fix articles 402655, auto workers
UAW: Reform or rebellion? (tags)
"History shows that every gain won by American workers was the result of militant struggles in opposition to the corporate establishment and both big business parties. The very right to have a union, as well as the eight-hour day, child labor laws, overtime pay, health benefits, etc. was won in often bloody struggles against the violent resistance of the employers and the government. Whenever the Democrats, under the threat of revolution, conceded concessions to workers’ demands, they did so to smother the social movement so they could claw back the workers’ gains at a later point."
Alexander: Electric Vehicles Could Save Jobs for Auto Workers (tags)
Stewart Alexander is now a Candidate for California Governor with Peace and Freedom Party and he wants to transform the Fremont, California NUMMI auto plant into the largest electric vehicle production facility in the United States. Alexander is hoping to repeat what is currently underway in Riverside County where CT&T United, a Korean-based company, will begin manufacturing electric cars in the City of Moreno Valley in early 2010.
Building Bridges Radio: The UAW-GM Contract with Jerry Tucker (tags)
WBAI's Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents this 27 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK BELOW
International Struggle Against Corporate Bosses/NOT (tags)
If only..