fix articles 402596, jay ponti
Large Turnout for Dakota Pipeline Protest (tags)
At the time of this writing there was no official estimate, but turnout appeared to be in the hundreds. The only mainstream media said to be present was Channel 11, which interviewed Gloria Arellanes, et al live. ….... Multiple speakers advised people to take money out of banks invested in the Dakota Access Pipeline. Jay Ponti identified HSBC, Wells Fargo, Chase, Bank of America, and Citi Bank as such investors. Besides closing accounts, he suggested reporting it on social media. #BankExit. Actress-activist Susan Sarandon, one of the delegates to go into the building, reiterated this and cited the role of boycotts in affecting South Africa.
Mainstreaming Consciousness Telesummit (tags)
PeaceLink Live! and The Shift Network have partnered together to put on a Telesummit all-day on June 28th as part of the larger Summer of Peace. “The ‘Mainstreaming Consciousness Telesummit’ will feature industry leaders coming together in an attempt to bring peace and consciousness to our media and society.