fix articles 404289, zionist christian
How did Christian right fanatics take control of US government/people?? (tags)
How did the past few years of rule by the illegal war criminal GW Bush regime proceed to revoke the rights of the people and replaced by fascist religious dogma??
Parallels between Nazism, Zionists striking (tags)
Take this, Bill O'Reilly! Someone had to tell you...
Several reasons for peacefully dismantling Israel (tags)
Following the latest unprovoked attacks on Lebanon by Israel, it is clear that the Zionist apartheid regime of Israel needs to be dismantled ASAP>>
Wendy Campbell: Smeared by the Jewish Defense League (tags)
Since the Zionists cannot win with Truth and Reason, they resort to lies and name-calling.
Poignant and moving. The utter callousness of this documented war crime, the premeditated character of the Israeli driver's acts; and also of the by-standing Israeli security troops who couldn't be bothered for 10 seconds of pepper spray to move Rachel and friends aside, all of this defies our comprehension.