fix articles 40751, surveillance Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : surveillance


Defense Against the Dark Arts (tags)

A Guide to Security Culture, Privacy & Underground Tradecraft

The Great Narrative (tags)

The question arises: Why does such a narrative have to be invented, why does it have to be prescribed and enforced by a few powerful and rich people? Here, an agenda is despotically implemented and then colored with fine words, in which we have no say.

When fear reigns (tags)

What was thought to be temporary has remained until today. Snowden warns of a similar process in the context of a real crisis. Surveillance is accepted The virus is dangerous. But the destruction of our rights is fatal because it is permanent, Snowden believes.

Surveillance Capitalism on Democracy Now (tags)

Must watch short video about how the big websites operate.

ACLU on police surveillance and patterns of police shootings (tags)

ACLU bill on police surveillance, and patterns of police shootings

NSA tripled phone record surveillance, collected 534M records in 2017 (tags)

NSA triples phone surveillance

What Big Brother Knows About You and What You Can Do About It (tags)

ACLU Pasadena Foothills Chapter report back

Pasadenans - get your license plate reader records from police (tags)

The former head of the local ACLU is urging anyone who lives or works in Pasadena to participate in an information-gathering project by filing Public Records Act (PRA) requests for data being captured and stored in the city Police Department’s Automatic License Plate Reader (ALPR) surveillance program.

video on police surveillance of activists (tags)

police surveillance

Oakland Committee Voting On Ending Secretive Surveillance (tags)

Up For Consideration on Tuesday before the Oakland City Council's Public Safety Committee, a Transparency Ordinance Grants Community Control Over Spying Equipment Use.

Help Wanted: How You Can Act Locally To Stymie Trump’s Agenda (tags)

Right now, local police forces almost uniformly have the unchecked ability to decide, in secret, when and under what terms they acquire and use surveillance technologies. Because local police have a hard time turning down offers to buy them free equipment, they are likely to continue to pursue these federal grants, even if they contain surveillance data sharing requirements. The only way to prevent the police from accepting these offers is to change the law. That is what the Community Control Over Police Surveillance (CCOPS) effort is all about.

FBI's "Suicide Letter" to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and the Dangers of Unchecked Survei (tags)

FBI's "Suicide Letter" to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and the Dangers of Unchecked Surveillance

Following Paris Terror Attacks, Only Three Things are Guaranteed (tags)

The immediate response to the terror attacks in France was one of blatant militarism. As Anti-Media reported earlier today, the French government has deployed 10,000 troops to patrol the streets of France.

Right-Wing DC Court of Appeals Upholds Unconstitutional Surveillance (tags)

police state

Unconstitutional Mass FBI Aerial Surveillance (tags)


US Senate Lets Three Patriot Act Provisions Expire (tags)

police state

Appeals Court Strikes Down Bulk NSA Phone Spying (tags)


Police State France (tags)

Mass Surveillance Destroys Freedom (tags)


UN Human Rights Committee Denounces US Human Rights Record (tags)

police state

International Data Privacy Day (tags)


Mass Surveillance Called Illegal (tags)


Reactions to Obama's NSA Address (tags)


Obama's War on Freedom (tags)

police state

NSA's Fake War on Terror (tags)


Rand Paul v. NSA Spying (tags)


America Greatest Threat to World Peace (tags)


ACLU v. Clapper Ruling (tags)


Digital Age Privacy Rights (tags)


Federal Judge Rules Against Mass Surveillance (tags)

police state

Britain's War on Press Freedom (tags)


ACLU v. Clapper (tags)


Mass Surveillance Violates EU Law (tags)


Senate Legislation Legitimizes Lawless Surveillance (tags)

police state

Arab-American Attorney Abdeen Jabara: I Was Spied on by the NSA 40 Years Ago (tags)

Arab-American Attorney Abdeen Jabara: I Was Spied on by the NSA 40 Years Ago

NSA Caught Red-Handed (tags)


Obama Spurns NSA Spying Reform (tags)

police state

XKeyscore: Instrument of Mass Surveillance (tags)

police state

Lon Snowden's letter to President Obama (tags)

Dear Mr. President: You are acutely aware that the history of liberty is a history of civil disobedience to unjust laws or practices. As Edmund Burke sermonized, “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.”

