fix articles 408116, santiago alba rico
Jaume Ramón Palau Potau, porno contra periodistas (tags)
Jaume Ramón Palau Potau, Marc Palau Potau y Josep Colominas Hugas y la empresa 10dencehispahard, S.L gestionan una red de webs porno que utilizan en sus descripciones nombres de periodistas y los denigran.
NATO's propaganda outlet for progressives - The Guardian's board members (tags)
It is completely disingenuous for anyone to suggest that the Guardian reports on Edward Snowden's revelations are much more than a carefully managed propaganda exercise deployed in the internal power struggle of the US-Anglo elite about how best to manage their declining global power and influence. Likewise, it is absurd to suggest that the Guardian editors are implementing a "publish and be damned" policy, as Guardian writer Glenn Greenwald has suggested, when it is inconceivable that their editorial policy on publishing Edward Snowden's material will not have been closely coordinated on the basis of the Board's relations with colleagues in the British government, in British intelligence and in the US-Anglo corporate sector.
Fight for Justice Campaign (tags)
While in the name of the fight against terrorism, hundreds of thousands of people have died in Iraq and Afghanistan, and others - arbitrarily detained - are tortured in Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo, the United States government protects the most notorious terrorist in this hemisphere...