fix articles 4027, fox news channel
Anti-Iranian Media Bias (tags)
I have a missing Hindu family needing compliance officer with authority to enforce the paperwork reduction act post facto no joke. Not only that but I seem to be downloading Jon Stewarts jokes. I blame the incident on KPFT for blaspheming too much on Thursday and Friday.
He who hateth God hateth me. A Zionist has already been saved by the self sacrafice of Jesus at least once. This causes a mental illness that can be described as an obcession with living in the spirit world without telling others that you are IN THE SPIRIT.
Paid Lying: What Passes for Major Media Journalism (tags)
state of today's major media
Glenn Beck's Demagoguery, Right Wing Extremism, and Racism (tags)
Beck is as bad as it gets
Lies, Damn Lies and the Murdoch Empire (tags)
Murdock media lies and deceit.
Socialists Blast Corporate Media on Presidential Debates (tags)
In recent days, ABC in a debate of the candidates excluded Dennis Kucinich from participating in the national television debate of the Democrats while including Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul. ABC-Disney is the same outfit that is seeking to destroy the lives and living conditions of the striking writers of the Writers Guild of America. These media monopolies are again showing their true colors.
Fw: Bush: 'All options are on the table' for Iran in this youtube short: (tags)
Fw: Bush: 'All options are on the table' for Iran in this youtube short:
News thats fit to print...on toilet paper (tags)
"Hot document" from Faux News reveals savvy hyperbole-free rigorous journalism, not.
Fox News reporters freed for $2 million (tags)
Terrorists used cash for arms to 'hit Zionists,' payment said to encourage more abductions
The US media and the London terror scare (tags)
Since August 10, when British authorities arrested two dozen individuals in connection with an alleged plot to blow up a number of airplanes over the Atlantic Ocean, the American mass media has worked ceaselessly to create a climate of fear.
Cops over react as they almost always do! (tags)
Reported gunfire at Capitol wasn't
CYNTHIA MCKINNEY: A Tale of Two Members of Congress & the Police – by Jeffrey Blankfort (tags)
The Democrat Party leadership was overjoyed when McKinney was defeated for re-election in 2002. After she had served five terms, AIPAC decided to make an example of her for having criticized Israel's treatment of the Palestinians. ...The Democrats were, in turn, mortified two years later when, without their help, the plucky McKinney ran and was re-elected to her seat. ...To show the party's displeasure, McKinney was denied the return of her seniority by a tight-lipped Nancy Pelosi, the San Francisco congresswoman who serves as the Democrats' minority House whip. ...McKinney, of course, is African-American, and one of the few members of the Congressional Black Caucus who has not been cowed into submission by the Democratic Party and the only one who has refused to genuflect to the Israel lobby. ...To make matters worse – for McKinney, not for the pursuit of truth and justice – she has refused to accept the official Bush administration explanation of the events of 9-11.
Minutemen Exposed By Their Own (tags)
James Chase pulls back the curtain on Gilchrist, Simcox, and the Minuteman Project. Reposted from
Roger Ailes, the architect behind the right-wing tilt of cable news, is now remaking 35 local television stations -- broadcasting to nearly 40 percent of America’s homes -- in Fox News Channel’s image.
Well, it looks like our friends in the Minuteklan Project wanted to come out and see if they can bring their crap to the East Coast, so they held another meeting, this time in Babylon, Long Island in New York. About 100 people came out to see him, but they were all of us, and that made for an interesting afternoon on the Island. Chris Simcox, the co-founder of the Minuteklan Project, was the featured speaker at this meeting, and that was what prompted so many people to come out. We have at this link a slew of pics from the day, and as always, if you recognize anyone in the pics, hit us up and give us the story.
'Pro Bush' Associated Press will be the only 'info-agency' which will deliver the results of the nationwide US voting. To many observers and journalists AP's journalism record does not invoke any trust in a fair outcome.
The Forbidden Truths of all Human Political Systems (tags)
A Forbidden Truth dissection of the universal malice and genocidal oppression inflicted by all 21st century political and governmental systems upon all citizen-slaves of planet earth.
NYC Police Arrest Nearly 1,000 Protesters (tags)
NEW YORK - Nearly 1,000 protesters were arrested across Manhattan on Tuesday as swarms of activists massed in the streets for marches to the site of the Republican convention — by far the biggest day of arrests since the demonstrations began last week.
