fix articles 410702, aguan
November 2017 Honduras Pre-Coup Repeat Update: Part 1 (tags)
You might have heard about the world cup play off. How Australia won against Honduras in the middle of November this year as the privileged Australian soccer team bought its way out of jetlag with a private plane that got the players to Sydney many hours before the Honduran players arrived on economic flights. Whatever one makes of that, less than two weeks later, Honduras had an election, on 26 November 2017, which eventuated in another electoral fraude, a widespread grassroots insurrection and what is so far, another coup and a lot of repression. What comes below will be a part one – before the election – November news update, as what goes on 'normally' is extreme already and needs to be known. And part two will be an election/fraude/insurrection focus and the corresponding abuses and killings inflicted, it will be an update that will come shortly, covering 26 November 2017, to about mid December 2017.
Honduras coup update December 2016 (tags)
In December 2016, the uni students of the national agricultural university continue to suffer attacks including stabbings as they continue the campus occupation, in Tegucigalpa, military raided cultural centre Paradiso. A fake letter is published to manipulate how people see the human rights organisation Cofadeh, just as in Bajo Aguan and Garífuna indigenous black communities up north, distraction and confusion tactics are used against the communities that continue to fight for justice and land rights.
Honduran Police State Repression (tags)
police state
Honduras: Two Detained and Fear of Evictions (tags)
"We are worried about people being detained, given that the judicial system is now on holidays," explained COFADEH lawyer Carol Cardenas, as she prepared an habeas corpus writ shortly after the detention of Ulloa Flores and Ayala by masked men in an unmarked car was reported in the Aguan. The entire judicial system of Honduras is on vacation from December 15th until January 2nd, with courts and offices minimally staffed by a rotating roster of judicial employees."