fix articles 41339, free state project
Days of Action for Bradley Manning (tags)
"On September 16-19, groups and individuals will call on the United States government to drop the charges against Army Private First Class Bradley Manning. Twenty-two year old Manning, held in solitary confinement since May, has been charged with releasing classified documents including a video that shows American troops shooting and killing Reuters journalists in 2007. (Watch the video at Manning’s imprisonment has resulted in an international outcry, with groups and activists throughout the US and abroad demanding his release and calling for transparency in America’s war policies. Famed Pentagon Papers whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg has called Mr. Manning, “A new hero of mine.” Act Locally! Activists should work within their communities to organize events locally during the International Days of Action. If you aren’t involved with a local group, contact your local affiliate of Veterans for Peace, Iraq Veterans Against the War or Code Pink, or look for activist groups in your area. Be Creative."
A Real Threat to California Home-Schoolers (tags)
I’m not sure how the Free State Project is going in New Hampshire, but the Police State Project appears to be advancing rapidly here in California.
Disparate groups gather to mull secession from the U.S. 'empire' (tags)
The First North American Secessionist Convention, billed as the first national gathering of secessionists since the Civil War, included an eclectic mix of conservatives, liberals, libertarians, left-wing Green Party zealots, and right-wing Christian activists.
Government Will Be Abolished (tags)
The Free State project already has over 5,000 people committed to relocating to New Hampshire to form a libertarian voting block -- the long term goal being the removal of all regulations, taxes, and government.
Live Free or Die Trying (tags)
New Hampshire's new look will amount to "a green light for casinos, brothels, cocaine farms, and gun supermarkets." It sounds filthy, but therein lies the key: Free Staters must prove that people don't need Big Government to make them behave.
Libertarians prepare to haul ass for a guv'ment-free clime (tags)
"(Libertarians) don't have the competence needed to run a political organization. The party attracts people who are anarchists at heart. They cannot follow orders or work as a team."
In Wyoming, every man is an Island (tags)
Free Staters hope to attract the "independent personality" of Wyoming residents; "Let's say he's a salvage yard owner, the EPA will back off him a bit. If he wants to carry a gun concealed, the newspapers aren't going to be so pissed off"
Civil Liberties and the Real World (tags)
Perhaps in their haste to champion individual freedoms (regardless of consequence), libertarians have forgotten that the Constitution begins; "We the people..."
Vin Suprynowicz told fellow libertarians that the particular words they choose to explain their politics is of the utmost importance. For instance, they should talk not about shutting down public schools, but closing "monopoly government youth propaganda camps."
NRA turns on Libertarian Free Stater (tags)
"What is even more bizarre to me is that the National Rifle Association would have one of its own members arrested for passing out literature that supports the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms."