fix articles 40215, match Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : match


Paraphysique de baratinologie et Jeux Olymfrics (tags)

Déterminismes et automatismes culturels et sociaux,conscients et inconscients...

Géométrie paraphysique (tags)

Liberté contre despotisme...

Le couple est un match de boxe (tags)

Le couple est un fou...

Help us stop Sweden's Tennis match with Israel (tags)

Latin Americans living i Sweden demand in a statement i that the Swedish Tennis Association suspends a Davis Cup match with Israel scheduled for march 6th trough 8th. You can sign it too.

Swans&Kangaroos@LA (tags)

Within 24 hours the Australian Football Teams "Swans" and "Kangaroos" will play a match in LA. Although multi-million dollar organizations no effort is made by these clubs to help the animals whose names they have adopted.


With the Indian team waiting for the one day finals to play in Australia Whatever be the result of the game but after returning to home ,the people will see players in a new avatar, that is their endorsement packages will increase and we will see them encashing their popularity through commercial-ads ,inaugurations , interviews or might be judging the various contests.

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