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fbi torturers portrayed as Saviors (tags)

fbi fictional movie paradoxically presents glympse of its own macabre criminality; can you see the irony?

BREAKING: Bush, Hillary and Obama on an Oil Carousel. Where's the Money! (tags)

As reported earlier, eight hundred million dollars is missing from the U.S. Treasury. It can now be reported that FBI investigations have tied the First Broadway Bank of Chicago and the Allied Bank of Ireland as two major drop-off points. What makes this scandalous are the financial links to Senator Barack Osama Obama and Hilary Clinton. Also linked is former President George Herbert Walker Bush (41). Obama bagMan, Anthony Rezko, and Bush Clinton fixer Mossad Agent Lorraine Fine, have been fingered as co-conspirators in the theft of these funds. Mobster Rezko, Obama’s fundraiser, owns the real estate lot on which Obama lives. And Lorraine Fine helped co-ordinate the escape for Marc Rich in 1993, vis a vis the Arrest Warrant issued for Rich by then U.S. Vice-President Albert Gore Jr.

Back Breaking News: Special Emergency Political Alert (tags)

Susan Ralston, former aide to Jack Abramoff and Karl Rove resigned today. She has been subpoenaed to reappear in front of the Fitzgerald Grand Jury vis a vis the Valerie Plame leak case. Interpol Intelligence sources are now reporting that 9-11/Oklahoma City (Murrah Building Bombing) aka Project Bojinka/WMD Plant/Greenberg Taurig/Tyco International and the Florida-Gate 2000 Dots have been connected.

BREAKING: Bush Torture Rendition Program Now Proven a Gestapo Program (tags)

Maher Arar Canadian Computer Consultant that was falsely arrested in the United States and accused of being a 9-11 Terrorist actually had done private contractual work for the Canadian Government and computer simulation activity vis a vis hijacked aircraft being used as terrorist weapons.


Latest British terror scare is another false flag. The alleged terrorists in England are chemists who have been detained vis a vis Internet chatter. There is no physical evidence; none bought plane tickets and at the time of their arrest, no physical evidence of liquid explosives were found at the scene.

Controlling The News (tags)

In-House Memos on Television And Print Media News Presentations

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