fix articles 411432, under trump
Trump: A Disaster For Animals As Well As People (tags)
126 Of Many Ways Donald Trump Harms Animals People Birds Fishes Butterflies Bees The Watershed and Mother Earth
Trump Accelerating and Multiplying The Ways Animals Are Harmed (tags)
speeding up slaughterhouse lines, letting stalking hunters into national parks, pardoning a slaughterhouse owner, putting more meat fish & dairy into school lunches, abandoning marine mammals etc
Trump & Republican Party: Party Of Animal Cruelty, War & Denial Of Human Rights (tags)
The Republican Party is the party of animal cruelty and violation of human rights.. Please read of their crimes of cruelty and vote out all who stand for election in primaries and general elections of 2018. Many of these people name themselves 'prolife' as they vote for illegal wars, heinous judicial and gubernatorial execution murders, and animal slaughter.
50 Of Many Ways Donald Trump Harms Animals (tags)
Virtually every species has been negatively affected by Trump, Zinke, Pruitt, And Others In His Regime
The democracy crisis, the neoliberalism crisis and the crisis in the Democratic Party led to the Trump victory. Capitalism is largely deregulated with a comparatively meager public sector except for the defense industry.. The legitimation crisis of neoliberalism helps the emancipatory left.
Trump and the Hospice of Hope (tags)
That the political culture in the US could wash up a television star and notorious racist to the top of the country was not entirely bizarre. Voter turnout in the US was always low. lists the names of all 538 electors who vote on Dec 19. If 37 change their minds, Trump could be blocked.