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6th Annual Indigenous People Panel Discussion (tags)
Theme: Impact of National and Geopolitical Events and Trends on Indigenous People (In the area of Education, Medicine, Social, Human Rights and Rights for Self determination)
9th Annual Hiroshima-Nagasaki Day Prayer Vigil (tags)
The Hiroshima-Nagasaki Day: Mobilizaing Communities for the Elimination of design, manufacture, use and proliferation of Weapon of Mass Destruction
5th Annual Panel Discussion: The State of the Indigenous People of North America (tags)
Basic rights of indigenous communities, including the right to land and to cultural identity - in the use of language, education and the administration of justice - are systematically violated (Amnesty International Report 2002). Native American men residing in South Dakota fare the worst, on average living only to age 58 while whites live longer to age 79 (Times, Sept. 25, 2006).
8th Annual Hiroshima-Nagasaki Day Prayer Vigil (tags)
Join us for the 8th Annual Prayer Vigil The Hiroshima-Nagasaki Day Mobilization of Communities for the Elimination of design, manufacture, use and proliferation of Weapon of Mass Destruction