America: Super-Bully Nation (tags)


Information Consumption The Price of Hypocrisy (tags)

"Even the best laws will not lead to a safer internet. We need a sharper picture of the information apocalypse that awaits us in a world where personal data is traded to avert the catastrophy. "

Punishment by the People (tags)

Online groups are being manipulated to stalk, defame and harass Peace Activists, Whistleblowers, Writers and Educators because of supposed, un-American activities

America's Surveillance Society (tags)

police state

Lawlessness Is Official US Policy (tags)

police state

Snowden: Shooting the Messenger (tags)

police state

Challenging Unconstitutional Spying (tags)

police state

Mass Surveillance in America (tags)

police state

Israeli Involvement in NSA Spying (tags)

It doesn't surprise. On June 8, Haaretz headlined "What was the Israeli involvement in collecting US communications intel for NSA?" More on that below.

Freedom in America: Rest in Peace (tags)

police state

Unconstitutional US Data-Mining (tags)

police state

Google Transparency Report 2013 (tags)

Google Transparency Report 2013

Institutionalized Spying on Americans (tags)

police state

When Will You Accept Drones? Take The Drone Survey Quiz! (tags)

Is there any time at all that you want DRONES right up there with helicopters patrolling YOUR neighborhood in Los Angeles County? Take this Drone Survey Quiz!

Congress Extends Warrantless Spying (tags)

police state

ACLU Challenges Warrantless Wiretapping (tags)


Britain 'has worse record on internet freedom than Philippines' (tags)

Britain has a worse record on internet freedom than countries such as Estonia and the Philippines, a new report suggests.

Intensified Warrantless Spying in America (tags)

police state

FBI Wants Greater Surveillance Powers (tags)

police state

World Press Freedom Day (tags)


The Public Needs To Know (tags)

The fbi abuses the Global Disease Surveillance System Against Dissidents & Whistleblowers

Eye in the Sky Spying on Americans (tags)

police state

Freedom: An Endangered Species in America (tags)


America's Total Surveillance Society (tags)


Using Alleged Terrorism to Escalate Wars and Homeland Repression (tags)

NY bomb incident may unleash a wave of homeland repression

Preventing the State’s infiltration of social movements (tags)

*This article was originally published in El Libertario #58, March-April 2010. Although originally based on the actual experiences of Venezuela’s social struggles, it deals with situations and facts of interest to activists anywhere.

Patriot Act still unconstitutional (tags)

Last week, the Senate Judiciary Committee voted to reauthorize three expiring provisions in the USA PATRIOT Act. While the bill they passed allegedly strengthened civil liberties in reality, the Committee failed to make any meaningful improvements to the Patriot provisions that violate citizen’s basic rights

FBI Surveillance methods of the Past (tags)

For anyone interested, here is an article about the FBI Special Surveillance Group or SSGs

Briant Rodriguez photos from video tapes of suspected kidnappers (tags)

San Bernardino County Sheriff Rod Hoops said during a news conference that the video images were taken from surveillance camera footage recorded at a home-improvement store two days before Sunday's abduction of Briant Rodriguez.

Santa Cruz Anarchsit Convergence Workshop Descriptions (tags)

The Anarchists are Coming! There will be almost 40 workshops and discussions at the Santa Cruz Anarchist Convergence from May 7-11th. Here are times and descriptions of all of them! Also: flyers, dates, times, and descriptions of several events surrounding the convergence. Check it out!

Patriot Act unconstitutional (tags)

The act in its current form gives sweeping search and surveillance to domestic law enforcement and foreign intelligence agencies and eliminates checks and balances which had been the difference between the free world and the suppressed.

Obama’s DOJ follows lead of Bush regime again: It asks court to cover-up NSA surveillance (tags)

On February 25th, Obama’s Department of Justice (DOJ) again went to bat in court on behalf of the police state begun under the Bush regime by arguing in favor of the legality of the telecom immunity provisions of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) bill passed by Congress last summer. Under the amended FISA law, courts are required to dismiss a wiretapping suit against a telecommunications company if the Attorney General (AG) explains the firm's role in a confidential statement presented to the court. In the statement, the AG would affirm that the firm either had no role in the wiretapping or that it participated based on assurances that the executive branch had approved the eavesdropping to protect the nation from terrorism.

