fix articles 411319, most muslims
Take a Step Back – Robert Tronge (tags)
I’m sure we’ve all heard the statement “walk a mile in his shoes”, but how many people are actually willing to step outside of their comfort zone and do this for a real. Most people are unwilling to see the other person’s point of view, especially when it violates their concept of right and wrong, whether that view of right or wrong is based on past experiences, ethnic, cultural, religious believes or outright bigotry.
It's shocking to see the protests in North Africa and that are spreading throughout the region and the Middle East in response to the film that was made by a small group of people living here in America. There are films made every day in America that have all manner of messages. There are movies that have made fun of or directly insulted any number of religions. Christianity has without a doubt bore the brunt of these films with movies going to all kinds of lengths to make fun of both the religion and Jesus Christ. Judaism no doubt comes in second. Check the record. Agree with the content or not, we are used to having media in our midst that is offensive, if not to ourselves, then to somebody.