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what about

Hollow Israeli Sorrow Over Palestinian Baby Immolation by Settlers (tags)


Reactiions to Obama's UN Address (tags)


Kiev Fascists Murder Russian Journalist (tags)


Low Wage America (tags)

class war

Harper in Israel (tags)


No Joy to the World This Christmas (tags)


Iranian Reality v. US/Israeli Lies (tags)


Obama's Cruise Missile Diplomacy (tags)


Dominant Israeli Parties Spurn Democracy (tags)


Open Letter to New York Times Editors (tags)


Flim Flam Substitutes for Debate (tags)


For Human Dignity - The Creation of a Citizen Income (tags)

The Arab peoples hold a mirror up to us. The Arab revolution is a helping hand. A citizen income would be a fresh start to rebuild our public services that lie in ruins today. The omnipotence of the state and the omnipotence of the market must be overcome.

Fuck The American Dead! What About the Iraqi and Afghan Dead? (tags)

What about the 1.5 million dead Iraq civilians, men, women, and children

An open letter to the organizers of International Women's Day (tags)

The struggle of the Arab lesbian community

Better Growth (tags)

We persuaded ourselves permanent economic growth was the answer to all questions. We should now engage in a growth debate about the nature of this growth, not whether we should renounce on economic growth. Increased GDP can mean destruction of foundations in long-term

Why is LILA Garret, PKFK programmer, being so maligned on Indymedia?? (tags)

Is it not ok to be jewish and be programmer on KPFK? Or to admit this openly ? Or is it the older-strong-willed-woman opposition being played out again ? Could be called the Hillary-syndrome, but Lila may be for Obama instead ? So why is she hated so loudly here?

The Bubble as the Work of Criminals (tags)

A conscious and organized deceit, a criminal fraud, is perpetrated on investors when speculators create marketable securities out of bad mortgages on an overheated real estatemarket.

O.J. Simpson refused service (tags)

Who cannot question the motives of the restaurant owner who refused Simpson service. I am not convinced he would be so unforgiving to other unsavory characters.

Protester Arrested at U.S. Capitol Asks: What About the First Amendment? (tags)

Activists took their case for ending the Iraqi War to the party responsible for authorizing it--the U.S. Congress! On Sept. 26, 2006, 71 protesters were arrested by police on various charges. The organizing groups for the event were the “National Campaign for Nonviolence Resistance” (NCNR) and the “Declaration of Peace.” One of the protesters arrested was Max Obuszewski of the NCNR. He demanded to know: “What about the First Amendment?”

Nader -- Bush's Divorce from Reality (tags)

author: Ralph Nader CounterPunch March 25 / 26, 2006 Impeachment or Resignation: Pick Your Poison


Date: MARCH 24TH Title of Event: Shawn Thomas and Friends 'CHANGED' REVISITED DateMARCH 24TH Time7:30PM Location 8714 Santa Monica Blvd. West Hollywood, CA 90069 Contact: REV. KEITH Phone: 310 854 9110 INFO c/o "Aaron's Rainbow Project" (ARP) and is proud to announce Shawn Thomas in concert. He will be performing songs off his well-known recording "Everything I Am" as well as his newest, recently released CD entitled "Changed". "Everything I Am" was released in the fall of 2003 and has peaked online Top40 and Top20 charts for over 12 months, including the number one singles, "The Beat of the Lord" and "Starting Over Again". Shawn's newest CD, "Changed", features the driving title track and an upbeat cover of Amy Grant's "What About the Love". Awarded "Best Independent Songwriter" by the Spring 2004 Indie Awards and labeled as "groovin'"..."wholesome"...and "inspirational" by Pride Christian Music, Shawn continues to develop his music career in a new direction of Spirituality and ministry. "I actually resisted writing Contemporary Christian type music in the past because I was afraid I wouldn't be able to still perform the style of music that I enjoy." That style of music, as featured on "Everything I Am" and "Changed", includes a wide variety from traditional ballads, to praise music, to pop/rock, to club-dance, to country. ...Shawn Thomas emerges not only as a competent performer and singer, but as a dynamic and versatile entertainer and presenter. His intention is to share the message of practicing the principles of Love and Grace in order to build unity, understanding, and acceptance. "Everything I Am" and "Changed" are available for sale on popular internet sites including,, and and is distributed by Aaron's Rainbow Project and Shawn Thomas Studios, North Little Rock, AR.

Anti-Commodification Effect of Bicycles (tags)

What the current establishment fears about us bicyclists is not only our freedom, but our manifested alternatives. Alternative transportation, yes, but even more - an alternative value system.

Iraqi optimists versus U.S. pessimists (tags)

(1) Is this MLK 's Dream? (tags)

Would Martin Luther King like the parade dedicated to his memory? Last Monday I saw hundreds of Junior and High School students dressed in military uniforms. I saw the Coca Cola float. The same company that hires killers to murder union reps in Columbia.

Buy Nothing Day (tags)

How about "steal something day"?

The Collapse of the Middle Class (tags)

There has always been a wealthy elite in this country, and there has always been a gap between the rich and the poor. But the disparities in wealth and income that currently exist in this country have not been seen in over a hundred years. Today, the richest one percent own more wealth than the bottom ninety-five percent, and the CEOs of large corporations earn more than 500 times what their average employees make.

Where's the Fire? (tags)

Michael Rivero has posted a really good analysis of the "Raging Inferno" at the World Trade Towers. Look and decide for yourself based on the evidence. Not what the shills would like you to believe.

WHAT ABOUT THE REST OF US? Activists to Rally Outside Gubernatorial Candidate’s Forum 10/7 (tags)

Women on welfare and their children, low wage workers, and supporters of the Los Angeles Chapter of the National Campaign for Jobs and Income Support will rally outside the gubernatorial candidate's forum hosted by the LA Times at 11:30 AM on Monday, October 7, 2002. They will arrive with picket signs, banners, and costumes for guerrilla theater demanding that Governor Gray Davis and Republican candidate Bill Simon answer the following question: What About the Rest of Us?

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