Germany | Day of Action for the militant group trial (tags)

DECENTRALISED Action DAY for the militant group trial 13th 2008 Get involved with your own actions on the day of decentralised actions for the Militant Group Trial.

Homeland Security now spying on Americans (tags)

There are real questions being asked, do these spies in the sky surveillance systems comply with privacy laws and doesn’t violate the Posse Comitatus Act? The 1878 law prohibits the military from playing a role in domestic law enforcement. Since the 1990s however, Posse Comitatus has been eroded significantly by both Democratic and Republican administrations, primarily in the areas of "drug interdiction," "border security" as well as "Continuity of Government" planning by U.S. Northern Command (NORTHCOM).


"The security cameras are just one part of a much broader high-tech surveillance and censorship program known in China as "Golden Shield." The end goal is to use the latest people-tracking technology — thoughtfully supplied by American giants like IBM, Honeywell and General Electric — to create an airtight consumer cocoon: a place where Visa cards, Adidas sneakers, China Mobile cellphones, McDonald's Happy Meals, Tsingtao beer and UPS delivery (to name just a few of the official sponsors of the Beijing Olympics) can be enjoyed under the unblinking eye of the state, without the threat of democracy breaking out."

U.S. Citizen Terrorist surveillance Program (tags)

The American public appears to be being hoodwinked into believing the Terrorist Surveillance program it is good for us and protects us from the terrorist. What it really does is takes away many of our constitutional rights guaranteed by our founding fathers

NSA Spying (tags)

EFF believes the warrantless surveillance violates the Fourth Amendment, FISA, the Wiretap Act, and most likely the Electronic Communications Privacy Act.

House Leaves Surveillance Law to Expire (tags)

The refusal of Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Democrat of California, to schedule a vote on a surveillance measure approved Tuesday by the Senate touched off an intense partisan conflict over the national security questions that have colored federal elections since 2002 and are likely to play a significant role again in November.

How U.S. Government Can use NSA Spy-Wiretaps against Citizens in Court (tags)

STOP! CONGRESS GIVING “RETROACTIVE IMMUNITY” to TELECOM INDUSTRY. See Attorney General Ashcroft's intentions to use illegal-wiretaps against ordinary Citizens, going back decades: not only against potential terrorists.

Can U.S. Government use NSA Spy-Wiretaps against U.S. Citizens in Court? (tags)

Determining what NSA electronic surveillance can be used by police or introduced into court by Government, may be the next battle Americans have to fight.

Congressional Democrats to unveil new domestic spying bill (tags)

The Democratic leadership in Congress is preparing to introduce new legislation this week that would permanently legalize the Bush administration’s warrantless domestic surveillance, while possibly providing a blanket amnesty for private telecommunications firms that helped the Bush administration illegally spy on their own customers. House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (Democrat, Maryland) hastily called off a press conference called last Friday to introduce the bill, but indicated that a draft would be available by next week. The postponement apparently involved continuing differences within the Democratic caucus over the contents of the legislation.

Hey Jorge (tags)

Hey george- do you mind if I call you george? What? You DO?? Allright then jorge, so be it.

Secret NSA surveillance (tags)

There seems to be alot of buzz in the media on how Bush authorized the use of illegal NSA wire-taps and surveillance for domestic spying to stop terrorism. I thought I'd write an article summarizing how this was used in my case while running a political web site and direct action network

Building Bridges Radio: Spying on the Billionaires; ACT UP for Health Care for All (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community & Labor Report National Edition Produced by Mimi Rosenberg & Ken Nash **************************************************

Gov. Proposed Internet Surveillance (tags)

Proposed Internet Surveillance Gold Mine for Police Asset Forfeitures

Report on ECHELON Surveillance System (tags)

This is a 2001 document from the European Parliament, who undertook a relatively independent investigation of the ECHELON surveillance system — bizarrely, many people continue to dismiss this as a mere conspiracy theory. Then again, many people are Mormons. This report is solid gold for anyone looking to understand the precise mechanics and methodology behind global interception of electronic communication. It goes into a great amount of detail and will prove invaluable to serious researchers.

Surveillance Camera Players: 10-Year report (tags)

The Surveillance Camera Players report back on 10 years of work and fun.

