
Bill Bennett - Abort Black babies -- Boycotting NAPA and Pier 1 (tags)
Bill Bennett said that crime would go down if Black babies were aborted. This statement was made on Bennett's radio show. We are calling for a boycott of the sponsors of that show ... NAPA Auto Parts, and Pier 1.
The Boycott of Pier 1 Imports and NAPA Auto Parts (tags)
Letter and email campaign to boycott products of sponsors of Bill Bennett's radio program.
Santa Monica Critical Mass This Friday (tags)
Santa Monica Critical Mass is a monthly bicycle ride to celebrate cycling and to assert cyclists' right to the road.
J23-28: AFL-CIO Convention in Chicago - Rank and File Voices Call for Change (tags)
As the AFL-CIO 2005 National Convention convenes in Chicago, rank and file union democracy activists will be on hand to speak truth to power
June 3rd is the start of Bike Summer 2005 (tags)
Massive Bike Summer kickoff party on June 3rd! In Solidarity with Critical Mass riders worldwide
Arlington West Project at the Santa Monica Pier (tags)
This is a picture of the Arlington West Project at the Santa Monica Pier put up every Sunday by the Veterans for Peace. There is a documentary of interviews taken at the site. See KPFK web site for showing times.
Arlington West Memorial May 30-31 Santa Monica Beach (tags)
There will be over 800 crosses placed in the sand. Each cross represents an American soldier who has died in Iraq. The names, ages, hometowns and circumstances of their deaths are there for all to read on a plaque that is placed in front of this memorial. Another sign indicates that it would take the entire beach in order to recognize all of the Iraqi’s who have been killed in this war. The crosses are not meant to be used as a religious symbol.
Even libertarians value prize pork (tags)
Should the federal government be obliged to spend hundreds of thousands of tax dollars to repair a backwater fishing pier prone to storm-surge damage? Apparently so, says the office of libertarian figurehead, Congressman Ron Paul (TX-R).
Santa Monica Drive-In at the Pier (tags)
The Santa Monica Film Festival presents the Santa Monica Drive-In at the Pier every Tuesday in August at Sunset on the SM Pier, Benefiting Cancer Relief.
Call For Seal Beach Counter Demo (tags)
Seal Beach Call Issued for Help Sat 2/1 with Counter Demonstration to planned "Patriot" Demo
TODAY Peace at the SM Beach March, Rallly & Concert (tags)
In memory of the tragic events of September 11, 2001, there will be a Peace march, rally, and concert on Saturday, September 7, in downtown Santa Monica. Peace at the Beach will commence with a gathering at 3:00pm at 3rd Street and Wilshire Boulevard in Santa Monica. The gathering will begin a march to the Santa Monica Pier at 4:00pm. At 5:00pm, there will be a rally featuring speakers and live music at the end of the Pier.
June 1st "Not In Our Name" Rally & Peace Walk Huntington Beach (tags)
"Not In Our Name" Rally & Peace Walk Huntington Beach Pier 12:30-3pm Main Street and Pacific Coast Highway Huntington Beach, CA
End Corporate Rule balloon - Santa Monica pier: REPOST (tags)
This large balloon festooned with "End Corporate Rule" and "People Before Profits" was flown above the DNC fundraiser on the Santa Monica pier on Sunday night - excellent! Balloon was joint effort of Teamsters and IATSE Hollywood studio workers.
End Corporate Rule balloon - Santa Monica pier (tags)
Someone from the Motion Pictures Union was flying this large balloon festooned with "End Corporate Rule" and "People Before Profits" during the DNC fundraiser on the Santa Monica pier on Sunday night - excellent!
At the Santa Monica Pier Sunday, August 13, 2000. Outside the carousel on the pier, protestors and cops on horses pushed each other back and forth.