fix articles 409188, waziristan
Justice Dept. Assinations and Drone Attacks (tags)
"Between our area and Waziristan is an 8 hour journey. The drone attack happened at night time and we all knew about it by the following morning. People who had witnessed the attack had come to tell us and described what they saw of the remnants and damage in the aftermath. They said the attack was so severe that they could not even distinguish the bodies from one another- even the bones of the people were completely blown apart. The dead were completely unrecognisable. My brother in law’s coffin was tightly sealed and we were not allowed to open it to view anything. We had the coffin with us for 30 minutes before it was taken away for burial." "In fact the papers filed by the Justice Department attempting to quash the case argue that the court system should have absolutely no oversight over the administration’s sudden, bizarre claim that it can assassinate any American citizen it wants on the basis of national security, arguing that such issues are “for the executive branch of the government to decide rather than the courts.”
Rumsfeld Helped Al Qaeda Establish a Stronghold in Northwestern Pakistan (tags)
"Why? Did the Bush administration need to "recruit detainees" among the civilian population and pass them off as "terrorists" with a view to bearing out its resolve and commitment to the "global war on terrorism" (GWOT). Did they need to boost up the numbers "to fill the gap" resulting from the several thousand Al Qaeda fighters, who had been secretly evacuated, on the orders of Donald Rumsfeld and flown to safety? In other words, are these detentions part of the Pentagon's propaganda campaign?"