Big Brother and the Matrix (tags)

Without their will, people become instruments of the machine..The matrix does more than Big Brother.. the matrix is where Big Brother wants to be but cannot be - in the heads of people.

FBI taps cell phone mic as eavesdropping tool (tags)

The FBI appears to have begun using a novel form of electronic surveillance in criminal investigations: remotely activating a mobile phone's microphone and using it to eavesdrop on nearby conversations.

The Courts and Congress Will Not Halt the Surveillance Programs of Hereditary Kings (tags)

The Bush administration is pushing legislation to legalize its vast spy operations on the American people. Can we expect Congress to protect our rights? Do not count on it!

Bush demands congressional rubber-stamp for police-state powers (tags)

In the fourth of a series of speeches aimed at fueling public fears of terrorism to boost his administration’s failing political standing, President Bush appeared before an audience of right-wing policy experts in Atlanta, Georgia Thursday. The speech was focused on the demand that Congress move quickly to legalize the program of warrantless wiretapping of Americans, the existence of which was revealed late last year.

Attorney general: Bush blocked eavesdropping-program probe (tags)

President Bush personally blocked a Justice Department investigation of the anti-terror eavesdropping program that intercepts Americans' international calls and e-mails, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales said Tuesday.

Overlooked Dimensions in the War on Terrorism (tags)

A right-on-target essay written in December, 2001. Five years later, it turns out to be 100% correct.

BTL:NSA Domestic Surveillance Tests Constitution (tags)

Interview with Chrisopher Pyle, former intelligence officer and professor constitutional law, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Senate hearing on CIA nominee: Democrats rubberstamp Bush police-state spying (tags)

The Senate hearing Thursday on the nomination of General Michael Hayden to head the Central Intelligence Agency demonstrates the bipartisan congressional support for the Bush administration’s assault on the democratic rights of the American people. While there were scattered criticisms of the methods of the Bush administration, particularly its failure to consult with Congress, every senator on the Intelligence Committee accepted the premise that the United States is engaged in a “war on terror” and that the Bush administration’s escalation of domestic surveillance and wiretapping is a product of that war.


A documentary about the Animal Liberation Front and those who have fought and endured government repression speaking up and fighting on behalf of Animal Liberation

If an FBI Agent Knocks (tags)

Federal Investigators and Your Rights By: Center for Constitutional Rights

Police Cameras Spark Privacy Debate, Citizens Seek to Block Photos (tags)

Police oppress people of color and women with surveillance technology.

secret NSA surveillance and the case of Sherman Austin from (tags)

Former political prisoner and former webmaster of , Sherman Austin talks about NSA wire-taps and FBI “anti-terrorism” surveillance used against him shortly after 9/11.

After spy scandal, U.S. plans “massive” data sweep (tags)

"The volume of information harvested from telecommunication data and voice networks, without court-approved warrants, is much larger than the White House has acknowledged...” The New York Times once said.

BTL:Bush Defense of NSA Domestic Spy Program is Challenged in Senate Hearing (tags)

Interview with Shayana Kadidal, attorney with the Center for Constitutional Rights, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

internationals against video surveillance (tags)

an international grouping sponsors an international day against video surveillance.

small WORLD interview with Jenny Marketou, multimedia artist (tags)

Interview with Jenny Marketou, multimedia artist

small WORLD interview with Richard M. Smith, Digital Privacy (tags)

Interview with Richard M. Smith about digital privacy.

NSA Gave Other U.S. Agencies Information From Surveillance (tags)

As I've been reporting since 2003, online surveillance conducted by the Bush Regime was handed over to the DIA so that the DIA could (and did) conduct PsyOps against American dissidents opposed to Bush. Bush is a tyrant and must be impeached.

BTL:Momentum Builds for Congressional Investigation of... (tags)

...Bush's Warantless Surveillance ~ Interview with Matthew Rothschild, editor of the Progressive Magazine, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Boxer Researches "Impeachable Offence" (tags)

Boxer issued the following release about President Bush's recent admission that he has personally authorized domestic surveillance without a court order. She sent the referenced letter to four presidential scholars, asking for their input: * Cass Sunstein, University of Chicago Law School * Bruce Ackerman, Yale University * Susan Low Bloch, Georgetown University Law Center * Michael Gerhardt, College of William and Mary School of Law

An Incredible Day in America, Indeed—But, Will We Seize the Day, Or Let It Pass? (tags)

Bush has committed an impeachable crime in authorizing domestic surveillance without a court-issued warrant, and has, in conjunction with Congress, legitimized torture for the first time in US history.

