fix articles 406239, district court judge william yohn
The Torture of Mumia Abu-Jamal Continues off Death Row --Supporters Demand Transfer (tags)
After being transferred from death row in December, Mumia was put in ‘the hole’ at SCI Mahanoy’s ‘Restrictive Housing Unit,’ where the conditions are actually more restrictive than when he was on death row. Supporters, including the National Lawyers Guild (for whom Mumia serves as Vice President) who has set up an online petition, are calling for his immediate transfer to general population, so that among other things, he will be able to touch his family for this first time in about 30 years.
NAACP Says Mumia Abu-Jamal's Trial was Racist (tags)
“The blacks from the low income areas are less likely to convict. There's a resentment for law enforcement and a resentment for don't want those people on your jury, let's face it.”