fix articles 41539, percentage
Why Mainstream Economists are Responsible for Electing Donald Trump (tags)
There are lots of economists, both everyday and academic, who understand that a tiny group at the top has captured most of the benefits of trade agreements and other measures that have allowed U.S. corporations to engage in increased international trade,
The Great Tax-Cut Experiment and Corporate Taxes as % of Profits (tags)
Comparisons with Other Countries: Americans pay a smaller proportion of total income in taxes than do people in any other advanced capitalist economy. as in Western European countries.
The REAL Assault on Marriage: Top 10 Ways Bush & Co. Have Undermined Marriage (tags)
This article was first published in July of 2003 when the US Senate first took the issue of a constitutional ban on gay marriage up as a diversion from deteriorating conditions in Iraq. And now, after three more years of the Bush cartel, it is even more relevant today.
Let the whining begin!
I have to add one here, number of UN members in the General Assembly -189. Number of memebers who are from predominantly muslim countries or have political ties to said countries- 135
Did Ronald Reagan 'torture' blacks? (tags)
Million are being spent in Canada or teens 'AIDS' awareness but the official statistics paint a very different picture of the 'epidemic' that never was.
George W Bush and the real state of the Union (tags)
Today the President gives his annual address. As the election battle begins, how does his first term add up?
Kookcinich gets a big fat zero from South Carolina Democrats (tags)
Looks like Dennis "Seabiscuit" Kookcinich is having some problems getting out of the starting gate.
Could You Have Passed the 8th Grade in 1895? Probably Not...Take a Look (tags)
Questions: What percentage of this year's seniors and last year's high school graduates could pass the following 8th grade test required in 1895, even if the few outdated questions were modernized? How many college students could pass it? For that matter, what percentage of high school teachers could pass it?
Lower the Voting Age to 16 (tags)
This peice was not paid for by MTV.
The Indy Business Report (tags)
The recent ramping up of American flag sales has had a stimulating effect in the antenna sector
Greens Bring 15ft Puppet of Nader (tags)
Green activists rally behind 15ft puppet of Nader. They are protesting his exclusion from the debates.