Some of Kerry's biggest fans are in the press (tags)
Pesky Citizens Will Not Shut Up! (tags)
FOX NEWS "SHUT-UP-A-THON";Tuesday, August 31, 4 pm (tags)
Tuesday, August 31, 4 pm The Official Republican National Convention FOX NEWS "SHUT-UP-A-THON" 1211 Ave. of Americas (btwn. 47th & 48th) New York, NY
FOX News expert says US handling of Iraq is like Vietnam (tags)
"the American civilian leadership in Baghdad seems determined to pretend that failure is success. That's what happened before, back in 'Nam."
Cheri Jacobas has justified her own homicide and Geraldo too on FOX NEWS CHANNEL. Niether of these MORONS know the difference between a burnt goat and a hired killer. And she wants somebody dead.
ALLISTOR COOKE, remote intellegence outpost in America for the BBC finally got wacked according to BBC America. You could tell by the pictures they sent he saw it coming from the WACKENHUT TRIBE. GIBSON got mad on Fox. Bill Hubbard waded in. And Bush explained that he doesn't understand the enemies MO.
KIM JONG IL sent me a salute today on Fox News channel's newswire while other world leaders and the world's leading terrorist expert continues to obliterate all challengers so far. Pakistan wins the funniest terrorism award. The PCSCU won the award last year before General Musharaf wacked em.
Fox news is reporting on the latest explosion in Bagdad as I write this article. Madeline Albright and Bill Clinton agreed to sit on GROUND ZERO live when the newsflash came in. Douglas Hunter ran his MOUTH to endanger people right after Kerry said he could WIN THE WAR ON TERRORISM.
Persian revolutionaries killed 9 ununiformed mercenaries according to CNN. The religious fanactics had apparantly traveled to Persia to take advantage of the spoils of war. CNN refered to the religious fanatics as Southern Baptist civilians.
I am not a big fan of Geraldo, but I have to give him this one. He is so right about the reporters who "Report" the news.
U.S.-backed coup spurs terror in Haiti (tags)
When Are Nazi Comparisons Deplorable? (tags)
Bush supports object to's Hitler ad, yet Rush Limbaugh routinely calls women's rights advocates "femi-Nazis" and the NY Post ran a column describing Howard Dean as a Josef Goebbels follower.
After many years as a privacy advocate and author of privacy books, I now reluctantly believe that there's one citizen of the United States who is not entitled to any privacy or solitude, but should be subjected to a relentless campaign of intimidation, harassment, and knavery. In other words, patriotic Americans who believe in fair play should -- within the bounds of the law -- make this person's life a living hell.
Unspinning Fox News Channel’s Bill O'Reilly (tags)
FOX creates programming for an audience that is angry about Jesse Jackson or reparations for slavery, or are still angry about Bill Clinton, or who think -- like O'Reilly does -- that Hillary Clinton is the most dangerous politician in the country.
Fox News:Miles from 'fair and balanced' (tags)
LA Times article on bias at Fox News, and who's responsible.
FOX Whistleblower: Miles from 'fair and balanced' (tags)
"Daily life at [Fox] is all about management politics....Editorially, the FNC newsroom is under the constant control and vigilance of management....[Fox] is, to a large extent, 'Roger's [Murdoch] Revenge' against what he considers a liberal, pro-Democrat media establishment...."
Boycott the Fox News Channel (by Latuff) (tags)
Copyright-free artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff.
Kucinich Proposes Unconditional Surrender in Iraq (tags)
Six out of ten Americans can't name a single one of the Democratic Presidential candidates. Dennis Kucinich is trying to get noticed by proposing unconditional surrender in Iraq. Ann nails the Democrats (again).
THURSDAY: Free Speech Activists to Protest New FCC Rules Effective 9/4 (tags)
On Thursday, September 4 ‐ the day that controversial new FCC media ownership rules go into effect ‐ free speech advocates and media consumers will protest at media outlets in half a dozen cities, including Los Angeles. They hope to encourage Congress, which is considering legislation to overturn the FCC decision, and counter the new pro-consolidation advertising campaign that was launched this week by CBS, NBC and Fox television.
