fix articles 41494, jennings
Ottawa, Kansas Police Cure for Depression is 16 Bullets (tags)
Joseph Jennings, an 18 year old just released from the psychiatric hospital was shot 16 times by the Ottawa, Kansas police department despite being known by them as being depressed and suicidal. He was unarmed at the time and family members pleaded with the cops not to shoot, they were told by cops to stand back or be shot themselves. The police then proceeded to pump 16 bullets into Jennings. Is this how police in Kansas are trained to handle the mentally ill?
The Black Panther Party’s Living Legacy --Touring Oakland and Berkeley w/ Billy X Jennings (tags)
Last week, the "Dismantling Racism" class from St. Catherine University in Minnesota was taken on a Black Panther History Tour in Oakland and Berkeley, California, led by Billy X Jennings from It's AboutTime BPP Alumni & Legacy. Angola 3 News came along and filmed the tour. This is part one.
The Big Lie of Schwarzenegger and Corporate Agribusiness: Fish Vs. Jobs (tags)
Bill Jennings, chairman of the California Sportfishing Protection Alliance, has caught the Department of Water Resources, Governor Arnold Schwarznegger and Corporate Agribusiness in yet another "Big Lie."
9-11 Barry Jennings UNCUT (tags)
Given the recent BBC hit piece on WTC7, and Barry Jennings apparent recanting, here is the uncut Jennings interviews by Loose Change team
BTL:18,000 Missing Ballots in Florida's 13th District Underscore Flaws in... (tags)
...Electronic Voting System~Interview with Holly Jacobson, co-director of the group Voter Action, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris
National Boycott of BET Network (tags)
The Cipher Show is caling for a National Boycott of BET Networks for Intellectual Property Theft.
BTL:Washington and Europe Increase Pressure on Iran to Halt Nuclear Research (tags)
Interview with Dr. James Jennings, president of Conscience International, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris
Less than a Thousandth of Military Spending (tags)
The $350 million that Bush finally made available is embarrassing compared to the current arms budget of $401.7 billion. US relief for the catastrophe in Asia amounts to less than a thousandth of military spending.
When are they going to hang this guy?
Ed Koch's New Years Resolutions (tags)
The former NYC mayor's resolutions for the coming year
IPA: Food to Afghanistan: Analysts Available (tags)
Analysts: Roger Normand, the Center for Economic and Social Rights, Jim Jennings, Conscience International, Dominic Nutt, Christian Aid in Islamabad, Alina Labrada, CARE, Diderik Von Halsema, Doctors without Borders in Islamabad, Sam Barratt, Oxfam International in Islamabad. Barratt: "Our main concern is getting food into the heartland of Afghanistan before the winter sets in -- we only have four weeks."
Peter Jennings Meets with Anarchists (tags)
On Sunday Mr. Jennings made his way into the heat of the designated protest area to exercise his journalistic instincts from so long ago. He had a handler in company who looked extremely nervous that the network's money man was with the ruffians. The only question is, where was Pete on Monday night?