fix articles 4019, myth
Myths of the Crisis and Enemy Images in the Media (tags)
The Ukrainian ambassador was quoted in the FAZ as saying: "All Russians are now our enemies". This rhetoric is classic enemy image cultivation... This homogenization is so pre-Enlightenment and always wrong.
NYT Perpetuates the Myth about Obama Killing Osama (tags)
Myths of Free Trade: Attac Refutes TTIP Arguments (tags)
TTIP and CETA are far more than trade agreements. They help strengthen the power of transnational corporations and weaken democratic institutions. Attac promotes just trade instead of free trade. Labor rights, environmental standards and democracy must have priority...
9/11: The Mother of All Big Lies (tags)
The wealth of others has become more a problem and less an incentive. Capital is blind, Thomas Piketty says. Capital grows faster than the economy. Differences in wealth are inherent in capitalism but do not represent a natural law. A society can accept them or act against them.
A term becomes a myth; the myth becomes a religion. We are all conditioned by the misguided use of terms and connections so a way of looking at things seems absurd. The German economy acts like a bulldozer rather than a locomotive.
Political Myths and Elite Misanthropy (tags)
In his new book "Political Myths and Elite Misanthropy," professor Herbert Schui explains the myth of the achiever, the myth of state indebtedness, the myth of the market and competition and the myth of market conforming democracy.
"End Times for Obama": A Dangerous Conservative Myth (tags)
Ira Chernus is Professor of Religious Studies at the University of Colorado at Boulder and author of Mythic America: Essays and American Nonviolence: The History of an Idea. He blogs at
Consensus 9/11: New Truths Dispelling Old Lies (tags)
The State Should Rescue the Market Economy (tags)
A balance recession is more than a temporary slump of the economy. During a balance recession, private economic actors try to reduce their debts. The cheap money seeps out on the financial markets where it leads to new bubbles. The labor market does not function like other markets. Falling wages did not lead to more employment - as claimed for decades.
To do film to maintain the population... imbecile.
Media Disseminated Myths about Obamacare (tags)
lies and deceit about health care reform
Remember the call to Truth Action August 11th (tags)
On the Eleventh Day of Every Month We Unite in Action for Truth until Justice 9/11 TRUTH NOW
Article about Simple Hunter-Gatherers (tags)
Hello, for anyone interested, here is an article about simple hunter-gatherers
Education: Key to Understanding and Peace of Mind (tags)
Clarifying the facts from the myths of sex offenders
The Road to Carfreedom and Top Ten Myths (tags)
These articles from Carbusters 2006 are available at
Electing Canada as President (tags)
Ours is a brave new world where countries don't need dollars as in the past. Maybe we could accept our unparalleled life-and-death crisis from endless wars and melting dollar and affirm partnership and exchanging roles as we affirmed the total and absolute market
UCLA group carries torch for less advantaged API classmates (tags)
Activists of the Asian Pacific Coalition met the press Thursday at the Ackerman Viewpoint Conference Room, University of California-Los Angeles (UCLA) to urge public support on an ongoing campaign to enable Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPI) have own identities. According to the Count Me In campaign it is addressing educational inequalities within the AAPI community. It said that hidden by the “model minority myth”, AAPI continue to suffer severely from access to resources for higher education, adding, “The myth homogenizes the diverse make-up of AAPIs despite the fact that each group has its own unique history, language, culture, and experience.” There is a need to disaggregate the racial category of AAPIs into their specific communities “to ensure that public policy reflects the needs of diverse communities.”
Occupation, not democracy! (tags)
This leaflet was distributed during the second week of the occupations and in the 10000 people demonstration in Thessaloniki. Its content was determined by what we saw then as the major weaknesses of the movement, i.e. the adherence to democratic procedures and generally to a democratist ideology along with the absence of any critique of schoolwork and of the media’s mediating role.
Immigration opponents hiding behind the myth of stolen jobs and lost wages.. The research shows that immigration only has a tiny negative impact on local wages.
Greatness is in the Eye of the Beholder (tags)
Review of Oliver Stone's film Alexander suggests that it isn't just a glorification of imperialism and war.
So-Called Mental Illness is Myth Masquerading As Science--new book will rock your world! (tags)
This dialogue between Dr. Szasz and his critics allows him to once again articulate the argument he has presented so brilliantly and passionately for over four decades. . . . A profession that fails to learn from and respect those who confront it with controversial and discomforting ideas loses strength and vibrancy. Hopefully, at least some younger psychiatrists will be encouraged to read this book. They will find that their intellectual and professional lives will be enriched.