Fifth column broken clock beatnik thrift store clothing wearing leftist trash wouldn't know logic if it stepped up to them and put its foot in their asses...
Fox's protracted apologia is that despite promises of evidence of current weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) by the Bush Administration, the evidence has been ambiguous at best. Unfortunately for the network, I’ve been keeping a scratch diary of their reports since the war began.
The ever-changing justifications for their wars for corporate empire used by the Bush junta and the seeming lack of suspicion by the American people that they are being lied to egregiously.
The Forbidden Truth of all Human Political Systems (tags)
All human political systems are genocidally enslaving, terroristically brutal and brainwashing structures specifically designed to control, dominate, and destroy the lives of all citizen-slaves
Fox Wins the Media War Going Away (tags)
Who won the US media war?
Media groups enraged over coalition attacks on journalists (tags)
Further information on the recent deaths of journalists killed by U.S. forces in Baghdad Tuesday has caused concern amongst major media outlets in addition to media watchdog groups
The War Show ["Pulse"/Fox/Thursday] (tags)
Tonight on Fox, the show "Pulse" looked into various facets of the war. Here is my description and a suggestions to balance what was presented.
The Lycaeum Launches New Alternative War News Portal Site (tags)
Today we have launched a war news portal that would be very beneficial to the growing activist movement in their attempt to find factual news.
Some Dare Call it Treason (tags)
One of the ongoing threads through the screeches of the Warmongers is the attempt to categorize anyone who disagrees with them as "Treasonous" or "Anti-American". Of course their opposition to Free Speech and Open Debate is absolutely Anti-American. However, the mindset of the totalitarian jingoist will not stop there. Sadly.
Bush Lied About Weapons of Mass Destruction (tags)
The Bush Administration’s main witness about Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction told UNSCOM and IAEA Officials that all the weapons have been destroyed! Newsweek also reported that this information was conveyed to the CIA and British intelligence. Yet no other major news media is reporting this!
FINAL REMINDER! A debate: Is the Bush Administration attacking the Constitution? (tags)
Final reminder: TOMORROW, at Cal State L.A., a Muslim student and an Arab-American defense attorney debate an FBI spokesman and a Pepperdine professor
(re-post because of "No Data" error box) Next week: Arab/Muslims vs. FBI (tags)
I had to re-post this because my previous post "contains no data"
Don't miss it! Next week: arab and Muslim citizens vs. the FBI and the Federalist Society (tags)
A Muslim student and an Arab-American defense lawyer square off against an FBI spokesman and a lawyer from Pepperdine, over the Constitution and the Bush Administration. At Cal State L.A.
SAVE THE DATE! Debate on post-9/11 civil liberties (re-post) (tags)
Arab and Muslim citizens vs. the FBI and the Federalist Society!
Save the date! Debate on post-9/11 civil liberties (tags)
Muslim Americans confront the FBI in a forum at Cal State L.A.
Please Email Rep. Andrews Now! (tags)
U.S. Representative Andrews of the state of New Jersey was justifying the attack on the Palestinian populace on Fox News Channel today. Email him with your opinions!
excerpts from 'A Very American Coup' (tags)
Michael Moore reports on the Florida 2000 "elections" in his book, STUPID WHITE MEN. There's a lot here but please read the numbers. The full chapter is at:
Censorship of news in wartime is still censorship (tags)
The US administration began hacking at the foundations of the first amendment while the dust was still settling on the ruins of the World Trade Center, writes Veronica Forwood, chairwoman of the British branch of Reporters Sans Frontieres
SALON: Our Scary New Best Friends (tags)
The Northern Alliance may be the enemy of our enemy -- the Taliban -- but it has its own grim history of violence and abuse of power.
NOW Campaigning to Dissuade CNN from Hiring Rush Limbaugh (tags)
Between The Lines' Scott Harris spoke with NOW president Kim Gandy, who explains why her group is working to stop CNN from giving Limbaugh a larger audience(A RealAudio Version of this interview may be found At .
Nader Letter to Debate Commission Seeks Apology & More (tags)
Nader sent the following letter to the Co-Chairmen of Commission on Presidential Debates last week, concerning the outrageous way he was treated at the first Presidential debate.