fix articles 41524, we see Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : we see

we see

Silver Lining (tags)

We now witness a sea change in our species.

L.A. Participates in Protesting the Keystone XL Pipeline (part 1) (tags)

A report back and photo coverage (part 1) of a march and rally held in Los Angeles on February 17, in solidarity with the protest in Washington, DC.

IN PSYCHIATRY History Always Repeats Itself. (tags)

Watch the Excerpt “If some doctors harm—torture rather than treat, murder the soul rather than minister the body—that is, in part, because society, through the state, asks them, and pays them, to do so.

American activist that received asylum in Sweden shares vital truths (tags)

We've all seen the recent images of the police brutality against Occupy, but this conduct hasn't occurred overnight. For years, US police abuse has been spiralling upwards, this article sharing a uniquely insightful vision of what that's meant, how it's occurred, and an amazing effort to awake America.

LAUSD Creates Calamity for Crescendo Corporate Charters (tags)

A look at the events leading up to the closure of the Crescendo Corporate Charter Chain in Los Angeles. Aside from providing a cogent chronological narrative, the essay explores some very important social justice topics.


It is necessary to scrub in the journalists' face the world just as we see it to prove that we see more than the propagandas that they do.

Michael Moore Asks Why Can't We See 9/11 Pentagon Videos? (tags)

Michael Moore, the maker of "Sicko" and "Fahrenheit 911," has been widely criticized for his apparent lack of interest in examining the details of the 9/11 cover story. This may have been the case in the past, but things have clearly changed. In this short video, Moore asks an obvious common sense question that no one seems to be able to answer: "Why can't we see the Pentagon videos from 9/11?"

No flowers (tags)

The real scandal

Radical's Radical almost "knocks socks off" of local students with desire armed! (tags)

Starting in '83-'93 he began following visions of liberatory grandeur with surprising results of sortz. Again, in the mid-two-thousand 'otz", he experienced "far out" possibilities --with *not fully contained* imagination, armed. Armed? Yes, metaphorically "armed" with cruciaL aRtz depth interaction freely being!

US nuke goes off in iraq -- VIDEO (tags)

this was to be used for yet MORE israeli false flag terror like 911 and so many others

Racism in the North (tags)


The Myth of Freedom (tags)

The cynical misuse and perversion of the word ‘freedom’ has made it difficult to discuss the idea rationally. But freedom is real and so is oppression. Those that pervert the term will tell you that a homeless person is free. That person has been indoctrinated.

How The Media Lies (tags)

The Media calls itself "fair & balanced" but thier own pictures show how they lie to mold our perceptions to suit big business & Government

Based on a true story (tags)

All of the individual events discussed below (except, of course, those in the epilogue) are documented. This article draws no conclusions about the origins of 9/11; indeed, no theory, either official or unofficial, has managed to expain fully the events of that day.

We celebrate the new Socialistic Capitalism (tags)

In a country that feeds its public ( in comparison to the corporate) social structure and common heritage into the furnace to smelt out the profit produced by the reduction of our water air and lives into waste and poisons and death.

Idiot Bastard Son of Lies (tags)

Fear and the Bush presidency

Our weakness is all encompasing (tags)

Rachel Corey and the legacy she left.

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