Bush and the Wild West Myth (tags)
"Texas is as little Bush-Country as Bush born in refined Connecticut and educated at the elite Yale University is a cowboy.. Whoever arrives in deepest Texas quickly notices that this image (the Texan political-cowboy) is a myth that only exists in films and politics.."
The Forbidden Truths of all Human Political Systems (tags)
A Forbidden Truth dissection of the universal malice and genocidal oppression inflicted by all 21st century political and governmental systems upon all citizen-slaves of planet earth.
Dispelling myths about gay activism (tags)
"Imagined Pasts: National Identity in the Dominican Republic" (at CSULA) (tags)
Under the Trujillo dictatorship, a glorious and partly imaginary Indian past was exalted, while Blacks were ignored.
THE public health experts - and their amen corner in the media - owe Helen Gurley Brown an apology. The legendary Cosmopolitan editor was vilified in 1993 when she published a piece called "The Myth of Heterosexual AIDS." But she was right. _______________________
Six Social Security Myths (tags)
Alan Greenspan got a lot of people talking about Social Security last month by pointing out that future funds won't be enough to fund future obligations. What a surprise! What is far more surprising, however, is how much the continued fallout exposes our collective ignorance about Social Security.
Mideast Truths and Myths (tags)
Read it and weep, leftist fascists!
Jack Nicholson Interview (tags)
Extract from Playboy Interview
Jack Nicholson on the 'AIDS' puritan fear campaign. (tags)
".....and gave the right wing the chance to reinstitute its idea that sex is negative." "as likely to get AIDS as have a safe fall on your head" "The facts were almost useless"
The Forbidden Truths of the Insane God Myth (tags)
A devastating dissection of the toxic, poisonous, and genocidally evil consequences of the Insane God Myth upon the human species.
Robert Fisk: Lies, mischief and the myth of Western intelligence services- Syria: (tags)
Robert Fisk: Lies, mischief and the myth of Western intelligence services- Syria:
The criminal waste of resourses on an unproven and illogical hypothesis designed to turn back the clock to the sexual dark ages must stop.
The Forbidden Truth of all Human Political Systems (tags)
All human political systems are genocidally enslaving, terroristically brutal and brainwashing structures specifically designed to control, dominate, and destroy the lives of all citizen-slaves
Unprecedented: The 2000 Presidential Election (review) (tags)
Review of "Unprecedented: The 2000 Presidential Election," a documentary currently playing in and around L.A.
The Establishment has developed a strategy of fear and induced hysteria to control and manipulate us into the lifestyle and political viewpoint that suits their agenda.
13 myths about war in Iraq (tags)
This piece was created by the entire team, using an online collaborative process. Email: is a project of Organizers' Collaborative; for more information, visit
Bush's Base Are Planning The Next Jewish Holocaust. (tags)
A lot of people don't know that Jesus crucified actually did not become a symbol in the church until the fourth century BC after Rome's conversion to christianity
Gandhi and the (establishment-supported) Myth of Effective Nonviolence (tags)
Gandhi's life was history's longest experiment in nonviolent political action. The result of the experiment is fairly clear: An exploitative class structure cannot be broken without violence somewhere along the way. Property rights, defended by state violence, have never yielded to the peaceful pressure of the exploited class. Put in other terms, no exploiting class has ever left the stage of history without being pushed.
Manufacturing Anti-Semites (posted by Latuff) (tags)
Relevant article on anti-Semitism from Uri Avnery, founder and activist of Israeli peace organization Gush Shalom.
The counterterrorist myth (tags)
This Atlantic Monthly article, written just two months ago, argues that America's CIA counter-terrorist programme in and around the Middle East is a "myth" - because behind-the-lines counterterrorism operations are too complex and dangerous for officers. "Operations that include diarrhoea as a way of life don't happen," as one officer bluntly puts it.
Demonizing Protesters Is Nothing New (tags)
The book reviewed here takes on and refutes the most enduring slander against the anti-war movement of the 1960s--the myth that protesters spit on returning veterans, a myth that the author shows emerged only after the fact, as part of the endgame to disappear the very real, very powerful, very embarrassing Vietnam veteran anti-war movement.
Slanders Against Protesters Nothing New (tags)
There’s nothing in the demonization of protesters. This book takes on and refutes the most enduring slander against the anti-war movement of the 1960s--the myth that protesters spit on returning veterans, a myth that the author shows emerged only after the fact, as part of the endgame to disappear the very real, very powerful, very embarrassing Vietnam veteran anti-war movement.