fix articles 40188, with your
a mesage from jean Victoria Norloch (tags)
wish you all to find the wisdom within your hearrts to heed the warnings of our brother - there will be safe haven is the planet declares war on the people
copenhagen police destroy integrity of the conference (tags)
a new phase of climate destruction, the public violent beating of earth advocates
10 Ways To Creat Peace In Our World (tags)
"We have before us the glorious opportunity to inject a new dimension of love into the veins of our civilization," King said. Here are 10 real ways you can cultivate deep in yourself the loving peace you want to see in the core of the world.
Listen up, you Christo-Fascist bullies, you Apostles of Perpetual Psychosis, it's high time somebody called you out.
We Watch For Guys With Your Profile (tags)
Mark Dankof notes that the problems Iranian immigrants are having in Los Angeles and Southern California with the Bush/Ashcroft National Security State may soon mirror similar difficulties for the average American.
the henry kissinger song (tags)
by monty python for lovers of kissinger
The things you need to know before protesting at the DNC.