Degenerated America (tags)

Watch, learn, and YOU decide

LA and Surveillance cameras (tags)

LA is a crime troubled city with not enough unbiased eyes watching.

Surveillance Camera Players on CNN (tags)

a chance for the truth to be heard

1984 comes to Hollywood (tags)

The recently installed surveillance cameras along Hollywood Boulevard are being credited with the quick arrest of a transient who brutally stabbed a 21-year-old local resident in the neck as the victim sat, eating his lunch in a Hollywood Burger King.

Domestic Terrorist's Identified here! (tags)

Classified US Government Technology / December 20th, 2004 The United States government now has surveillance technology than can electronically see and hear through walls. Agents of the US government can move into a neighboring house and conduct complete surveillance of you in your home completely without your knowledge. The agents will never have to enter your home and place ...

Surveillance Alert!!! (tags)

Want to know exactly what you are up against with the new corporate government surveillance technologies and mind f**ks?

Another Weapon for the Revolution! (tags)

Female emcee DAYZE returns with ‘TruthSeeker’ a hard-hitting protest album.

Persecution of young anarchist in Bulgaria (tags)

The political elite in Bulgaria, under uncrowned King Simeon II as Prime Minister, is closely allied to Washington and NATO. Specially beholden to the Bush administration and engineering its own new forms of Homeland Security, the political class in Sofia is now engaged in new efforts to suppress and silence dissent, branding anarchists as a threat to “national security.” The most flagrant example of this new wave of repression against alternative expression in the country is the arrest of Elitsa, a 20-year-old anarchist in mid-July, in the city of Dobrich in far northeastern Bulgaria.

Chemical Aurora Keyhole Surveillance (tags)

Occasional blue-border human source reports were hand carried to him throughout the day. Big red folders marked TOP SECRET TALENT KEYHOLE -- the code words for overhead surveillance -- arrived, containing reports of satellite and other reconnaisance photography... VEIL: The Secret Wars Of The CIA... Bob Woodward

Building Bridges:The President's Powers to Arrest and Detain In Wartime (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report brings you this 28 minutes Radio Program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON INDYMEDIA LINK.

Surveillance Is Attack on Nonconformity (tags)

Check out Alex Jones (

Lawsuit Threatens Bush Presidency --- Media Blackout (tags)

This could be the lawsuit that ends Bush's *illegitimate* presidency!

Pentagon Watching You: Latest Developments On Surveillance Front (tags)

All technologies developed can and most likely will be used on US citizens; DARPA's open bidding announcements are simply one way they have to periodically deal with the fact that the media eventually learns about what they are doing.

Son Of Patriot Act Goes From Bad To Worse (tags)

"...reduce or eliminate judicial oversight over surveillance, authorize secret arrests, create a DNA database based on unchecked executive `suspicion,' create new death penalties, and even seek to take American citizenship away from persons who belong to or support disfavored political groups."

Under Surveillance In Lebanon (tags)

It is said that Abu Mahjen, leader of Esbat Al-Ansar, has established contact with people who believe in Al-Qaeda's orientations.


I hope people find this of use. It seems to be a good basic summary of the provisions of the Fourth Reich's "Enabling Act".

Riverside Police Department Brass labels protesters, 'anarchists' (tags)

In what can be called an unfortunate lack of insight, Riverside Police Department police chief expresses his belief that the peaceful anti-war demonstrators are 'anarchists' as his agency begins to place protest leaders under surveillance

Big Brother Hits UN (tags)

Not sure if this is true but reads like it.

The Vichy FBI (tags)

At what point does a "Law Enforcement Agency" become an instrument of Opression? At what point do we cease to trust their judgement or honor? When do people say "enough is enough". Or are the majority willing to be complacent cud-chewing bovine slaves? Are you?

Why isn't the Bush dirty tricks campaign story in today's LA Times? (tags)

Are they reporters or stenographers? Actual impeachable offenses by the baby Bush admin.

Bush Admin dirty tricks campaign to bug UN Security Council member phones & email (tags)

A leaked memo reveals the US is bugging work & home communications of UN Security Council members. Nixon did this sort of thing, and he was forced to leave office or face impeachment.

Domestic Security Enhancement Act of 2003 ("Patriot II") (tags)

recently a document was leaked from the justice department. They say it is a "draft". Here is a summary of the Patriot II

Are You an Anti-American Lone Extremist? (tags)

Do you have a strong viewpoint? Do you believe passionately in some cause? You too might be a "Lone Extremist". As the Bush Junta continues to clamp down in their attempt to stifle dissent we take another step into a "BRAVE NEW WORLD".



USA Patriot Act II--A$hcroft drafts secret sequel (tags)

The Bush Administration is preparing a bold, comprehensive sequel to the USA Patriot Act passed in the wake of September 11, 2001, which will give the government broad, sweeping new powers to increase domestic intelligence-gathering, surveillance and law enforcement prerogatives, and simultaneously decrease judicial review and public access to information. For additional information, watch the PBS program "Now With Bill Moyers" tonight at 9 P.M. EST. (local listings The show will also air an interview with Charles Lewis.

Total Information Oppression: Now my mailing list has been killed! (tags)

Attacking DARPA's Total Information Awareness effort and publicizing satellite photographs of John Poindexter's (head of TIA) house is probably what got me this. I guess that when it comes to surveillance, what is good for the goose is not good for the gander.

Agencies see homeland security role for surveillance drones (tags)

"Tancredo is delighted that military UAVs are supporting the Border Patrol’s security mission. An outspoken advocate of using military muscle along the border, Tancredo declared, 'We have the technology to aid in this. I saw it with my own eyes. It can work.'"

Radio frequency (RF) identification chips coming--and SOON (tags)

From the--TopangaPeaceAlliance-- listserve

IMMORAL TENET & HIS BLIND-EYE SURVEILLANCE (July 25, 2002 version) (tags)

The CIA placed two Sept. 11 skyjackers under surveillance as early as January 2000 - arguably only to allow them to ram American Airlines 77 into the Pentagon on Sept. 11 (IF indeed AA77 ever crashed into the Pentagon).


The CIA placed two Sept. 11 skyjackers under surveillance as early as January 2000 - arguably only to allow them to ram themselves into the Pentagon on Sept. 11.

Building Bridges - safety and health & surveillance in the post 911 era (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents a 57 min radio program on 2 issues of concern in the post 911 world: worker safety and health in the WTC area and electronic surveillance post 911. TO LISTEN CLICK INDY MEDIA LINK

This is very Revealing (tags)

Once upon a time the was a land called America, where the people were actually free, they were free to think, free to speak, free from slavery, even economic slavery. But in the shadows of this great land men were plotting against her becasue they had ideas of their own!

ACLU overview of new Surveillance Powers (tags)

On September 19, only eight days after the tragic terrorist attacks on New York and Washington, the Bush Administration unveiled its proposed Anti-Terrorism Act (ATA). These passed the house and the senate with only symbolic debate. Below are the ACLU's 5 major concerns. For a chart detailing all the changes please go to the website.

Government Seeks Broad New Surveillance Laws (tags)

New legislation sought that will broadly expand law enforcement's wiretapping and surveillance capabilities, giving particularly far-ranging powers in cases of Internet surveillance.

7s01: international day against video surveillance (tags)

Friday 7 Sept 2001: an international day against the video surveillance of public places by the police and private authorities

International day against video surveillance (tags)

Proposals for an international day against video surveillance and the destruction of the right to privacy.

New York Times on FBI internet surveillance (tags)

New York Times on FBI surveillance of the web

States of Surveillance (tags)

A police state cannot exist without surveillance of dissenting political expression. And that surveillance is ultimately as threatening as police violence and legal entanglements.

Judge Issues restraining order against LAPD raids on activist HQ (tags)

Court order issued today barring LAPD from raids on convergence spaces and puppets

Outrage in Philadelphia! Philadelphia police shut down protest venue. (tags)

The Philadelphia police have violated basic civil rights by shutting down an R2k organizing space. This is obviously a tactic that the police are taking from the DC protest and will likely use in August.

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